Most interesting documentaries on Youtube



Jedi Council Member
The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines (2013)
Synopsis: Silent Epidemic, by award winning film director Gary Null, is the first documentary to investigate thoroughly the true medical record and the historical evidence about vaccine marvels. Conventional medicine has herald the invention of vaccines as a miracle of modern science. It claims that vaccines have been proven to prevent and eradicate infectious diseases. We are told that vaccines are safe and effective, and that "herd immunity" can be achieved if a high percentage of a population is vaccinated. However, does the science support these claims and what are the untold consequences?


Jedi Council Member
As documentaries go, perhaps one of the best on our current historical situation isSynagogue of Satan:

Essentially the 'Jewish' Rothschilds financial/banking takeover... manipulation of the wars etc.... in their quest for their NWO... which continues today.
It's 2 hours and 20 minutes in length. They seem to have the lead role in STS development having long ago made their choice.... someone/people have to play that part, no?


Jedi Council Member
Pill Overkill: America’s painkiller epidemic (SBS Dateline 2015])
Synopsis: Dateline looks at the painkiller abuse that’s now reached epidemic levels in the US, and could also be heading for Australia.

Addiction To Pain Medication Documentary 2018


Jedi Council Member
I'm not big fan of Alex Jones, neither Alan Watt, but this is so good documentary that I decide it's worth to share. I don't believe that Alex Jones could save as, and we should not trust him too much, but why not use this information if it's good. Every time I listen excerpt in 10:30 The Children of Cassiopaea comes in my mind.

Alan Watt - A Globalist Agenda For a Dumbed Down Domesticated Society - A Prison Planet special
Allan Watt is one of the most prolific researchers and educators on the subject of global governance, Geo-politics and the unfolding new world order.

The information he broadcasts from his flagship radio show called "Cutting through the Matrix" is meticulously and thoroughly researched, evoking the listener to think about the world around them, not as it is presented but rather how they are governed by it.

Who are the players that design this world policy and manipulatively attempt to control portions of our population through policies and agendas unbeknown to so many?

Who are the organizations that guide sovereign nations to compliance and thus prepare us for servitude through perpetual debt and intended crisis?

For two hours, Allan takes us through many interesting walkabouts that are seldom discussed on mainstream media let alone throughout any academic curriculum.

Essential to understanding the basics of manipulative control systems implemented against the general public by organized efforts this video is a good introduction to changes and agenda's approaching that would lead one to better comprehend a few concealed realities around them.


Jedi Council Member
US and Russian secret service collaboration on climate change (ARTE France 2016)
Synopsis: After the Cold War, climate change was the driving force behind unusual political cooperation between secret services in the United States and in Russia.

The story of how climate change forced the American secret services to collaborate with their erstwhile Russian adversaries in the aftermath of the Cold War is not widely known. But the perceived threat of global warming transcended diplomatic and ideological fault lines and forced the two rival blocs to collaborate.

Right after the end of the Cold War the CIA, one of the biggest and most powerful intelligence agencies in the world, focused intensively on the controversial issue of global warming. The magnitude of climate change created an almost unthinkable collaboration with Moscow’s military intelligence service, GRU. The report is both a political thriller and a science documentary at the same time, not only looking at secret research projects but also some extraordinary friendships that grew out of the joint venture. At first, the intelligence agents and scientists eyed each other with suspicion, but soon they developed close personal relationships and came to share an almost utopian vision of a better future.

Cymatics pt. 4 - Soundscapes - Experiments in animation with sound & vibration (1970)

Imaging how easy you can manipulate the matter, weather or population mood with the correct frequency.


Jedi Council Member
Race against Trump's Wall (SBS Dateline 2017)
This links works only for Australian ip. You can use proxy server to watch it.
Synopsis: As Trump pushes forward with his Mexican wall, Dateline meets those still desperate to cross the border and chase the American dream. But what awaits them, if they make it through alive?

California's Water Wars (SBS Dateline 2017)
Synopsis: After 6 years of drought, California has finally had a deluge of rain. But with much of the state's water supply being sent to LA, people in drought-affected areas feel they've been left high and dry.


Since the Olympic Games hot topic here's a documentary about the connection between olympism and fascism.

