Karmic and Simple Understandings.

[QUOTE = "BHelmet, publicación: 833675, miembro: 4309"]
Recuerdo recientemente un artículo sobre SOTT que mencionaba la noción de larga data de la importancia del corazón como una parte importante, incluso pasada por alto, de la ecuación. Esto fue a la vez interesante y un poco sorprendente ya que nuestra cultura actual está tan llena de viajes en la cabeza.

Algunas de las lecciones más grandes y conmovedoras de la vida involucran al corazón. Y a veces las lecciones del corazón vuelan frente al pensamiento en la mente. No podemos perdonar con la mente. El corazón y la emoción tienen que estar involucrados para que ocurra el perdón; ser genuino y verdaderamente sanador.

Si vemos, pero no sentimos, se puede afirmar que no estamos viviendo plenamente la vida. Si observamos, pero evitamos el contenido emocional de nuestra experiencia, podría decirse que estamos evitando quiénes somos; quizás la parte de la sombra que no deseamos enfrentar. Tal vez solo queremos evitar sentiralgoya que tiene, al menos, un 50% de posibilidades de ser incómodo o francamente doloroso. El corazón y las emociones amenazan nuestros procesos de pensamiento con información que no siempre se computa bien y que a menudo queda fuera de nuestras autoimágenes cuidadosamente construidas, a veces haciéndonos parecer menos evolucionados de lo que nos gusta pensar de nosotros mismos. Los datos del corazón amenazan el control que a nuestras mentes les gusta mantener sobre nuestras narraciones internas.

Entonces, el cerebro y el corazón están constantemente enviando mensajes a nuestra conciencia. LOL, como nuestro cuerpo, creo que la conciencia tiene 2 oídos para escuchar y ayudar con este ataque de información a menudo contradictoria.

Hola, su publicación me recordó esta sesión donde hay una discusión que plantea la pregunta: ¿Qué es ser un "iluminado"?
Está en Wave 8. ¡Muy recomendable! Es material importante para nuestra discusión.

La Onda 8:
En otras palabras, la luz de la perspicacia es la capacidad de ver objetivamente. Y obtenemos esta "perspicacia", aparentemente, del conocimiento.

[CITA] P: (MM) ¿No obtienes más libre albedrío al asimilar el conocimiento?
A: si !! ¡¡Si!!
P: (L) Entonces, en otras palabras, el conocimiento y la conciencia te hacen consciente de que tienes libre albedrío, y también te hace consciente de qué accionesson enrealidad actos de libre albedrío y, por lo tanto, cuando sabes o sospechas la diferencia entre mentiras, engaños y verdad, ¿entonces estás en posición de controlar tu vida?
A: si.
Así comenzamos a tener una idea de cómo "dar a cada cosa lo que se debe". El concepto que está comenzando a formarse es que uno debería poder leer la firma oculta de otras personas y eventos en nuestras vidas y responder de la manera que canalice los diversos atributos de los demás y de nosotros para que nuestras acciones sean loables. El sentido espiritual.

Pero eso deja fuera el punto importante de que, al final, es unaelección. El libre albedrío es, como han dicho los casiopeos, la ley más importante de toda la creación.

