Libby, Montana



Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I am currently reading Libby, Montana [:] Asbestos & the Deadly Silence of an American Corporation by Andrea Peacock. It is assigned in one of my classes and I have found it very interesting reading. From the back cover: "Libby, Montana tells the heartbreaking story of a small town in northwestern Montana, where the W.R. Grace Corporation (of A Civil Action notoriety) ran a vermiculite mine that supplied the world with insulation, fireproofing and gardening materials for almost 30 years. But the great secret was, Libby's vermiculite was contaminated with a virulent form of asbestos. The state of Montana knew it, at least two federal agencies knew it, and Grace knew it--they all knew this for decades, but no one told the miners...."

While this is nothing new (corruption in industry and government) it is a moving piece of work that is well worth the time to read. There are some interesting links to nazi scientists (employed by Grace) and the WTC attacks (Grace supplied insulation but tried to hide the fact that it contained asbestos). I also found some of the information about EPA practices disturbing.
I have read all but the last 40 or so pages and am impressed with the work done (also has a full bibliography and index).
Publisher is Johnson Books, Boulder, Colorado. copyright 2003
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