Mysterious spiraling fireballs caught on camera



FOTCM Member
A few kids film a light which loops in the sky and changes colour. The video is a bit rough but interesting all the same. A remote control fire ball! ;)

I couldn't embed the video from the Daily Mail page so i found same on youtube.

Katie Real, 11, saw a blazing light outside bedroom window in Northampton

Used laptop to film it dance in the sky for 39 seconds before it disappeared

Her mother, Fiona Fearon, 30, said: 'It looked like a ball of fire - it was weird'

She called local airfield the next day but they said they knew nothing about it



FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

某种spirali后等离子体现象ng charge trail? (Not technical terms here, but I hope you get what I mean.)


FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Of the two comments on the Daily Mail page, one said it looked like ball lightning which he had seen many times in South Africa... The way it spins (to me) does look organic and they comment from the children that it changes colour, as things do when 'burning', follows that it could be some reaction. I've never seen anything like it though.


FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Update from GabeHash YT

"This glider shoots fireworks from their wings and is part of a controlled display. I also did last year and this past Saturday June 1, 2014.
In conclusion, the type of movement, height and type of light correspond to a glider with fireworks and not as an alien spacecraft is starting to say some media.
To finish we make a comparison with the alleged object seen on June 1, 2014 with an air show in Sunderland in 2011." [see screenshot attached below]

What is curious to me is the Daily Mail stated: "Mrs Fearon said she rang an airfield nearby the following day to ask if the ball of light was anything to do with them, and was told it was not. "
" Published: 15:34, 4 June 2014 | Updated: 10:22, 5 June 2014" but this apparent update doesn't include this new speculation
Having checked GabeHash's speculation, it does coincide with the location in Northampton and filming (Saturday 31st May - first day of the airshow), and though the air field commented they "they knew nothing about it" they may have assumed the report was for a craft or flight, though you'd think they'd get a clue.


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FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

itellsya said:
Of the two comments on the Daily Mail page, one said it looked like ball lightning which he had seen many times in South Africa... The way it spins (to me) does look organic and they comment from the children that it changes colour, as things do when 'burning', follows that it could be some reaction. I've never seen anything like it though.

Interesting...I never saw a video of a ball lightning behaving like this. But then, I haven't seen many videos of ball lightnings, either! That's how ball lightning "usually" behaves:

It's very possible that it's some sort of plasma phenomenon, or maybe it's also something else. See the following article on SOTT for more theories.

As for GabeHash analysis, there are some inconsistencies, even if his theory has a good chance of being correct. First of all, one of the main problems with analyzing the situation correctly, is trying to reach the conclusion based on an incorrect or missing data. If the only two possibilities are either an alien craft or a fireworks show, then it's already a bad analysis, doesn't matter how thorough.

Also, here is the video GabeHash posted as a comparison:

You can see from the video, that fireworks leave distinct burning trail that stays for a bit after. The UK object is too far away, so there is no way to say if it also lives a tail, though at some points it does burns the same way. But it still looks different, maybe primarily due to the wider circles two the aircrafts have to do in the above video. But maybe airplanes experts on the forum could comment on that.

Another issue is the airshow. Actually, it wasn't an "airshow", but an aeroexpo.
The airshow is going to be in August at the same airport.

Theydidhave airshow during the expo as well, but it was during the day, at 13:00.
And the expo itself was going only till 17:00.

Another detail from GabeHash's video that can be indicative of a sloppy research (though, don't want to judge) is the date. On Saturday it was 31 of May,not1st of June. So if he called or written to the airport and asked about 1st of June, then it's possible that he got data that has nothing to do with the object. fwiw.

In any case, I have no idea what it is! But it's surely interesting!:cool2:


FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

I'm not one to afford Gabe Hash the last word but after seeing the dates for the expo, the location, i had just assumed he was (probably) right..

Ball lightning is one phenomena that i can't recall the characteristics of, so thank you for the clip, you are right it behaves quite differently. I've just begun reading Pierres expo on plasma physics in ECHCC and i did raise my eyebrow earlier when comparing an image in there with this footage (maybe my imagination), i think it was the similarity of colours that got me.

They did have airshow during the expo as well, but it was during the day, at13:00.
And the expo itself was going only till17:00.
from the article: "Katie Real, 11, saw the bizarre fireball in the sky above her home in Northampton after going to draw the curtains onSaturday night.
And the filming shows quite a dark (if cloudy) sky, we have had very cloudy days here in the UK recently but the sun has been strong and setting closer to 9pm, it's possible the sky is just that dark, or due to the camera adjusting. But like you noted, why a 5pm finish and yet it is claimed to have been filmed at 'night'? Maybe they were rehearsing? Or it was a private show/finale? Hmm..

