Please Help! Hives Breakout? Mind/Body Connection?



The Force is Strong With This One
Hello, I'm reaching out for help regarding this issue.

I believe I have been having "Hive" breakouts 3-4 times a week for the past 7 weeks.

The Hives occur most often on my upper right arm and shoulder. Once on my forehead and in my eyebrows, twice on my hips, and once on my chest but always on my right arm and right shoulder.

First a sensation and an awareness of that part of my body comes into my mind, then some minor burning and minor itching, then over a time period of approxmently 20 mins the sharp acute burning and itching has become acute.

The level of the breakouts vary. Sometimes I feel them coming on and then try to feel and try to mentally fight it before it gets really bad. Then other times it hits me very abruptly and intensely, it is already acute and the breakout comes out on my skin very quickly. I then take an antihistamine and have to wait for it to kick in, in the meantime I am trying not to itch the area as it makes it worse and I go into pipe breath. I try to go into it and feel ever cell of it in the area. I snap back and forth from trying to accept what is happening into anxiety and resistance. I go back and forth repeating this in my mind and body.

这些突破带来了我的眼泪像它ching and burning can be so unbearable and I feel helpless and responsible for disrupting my partners sleep. I want to jump out of my skin and have images and thoughts of cutting off my right arm where the itching pain is. I feel very out of control and then try to breath and fight off the overwhelm and the feeling of helplessness. A part of me is thinking "Am I creating this?" and if so "Why would I do that to myself?" and "How can I make this stop?" It just doesn't make sense?

我正在读关于潜意识和inquiry with myself about what could be going on unconsciously. Also I have tried to discuss it with my partner and try to find connections such as, food allergies, emotional state, nerves, correlations with neck and back pain, my reactions to situations etc. I have been going over the days I have breakouts and looking at what physical, emotional and spiritually state I was in.

I have read in Lousie Hays book, "Heal your body," the following:

-Hives; "Small hidden fears, Mountains out of Molehills."
-Right side of the body where the outbreaks are happening; "giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, father."
-Skin problems; "protect our individuality." A sense organ."
-Itching, "Desires that go against the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse, "to get out or get away."
I have been contemplating on what Lousie Hay says here about the mind-body connection. I have never had allergies to anything or a problem with itching. But have had many different skin breakouts all throughout my life, such as, impetigo at age 14, shingles 2x within a year at age 16, and chicken pox as a child 3 years old..

I also think it is important for me to mention that these outbreaks have happened in LA as well as in Europe. In Germany, Switzerland and France which may cancel out environmental factors?

Also as I write this I am realizing that I have put many hours into discussing and researching this topic at hand as well as lost hours of sleep. I ask myself,"Why is the universe distracting me?" I am at a time in my life that I am committed to self-work, and increasing my awareness and self-knowledge as well as seeking truth and working to see myself and the world more objectively. lt feels like a curse or something working through me to distract me from the gaining awareness?

Some questions that have arisen for me are:

-What is my body trying to tell me?
-Am I cursed, under physic attack?
-Do I need to have this experience to discover something important I need to know about myself and cannot see?
And many others.

I have been researching skin problems, Hives, Allergic reactions, keratosis pilaris, Brachioradial pruritus, urticaria and many other words relating to skin and itching in google. I have been reading here about it and other forums about skin through google searching different words in relation to what is happening.

I don know what else to do and feel it is time to reach out for help. I call these outbreaks "Hives," but I am not even certain that that is what is happening to my body???

Below is some of the research I have found. I would be grateful for any feedback, support, insight, personal experience etc!! Thank you for listening.

-Allergic reactions occur when a person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment.
-Idiopathic is an adjective used primarily in medicine meaning arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause. From Greek ἴδιος, idios (one's own) + πάθος, pathos (suffering), it means approximately "a disease of its own kind".

