Paul's Necessary Sin: The Experience of Liberation - Pauline Christianity = PaleoChristianity


Cleopatre VII

The Force is Strong With This One
She learns through the choices she's made and makes. This is the purpose of free will. The process is natural, it doesn't require divine powers. God gives her soul the time it needs to grow in understanding.

It only seems hopeless because she lacks understanding. The 'contradiction' exist due to some wrong assumption she has. If she is sincere, God will show her the way out of the labyrinth. She must work faithfully and patiently until the way becomes clear.

And she works. She thinks there are things that require hardship and love. Although she probably wonders if others have such hardships and thorny darknesses. What were the most difficult situations in your lives?


FOTCM Member
The question is what a miracle is ... I have experienced miracles in my life. But does anyone who did not experience them have the right to talk about them? Miracles elude the laws of physics known today. Is this a bad definition?

我认为这是一个不完整的定义。在这个联合国iverse it is quite possible that certain phenomena are governed by the law of chance, are intrinsically chaotic. When such a particular sequence of random events happens, there is no law of physics telling that it MUST have happened. And yet it is just the game of chance, not a miracle. So eluding the laws of physics is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for a phenomenon to be considered as a miracle. On the other hand the very fact that are any laws of physics at all is a miracle, but it is a miracle on a cosmic scale, while here we are probably more interested in miracles that concern us personally.

理论物理学家了解米吗iracles? Know enough to be allowed to speak of them? I think I may know something. First I have had several experience that I perceived as miracles, when my life has been saved in potentially deadly situations. I should have died several times, and yet I was allowed to live. It can be considered as a chance, but chances that it was a chance are negligible. My reading of these cases was: there is a work that is still to be done in this life. It is not finished. And I am getting another chance to do it, to fulfill my obligation in this life. Another miracle was when I met my Laura. The circumstances of our meeting have been described in The Wave. But it is not that simply our meeting was a miracle, it is the result of this meeting. Sometimes people meet in an apparently miraculous way, but it proves to be a "chance miracle". A "Trickster" of higher density is playing games with people, letting them meet in miraculous circumstances, and this Trickster is haveing fun monitoring the consequences of this "miracle". People can easily mistake a game of higher (STS) forces for a "plan of higher (STO) forces". And it is the last one that I consider a real miracle. But to decide which is which is not easy and a test of time is necessary.

Cleopatre VII

The Force is Strong With This One
Today I would like to raise a bit eschatological topics. I'll start with the question. Are you afraid of death?


FOTCM Member
Today I would like to raise a bit eschatological topics. I'll start with the question. Are you afraid of death?

You are asking each to provide their view on the topic of topics, which has been well discussed in threads such asthisand elsewhere. It is a very individual process that develops as one ages and is augmented by peoples understandings and experiences, and even at that it is within their final moments where they fight it or become at peace with it.

Stephen Jenkinson offers his point of view of the death industry, as he calls it, in his talk as aGriefwalker.

If a person has not contemplated the afterlife, it may be more of a struggle; religions will have bearing on how death is perceived i.e Christian, Buddhist et cetera. There is also death by accident, which most avoid/fear, war, disease and old age.

Perhaps you would like to lead the way with your own question/thinking?

Cleopatre VII

The Force is Strong With This One
You are asking each to provide their view on the topic of topics, which has been well discussed in threads such asthisand elsewhere. It is a very individual process that develops as one ages and is augmented by peoples understandings and experiences, and even at that it is within their final moments where they fight it or become at peace with it.

Stephen Jenkinson offers his point of view of the death industry, as he calls it, in his talk as aGriefwalker.

If a person has not contemplated the afterlife, it may be more of a struggle; religions will have bearing on how death is perceived i.e Christian, Buddhist et cetera. There is also death by accident, which most avoid/fear, war, disease and old age.

Perhaps you would like to lead the way with your own question/thinking?

I am asking about this, because this thread began with Paul. From the notion of sin understood very broadly also. Now I am talking about death, and there were miracles and love. Death is another important aspect. Emotions are especially significant to me right now. Theology will come later...


FOTCM Member
I am asking about this, because this thread began with Paul. From the notion of sin understood very broadly also.Now I am talking about death, and there were miracles and love. Death is another important aspect. Emotions are especially significant to me right now. Theology will come later...

From your posts, unless incorrect, Theology is something you have awareness of (so it 'will come later' and happy to read it). As for emotions, if you like, perhaps providing additional context would be a good opportunity for others to consider. With Paul here, as in this book, he is discussing two deaths as Ashworth says here - first of Ziesler:

Sin and death cannot be separated. Paul uses them almost interchangeably, perhaps because one inevitably results in the other, or perhaps because sin means death in relation to God. Indeed we cannot be sure how far he means physical death or ‘spiritual’ death (as in Rom 8: 10) or both together,so that sin in effect is death-in-life, with the awful threat that it will one day be made absolute.

and in Ashworth's words:

So Paul describes the individual’s transformation from old life in Adam to the new life in Christ as a dying. Because the identification of existence with the flesh is the reality of life as people experience it then,就像肉体死亡的身体担心s the end of existence, so the end of existence identified with the body is described by Paul as going through a kind of dying. Paul also affirms the continuity of the new life with the old when he uses the image of mortal existence being clothed over with the ‘alive-making’ Spirit or Christ.

Personally, have lost many in death and they each, in their end, exhibited differences in how they have dealt with it, and this spoke to their personal experiences in life. There have also been mass accidental truama wherein it is sudden - shock, and it can't be known (NDE can look at it though). There was a man who died of a sudden mass cardiac arrest, and a few of us worked to revive him and get him moved; before he went completely and suddenly he had stepped out of a vehicle and was looking at a rushing forest stream and had commented, it is so beautiful. These were his last words.
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Today I would like to raise a bit eschatological topics. I'll start with the question. Are you afraid of death?