Olympic Flame
by Dr Ljubodrag Simonovic - Duci

Publication date 2000
Topics Olympic games, capitalism, destruction, Olympic flame, ecocide, genocide, competition, capitalist destructiveness, socialism, new world, communism, revolution
Language English
Documentary by Dr. Ljubodrag Simonovic - Duci about history of modern olympism, history of modern sport, Pierre de Coubertin, connection between olympism and fascism.

Sport is a capitalist competition. Not every historical form of competition is sport, but the one which is the embodiment of the Social Darwinist principle bellum omnium contra omnes and the absolutized principle of the quantitatively measurable performance shaped in the Olympic maxim citius, altius, fortius – which corresponds to the market economy and the absolutized principle of profit.

Sport acquired its institutional character in the second half of the XIX century and represents a way of dealing with the leading ideas of the French Revolution, critical rationalism, emancipatory possibilities of the newly formed democratic institutions, as well as with the philanthropic and dancing movements. It is not a product of an advanced bourgeoisie which, inspired by the spirit of the Enlightenment and ideals of the French Revolution, strives to create a new society, but of the imperialist circles which strive to deal with the emancipatory heritage of the XIX century civil society and conquer the world. The modern Olympic Games are an expression of the „mondialist“ spirit of imperialism and as such rejection of the cultural (religious) being of the ancient Olympic Games, as well as of the Olympic ideas and movements of the Modern Age – which are based on the Hellenic spiritual heritage, national cultures and the emancipatory heritage of civil society (Gutc Muths, Schartan, Brookes, Lesseps, Grousse...).

caballero reyes

The Living Force
Wave of foreign emigrants to the towns of southern Mexico, Axixic (ajijic), one of them.


Jedi Council Member
Portugal: US base in the Azores linked to inflated cancer rates, environmental damage *EXCLUSIVE* (RUPTLY 2018)
Inhabitants of the Portuguese island of Terceira in the Azores are growing increasingly worried by incidents of cancer and other serious diseases that appear to be afflicting them at higher rates than islanders in the rest of the North Atlantic archipelago. These illnesses are thought to be caused by a series of environmental hazards connected to the US military's decades-long use of the island as an airbase, according to several reports that have begun reaching the public's attention.
Are Toxins In Food Coming From Its Packaging? [Best Before] (Altemeier & Hornung Filmproduktion 2011)
Colourful, hygienic and nicely packaged: supermarket food is the same wherever you go in the world. But the packaging often contains dangerous toxins that can enter the food chain and pose serious health risks.

世界各地运送我相同的产品nto our supermarket chains. They are made to last as long as possible and look as eye catching as they can - presentation is everything. But food scientists are sounding the alarm bells. Packaging often contains dangerous toxins that can seep into the food it is meant to protect. Only a few of these toxins are known to us and only a few have been tested for their possible effects on human health. "I estimate that various types of packaging contain about 100,000 substances in a concentration that could well be relevant" says food chemist, Dr Konrad Grob. Despite hundreds of studies highlighting possible health risks such as hormonal imbalances and infertility, the EU has been unable to protect consumers. "It's a complicated issue. You've got lots of different national administrations, national legislations, different cultures", says Joe Hennon, a spokesperson for the European Commission for Environment. A ban on toxic substances and printing colours is overdue and it's not likely to happen any time soon.


Jedi Council Member
The Toxins Return (Altemeier & Hornung Filmproduktion 2009)
Synopsis: Barbie, H&M jeans, everyday corn- just some of the products recalled due to controls on the use of dangerous chemicals. Now a wave of toxicity cases is calling to account cheap manufacture in countries without chemical controls. We follow the toxic trail from field worker - to customs official - to high street shopper. How much can we trust the products in our family homes?

In Hamburg, the third largest port in Europe, Professor Bauer addresses the disgruntled members of the Dutch Transport Union. Containers coming in with toxins should be marked he says but nobody enforces this - those who break the regulations are not punished. Suddenly a port worker collapses: he has been exposed to toxins and his brain has suffered serious long-term damage. Its difficult to continue after this event the professor says but it shows more than I could ever tell you. Millions of workers are in danger.