19 de septiembre de 1998
P: (L) Bien, ahora [un corresponsal escribe y] dice: “Laura sacó varios comentarios sobre Love que me confundieron. No entiendo cómo dar amor cuando no se lo piden podría dañar en lugar de mejorar ”. ¿Puede comentar sobre esto?
R: "Dar" amor no es dar, en tal caso.
P: (L) Entonces, si das amor cuando no te han pedido, ¿noestás dando?
A: Estás tomando, como siempre.
P: (L) Cuando dices que estás "tomando", ¿qué estás tomando?
A: Energía, a la STS.
P: (L) ¿Cómo es que le estás quitando energía a alguien dándole amor cuando no te lo piden?
R: Porque un vehículo STS no aprende a ser un candidato STO al determinar las necesidades de otro.
P: (L) No entiendo cómo eso significa que estás tomando energía.
R: Porque el acto es uno de autogratificación. Si uno "da" donde no hay solicitud, por lo tanto, no es necesario, ¡esto es una violación del libre albedrío! Y además, ¿qué otra motivación podría haber en tal escenario? Piensa cuidadosamente y objetivamente sobre esto.
P: (L) Mi pensamiento sería que, en tal escenario, que si uno da amor a alguien que no ha pedido ni pedido, parece ser un deseo de cambiar al otro, es decir, un deseo de controlar.
A: ¡Lo tienes!
P: (L) Ahora dice más: “Sí, todo son lecciones y si una persona ha elegido un camino específico, se le debe permitir seguir y aprender su camino. Pero, digamos que esto le está sucediendo a alguien que realmente amas. Y digamos que la persona puede estar en un período de su vida en el que sus pensamientos probablemente la están llevando a cometer, digamos, un asesinato. ¿No crees que si envías amor a esta persona, incluso inconscientemente, puede proporcionar la energía (influencia) necesaria para detener ese asesinato? ”Comenta por favor.
A: No, no, no !!! De hecho, en todo caso, tal transferencia de energía incluso podría mejorar el efecto.
P: (L) ¿De qué manera?
R: El receptor podría utilizar ondas desequilibradas.
P: (L) Creo que esta palabra que usó es una pista: "¿No crees que si le envías amor a la persona, podría proporcionarle la energía necesaria" y entre paréntesis tiene la palabra "influencia" que implica el control del comportamiento de la otra persona, para "detener ese asesinato". Entonces, parece que hay un deseo de controlar las acciones de otra persona.
A: si.
P: (L) Pero, su intención es totalmente benevolente porque quiere detener un asesinato, que es salvar una vida, así como evitar que el ser querido vaya a prisión. Entonces,pareceser benévolo en la intención. ¿Esto no hace la diferencia?
A: ¿Nos hemos olvidado del Karma?
P: (L) Bueno, mencioné el hecho de que uno no siempre puede juzgar estas situaciones porque no lo sabemos. No podemos saberlo. Por lo que sabemos, la posible víctima de asesinato es del tipo Adolf Hitler o el padre potencial de uno, o algo así, y luego el asesinato salvaría muchas vidas con el sacrificio de dos vidas; o que se supone que este asesinato debe ocurrir debido a alguna interacción kármica que es esencial entre el asesino y la víctima, y que simplemente no podemossaberestas cosas y juzgarlas.
A: si.
P: (L) Él dice: "Creo que si no enviamos energía de amor al mundo, la energía egocéntrica de STS dominará".
A: ¿Por qué elegiría enviar esto? ¿Cuál es la motivación?
P: (L) Para cambiarlo a su idea de lo que se supone que es. Para controlarlo, seguir su juicio de cómo deberían ser las cosas.
A: exactamente. No se espera que los estudiantes sean los arquitectos de la escuela.
P: (L) Entonces, cuando buscas imponer o ejercer influencia de cualquier tipo, estás, en efecto, tratando de jugar a ser Dios y tomando la responsabilidad de decidir que hay algo mal en el universo que depende de ti arreglar, lo que equivale a juicio.
R: Sí, puede ver, uno puede aconsejar, está bien, pero no intente alterar la lección.
P: (L) También dice: “Creo que un ser iluminado emana amor donde sea que esté esa persona, y esto es incluso sin que se lo pidan. Simplemente sucede porque eso es lo que son: amor ”. Comente, por favor.
A: Un ser iluminado no es amor. Y un refrigerador no es una carretera.
P: (L) ¿Qué? ¡Habla sobre tus metáforas mixtas! ¡No entiendo eso!
A: ¿por qué no?
P: (L) ¡No tienen relación alguna!
A: ¡Exactamente!
P: (L) ¿Quéesun ser iluminado?
A: Un ser iluminado.
P: (L) ¿Cuáles son los criterios para ser un ser iluminado?
A: ¡Estar iluminado!
P: (L) Cuando uno está iluminado, ¿cuál es el perfil?
R: Esto no va a ninguna parte porque estás haciendo la rutina proverbial de agujeros redondos y clavijas cuadradas.
P: (L) A lo que estoy tratando de llegar es a la comprensión de un ser iluminado. Este corresponsal ymuchasotras personas tienen la idea de que un ser iluminadoes amor, y eso es lo que irradian, y que esto es el resultado de ser iluminado.
A: No, no, no, no, no. "Iluminado" no significa bueno. Solo inteligente.
P: (L) Bien, ¿entonces hay seres iluminados STS y STO?
R: Sí, creemos que la proporción general es 50/50.
P: (L) Bien, ¿cuál es el perfil de un ser iluminado de STO?
A: Un ser inteligente que solo da.
P: (L) Bueno, dado que hemos tratado con la idea de no dar amor a los que no piden, ¿qué dan y a quién se lo dan?
A: Todos, a los que preguntan.
P: (L) De acuerdo. Un miembro del grupo le respondió escribiendo: "E ***, gracias por señalar la paradoja del concepto de la expresión de amor entre las C y que, como algunos de nosotros pensamos que sabemos, perosabemoslo que experimentamos Siento que puede ser muy difícil para las C brindar una comprensión adecuada a nuestra tercera densidad o dimensión ”. […] (S) Mi visión de la paradoja es así: si uno emana amor como un curso natural para el Universo, es no conscientemente limitado o dirigido, al menos yo, por mi parte, no puedo hacer esto, esa es simplemente la forma en que algunos de nosotros somos gran parte del "tiempo". Eliminar grupos o individuos está más allá de mi comprensión y ciertamente comprometería mi experiencia de enviar amor. A menos que uno sea Bodhisattva, 3 el amor probablemente solo se dirige con mayor intensidad cuando se enfoca hacia un individuo; ¿Cómo saber si el destinatario está listo / puede recibir? [...] Y 'recibir', creo que es una pista: el destinatario puede permanecer ajeno o protegerse de la agencia libre de energía amorosa.
A: si.
P: (L) Si setrata de"energía de amor", ¿está posteriormente corrompido por STS?
A: tal vez.
P: (S) Dar amor al Universo puede ser la mejor manera en general, pero si uno se enfoca en un ser querido ypuedeser efectivo, ¿podría el Universo general serigual deefectivo?
A: El universo se trata del equilibrio. Nuff dijo!
Hay un par de comentarios de la transcripción anterior que me gustaría señalar en particular:

Debido a que un vehículo STS no aprende a ser un candidato STO al determinar las necesidades de otro.
Y el segundo es:

De hecho, en todo caso, tal transferencia de energía incluso podría mejorar el efecto ... El receptor podría utilizar ondas desequilibradas.
Estamos llegando a alguna parte, creo. “Un vehículo STSnoaprende a ser un candidato STO al determinar las necesidades de otro” porque eso es, en esencia,juicio.

Pero permítanme señalar aquí que tener una opinión, discernir, elegir con quién se asociarán o no, con quién les gustará o no, y todos los diversos tipos de elecciones pseudo-críticas que tomamos desde el día a día de hoy, pensar con culpabilidad que estamos siendo críticos porque estamos haciendo una elección , de hecho,noes de esa naturaleza; tales opiniones / elecciones son necesarias perspicacia.

¿Qué es para juzgar? Para determinar las necesidades de otro, y luego,actuar enbase a esa determinación. Eso lleva a "enviar" algún tipo de energía, ya sea "amor y luz", o "poner la otra mejilla", o predicar para "salvar" a alguien, todo eso equivale a determinar las necesidades de otro y hacer algo sin haber sido realmente preguntado a nivel del alma.