When I was young age, about 8-10, my friends and I met old lady, that she had untidy white hair, few black teeth, lots wrinkles on her face and body, she had cane but her body was half way bend down.
I thought she must be more than 100 years old, but someone told me that she was 60 years old! I was really shocked, and thinking that, so this is life for humans fates.
After that I didn’t afraid to die, and never envy others or trying to be rich, so on...
That’s why once I encountered rapist when he threatened my life, I laughed at him, and told him that you can try but I will bite off your fingers or nose and die with you. He got so scared and back off.
But since I learned lots things about life in universe. So now, I like to cross over to 4th density while I am still live but if something threatens against my will, then I don’t mind die anytime.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
As far as "3D forces of the light planets for contemplation before 5D contemplation", I don't quite understand what that means. That there are planets that 3D STO beings could "go to" for contemplation?


Q: (L) Is there a 3rd level representative of the forces of the light?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they have a planet of their own?

A: Have quadrillions of them.
I meant you might want to contemplate the idea there may be a quadrillion other planets that are actually "the forces of light" (STO?).

You could do this now before you go to 5D to contemplate or wait till you go to 5D (as someone else said it is not mandatory).


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The reason that led to the fall from another dimension is not Eve, because she did not even exist at the time, it is a reason of a different nature, it is much more complicated to explain, where I should write a lot.
The dimensions of the Universe according to the criteria that are important for the progress of Conscious Being.


You are not the only one discussing Eve and her being blamed for the "fall" aspect of the story. I think you are probably correct in thinking Eve was not a literal person but there may be a symbolic reason the archetype is portrayed as feminine.

Session 5 October 1994:
Q: (L) What was the Fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was supposedly eaten by Eve and then offered to Adam?

A: Knowledge restriction. Encoding.

Q: (L) What did it mean when it said Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? What act did she perform to do that?

A: Consorted with wrong side.

Q: (L) What does consorted mean?

A: Eve is symbolic.

Q: (L) Symbolic of what?

A: Female energy.

Q: (L) The female energy did what when it consorted?

A: Lost some knowledge and power.

I don't think this means Female energy is "evil" but it may be taken advantage of or become unbalanced.

Actually, the feminine is in direct contact with the creative thought of 7th density according to the Cs.

Session 13 July 2002:
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?

A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.


FOTCM Member
Personally, have lost many in death and they each, in their end, exhibited differences in how they have dealt with it, and this spoke to their personal experiences in life. There have also been mass accidental truama wherein it is sudden - shock, and it can't be known (NDE can look at it though).

I don't know whether this is a sign of his accepting passing over or not, but when my boy-friend's very young brother died in a horrific traffic accident I saw him in my mind's eye bathing in light with a big smile on his face. It completely took me by surprise (I was at home and had gone downstairs to go to the loo on the evening of his death) but the light and his happiness were unmistakeable. I loved him dearly and was still in shock, but looking back that almost blinding light and his face were somehow soothing, although I can't recall feeling like that at the time, I was just observing.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

You are not the only one discussing Eve and her being blamed for the "fall" aspect of the story. I think you are probably correct in thinking Eve was not a literal person but there may be a symbolic reason the archetype is portrayed as feminine.

Session 5 October 1994:

I don't think this means Female energy is "evil" but it may be taken advantage of or become unbalanced.

Actually, the feminine is in direct contact with the creative thought of 7th density according to the Cs.

Session 13 July 2002:

Interesting examples of quotes from the sessions. But one thing comes to my mind, that there is a difference between female energy as a component of human being and feminine which is the personification of spiritual aspects of existence on higher densities.

In the context of "fall" there is female energy and male energy. Female energy was constrained the same as the male energy. Female energy is and should belong to the women, and male energy, as female, coming from and circle through the men.

In the context of feminity connected/originated in 7D, it hasn't anything to do with females. This is personification, for instance, we can say that STS represents the "male" part of the universe, and STO represents the "female" part of the universe. But it doesn't mean that in 4D STS are only males and 4D STO women, for instance.

The connection with the "feminine" part of the 7th Density has women and men; it doesn't depend on sexes, the woman and man have the same de light of being connected with that kind of 7th Density manifestations.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
In the context of feminity connected/originated in 7D, it hasn't anything to do with females.This is personification, for instance, we can say that STS represents the "male" part of the universe, and STO represents the "female" part of the universe. But it doesn't mean that in 4D STS are only males and 4D STO women, for instance.

The connection with the "feminine" part of the 7th Density has women and men; it doesn't depend on sexes, the woman and man have the same de light of being connected with that kind of 7th Density manifestations.

Actually, itisa personification to say "for instance, we can say that STS represents the "male" part of the universe, and STO represents the "female" part of the universe". But I think it is also incorrect to say "that 4D STS are only males and 4D STO women, for instance". In the densities above 3D there is no gender and that includes 4D and above.

Session 8 April 2000:
Q: Was it this male dominated religion that contributed to the destruction of Kantek?

A: No.

Q: Okay, when they were on their home planet, why did they develop a masculine religion as opposed to a feminine one, considering the fact that women are the source of life, in certain terms?

A: In your density, masculinism/feminish is essentially a roll of "the dice."Remember, at higher levels gender is nonexistent.

Q: Well, the problem I am having here is this: the masculine religion is monotheistic, essentially.

A: In your references.
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