-Chronic urticaria, defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks,
Chronic urticaria may be divided into 3 primary subgroups, as follows:
• Physical urticaria (ie, symptomatic dermatographism, cholinergic urticaria, pressure urticaria)
• Urticaria secondary to an underlying medical condition
• Chronic idiopathic urticaria

Physical urticaria, which is reproducible with the appropriate stimuli, can be identified with a thorough history and challenge testing.
When a physical etiology has been excluded, the traditional approach has been to order a panel of laboratory tests to uncover an occult medical condition responsible for the skin findings. In many patients, an extensive workup does not uncover an etiology. Urticaria rarely is the sole manifestation of an underlying medical problem.
Patients in whom no explanation for the urticaria is established are said to have chronic idiopathic urticaria; however, findings suggest that in 25-45% of patients, chronic idiopathic urticaria is not actually idiopathic but is an autoimmune disease termed chronic autoimmune urticaria.[1]

-Brachioradial pruritus is a neurogenic itch syndrome of the upper extremities. It is typically localized to the skin on the dorsolateral forearm overlying the proximal head of the brachioradialis muscle, but involvement of the upper arms and shoulders is also common.
This is a quote I found that relates in someways how I am feeling about this:

“我只是觉得医学界并没有得到一个real handle on how allergies affect some of us. I have had one condition called keratosis pilaris - which causes small raised red bumps on my arms in that exact same location all the time. It has something to do with my skin and metabolism and sheddling cells but is no psoriasis. It is hereditary?"


FOTCM Member
What time of day does it happen? Where? What are you generally doing when it starts? Who is generally there?


FOTCM Member
Blueberry, what does your diet look like?

Right now it sounds like you are in much needed symptomatic relief. I would show the lesions to a doc so he or she can give me some cortisone cream and/or something more effective to break the itching cycle. Unless someone knows of an effective herbal topical remedy or other? For me, cortisone cream always brought relief.


A Disturbance in the Force
I would say that you're definitely communicating with yourself and the result is these hives, though examining your diet is vitally important as well since it could be as simple as something you're ingesting that you think is fine but really isn't fine (or even a soap or lotion you're using). Laura's questions are important because the more details we have, the more likely we'll be able to figure out what it is that is really scaring you on such a deep level.

blueberry said:
I have read in Lousie Hays book, "Heal your body," the following:

-Hives; "Small hidden fears, Mountains out of Molehills."
-Right side of the body where the outbreaks are happening; "giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, father."
-Skin problems; "protect our individuality." A sense organ."
-Itching, "Desires that go against the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse, "to get out or get away."
I have been contemplating on what Lousie Hay says here about the mind-body connection. I have never had allergies to anything or a problem with itching. But have had many different skin breakouts all throughout my life, such as, impetigo at age 14, shingles 2x within a year at age 16, and chicken pox as a child 3 years old..

I also think it is important for me to mention that these outbreaks have happened in LA as well as in Europe. In Germany, Switzerland and France which may cancel out environmental factors?

Considering the data so far, if it is not something that you are ingesting, could it be that you are harboring hidden fears about getting more involved with this group, and thus "losing your individuality" (skin problems) a group that you were introduced to by the man in your life (right arm). The itching to get out or get away could also point to this idea. What happened 7 weeks ago?

b said:
Also as I write this I am realizing that I have put many hours into discussing and researching this topic at hand as well as lost hours of sleep. I ask myself,"Why is the universe distracting me?"

The Universe doesn't distract people, but you are communicating with yourself about something, something you are not wanting to consciously look at or bring up (even if it's a diet issue this is still the case because your body is telling you that something is off).

b said:
I am at a time in my life that I am committed to self-work, and increasing my awareness and self-knowledge as well as seeking truth and working to see myself and the world more objectively. lt feels like a curse or something working through me to distract me from the gaining awareness?

Some questions that have arisen for me are:

-What is my body trying to tell me?
-Am I cursed, under physic attack?
-Do I need to have this experience to discover something important I need to know about myself and cannot see?
And many others.

I have been researching skin problems, Hives, Allergic reactions, keratosis pilaris, Brachioradial pruritus, urticaria and many other words relating to skin and itching in google. I have been reading here about it and other forums about skin through google searching different words in relation to what is happening.

I don know what else to do and feel it is time to reach out for help. I call these outbreaks "Hives," but I am not even certain that that is what is happening to my body???

I don't think you're cursed or under psychic attack. I do think that you might have some fears that you aren't acknowledging or that you are afraid to acknowledge because you think it might affect your relationship and I'd not be surprised if they were directly related to getting more involved here. Or, you could be eating something or using something (soap, lotion, etc.) that you're sensitive to and the timing is just coincidental to your involvement here. It will be interesting to find out, because once we figure it out the hives will likely disappear!