Thanks Keit, i followed those links, how curious ;)


Padawan Learner
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

I have seen something like this too! It has been approx. 5 months ago when I was on the train and we passed Nierstein in Germany. Suddenly my friend pointed towards the window and we saw a fireball not unlike the one in the first video. My friend asked me if I see the same as her, to confirm that she hasn't gone nuts, but I saw it too. Unfortunately, it simply vanished after a few seconds, and too soon, so i couldn't take a photo or video of this. We wondered if it simply vanished into the clouds (as it was a grey and cloudy sky that day), but it really looked like it just vanished and lost its physical form.


FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Just to add, the Sott article states: "Katie Real, 11, spotted the mysterious glowing orb performing loops across the sky from her window onSaturday eveninglocal time. "

It is still rather ambiguous and you could say 5pm is the evening and the daily mail writer judged it to be night from the darkness of the sky in the clip.. It was "filmed from a laptop" and they are notoriously bad with lighting.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Laura said:
某种spirali后等离子体现象ng charge trail?(Not technical terms here, but I hope you get what I mean.)

It looks like you were right Laura. We have a new technical term too - "Loopy trap". :)

A: Bleedthroughs are EM phenomena.

Q: (L) So, all kinds of EM phenomena... I mean, like even those weird noises with the storms.

(Andromeda) And the looping fireball...

(Pierre) Oh yeah! And lightning strikes hitting cars, weird explosions that nobody hears, um...

(Perceval) Strange sounds.

(Pierre) And it seems that electromagnetic phenomena are perceivable manifestations in our density of bleedthrough {of things going on at 4D}.

(L) Yeah. Oh, the circular fireball. What about this circular fireball? Was it a kind of firecracker?

A: No

Q: (L) Okay. Was it an electromagnetic phenomenon also?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Was there any material substance, i.e. was it a chunk of rock or a meteorite?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) So it was ameteorite caught in some kind of EM... loopy trap?


Q: (Perceval) Loopy trap is now an official...

(L) … technical term!

(Pierre)Yeah, it was spiraling. There was an electric field, and a magnetic field, and...

A:The ancient records speak of such things and much more. Just wait and see. You think you have seen weird?!?

Q: (Perceval) You know what? When I saw that, and I figured it may have been a meteorite doing that kind of thing, then I understood why people in the past like those reported in Baillie's book, why people could ascribe some kind of intelligence to those things.

(L) Of course.

(Perceval) But there's no evidence of them. I mean, WE haven't seen things like that. So why would anybody say it's a god, or it's alive?

(L) What about my book, “The Book of Miracles”? That book is full of some of the weirdest things!

(Andromeda) Yeah!

(L)Are we going to see things like are included in “The Book of Miracles” that I have?

A:Yes indeed!

As for GabeHash analysis, there are some inconsistencies, even if his theory has a good chance of being correct. First of all, one of themain problems with analyzing the situation correctly, is trying to reach the conclusion based on an incorrect or missing data. If the only two possibilities are either an alien craft or a fireworks show, then it's already a bad analysis, doesn't matter how thorough.

Another detail from GabeHash's video that can beindicative of a sloppy research(though, don't want to judge) is the date.On Saturday it was 31 of May, not 1st of June. So if he called or written to the airport and asked about 1st of June, then it's possible that he got data that has nothing to do with the object. fwiw.

Some other inconsistencies for me that disprove the GabeHash 'glider with fireworks' conclusion - "This glider shoots fireworks from their wings and is part of a controlled display." are:

"Katie Real, 11, noticed the strange glowing orb performing loops in the sky as she went to shut her curtain onSaturday evening.

The large ball of flames is seenracing across the sky before it dips and dives close to the houses below."

"It just seems to sort offloat there, spin around and then disappear behind a clump of trees."

It is clear from the initial video footage was taken from an elevated vantage point (a flat most probably) that the object in question "dips and dives close to the houses below" and "behind a clump of trees" - which would never happen for obvious safety reasons in an organised aerial display, particularly in a residential area. The object moved in a tighter, organic, fluid movement - not like a typical glider aerial display which needs a much wider turning circle than the object displayed. Also it appears to be late evening, which is an unlikely time for an aerial display.