Ahora, mucha gente manipula para obtener energía. Eso no es preguntar. Mendigar, suplicar, actuar de manera lamentable, estar indefenso o ser un torpe o un desastre son formas de tomar energía. Y, ¿cuál es el resultado si te permites ser manipulado y dar en respuesta a tales formas de persuasión?

"En todo caso, tal transferencia de energía incluso podría mejorar el efecto ... El receptor podría utilizar ondas desequilibradas".

Esto significa, en un sentido muy real, que gran parte de la actividad en esta Tierra que pasa por actos benévolos consiste enalimentarla jerarquía STS. Es más bien como la relación codependiente. El abusador no puede abusar de usted sin su permiso. No solo eso, toda la actividad para "salvar" a este o aquel grupo, para "bombardear la tierra y sus habitantes con amor y luz", solo puede servir para aumentar la negatividad, la oscuridad y el sistema de control porque, sin haber sido Preguntado, o actuando contra aquellos cuya elección es engañar, controlar, desinformar, estamos violando su libre albedrío al actuar contra ellos, incluso si nuestras intenciones son buenas. Por lo tanto, se alimentan de esta energía, aumentando su energía en el Servicio al Ser.

Todos queremos "salvar" a nuestros seres queridos de los errores de juicio o acción. Todos morimos un poco por dentro cuando vemos a nuestros hijos seguir caminos que, en algunos casos, podrían terminar en la muerte. Pero, en verdad, solo podemos aconsejar, no podemosactuar encontra de sus elecciones si están en o más allá de la edad de consentimiento. Donde muchos de nosotros caemos en el camino es en no entender cuánto de esto está enmascarado bajo la apariencia de impotencia y apelaciones a nuestro sentido de piedad y compasión.

Cuantos吗你们什么一旦汉brindado》, energía, dinero, refugio, comida, ropa u otra ayuda a una persona "lamentable", solo para ser atornillada o apuñalada por la espalda por esa persona? Una y otra vez, dices? Si. No solo eso, sino que parecen ir a cosas más grandes y mejores, usando a más y más personas, fortaleciéndose cada vez más con el dinero y la energía de otras personas. Curioso, ¿no es así? ¿Y qué nos enseñan en nuestra religión? Para "perdonar y olvidar" y "poner la otra mejilla" y "hacer un esfuerzo adicional", ¡y regresar por más! Nos mantenemos en relaciones o situaciones porque "sentimos pena" por alguien. Cuando tratamos de liberarnos, descubrimos que el nivel de lástima se dispara y que llorar y rogar son terribles.

Esta es la onda 8:
[URL unfurl = "true"]The Wave Chapter 8: Everywhere You Look, There Is the Face of God[/ URL] [/ CITA]
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Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I was also wondering about something similar a couple days ago when I was reading the comments in a 2009 session thread. There were some really interesting and thoughtful comments from forum members in that thread who don't appear to be active on the forum anymore.

Interestingly, in that same session thread there is also reference to an excerpt fromThe Waveseries that mentions 'simple understandings.' I thought I'd share it here as it was shared in that session thread:

The excerpt is from Chapter 8 titled 'Everywhere You Look, There is the Face of God' which delves into the topic of 'karmic and simple understandings.' It's interesting now to read through that chapter in the context of this thread. It's also been quite a long while since I read it:knitting:

Thank you Cleo for bringing this one up. I also thought as relevant in this thread this excerpt of the session of July 24 1999:
A:There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?

A: No,there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

Q: So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of 'bites you' no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?
If we observe, but shun the emotional content of our experience it could be said we are avoiding who we are; perhaps the shadow part we don't wish to confront. Maybe we just want to avoid feelinganythingsince it has, at least, a 50% chance of being uncomfortable or downright painful

And that which is excluded, ignored or avoided from acknowledgement comes back to us over and over again in our lessons in life.
Helmet said:
I am reminded of an article on SOTT recently that mentioned the long-held notion of the importance of the heart as a major, even overlooked part of the equation. This was both interesting and a little surprising since our current culture is so steeped in head trips.

Some of life's greatest, most poignant lessons involve the heart. And sometimes the lessons of the heart fly in the face of the thinking in the mind. We can't just forgive with the mind. The heart, and emotion has to be involved for the forgiveness to occur; to be genuine and truly healing.

IF we see, yet do not feel, the assertion can be made we are not fully living life. If we observe, but shun the emotional content of our experience it could be said we are avoiding who we are; perhaps the shadow part we don't wish to confront. Maybe we just want to avoid feelinganythingsince it has, at least, a 50% chance of being uncomfortable or downright painful. The heart and the emotions threaten our thought processes with information that doesn't always compute well and often falls outside our neatly constructed self-images, sometimes making us look less evolved than we like to think of ourselves. Data from the heart threatens the control that our minds like to maintain over our inner narratives.

So, the brain and heart are constantly messaging our consciousness. LOL - like our body - I think the conscience has 2 ears to listen with to help with this onslaught of often contradictory input!

Hi, your publication reminded me of this session where there is a discussion that raises the question: What is it to be an "enlightened one"?
It's in Wave 8. Very commendable! It is important material for our discussion.

In other words, the light of insight is the ability to see objectively. And we get this "insight", apparently, from knowledge.

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating knowledge?
A: Yes!! Yes!
Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and consciousness make you aware that you have free will, and it also makes you aware of what actions are actually acts of free will and, therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between lies, deception and truth, then you are in a position to control your life?
A: Yes.
So we begin to get an idea of how to "give everything its due. The concept that is beginning to form is that one should be able to read the hidden signature of other people and events in our lives and respond in ways that channel the various attributes of others and ourselves so that our actions are commendable. The spiritual sense.

