John Keel and Operation Trojan Horse



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello All, I'd like to give an update on my reading marathon with a few insights gained.

I have finished Operation Trojan Horse and The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts. These 2 books have changed my life. One of my main objectives in the last few months has been to find answers to "burning questions" that's had me on a inspired search. It became clear, that I couldn't just come out and ask these questions here but needed to do the research with materials provided.....fits quite well with the C's guidance doesn't it.

OTH has changed my entire understanding of what is happening with the UFO scenario. It provides a bases of "truth" in this field is my perspective. I have mentioned before that the ufo/alien subject has been an ongoing interest of mine for a good 30 years but at no time did I read any thorough investigations on the subject. This left me open to whatever was flying around(lol!) in terms of explanations from various sources and shaped my views accordingly. In 1980, I lived in Taos, New Mexico. What happened there shaped my life ever since and set me on this life path searching for "benevolent" space friends. I spent 3 month smack dab in the middle of a very active UFO hot spot, sleeping outside the whole time. I don't want to get into that but I wonder now if this "set me up" for things that have come along later. Well, it did actually since it had such an influence on me. But, I have had no idea of the "illusions" involved this entire time.

“塞壬叫饥饿的鬼”是凯越nt book, very important information in my view. I'm sorry Joe Fisher is no longer with us having succumbed to the harassment of the "unseens". The subject of channelers and their material has also touched my life over the years. Once again, not having the bases of truth in my understanding of this, illusion becomes the guide. Joes story is important in that it gives a long term perspective with a group of particular "guides" that reveal their modus operandi over this period of time. My experience with channeled material has been pretty shallow, reading things here and there and considering the material. But I never got pulled into any important degree and over the years its become very clear to me how this is manipulating people in the new age world (the general stuff like Ashtar etc. not Ra or the C's. Seth was helpful way back). I find this phenomenon and the manipulation that occurs, how people are affected also compelling and look for what is behind it all. This subject has influenced me in other ways I'm discovering however, but wont get into that here. So this book has also provided a bases of truth for me. It fits well with the ufo topic in that the unseen guides now take on the persona of benevolent "space friends". It all ties together coming from the same source it seems.

I am now reading The Eighth Tower and just started Laura's, High Strangeness. I'm on the quest for paranormal research, a interest of mine for many years in many forms. My kindle is great in that the books are way more affordable and can be downloaded instantly. But it has its drawbacks. I would much prefer to own the actual books but will need to pick and choose what I purchase because of the money consideration. The Secret History of the World volumes are ones I may purchase in book form.

Thanks for listening.


I think these 2 books work together well


The Force is Strong With This One
This website has free access to OTH and lots of other books and articles-

[link under examination by mods]


Dagobah Resident
SummerLite said:
“塞壬叫饥饿的鬼”是凯越nt book, very important information in my view. I'm sorry Joe Fisher is no longer with us having succumbed to the harassment of the "unseens". The subject of channelers and their material has also touched my life over the years. Once again, not having the bases of truth in my understanding of this, illusion becomes the guide. Joes story is important in that it gives a long term perspective with a group of particular "guides" that reveal their modus operandi over this period of time.

Thanks for taking the time to make this recommendation, Summerlite - going to check out the Fisher book; sounds interesting.


FOTCM Member
Thanks for the links to the letters; fascinating. I keep saying, yeah, the UFO/alien thing is real enough, but it is a paranormal phenomenon.
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