What's going on in Northampton, UK? Care to speculate?

Secret military bases perhaps?

ROGUE Army enthusiasts have revealed secret information about covert military operations at RAF bases in Northamptonshire on the internet.安全专家谴责这种做法,possibly breaches the Official Secrets Act and gives would-be terrorists dangerous knowledge of UK and US military capabilities.
Sensitive details about military bases at RAF Croughton and RAF Chelveston are published on various websites, which the Chronicle & Echo is not naming.

The websites first offer brief descriptions of each base's history before revealing their current military uses and even provides satellite photography to highlight locations of fences, bunkers and communication facilities.
To justify their actions, the sites' webmasters say these bases are deliberately left off Ordnance Survey maps, or are referred to as "disused airfields" even though the MOD agreed to reveal their whereabouts some years ago.

在他的网站站长州之一:“政府ernment laboratories or military bases can be made to 'disappear' by just deleting them from Ordnance Survey (OS) maps. "You need to appreciate that OS is essentially a Government agency within the MOD.
"Any sensitive sites are mysteriously removed from maps by men in smoke-filled rooms in Whitehall and just end up appearing as farmers' fields."

David Sadler, the new Dean of Social Sciences at University College Northampton, said it was just the kind of information would-be terrorists could use.
Mr Sadler, whose career has seen him work for the Foreign Office in the areas of arms control and disarmament in the Middle East, said: "Clearly terrorists would want to use this kind of sensitive information.

"What's not so clear is whether the people behind the websites have actually broken the Official Secrets Act or if they are just military enthusiasts who are highlighting information already in the public domain.
"However, whether the information is accurate or not, it would clearly attract and excite the attentions of people who have a more mysterious or sinister purpose, such as terrorists."

A spokesman for the MOD said: "The Ministry of Defence does not operate any secret bases in the UK.
"However, there will be elements within the MOD that, for operational reasons, are classified. Security at all our military installations is always of paramount importance."

The Chronicle & Echo yesterday tried to contact the webmasters who have published the information, but they were unavailable for comment.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

What's going on in Northampton, UK? Care to speculate?

There does seem to be a disproportionately high number of 'high strangeness' cases in Northamptonshire having occurred in recent years. Perhaps not so coincidental is the fact that RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire, has been recently indicated as an important communications facility for spying and war related purposes and drone attacks, which appears to make it a military base of some significance. Just as the facilities at Los Alamos or the Sandia National Laboratory, may have attracted the "green fireball phenomenon", during the time frame when the 'atomic' situation was of particular importance.

The green fireball phenomenon came to prevalence in the late 1940s, and no one in the scientific world knew what to make of it. The fireballs would shoot through the atmosphere,usually in the vicinity of highly classified nuclear facilities like Los Alamos or the Sandia National Laboratory, where atomic bombs were assembled. At the time, these weresome of the most sensitive and top-secret locations in the United States.

Is RAF Croughton an 'attractor' of 'Cosmic Justice' / EM related phenomena ?

RAF Croughton is by far the most important military bases run by the United States of America in Europe. It is located in Northamptonshire, in the central part of the United Kingdom. It is one of the widest military switchboards of Europe. At the same time, it deals with more than30% of the American communicational operationson the old continent.

Over the years,the base was extremely important when it came to the communications in the area. It indirectly served in the upcoming conflicts led by the United States of America, from theGulf War to the recent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Data from the global network of US embassy spy posts implicated in the eavesdropping on Angela Merkel’s mobile phone is funnelled back to Washington through a secret hub in Northamptonshire, The Independent can reveal.

Vast quantities of information captured by America’s “Stateroom” system of listening stations in diplomatic missions – including phone calls and data sent over wi-fi links – are routed back to spy chiefs viaa communications hub within the US Air Force base in Croughton, near Milton Keynes.

The facility at RAF Croughton has been identified as a relay centre for CIA clandestine and agent communications. It has also now been named in documents leaked by the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden as playing a key support role in embassy-based spying.