If you were to breath in the air from this container you would seriously harm yourself says the chief safety inspector at Hamburg port. Methal Bromide is outlawed in Europe, but it arrives here regularly. Tracing the container back to Hong Kong, the compulsory fumigation of products before shipping, is revealed as a hazard in itself. All of my colleagues here had the same problem says one fumigator After four years Im so sick that I can barely come to work.

More hazardous still is the manufacture. Once I was unconscious in hospital for two weeks says one Indian field worker but I survived and we have no choice but to spray when the worms come. In Indias cotton belt, more pesticides are used than in any other country in the world and highly toxic and often cancerous chemicals can be bought from the local shop.

It is here that clothing giants like H&M find their suppliers. Julia was a loyal employee of a H&M store until repeated exposure to shipments left her seriously ill. I was in a bad state she remembers if Id stayed any longer, I would have lost my kidneys. Not only is testing of products voluntary but some chemical residues from foreign manufacturers are still legal. The responsibility for testing clothes is handed over to foreign suppliers says one textile importer I assume its taken care of.

I think its scary especially if you think of your children wearing these clothes says one H&M customer. Children may be the most at risk. In January 2009, more than 1,300 toxic toys were found in Europe. Actually, this doll is toxic waste and doesnt even belong on the market says one product tester. With toxins connected to record levels of young men with sperm counts so low they will never father children, this eye-opening documentary reveals that stricter controls are critical in our increasingly toxic world.


Jedi Council Member
Psychopath Next Door - (Doc Zone | CBC 2014)
Synopsis: We often think of a psychopath as a serial killer. But most are not physically violent & they live among us undetected. Charming, manipulative & ruthless, these are the “snakes in suits” who don’t rob the bank, but become a director of it.


Jedi Council Member
Glyphosate: The Poisoned Debate (RTS 2017)
Glyphosate: The Poisoned Debate: The EU has said yes to a new five-year lease for the controversial pesticide Glyphosate. Posing questions about its potential dangers to our health, this report follows those fighting for and against the chemical.

Earth 2050 - The Future of Energy Part 1 (Mediacom Worldwide, Inc. 2011)
By the year 2050 the world populations will have grown to 9 billion, we will have vast Megacities, and energy demand will double. The number of cars will grow from 1 billion to 2 billion and our demand for resources will soar.

We need new sources of energy and in particular new liquid fuels for transport. Whilst electric cars are on the rise, battery technology falls well short for applications in trucks and airplanes. These technolgies are around today with Brazil already producing 40% of its on transport liquid fuel by making ethanol from sugar cane.

But this solution will not meet world demand due to competition for farming land between food and energy crops.To meet world demand 2nd generation biofuels will be required. This video looks at current developments from synthetic biology to material chemistry and artificial photosynthesis.

Truth About European Climate Ethanol - EPISODE 2
汽油emits twenty times less harmful particles than diesel and ethanol makes petrol even cleaner. Ethanol is pure alcohol made entirely of natural starches and sugars found in plants. It has high levels of octane, so when it is blended with petrol the resulting fuel burns more efficiently, increasing the car’s fuel economy and reducing both the climate damaging carbon emissions and the air pollutants that cause respiratory diseases.

可以使用任何一种作物,部分go into animal feed and the plant residues left over after harvesting. In the case of cereals which account for 80% of European ethanol, the starch content of the grain is converted to sugar which is then fermented and refined to ethanol. This starch is of little value as livestock nutrition so the ethanol process doesn’t deprive farmers of of anything. The protein part of the grain - which is essential for livestock nutrition - goes straight back to the farm in the form of pure high quality animal feed. Indeed it greatly reduces Europe’s dependency of protein meal imports from soy plantations in developing countries abroad.

It is not true that ethanol makes fuel from food: it makes fuel and food, as a wonderful example of resource efficiency and cascading use of primary resources. And as emerging technologies for processing harvesting residues take off, the efficiency of the entire sector will reach even greater levels, further displacing fossil oil in both transport and industry.

In addition to the climate and animal nutrition benefits ethanol refineries create long term secure livelihoods for farm communities as well as hubs for regional bioeconomy innovation and investment. Ethanol is an anchor for rural development. It encourages farmers to boost productivity, bring underused land back into efficient production and employ sustainable land use techniques.


