Migun, Far Infrared, and Negative Ion Therapy



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
From what I can tell, I can't go wrong either way with promolife or gett-fitt?

Mark Givert



FOTCM Member
hlat said:
From what I can tell, I can't go wrong either way with promolife or gett-fitt?


FWIW hlat, I purchased my FAR infrared bag over 4 years ago from Promolife and have had no issues with it. It still works fine and it's had a lot of use.


FOTCM Member
hlat said:
From what I can tell, I can't go wrong either way with promolife or gett-fitt?

Mark Givert


Those are the sources where lots of members got their blankets. Reported testimonials seem to show that you can't go wrong. They have the right spectrum of FIRs.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
My far infrared bag is on its way from promolife.

Do you disinfect the bag after use? How do you do that?


FOTCM Member
hlat said:
My far infrared bag is on its way from promolife.

Do you disinfect the bag after use? How do you do that?

我消毒用自制soluti冷杉的毯子my188bet亚洲体育on containing alcohol (sold by pharmacies) mixed with essential oils. You also can use disinfecting solutionq sold in shops (preferably organic / non toxic). I spray the solution on the blanket after fully opening it. I then left it open for a while so all liquids can properly evaporate. Once the blanket is fully dry I fold it and put it in its storage space.
Shared Joy

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member
Sweating - a helpful way to detoxify

I think this issue is of actuality (well, saunas can be used where not), as a healthy induced sweating can help us in getting rid of heavy metals, petrochemical toxins (BPA), and other health-wrecking elements:


"Toxic elements were found to differing degrees in each of blood, urine, and sweat. Serum levels for most metals and metalloids were comparable with those found in other studies in the scientific literature. Many toxic elements appeared to be preferentially excreted through sweat. Presumably stored in tissues, some toxic elements readily identified in the perspiration of some participants were not found in their serum. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of many toxic elements from the human body.
The researchers also made the important observation that, "Biomonitoring for toxic elements through blood and/or urine testing may underestimate the total body burden of such toxicants. Sweat analysis should be considered as an additional method for monitoring bioaccumulation of toxic elements in humans"
The researchers discovered the following:

-In individuals with higher exposure or body burden, sweat generally exceeded plasma or urine concentrations, and dermal could match or surpass urinary daily excretion.
-Arsenic dermal excretion was severalfold higher in arsenic-exposed individuals than in unexposed controls.
-Cadmium was more concentrated in sweat than in blood plasma.
-Sweat lead was associated with high-molecular-weight molecules, and in an interventional study, levels were higher with endurance compared with intensive exercise.
汞水平规范化与重复桑拿a case report.

As far as practical implementation, what are the best ways to sweat? Exercise and Sauna Therapy carry a wide range of additional 'evidence-based' health benefits (not to mention you feel great afterwards!), providing plenty of reason to engage these activities with enough effort and discipline to obtain a good sweat. Truly, any form of purposeful movement sustained for long enough, with the right intensity, can produce a healthy sweat. As Edgar Allan Poe said "The best things in life make you sweaty."

Of course, excessive sweating already is a sign that the organism is weak as it cannot close the pores.
Is interesting how Chinese medicine can sharply delineate the various causes of sweating, the energies and the organs involved, as well as the potential diseases which could manifest. I know, that not many of you are involved in this, but for some who are interested I could provide some links.

Enjoy the summer, till is still here!


FOTCM Member
Re: Sweating - a helpful way to detoxify

I think we have a thread on FIR saunas already. Several years ago we researched them and I think that many forum members have their own units. We did an interview with one of the promoters of FIR saunas as part of the detox protocol.

Added: I've merged the threads on the topic.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I have a question for those who are keto-adapted and cold-adapted.

Do you still use your blankets for detoxing?

I tend to use mine between 2-4 times a month, sometimes more. When I went onto the diet, I was sweating relatively less than I used to, and over time, my sweating has exponentially reduced and my ability to tolerate the heat has become greater and greater.