But that leaves out the important point that, in the end, it is a choice . Free will is, as the Cassiopeians have said, the most important law of all creation.

September 19, 1998
Q: (L) Well, now [a correspondent writes and] says, "Laura made several comments about Love that confused me. I don't understand how giving love when it's not asked for could hurt rather than improve it. Can you comment on this?
A: "Giving" love is not giving, in that case.
Q: (L) So if you give love when you are not asked, you are not giving?
A: You are taking, as always.
Q: (L) When you say you are "taking", what are you taking?
A: Energy, to the STS.
Q: (L) How is it that you are taking energy from someone by giving love when they don't ask for it?
A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another.
Q: (L) I don't understand how that means you're taking energy.
A: Because the act is one of self-gratification. If one "gives" where there is no request, therefore, it is not necessary, this is a violation of free will! And besides, what other motivation could there be in such a scenario? Think carefully and objectively about this.
Q: (L) My thought would be that, in such a scenario, if one gives love to someone who has not asked or requested, it seems to be a desire to change the other, that is, a desire to control.
A: You got it!
Q: (L) Now he says more: "Yes, these are all lessons, and if a person has chosen a specific path, he should be allowed to follow and learn his way. But, let's say this is happening to someone you really love. And let's say that the person may be in a period of his life where his thoughts are probably leading him to commit, say, a murder. Don't you think that if you send love to this person, even unconsciously, it may provide the energy (influence) needed to stop that murder? "Please comment.
A: No, no, no! In fact, in any case, such an energy transfer could even enhance the effect.
Q: (L) In what way?
A: The receiver could use unbalanced waves.
Q: (L) I think this word he used is a clue: "Don't you think that if you send love to the person, it could provide him with the necessary energy" and in brackets it has the word "influence" which implies the control of the other person's behavior, to "stop that murder". So, there seems to be a desire to control the actions of another person.
A: yes.
Q: (L) But, his intention is totally benevolent because he wants to stop a murder, which is to save a life, as well as to keep the loved one from going to prison. So, he seems to be benevolent in intent. Doesn't that make a difference?
A: Have we forgotten about Karma?
Q: (L) Well, I mentioned the fact that one cannot always judge these situations because we don't know. We can't know. As far as we know, the possible murder victim is an Adolf Hitler type or a potential father of one, or something like that, and then the murder would save many lives by the sacrifice of two lives; or that this murder is supposed to occur because of some karmic interaction that is essential between the murderer and the victim, and we simply cannot know these things and judge them.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) He says, "I think if we don't send love energy into the world, the self-centered energy of STS will dominate.
A: Why would he choose to send this? What is the motivation?
Q: (L) To change it to his idea of what it's supposed to be. To control it, to follow his judgment of how things should be.
A: Exactly. Students are not expected to be the architects of the school.
Q: (L) So, when you seek to impose or exercise influence of any kind, you are, in effect, trying to play God and taking responsibility for deciding that there is something wrong in the universe that it is up to you to fix, which amounts to judgment.
A: Yes, you can see, you can give advice, that's fine, but don't try to alter the lesson
Q: (L) It also says: "I believe that an enlightened being emanates love wherever that person is, and this is even without being asked. It just happens because that's what they are: love. Please comment.
A: An enlightened being is not love. And a refrigerator is not a road.
P: (L) What? Talk about your mixed metaphors! I don't understand that!
A: Why not?
P: (L) They are unrelated!
A: Exactly!
P: (L) What is an enlightened being?
A: An enlightened being.
Q: (L) What are the criteria for being an enlightened being?
A: To be enlightened!
Q: (L) When one is enlightened, what is the profile?
A: This is going nowhere because you are doing the proverbial round hole, square peg routine.
Q: (L) What I'm trying to get at is understanding an enlightened being. This correspondent and many other people have the idea that an enlightened being is love, and that is what they radiate, and that this is the result of being enlightened.
A: No, no, no, no, no. "Enlightened" does not mean good. Just smart.
Q: (L) Okay, so there are enlightened beings STS and STO?
A: Yes, we believe that the general ratio is 50/50.
Q: (L) Well, what is the profile of an enlightened being from STO?
A: An intelligent being who only gives.
Q: (L) Well, since we have dealt with the idea of not giving love to those who do not ask, what do they give and to whom do they give it?
A: Everyone, to those who ask.
Q: (L) Okay. One member of the group responded by writing, "E ***, thank you for pointing out the paradox of the concept of the expression of love among the C's and that, as some of us think we know, but we know what we experience I feel it can be very difficult for the C's to provide an adequate understanding of our third density or dimension. ...] (S) My view of the paradox is this: if one emanates love as a natural course for the Universe, it is not consciously limited or directed, at least I, for one, cannot do this, that is simply the way some of us are much of "time". Eliminating groups or individuals is beyond my comprehension and would certainly compromise my experience of sending love. Unless one is a Bodhisattva, 3 love is probably only directed with greater intensity when it is focused on an individual; how do you know if the recipient is ready / able to receive? ...] And 'receive', I think is a clue: the recipient can remain alienated or protected from the free agency of loving energy.
A: yes.
Q: (L) If it is 'love energy', is it subsequently corrupted by STS?
A: maybe.
Q: (S) Giving love to the Universe may be the best way in general, but if one focuses on a loved one and can be effective, could the Universe in general be equally effective?
A: The universe is about balance. Nuff said!
There are a couple of comments from the transcript above that I would like to point out in particular:

Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another.
And the second is:

In fact, if anything, such a transfer of energy could even enhance the effect... The receiver could use unbalanced waves.
We're getting somewhere, I think. "An STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another" because that is, in essence, judgment.

But let me point out here that having an opinion, discerning, choosing with whom you will associate or not, with whom you will like or not, and all the various types of pseudo-critical choices that we take from day to day, to think with guilt that we are being critical because we are making a choice, in fact, is not of that nature; such opinions/ choices are necessary insight.

