Life Is Religion Available on Amazon!

Laura said:
Amazing what a network can do, eh? This is a forum created book so I hope that all of you will not only get some copies for your loved ones, but also write reviews and spread the word that this gem is available on FB and wherever you can.

I just wrote a review on Amazon.

Mariama said:
Congratulations from me too.:flowers:

I find the leaflet very inspirational, instructive and it is like a guiding force, if that makes sense.
The SOTT radio shows have the same effect on me. :D

I'd printed out a copy from the thread but this beats the plain paper effect. Hope to order this soon :D
SOTT radio shows have that effect on me too, as does networking on here.

You guys here on the forum are great - this is an amazing gift in these times osit.:perfect:

Laura said:
Amazing what a network can do, eh? This is a forum created book so I hope that all of you will not only get some copies for your loved ones, but also write reviews and spread the word that this gem is available on FB and wherever you can.

I have a question which I feel is a little silly but still puzzles me. In terms of getting copies for loved ones & spreading the word, how does strategic enclosure & external considering play into that?
I have a question which I feel is a little silly but still puzzles me. In terms of getting copies for loved ones & spreading the word, how does strategic enclosure & external considering play into that?

Use judgment and external considering.
Oh my... 3D life is really taking the best out of me lately, I just noticed this thread, and I have so been looking forward to this gem!

I just ordered my copy :) The cover looks great.
I just got mine! Looks great and I was wondering if Kindle version would be available soon...:rolleyes:

Laura said:
Amazing what a network can do, eh?This is a forum created book so I hope that all of you will not only get some copies for your loved ones, but also write reviews and spread the word that this gem is available on FB and wherever you can.

Indeed! Thanks all again!:thup:
xandra said:
Received my copy yesterday! Gave it a quick glance through as I did not have time to read it then. Going to read throuh it now!!

Bear said:
昨天收到我的:D,开始阅读it tomorrow night!

I've received mine too yesterday and I'm looking forward to putting it in practice in a daily basis. Thank you very much to everybody that has contributed to do it. You are awesome!:rockon:

Laura said:
Amazing what a network can do, eh? This is a forum created book so I hope that all of you will not only get some copies for your loved ones, but also write reviews and spread the word that this gem is available on FB and wherever you can.

Got mine this week. Kudos to those involved in creating it! Excellent work! Thanks:thup:
今天本应该到达。希望得到to the mail box and back at some point....:violin: :flowers:
Ah, this is great, I am thinking this is a must have in paper actually, for future generations that may or may not have electronic devices.
I just read this today. Thanks to all the contributors. This is a very clear, concise and simple showcase of foundational principles. I had to put the book down several times just to ponder on what I'd just read. Very good. :)
I just got mine and I'm lovin' it! What can I say? I think it's an amazing piece of work, and even more amazing how it was put together. It's a great collection of all the things I'm learning about, and am learning to apply.

Thanks to everyone who put this together!
Laura said:
Use judgment and external considering.

Thank you Laura.

I ordered the book today, looking forward to its arrival:flowers:
A gift from the network arrived in the ail today - thank you all so much, what an extraordinary companion book. :)
Mine arrived two days ago - thank you all!!

The knowledge in there is so concentrated and at the same time so well organized, it's really fun! (My wife loves it too!)
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