Last time I used it, I hardly sweated at all. I had put this down to the fact that on the keto-diet, you don't retain as much water. So, before this morning's session, I made sure I'd drank more pink-salted water than usual and settled down in my blanket.

Oh, I also need to mention that I've been increasing the temperature of the blanket every time I've used it, due to the lack of sweating.

So today's blanket setting has hit 60 degrees.

I did my hour, and I've not even broken sweat - I mean, AT ALL.

I know that not sweating for someone first beginning to use the device is a sign that the body is probably heavily toxic, and I understand the mechanisms, and I'm 99% certain this isn't the case for me.

So, is it the diet and cold therapy? The blanket doesn't seem to be malfunctioning or acting any different than usual, so I don't think it's that.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I never really used my sauna in a frequent manner, maybe once or a few times a week at most. I normally do I think 45 degrees C for about 45 minutes. I'll take some supplements and water before going in it. And I've always noticed that I would sweat during the last 15 minutes. My clothes would be really damp.

It's been some months since I last had one, but I am keto, and I think it was in the summer so I probably wasn't cold adapted. Being November now, the cold showers seem to really count, as I am almost shivering now. I suspect I would still only sweat at the end of the sauna session.


Dagobah Resident
I just did my first FIR cocoon session. Set at 42°C. 30 minutes session. I didn't activate the Negative ion.
It is certainly relaxing.


Dagobah Resident
I did 25 sessions in my FIR cocoon in one month (60°C / 40mn).
I didn't use any supplement.

Today I looked at the Sherry Rogers's recommendations. It's a bit overwhelming.
First, I wonder if all of it is really needed.
Second, she mentioned Lipoic Acid and I am not sure if she talks about R-Lipoic Acid or Alpha Lipoic Acid.
That's about all.


FOTCM Member
I was wondering if anyone has bought and tried out a far infrared blanket from Amazon? They are much cheaper (around 200-400 Euros) compared to Get Fitt's cocoon (2883 euros!), but I'm wondering about their quality, though perhaps they're okay to use.This oneseems to have good reviews, for example.


FOTCM Member
I was wondering if anyone has bought and tried out a far infrared blanket from Amazon? They are much cheaper (around 200-400 Euros) compared to Get Fitt's cocoon (2883 euros!), but I'm wondering about their quality, though perhaps they're okay to use.This oneseems to have good reviews, for example.

Granted it was about 5 years ago but they were selling the 'Original Cocoon' for around £550 - can they really have gone up that much?? If so, that's a huge price rise... I can't see the price on the website, did you ask them?

I can't comment on those bought elsewhere but i imagine you could find a reputable, alternative supplier. It's not new technology. However, perhaps if you find a similar, alternative to the cocoon (and the price difference isn't so much), you could get in touch with the owner of Get-Fitt, tell him the situation, and that you'd prefer his model but you can only afford a similar price to what's offered elsewhere?

I say that because i got in touch with Mark (? the owner) when i was planning on buying the OC, i mentioned the discount he'd offered on the SOTT radio interview and he kindly knocked off £100. By that point the interview was already a few years old too. He was really nice so maybe he'd do you a deal too?

If not, hopefully you'll get some recommendations here!:-)

Added: the one you linked to from Amazon looks pretty similar to the OC.
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FOTCM Member
Granted it was about 5 years ago but they were selling the 'Original Cocoon' for around £550 - can they really have gone up that much?? If so, that's a huge price rise... I can't see the price on the website, did you ask them?

Ah, I think this one is more expensive, because it's a newer version. I don't see the Original Cocoon on their shop page, only the 'advanced' one (also shows the price):LinkI just asked them, and they said they've discontinued the OC. They do seem to have a 'hiring scheme', so I'll look into that as well. Thank you for your suggestions and tips, I'll see what I can do:flowers:
I recall reading a few articles about infrared sauna treatment and also seeing infrared treatment mentioned recently in the transcripts. I was thinking of investing into a small units. Has anyone here used something like at home? Or can point in the right direction for additional information on what might be the best route/product to pursue?
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