What is it to judge? To determine the needs of another, and then to act upon that determination. That leads to "sending out" some kind of energy, whether it is "love and light", or "turning the other cheek", or preaching to "save" someone, all of which is tantamount to determining another's needs and doing something without really being asked on a soul level.

Now, many people manipulate for energy. That's not asking. Begging, pleading, acting out of pity, being helpless or clumsy or a disaster are all ways of taking energy. And what is the result if you allow yourself to be manipulated and give in response to such forms of persuasion?

"In any case, such a transfer of energy could even enhance the effect... The receiver could use unbalanced waves.

This means, in a very real sense, that much of the activity on this Earth that goes through benevolent acts consists of feeding the STS hierarchy. It's more like the codependent relationship. The abuser cannot abuse you without your permission. Not only that, all the activity to "save" this or that group, to "bombard the earth and its inhabitants with love and light", can only serve to increase the negativity, the darkness and the control system because,
without having been asked, or acting against those whose choice is to deceive, control, misinform, we are violating their free will by acting against them, even if our intentions are good. Therefore, you feed on this energy, increasing your energy in Service to the Self.

We all want to "save" our loved ones from errors of judgment or action. We all die a little inside when we see our children follow paths that, in some cases, could end in death. But, in truth, we can only advise, we cannot act against their choices if they are at or beyond the age of consent. Where many of us fall by the wayside is in not understanding how much of this is masked under the guise of helplessness and appeals to our sense of mercy and compassion.

How many of you have ever given time, energy, money, shelter, food, clothing or other help to a "sorry" person, only to be screwed or stabbed in the back by that person? Over and over again, you say? Yes. Not only that, but they seem to go on to bigger and better things, using more and more people, getting stronger and stronger with other people's money and energy. Curious, isn't it? And what do they teach us in our religion? To "forgive and forget" and "turn the other cheek" and "go the extra mile" and come back for more! We stay in relationships or situations because we "feel sorry" for someone. When we try to free ourselves, we discover that the level of pity goes up and that crying and begging are terrible.

PD:I made several mistakes in quoting the texts. Then, in order to understand where I had to make the corresponding quotations, I translated them into Spanish. But I got confused and it seems that the publication remained entirely in Spanish. I decided to publish again correcting the errors. I'm still learning how to use the forum tools and pay more attention with the different translators I use. It happened to me before and it will probably happen again. Now, how do I delete the previous post? Apologies and thanks!


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
When I think about my understandings , there are some, one in particular, because it was very liberating.

One of my demons used to be anger. I was controlled by it for many years. I used to be very judgmental about others, shouting on my mom, feeling entitled to talk when I should quietly listen, and had thoughts that would lead into negative thought loops, and I was unpleasant person often enough. And it was occurring more often and getting worse after each time.

早在2008年我曾伤害我的那些days I began to learn some yoga postures and got curious about mindfulness meditation too. Soon afterwards I started revisit my personal memories of my family and I came to suddenly realize that they always loved me. My mom, she cared for me so much when I was ill, in high fever, giving me cold wraps all night long. She did what she could or knew. It was very intense emotional cleansing. I was utterly ashamed how could I be so bad to her. Perhaps because she wasn't who I wanted her to be. And then I let it go. I let go of my anger. When it flares sometimes now, I have it under control most of the times.


Jedi Council Member
I suppose what's also been on my mind recently is the idea of being able to see yourself fully and objectively, warts and all. To be able to hold a mirror to yourself and really see what's going on is quite a feat for the average person to consider, and I place myself in that category. There's a lot of us about who have lived fairly wild and undisciplined lives in the main, and I take no pleasure in mentioning that. I'm learning some hard lessons due to mental health issues but life is getting incrementally better as a consequence. Some parts of me remain shifty, furtive. I don't see them easily, but when my attention is on form things get a little easier. It's an ongoing process for me, and with this one patience indeed is a virtue.

Temper is a big factor with me also. Just seeing the psychos getting away with it absolutely boils my blood and I struggle with my temper at times. The anger does drive me onwards in intensifying my reading however, so I think it's a net benefit. My readings into hyperdimensions/densities and psychopathy have figured here very much, as I suppose most of my anger is directed at aliens and their psycho proxies on 3d sts realm. Until this planet becomes 4d I just know I'm going to be dealing with (i) anxiety, (ii) anger and (iii) frustration.
This all poses a great challenge to me, but it's a path I chose back when I was about 27/28, so there's no going back now.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
It is fundamental to observe, ask the necessary questions and finally strengthen that will that launches us into that unknown space, since reading the forum is different from being immersed in it, integrating, interacting with the other members. This is an "unknown" aspect of our experience and it is the reason why our programs arise.
Interesting post, and this part of what you wrote above, stands out for me. It is reminding me that I am in the process lately which now feels like breaking through boundary of resistance, as you put it. I still feel a lot of resistance though. I guess my way to find out, why there is so much resistance is to persevere.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Temper is a big factor with me also. Just seeing the psychos getting away with it absolutely boils my blood and I struggle with my temper at times. The anger does drive me onwards in intensifying my reading however, so I think it's a net benefit.
Hi Slipnet, very good to use the energy of your anger for something positive.
Here an interesting article from the Huffpost:

"According to Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, your anger should only last for 90 seconds.
感觉到一种情感,我们需要考虑一个思想范围h then stimulates an emotional circuit in our brain which in turn creates a physiological response in our bodies. The time from thought to triggering the brain to a physical response to releasing the response is less than 90 seconds.

"If you have anger for more than a minute and a half it is because you are replaying the story in your mind. Every time you replay the story you re-trigger the circuit and the response. Every time you choose to think painful thoughts, you create a physical response in your body."