FOTCM Member
Psyche said:
Blueberry, what does your diet look like?

Right now it sounds like you are in much needed symptomatic relief. I would show the lesions to a doc so he or she can give me some cortisone cream and/or something more effective to break the itching cycle. Unless someone knows of an effective herbal topical remedy or other? For me, cortisone cream always brought relief.

Yes, and you can also get relief taking benadryl tablets though they will make you sleep so it's not a good daytime option unless you are desperate. I went through exactly what you are describing many years ago and I am now convinced that it was just simply that I had reached a stage of gluten toxicity that my body was trying to detox through my skin.


A Disturbance in the Force
Laura said:
Psyche said:
Blueberry, what does your diet look like?

Right now it sounds like you are in much needed symptomatic relief. I would show the lesions to a doc so he or she can give me some cortisone cream and/or something more effective to break the itching cycle. Unless someone knows of an effective herbal topical remedy or other? For me, cortisone cream always brought relief.

Yes, and you can also get relief taking benadryl tablets though they will make you sleep so it's not a good daytime option unless you are desperate. I went through exactly what you are describing many years ago and I am now convinced that it was just simply that I had reached a stage of gluten toxicity that my body was trying to detox through my skin.

I also had hives during the early detox stages of dropping gluten, so it can be a detox symptom and a sign of gut permeability issues.


Jedi Master
blueberry said:
First a sensation and an awareness of that part of my body comes into my mind, then some minor burning and minor itching, then over a time period of approxmently 20 mins the sharp acute burning and itching has become acute.

Fwiw. I experienced something very similar about 4 years ago.
The hives would always appear on my hands and sometimes on upper legs. Each time, first the strange sensation of 'unrest' and discomfort in my hand(s) would draw my attention there, followed by mild burning and itching sensation accompanied by extreme discomfort and urge to scratch, and before I knew it, my whole hand became almost fully covered with large red hives(even if I didn't scratch it).The end result looked like I had been bitten by a hundred bees after putting my hand in beehive. I don't remember how much it hurt, but it did and was extremely uncomfortable sensation.

But I also had other symptoms like strong headaches, high fever, insomnia and even dark man hallucinations instead of dreams. I was finally diagnosed mononucleosis after a week of hell, and the same day all the symptoms have dissapeared, as suddenly as they appeared.
I'm fairly certain there was also non physical side to my experience, like some kind of struggle that was going on a deeper level, and/or dying of parts of false personality.

Do you have any other symptoms except hives? Doing the blood test might help you find the answer.


FOTCM Member
Serendipity said:
I'm fairly certain there was also non physical side to my experience, like some kind of struggle that was going on a deeper level, and/or dying of parts of false personality.

My worst rash ever was when I was a vegetarian and a med student. Bad combination! I'm certain there were non-physical issues to my rash, but it would have made all the difference if my diet had meat on it. Not to mention gluten-free! Retrospectively it is easy to say that I could have learned from the experience and realize that the social pressure and career was contributing to the problem. I could have searched for alternatives and that would have been an enormous relief.

I showed the rash to one of my teachers who said that it was among the worst ones he has ever seen as a Dermatologist and recommended tranquilizers. I rejected them. I think that regardless if I was ready or not to face my buffers, it would have made the whole difference if my diet would have been different. That alone would had placed me in a better position to face my lessons in a more reasonable way.


The Force is Strong With This One
Laura said:
What time of day does it happen? Where? What are you generally doing when it starts? Who is generally there?

The breakouts have happened anywhere from 5pm to in the middle of the night. Majority of the breakouts are from 8pm-11pm. I notice that when the breakouts come my body is usually relaxed. I am most often already in bed reading or relaxing preparing to go to sleep when the sensations come. Spiral Out, my partner, is generally there since we live together. I had one breakout that was early 5pm when Spiral Out was still at work.

组胺在正常周期起到至关重要的作用sleep and wakefulness -- called circadian rhythms -- that govern our 24-hour day. Histamine is produced in the brain in higher concentrations during the day, which keeps us awake and alert. Levels fall at night. If histamine production is stimulated at night, as is sometimes the case when mosquitoes or spiders bite us, it not only itches, but can keep you awake.

