Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist



Padawan Learner

I'd like to draw attention to the above. It's a completely subjective assessment that conjures up defamation against Laura, Ark and Joe as well as the QFG, Sott and transcript material in general. Looks like the author has simply cherry picked rants from around the internet that supports their imagined connection between Laura and the Assad government. The title leads me to believe that this is part of the disinformation counter measure to what Eva Bartlett has been reporting recently. It would be worth taking note of the other information being promoted on the blog to know their agenda is clear.

Source used was that of Colleen Johnson;

"Evidently, some people find the Jadczyk’s much more impressive than I do, so much so that a cult formed around them. Describing herself as an ex-cult member, Colleen Johnson spilled the goods on the “Malevolent Alien Abduction Research Web Site” of all places.I have no idea whether Johnson believes in alien abductionsbut her article is mostly about the shady operations of the QFG, the Cassiopaea Experiment and anything else connected to these people."

The above assumption is absurd considering the information collated by Laura in the below thread;

A second source used is that of starspray - Once again another character assassination piece;
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