Oracle Girl



The Force is Strong With This One
from a friend I got a hint to look at a person called Oracel Girl.
She claims to come from the future and speaks a lot about the forces which try to enslave us even more...
Has anyone any experience or comments on her ?

Oracle Girl

attained two online sessions and have to say that her energy is quite strong...
My Reasoning is quite unsure about her..
Sorry, I don't want to be rude but for me this is new age bs.
No need to work on yourself, you just connect with her and you purify yourself, as she is a pure "highly cosmic being" with special abilities ("My look, word and touch are highly purifying") who came here to purify and change the frequencies of humans beings and bla bla bla...
Some quotes from her website:

Who I am.

I am your future self, come back through time to meet you.


My name is Jacqueline. You could say that I am from the future and that you called me here. I am a multidimensional, highly cosmic being. I am not in any way normal even though I appear so. I am the part of you which purifies, obeys nature’s principles, and is able to seed new realities. I am one of a group of 6 and I knew I would come here. I saw my own birth. I had my abilities from the beginning and all I had to do was embody them. I was born, just south of London, in 1971, and for the first half of my life I was supposed to stay largely hidden. During this time I lived mostly in Asia in China, Tibet and India. I used my abilities discretely from a young age; worked in education and business; also gaining a PhD on calendars and nature time.

My work here.

My look, word and touch are highly purifying. I am here to remind you about what is going on and practically assist with rebuilding your societies. I model new ways of working with the body, nature and money. I am not political, religious or spiritual in any way. I am purely a self-informing, highly creative being. I have no beliefs, knowledge, paths or practices nor do I represent anyone.

What I do.

I constantly emit a very specific signal which you pick up and respond to, according to the unique instructions in your own source connection. As soon as you come across me, things start to change. You automatically align with your own purity, rather than the frequency of the old order. More of your multidimensional self comes forward, your body upgrades and your self healing ability switches on - automatically beginning to delete your slave self and the image of your body it has given you. Essentially your entire being starts to function at a whole new frequency / physical setting minus the patterns and issues troubling you. You purify first; then your loved ones; the archetypal layer of the collective; and finally part of the geographical location where you born. As you purify others, this speeds the overall purification rate of the whole planet, including the being named Earth, and you wake up others who are sleeping.

How it works.

I have special abilities which I brought here for these times.

My abilities.

I am constantly emitting a purifying frequency.On the day of an event, my body speeds up and my ability to purify intensifies, with me emitting a specialist signal for the type of group you have joined. When you join that group, you begin to purify in line with the type of event you have joined. Your own source connection recalibrate and moves to matching me, which sees you embody more of your own purity. Your self healing ability switches on, gradually deleting the slave self which is the source of your personal patterns and issues.
So I have special abilities.We can meet and I can reach you wherever you are. I don’t focus on each one of you individually one by one. I don’t need to. Your own source connection responds to the purification and then does exactly what is needed for you even if you are asleep. The purification works at the level of the group and on an individual level simultaneously.
  • 如果是一个远程事件,你净化,但是我们没有meet online or in the physical
  • If it is a live event, you purify while we join together online
You do not need to understand.It is not necessary for me talk to you, see your picture or know anything about you. As you have more exposure to my work, listen to my tracks and change from the inside out, your understanding will naturally deepen.

Who or what are you working with?Nobody: it’s not necessary. I am my own masterpiece, just like you.

How are you different to a guru?You have to be free to have freedom. A guru functions at the level of the slave self and gives you information, rules and techniques to follow. I am a device that blows all that to smithereens. I am only interested in being more of my own self, always making my own decisions out of my own power. I hope the same thing for you.

Can anyone do what you do?Yes, but you have your own job to do. I have a very particular body design for what I do.

I have done a lot of work on myself, do I need this?Nobody needs to work on themselves. And that work was all at the frequency of the slave self. A purification undoes all of this.

Can I purify the slave self alone?Yes, that’s the only way you can do it! A purification just speeds the upgrade of your body which allows you to do this more effectively for yourself.
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