Is it possible my body is over producing Histamines?:huh:

High levels of histamine make it hard for a person to sleep or sit still. Even if a person on a histamine high is able to fall asleep, he will most likely have a fitful night of sleeping,

I have fitful nights of sleep. If I don't have a hive breakout then I usually don't have trouble falling asleep or I have taken an antihistamine which helps me to fall asleep. I seem to wake up in the middle of the night with a breakout on the nights I don't take an antihistamine, then I have to take one in the middle of the night which leaves me feeling lethargic in the morning. Spiral Out has noticed that I am moving a lot in my sleep, abrupt movements, making sounds, etc. I am somewhat aware of these fitful sleeps as I wake up not feeling rested. I also get up most nights in the middle of the night to pee and have a feeling I have woken myself up and the need to pee comes second.

Psyche said:
Blueberry, what does your diet look like?

Right now it sounds like you are in much needed symptomatic relief. I would show the lesions to a doc so he or she can give me some cortisone cream and/or something more effective to break the itching cycle. Unless someone knows of an effective herbal topical remedy or other? For me, cortisone cream always brought relief.

My diet has changed several times over the past year. In February was when I had made my first major change. I was a vegetarian/vegan for 9 years. I introduced eggs, chicken and some bacon. It's important to mention I have been gluten free since October last year and dairy free since 2006. Since July this year I have been eating more meat especially red meat. Since September this year I have been eating much more bacon, sausage, and beef and hardly any carbs and have been gluten and dairy free.

As of today I am going to start a Food Journal. I kept a food journal this past April because I was having digestive issues and discovered that I needed to eat less to no, nuts, seeds and nut and seed butters.
In the near future I will go see a doctor to get a blood test and feel to have a food journal is important for that and also for me to see any patterns.

I also just got "Primal Body, Primal Mind". I have not started it yet as I am reading "Strangers to Ourselves," and have been reading other books. Are there any threads on the forum you would recommend me to check out in terms of diet?

I realize there is a lot of knowledge I need to gain about diet. This in itself is overwhelming as I feel I have so much to learn in all areas regarding diet, cognitive science, cosmic changes, esoterica etc, etc...and at times don't know where to put my focus or where to start:scared:

Thank you Psyche for your suggestions. :)

anart said:
I would say that you're definitely communicating with yourself and the result is these hives, though examining your diet is vitally important as well since it could be as simple as something you're ingesting that you think is fine but really isn't fine (or even a soap or lotion you're using). Laura's questions are important because the more details we have, the more likely we'll be able to figure out what it is that is really scaring you on such a deep level.

I definitely feel I am trying to communicate something to myself. I have been looking at fear and what fears I have. Also childhood trauma and the ways trauma is effecting me from being present in my life. I feel there is a deep fear in me that is unconscious and I don't know what it is. This among many other reasons is why I am reading from the reccommended reading list and opening up to engage on the forum. There is an unravelling going on. A lot has come up for me this past year, especially from childhood.

Considering the data so far, if it is not something that you are ingesting, could it be that you are harboring hidden fears about getting more involved with this group, and thus "losing your individuality" (skin problems) a group that you were introduced to by the man in your life (right arm). The itching to get out or get away could also point to this idea. What happened 7 weeks ago?

I have been contemplating all that you have said here Anart and feel these are valuable questions to ask myself. Thank you for your insights. What presently stands out the most for me is, " The itching to get out or get away could also point to this idea," because of my feeling of overwhelm (combined with a pressure cooker of motivation) at times I cannot focus or judge myself in terms of how I am using my energy and where I am putting my focus. The feeling of confusion around how to organize my time with the practical things in life and the bigger picture, meaning gaining knowledge and awareness within and without. I have so much to learn and had a feeling back in August that I was "nothing" and a part of me was dying and this process was very painful.

Also, 7 weeks ago I was in a job which I am not in anymore that was very difficult and was very draining. I stayed with the job feeling trapped because I felt I needed to make an income and needed to push through and accept where I was at because of the choices I made in the past . I also felt a lot of pressure from myself and from Spiral Out to keep my job until I found some other source of income since has has been paying the rent and bills until we have a more balanced income where I can contribute more.