"Notice when anger stays for longer than ninety seconds. What is the story you are replaying? What do you gain by replaying the story? How would your experience of life change if you let go of the story?"

是的,如果一个人知道它与我们自己的崔ce when we experience negative consequences from the emotion of anger, it might be easier to let go of any situations that arouse our anger and indeed use the energy for something constructive.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
这篇文章是正确的。如果我不停止- thought quickly enough as it rises in my mind and I let it to continue, it is going to loop endlessly and it will, and it used to knock me out for rest of the day. One thing I am observing lately, and it occurs (mostly) during my work, is if negative thought is crossing my mind, I really do stop it right there at the begining, it doesn't bother me more. As a consequence everyone seems to be so much easy around now, even well known colleagues grumps are now like changed. So it's 90 seconds, cool.

Tuatha de Danaan

Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
This thread is amazing and thanks to everyone for pointing out so many things we don't see in ourselves terribly much. I'm trying to catch up on old readings that maybe I read too fast when I first joined the Forum .

I found an article of Laura's from 19.Dec.2015. called Being afraid. and I will quote a paragraph which made me think of this post.

We need to identify all the threads and tendrils of pathology that wind their way through our thinking, strangling and distorting our visions and emotions. It's difficult because it's been a part of our Western culture for over 2000years. We cut our teeth on those ideas and it's hard to get outside of them. But it can be done. We can open our eyes and see, open our ears and hear, and have our hearts cleansed so that we can truly love and BE individuals who all see the same Truth.

Getting to grips with the idea that we have ALL been hoodwinked is very hard for me. Those who do terrible things are just as much victims as the rest of us and I have to admit I am inclined to put them in the OTHER category. I'm working hard on this but it's like being on a slippery slope all the time and I keep sliding down.


Jedi Council Member
I had this on a notepad, planned to use it in another paper I am working on.
It has been around for years, and who knows where it originally came from, it just sums up the external and internal considerations stuff so well.

“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.
When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town.
I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself,
and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself,
I could have made an impact on my family.
My family and I could have made an impact on our town.
Their impact could have changed the nation and
I could indeed have changed the world.”
Unknown monk, c. 12th century


FOTCM Member
September 19, 1998
A: "Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another"

这句话严重打击了我当我第一次读它ars ago, so much so that I memorized it. For me, it is the essence of a very big and important life lesson or life script this time around. The challenge has mostly been with a couple of my children, in particular. I am able to remain detached in situations that do not involve my own family, most of the time. I have described a bit of my story in my introduction to the forum. The horror of trying desperately to save my son from alcoholism and then ultimately losing him at age 27 is difficult to describe and give it due justice. I imagine every parent or anyone who loves someone who is addicted understands the helpless feeling. The natural instinct is to go in and rescue, to send love, to control in any way possible just to stop the fear and the pain. I did all that and more, and to no avail. Was it karma? Was it that I needed to learn simple understandings, such as letting go and really getting it that I cannot control anyone..even my own child with the best of intentions? Through this experience with my son I am understanding the concept of "He who learns must suffer" but I also have an awareness that he and I were partners in this and though it appears to be suffering it is really a gift given to both of us. We both learned about "control" and the lack of it and the learning was so deep and painful that it broke through something that I cannot even describe.
However, all is not peaceful and "together" in my world. There is still learning to be mastered. Currently, I continue to work on another version of this lesson of "determining the needs of another" and it now involves a daughter and her husband who I find myself judging at every turn. It challenges me at the deepest levels as I struggle to understand their way of thinking and raising their own little ones. The social worker in me does see the dysfunction, therefore, I have a lot of judgement and concern with not only the way they care take but also with the example they are setting. The atmosphere is one of chaos with inconsistent parenting, along with some bursts of anger and disagreements. The children are shown a good amount of affection, as well. My sharing of the wisdom gathered from my own mistakes of the past or advice offered to ease the difficulty is rarely taken. Generally, I think I am viewed as "goody-goody" or suffering from perfectionism or just plain old fashioned. I am mindful of not interfering, yet, I do give my thoughts on things when an issue comes up that they have involved me in or confided to me about. Yet, it is a continual dance to know when to speak and when to be silent...these are the things I work on today...sometimes I am clear and strong and sometimes I stumble and feel as though I do not know at all how to navigate the simple and basic challenges of being a human.
I also have an inner critic who likes to remind me that I was not perfect in my own parenting and if I could do it again with my current understandings it would perhaps, positively affect what is being played out today. I often go back to reading "Amazing Grace" as my own choices, mistakes and experiences run parallel to Laura's in many respects. These words comfort me when I am judging myself. From Amazing Grace: "It's not your fault. There is no blame. It's not your fault. You didn't know." And this: Every suffering and heart-rending cruelty is a result of IGNORANCE. And each experience is a gaining of knowledge" LKJ, Amazing Grace.
I feel grateful for the opportunity to view things this way as it is a guide to treating myself with kindness and understanding for all the times I have walked with a blindfold on and continue to so. I also continue to work on remembering that others walk blindfolded as well but it does not help either of us for me to rescue them from their own learning.