Jedi Council Member
The Great Invasion - Documentary on endocrine disruptors (Mosaique Films 2010)
Synopsis: A documentary by Stéphane Horel on endocrine disrupting chemicals (2010).

Our ordinary everyday lives are steeped in chemical products. Invisible, they are encrusted in plastic, in detergents and toasters, concealed in our food, in toys, in shampoo. They have invaded everything, including our bodies.
Thanks to the consumer society, petrochemicals, with their magicical powers and unfamiliar barbaric names are happily strolling around our little insides. These phthalates, brominated flame retardants, parabens, bisphenol-a, all have the regrettable habit of invading our hormonal intimacy. They are endocrine disruptors. The pioneer scientists taking part in this documentary say that from breast cancer to obesity, this chemical invasion is closely tied up with the diseases of modern society.
These findings are more than dramatic, but the film takes a step back from the straight facts, alternating wry humour and poetry. The paper cut-out animation shows parallel sketches of the destinies of human beings and laboratory animals. 1950-60s TV commercials show radiant couples dancing between two-door fridges: a love story between modern man and the marvels of plastic and the profusion of electric appliances, pure allegories of the frenzy of progress.
With Linda Birnbaum, Philippe Grandjean, Jerrold Heindel, Andreas Kortenkamp, Niels Skakkebaek, Ana Soto, Shanna Swan.

Endocrination - Documentary HD (What's Up Films 2014)
Synopsis:A countdown has begun in Brussels. Europe is considering a ban on endocrine disruptors, ubiquitous chemicals that hijack children’s hormonal systems and impair their health. But the potential regulation is a threat for a vast array of economic interests. The future generations mandate an astute baby to lead a behind the scenes investigation of European democracy where industry, scientists and NGOs fight for influence.

The result of an 18-month investigation, Endocrination exposes the indulgence and sensitivity of the European institutions towards corporate influence. Attack of independent researchers, instrumentalisation of science, conflicts of interest: the film also lifts the veil on the various strategies used by the chemical and pesticides lobbies, borrowed from the tobacco industry’s tool-box, to short-circuit the forthcoming regulation.

Natural Solutions for Hormonal Imbalance and Endocrine Disruptors
Dr. Group explains why hormonal balance is important, and what you can do about it. To learn more about endocrine disruptors.

Dr. Edward Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM is the founder and CEO of Global Healing Center. He assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced life changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It's our mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love.


I want to present you an artistically brilliant but also a bizarre documentary film.

这是一个电影刻画三个孩子居住in Sarajevo during the siege (1995). Through their stories the film tries to depict a sensational pictures of the youngsters who has been through three and a half years of war trying nonetheless to overcome its traumas. Their seem to be three individual stories but the link is there - a three year old boy who never stops riding his tricycle along the streets of Sarajevo, not missing a spot or a corner of his city, an omnipresent witness. He is our guide leading us from one child to the other, opening for us a picture of almost bizarre life of the children of Sarajevo.

Category: Documentary
Format: Beta SP
Duration: 23 min
Production date: August 1995
Producers: Ismet Arnautalic / Ademir Kenovic
Cast: Adis Hasic / Jasena Hadzovic
Editing: Almir Kenovic
Camera: Milenko Uherka
Screenplay: Pjer Zalica
Director: Pjer Zalica

This short film is abundant with emotional but also humorous scenes.

P.S. What I noticed when I watched the movie, and not related to the subject, is that children in the film are much more eloquent, have more vocabulary and are better and more clearly expressed, even when they are talking about traumatic experiences and things, in relation to today's children or even their professors.


Jedi Council Member
ShadowRing (Free Mind Films 2015)
There is, without doubt, a power elite that hides in the shadows, and looks to control, everything..!
Chris Emery and James Perloff's film ShadowRing...
一个暴露在历史和今天的影响力of America’s shadow oligarchy, including the Council on Foreign Relations’ domination of Presidential cabinets and policy, the debauching of our economy by the Federal Reserve, the use of false flags to embroil us in wars, media control, and the ultimate goal of world government.
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