The Northamptonshire base is home to the 422nd Air Base Group,whose role includes processing at least a quarter of all US military communications in Europe. The base, which was originally used by the Americans in the 1950s to relay nuclear bomber communications, hit the headlines earlier this year when it emerged that British Telecom won a contract to supply a secure fibre-optic link between RAF Croughton and a US air base in Djiboutiused to co-ordinate drone strikes over Yemen. The £14m contract raised suspicions that it could be used to relay instructions for drone attacks. The MoD insisted that USAF staff at RAF Croughton “neither fly nor control” any remotely piloted aircraft.
Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith

Jedi Council Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Thanks for sharing. I live close by :/

The RAF Croughton however is hardly a "secret base", it is widely known that they are doing this communication stuff there. Also, one can hardly ignore their giant dish and this strange "golf-ball"-like dome-thing which is visible for everyone passing on the motorway.

Are you aware that the Chronicle and Echo article is 10 years old?

I totally agree with this, though:

Is RAF Croughton an 'attractor' of 'Cosmic Justice' / EM related phenomena ?

I think you are right on there. Or - they are doing other stuff (the real secret stuff) that induces these phenomena. Or - there is a secret underground base like in Dulce, NM, where the C's said that 4th density has already "taken over".

If I may ask my question now: You've got
these third density bases that are going to move to fourth density. Are they going to need to re- establish another third density base
to continue their work? To replace the one that's gone?
A: Why? The whole "territory" will be in 4th then. Tremendous reality shock will occur when it crosses the border.
Q: (L) How will we in third perceive it? (J) We won't! (L) Now, wait, don't make assumptions here! How will we in third
perceive it? Let's play make-believe here. What are they going to say?
A: Tremendous reality shock when cross border.
Q: (L) Are you saying that this whole region will go into fourth density when the Realm Border crossing occurs, or is it going to
happen shortly?
A: Before!
Q: (L) OK, this is going to be a tremendous reality shock to us, in third density? (J) I guess! (SV) Well, New Mexico's not going to
be there any more! (L) Well, now, how are we going to perceive it? That's what I want to know! Are we going to see a big hole in
our world? Are we going to see a vast, empty desert?
A: New Mexico will still be there, but suggest review driving skills, for but one example! [JR's note: New Mexico's vehicle
license plate does say "Land of Enchantment."]
Q: (T) New Mexico will still exist, but the perception, when you drive into it, is going to change completely, because you've
moved into a different density?
A: Cooking will be fun too!



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Hi MT.

The RAF Croughton however is hardly a "secret base"

I meant to clarify that there may be a "secret base" underground, which may be an 'attractor' to EM phenomena, as well as the overt military activities of the base itself, which are very relevant today (communications - spying and drone attack).

I think you are right on there. Or - they are doing other stuff (the real secret stuff) that induces these phenomena. Or - there is a secret underground base like in Dulce, NM, where the C's said that 4th density has already "taken over"

Indeed. Perhaps we are beginning to see more clearly specific locations - particular 'hot spots' - that are moving to 4D, or are there already - "before" the Realm Border crossing, as the Cs mentioned.

Thanks for the Cs session quote. The driving reference has been made a few times in relation to our perception of 4D, eg driving for groceries and "ending up in Moscow", but the following quote is very intriguing to me.

A: Cooking will be fun too!

就其价值而言,我的解释是与张的阶段es'. A pork chop taken from my freezer, thaws out, then I apply heat to cook it. The conventional 3D cooking process involves 3 different material states - solid, liquid and gas. So perhaps in 4D there will be a 4th state? Will 'plasma cooking' be the norm in the future? :)

We live in interesting times indeed!!!
Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith

Jedi Council Member
Re: schoolgirl films mysterious dancing fireball doing loop-the-loop

Sorry, A.C., I wasn't aware that you already meant the secret bases. I guess, I just read the article and didn't discover anything that wasn't known already. I also tried to find the website that is mentioned in the Chronicle article, and it might be this one:

(scroll down to Croughton and you see the golfballs)

SOTT indeed reported a lot of stuff from the Northampton area in the past, from which seeing "orange orbs" or "orange lights" in the night sky are the most prevalent. Just type "orange lights" and "northamptonshire" or "northampton" in a search engine of your choice and you get several pages of results.:scared:

By the way, the patch of the 422nd Air Base Squadron stationed in Croughton looks like this:


A castle with a lightning bolt, hmmm.



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This looks like another such incident, this time with at least two fireballs and right over Los Angeles. Filmed September 5th:

Thanks for sharing Niall. From the second video, which was closer, they looked liked 'plasma type orbs' to me, with an almost 'organic', fluid quality about them. With increasing cometary and volcanic dust loading of our atmosphere, these types of 'plasma phenomena' and mysterious cloud formations ought to become more common I think. Interesting times! :)
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