The Universe doesn't distract people, but you are communicating with yourself about something, something you are not wanting to consciously look at or bring up (even if it's a diet issue this is still the case because your body is telling you that something is off).

There is an issue I have struggled with my whole life that I have been looking at for many years, this is a conscious issue, although it was unconscious for many years. This is a body image issue. I had "anorexia," from age 20-24 and that morphed into other disordered eating. At age 24 I was severely Bulimic and from 25-present (I'm 29 now) I struggle with emotional eating combined with the occasional binging and purging episode. However this happens far less now than in the past. To be clear, I had 5 binging and purging episodes within the past year. I have a lot of self hate, guilt and embarrassment around this issue and feel very scared and vulnerable bringing this up on the forum.:shock:I have already changed a lot and become much healthier, but I am wondering if my body is healing on a deep level from the severe damage I have done from the past.

I don't think you're cursed or under psychic attack. I do think that you might have some fears that you aren't acknowledging or that you are afraid to acknowledge because you think it might affect your relationship and I'd not be surprised if they were directly related to getting more involved here. Or, you could be eating something or using something (soap, lotion, etc.) that you're sensitive to and the timing is just coincidental to your involvement here. It will be interesting to find out, because once we figure it out the hives will likely disappear!

I am not sure about my unconscious fears at the moment I could not say.:huh:I will continue to contemplate what you have said here. I have been very open with Spiral Out about my fears and what has come up since we have been together. We have worked through a lot and are at a very good place in our relationship.

Yes, and you can also get relief taking benadryl tablets though they will make you sleep so it's not a good daytime option unless you are desperate. I went through exactly what you are describing many years ago and I am now convinced that it was just simply that I had reached a stage of gluten toxicity that my body was trying to detox through my skin.

Thank you for the suggestion and thank you for sharing. I am researching and trying all types of treatments as well as looking at diet.

But I also had other symptoms like strong headaches, high fever, insomnia and even dark man hallucinations instead of dreams. I was finally diagnosed mononucleosis after a week of hell, and the same day all the symptoms have disappeared, as suddenly as they appeared.
I'm fairly certain there was also non physical side to my experience, like some kind of struggle that was going on a deeper level, and/or dying of parts of false personality.

Do you have any other symptoms except hives? Doing the blood test might help you find the answer.

I feel parts of my false personality have been and are dying. I have also had more body pain coming up then usual, it is like my body is expressing unprocessed pain from my past in the present in the form of muscle pain, headaches, PMS pain, exhaustion, anxiety and a need for ALOT of sleep. Im fine during the day and I do get up early 6-7am but get tired very early. At about 7-8pm I am not functioning, losing concentration to read, have trouble sitting upright etc. I also went through the 10 series in Rolfing that brought up a lot of things.

I think that regardless if I was ready or not to face my buffers, it would have made the whole difference if my diet would have been different. That alone would had placed me in a better position to face my lessons in a more reasonable way.

谢谢你这是我要在最好的体育sical condition possible to face my lessons and hope some of my buffers are exposed on this thread and I can learn my lessons. This has been very hard for me to share such personal things on a public forum.


FOTCM Member
blueberry said:
谢谢你这是我要在最好的体育sical condition possible to face my lessons and hope some of my buffers are exposed on this thread and I can learn my lessons. This has been very hard for me to share such personal things on a public forum.

I value your courage and willingness to open up throughout this stage of your life:hug2:. If it helps, I've hardly met a girl who didn't had food issues. It is a very sick society after all. When I was in high school, I fainted from starvation. Even my mother was concerned and she is a hard one!

至于饮食和皮疹,我很familiarized and have some too during the transition phase. Ketosis can do it, but another thing to watch right now as well is spices in meats. Like deli meats, bacon, etc. Even if it is only pepper, it triggers the histamine release cycle. I lost count of how many times I was doing fine and then slip that delicious meat with some spices on it and bam, itching all over again.

Just last weekend, the butcher gave me a home made sausage as a gift that I was too tempted and couldn't refuse. It was delicious but a couple of hives appeared and I got inflamed. I'm just recovering.