Padawan Learner
FOTCM Member
I am also struggling with a family situation that I naively thought I could fix with niceness. My "Dad" is 89 and my Mom is 86 and they talked me into moving in to their house to help with caring for my Mom as she had fallen and broke her femur. I left home at 17 and believe me things had gotten so bad that it was not optional. I had no contact with them until a few years ago when I started going to christmas dinner once a year ar the insistance of my daughter. I was convinced that they had mellowed with age and were now harmless and if I helped them I could fix them. I knew all about petty tyrants and I could neutralize them with ease or so I thought. I re read Petty Tyrants and Soul Hackers and Secret History and although it was only several years ago that I read them there was all this really crucial information and simple understandings that I had completely forgotten about or didn't get or something. For example Never interfere with the free will of another or to refuse to have ones own Free Will violated. You don't have to act "against" another you merely act for your own destiny or It is the draining of energy that befuddles the mind the only option is to extricate ourselves. How could I have forgotten something so crucial yet so simple. Basically I have been stumbling around is a daze being food for 4D. I am in a pity trap and it is time to give the "negativity its due by non-participation." I am in the process of getting my own place and hopefully I will "be cured of my lack of faith in the reality of non physical attack" Being around these negative people was a big mistake but I guess that.s how we learn . Anyway wish me luck because I am on my way out of here


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
@JeanneT在你写得很好(以前),description of your understanding of your situation you're in, your struggle of how to let go, is one good example of how difficult life is; how to bring our knowledge into action. It is particularly hard for mothers, I think. But we let go of everything we hold on to eventually. I know, this you know yourself too. It probably doesn't help much, or perhaps it does, everyone is alone in one' struggles, yet it's great you share yours. It makes me think about karmic lessons I have to learn, but that's for another post.


Dagobah Resident
Hi Memeontheroof, Sometimes these Karmic lessons are hard to discern and sometimes they are just plain hard (difficult). You thought you could "fix them" or "neutralize them" and they are petty tyrants?

Are you truly "giving negativity its due by non-participation" or is this a repeat performance of what happened when you were 17?

Is the karmic lesson "Run, Luke! Run!"... (from'these negative people')? OR...

Is it something else? Something deeper? Like perhaps the super-difficult next-level challenge of standing up for yourself aroundthese negative peopleby speaking up and establishing boundaries instead of the easier path of running for cover.

One could ask:Why are these particular negative people in your life?Are they there to run away from? Or something else? If you, on some level, chose them to be your parents, and are already karmically linked - why come back to another life together again just to blow things up and run away again? Mouravieff touched on this idea that we keep getting chances to heal the wounds/pay the debt and we often repeat the error again and again making the wound deeper/the debt even bigger; to then have yet another lifetime with an even bigger wound to heal/debt to pay until we finally resolve to face it; to face ourself.

If running away is about being responsible for your own existence in the world without taking from these negative people who are truly unconscious psychopathic monsters, - well, OK.

But my guess is that everybody is wounded. Your description sounded like they were asking for help. Perhaps on a subconscious level they are reaching out in an attempt to mend some of the burned bridges. They are probably severely lacking in communication skills. OR...

也许是更加困难的教训,上level class: "Forgiveness 301".

A little story: A year ago my father passed away. I was there for 10 months being with him, watching him slowly go 'down the tubes' and fade away. It was pathetic, bizarre and painful but we both tried to heal the wounds; acknowledge the sins along the way. He made many mistakes. He had his reasons and excuses. I burned the bridges and I didn't just burn them, I used plenty of dynamite. Sigh. But we clumsily worked through it. We both were seeking a kind of absolution from each other in a direct way even though there was always a certain distance between us and a resistance to the process even to the end. Sigh. We did the best we could. Our intentions were pure even if our results a bit spotty.

Simple Karmic Lessons can be... so huge...overwhelmingly emotional and psychically challenging...ugh...

Maybe, just maybe, your daughter is on to something.

I repeat this publication here because I believe it is relevant to our discussion. You will also find it in this thread that we are working on: The Work The Swamp-"10-year relationship"

Laurs said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Can anybody think of another question to get me where I want to go here? (shellycheval)As individuals, what's the single most important thing we should do to Do, and to not try, but to actually take actions? What can we do to motivate ourselves as individuals?Is there something we can say or do...?

A:Service to others. Notice that the people with the most problems that always talk only about themselves and their troubles, are the ones who do and give the least. They do not have confidence in the universal law of LIFE: Get things moving and you create a vacuum in your life into which energy can flow.

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L)Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on.I mean...

A: [letters come very quickly] Balance! A portion of a day can be spent on reflection, but not too much. This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues.The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. [letters come more slowly now:] Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.
Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing?Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?
A:Absolutely! And it is true and works.Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

I think that we have to take into account the NON-ANTIQUATION, because anticipating something reduces considerably the creative possibilities. It restricts the flow. Being in the "know exactly what you want" mode somehow limits the possibilities that could be "energetically" available.

I have the impression that faith is crucial in this regard. Faith is different from belief. Belief limits, faith is an open, receptive. Attitude is like an ability of the consciousness to be in a receptive mode.

Being "open" leaves room for the new. However, a strong belief closes that space and nothing new can enter. I think that this information could be useful on the way and for this reason I decided to share some extracts from this very important thread in our path to being "the explorers of inner space"
I chose a few publications, but the whole discussion is interesting:

Approaching infinity, he said:
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
Good thoughts about the topic. it made me think how there are studies (for example Dean Radin's work) showing how our minds can have small statistical effect to the outcome of dice roll.

It suggests that consciousness interacts non-physically with the reality and our anticipation can influence the outcome. So when people expect the dice roll to have for example high or low number, there is proof that this actually works, the odds will increase (though very slightly).

But the reality is much more complex than a simple dice, so this type of anticipation is not very practical or useful. And it seems to be connected to STS mode of being.
I'm not sure this is quite correct. It's not so much theexpectationthat produces the psi effect in studies like that. One of the best replicated correlations with good scoring is simplya belief that psi is real or possible.And it doesn't even need to be a stable belief - researchers can set up an experiment to produce that belief or feeling in the moment. (A person with a relatively stable disbelief can be influenced to be more open to it in the right conditions, just as a person who generally believes can be influenced to disbelieve.)

Actually believing that you can affect outcomes or guess cards (e.g., believing you're especially psychic) tends to have anegativeeffect on scoring, which confirms the idea that anticipation reduces probability of getting 'hits'. Carpenter goes through all these studies in his book 'First Sight' (seethis thread). The best state of mind for getting good results could accurately be described as a state of open, relaxed non-anticipation. If you're putting in cognitive effort and are anxious, chances are you won't get good results.

The things we most anticipate are not neutral events but instead are connected to our deepest desires and wishes. Basically how we would like the reality to unfold based on pretty much selfish ideas and unrealistic expectations.
是的,我想也许这就是为什么parapsychological results are so small, even if highly significant. Guessing a card or influencing the roll of a dice is not that important or relevant to most people. Rather, the same dynamic or process would be most extreme in events that are highly personally significant. But like you say, the fact that we anticipate outcomes in this sphere of our lives might actually make us less likely to bring them into reality.

This again limits heavily our free will and possible choices, since we're not the only variable in the universe - that's probably why anticipation often backfires and has the opposite outcome as intended.

And not only at the personal level: just look how the the US makes blunder after blunder in the geopolitical domain.
Yep, and I think there's another aspect too. When we anticipate a specific result, we are essentially denying nature, or objective reality. The future is OPEN. When we lock onto a desired outcome, we're basically denying the open nature of the universe. We are not acting in accordance with nature. And our deepest unconscious aims seem to point us in the direction of nature and objective reality - that's what we're designed for. What that means is that when we try to force reality into our own image - instead of learning the way reality actually works and how to navigate within it - then reality will send us a message that we're doing something wrong. Basically, what we're doing won't work and we won't get the outcome we wanted. We'll get signs and 'billboards falling on our heads'.

I think this is why the technique Laura described (was it in the K&B videos? can't remember!) works. If you're looking for the perfect house, you don't imagine all the exact features of the perfect house and then wish to get it. You focus on the overall emotional form that finding the house will take and leave the details open to the universe/unconscious/whatever. By saying, "I want a green house that's 10 years old with 3000 square feet, a well 20 meters from the house, 4 bedrooms, etc." you are closing off all kinds of possibilities and trying to dictate outcomes. But by focusing on the emotions - e.g., the feeling of telling your loved ones, "I can't believe we found the perfect house!" - you are basically creating a path towards finding thebest fit,不管你所有的特定的欲望。的大学verse is smarter than you are, as is your unconscious. And by making sure not to anticipate and shut down possibilities, you are acting in accordance with nature: the capacity of the mind and the world around you to work together to find the best option among numerous possibilities.

I think the emotional aspect is very important. By specifying a house with all those features, you are basically limiting your options to 1 or even 0 possibilities. What are the chances of finding a perfect match? And even if that match exists, what are the chances it will be available? But by focusing on theemotionof finding the 'best fit' - there are probably several options that would fit the bill, even if you can't imagine them in detail. In fact, you WON'T be able to imagine all the details, because the world is complex. Plus, the specific features aren't necessarily the most important. They're mostly superficial. What really MATTERS is the emotional aspect, which is meaningful in nature. Our unconscious is guided towards meaning and relevance. So by focusing on what is really meaningful - emotional significance - perhaps that is how we can really make our dreams reality. The universe can work with that. It can't work with demands.
Chu said:
Recently I've been thinking about the problem of anticipation in the following way: Think of a tree, just any tree. For example:


Imagine that the tree is your life, with many possible futures, different branches also involving your loved ones, your potential, everything. You are close to the trunk, in one of the bottom branches. The outcome you want is, say, where the orange butterfly on the left is. If you focus ONLY on that, the tree will grow crooked, will lose balance, and either be decrepit or die, or make others suffer from your stupidity. That could be your life. Something like this:

1200 - 68120121 -弯曲-死亡- tree.jpg

I don't think anyone wants that, except that often wishful thinking enters the equation, and one assumes that everything will be fine anyway. It never happens.

If instead, you focus on all the roots, the trunk, the branches and leaves at the bottom, to create a harmonious tree on a more solid base, step by step, and regardless of the final outcome, you will be closer to your aims. Each step of the process is important, and connected to the rest of the tree.

If at the end of your life you can look back and say that you created a nice tree, and got closer to the butterfly even if the Universe decided you weren't ready for it yet or whatever, then it's not bad.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you stop hoping, or wishing for something. It is rather that while you need to sometimes make "plans", or have steps clear in your head, discipline and suffer in one way or another, you understand that you never have the whole picture (we are strangers to ourselves, after all), and it is not up to you to determine the outcome or avoid steps, but you can make a concerted effort to appreciate the process, life in general, and work towards a higher goal, always remembering you are in one tiny branch of the tree. What you do in life will help determine the whole shape of the tree, but other factors will be involved in deciding which branch you ultimately "land" on. So, there is no point in anticipating the outcome. All we can do is act to the best of our ability and knowledge. The rest is not up to us decide.

Well, something like that anyway! Life is also "irreducibly complex", so you never know what your path from A to B will be like precisely, or even if in the end, you are meant to go from A to C (say, the birdie in the tree above, which may be even better if you don't limit the possibilities with your own blindness and stubbornness). So, do your best, stick to your values, nourish the tree, and don't expect it to turn out to be a specific shape.

这意味着,无论“希望”,你需要to work on multiple areas at a time, so that the tree is balanced. Becoming a better person, for example, is not just doing a good deed for one single person, for example. It is learning to give and receive in healthier ways, without agendas or ideas of a recompense. It is being patient, understanding, responsible, and much more. It is learning and working hard, so that you have something to offer to others. You cannot just decide to do just one thing and forget the rest of the "tree". If you have faith that the Universe knows what its doing, then it makes sense that if YOU limit the options and constrict the flow, you are not going to get what you want. Because it is precisely that, a "want", an expectation, entitlement. It isn't seeing reality left and right and acting accordingly. It isn't "becoming a conduit for the Universe", but rather arrongantly telling the Universe that you know better. That can never work. OSIT.
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