Try for a period of time to use only salt as a spice and see if it gets better. You have your hands full with your reading list and Primal Body, Primal Mind is a great one. Many of us had rashes and other problems and had discussed it over the Life Without Bread thread. Here is the discussion regarding histamine:


(possibly a page or so before and afterwards, there is a relevant message posted by Oxajil about histamine as well).


FOTCM Member
blueberry said:
The breakouts have happened anywhere from 5pm to in the middle of the night. Majority of the breakouts are from 8pm-11pm. I notice that when the breakouts come my body is usually relaxed. I am most often already in bed reading or relaxing preparing to go to sleep when the sensations come.

I realize there is a lot of knowledge I need to gain about diet. This in itself is overwhelming as I feel I have so much to learn in all areas regarding diet, cognitive science, cosmic changes, esoterica etc, etc...and at times don't know where to put my focus or where to start:scared:

I feel there is a deep fear in me that is unconscious and I don't know what it is. This among many other reasons is why I am reading from the reccommended reading list and opening up to engage on the forum. There is an unravelling going on.

" The itching to get out or get away could also point to this idea," because of my feeling of overwhelm (combined with a pressure cooker of motivation) at times I cannot focus or judge myself in terms of how I am using my energy and where I am putting my focus. The feeling of confusion around how to organize my time with the practical things in life and the bigger picture, meaning gaining knowledge and awareness within and without. I have so much to learn and had a feeling back in August that I was "nothing" and a part of me was dying and this process was very painful.

我也感到很大的压力来自自己和Spiral Out to keep my job until I found some other source of income since has has been paying the rent and bills until we have a more balanced income where I can contribute more.

I had "anorexia," from age 20-24 and that morphed into other disordered eating. At age 24 I was severely Bulimic and from 25-present (I'm 29 now) I struggle with emotional eating combined with the occasional binging and purging episode. However this happens far less now than in the past. To be clear, I had 5 binging and purging episodes within the past year. I have a lot of self hate, guilt and embarrassment around this issue and feel very scared and vulnerable bringing this up on the forum.:shock:I have already changed a lot and become much healthier, but I am wondering if my body is healing on a deep level from the severe damage I have done from the past.

I am not sure about my unconscious fears at the moment I could not say.:huh:I will continue to contemplate what you have said here. I have been very open with Spiral Out about my fears and what has come up since we have been together. We have worked through a lot and are at a very good place in our relationship.

I feel parts of my false personality have been and are dying. I have also had more body pain coming up then usual, it is like my body is expressing unprocessed pain from my past in the present in the form of muscle pain, headaches, PMS pain, exhaustion, anxiety and a need for ALOT of sleep. Im fine during the day and I do get up early 6-7am but get tired very early. At about 7-8pm I am not functioning, losing concentration to read, have trouble sitting upright etc. I also went through the 10 series in Rolfing that brought up a lot of things.

I just snipped out all that didn't seem terribly relevant and what is left is the above.

I think you are overwhelmed right now. I'm going to think about this overnight and write something coherent in the morning. For now, just take your antihistamine when you go to bed so it will be worn off when you wake up and hopefully, you won't have any more episodes.

RELAX. You are doing fine!


FOTCM Member
Psyche said:
Many of us had rashes and other problems and had discussed it over the Life Without Bread thread. Here is the discussion regarding histamine:


(possibly a page or so before and afterwards, there is a relevant message posted by Oxajil about histamine as well).

On afterthought, I realized the message was somewhere else. After some poking around, I found it:

Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency and Eczema

Other than some "die-offs" and DNA changes, I think the article above explains why many people might have rashes when starting a ketogenic diet. Not enough HCl, potassium and digestive enzymes. It takes awhile before the digestive system cranks up again.

These ones concern also histamine:



A Disturbance in the Force
Laura said:
I think you are overwhelmed right now. I'm going to think about this overnight and write something coherent in the morning. For now, just take your antihistamine when you go to bed so it will be worn off when you wake up and hopefully, you won't have any more episodes.

RELAX. You are doing fine!

I had exactly the same impression - readingthis threadmight help a bit, it's not too long and I think it's relevant.


The Living Force
blueberry said:
组胺在正常周期起到至关重要的作用sleep and wakefulness -- called circadian rhythms -- that govern our 24-hour day. Histamine is produced in the brain in higher concentrations during the day, which keeps us awake and alert. Levels fall at night. If histamine production is stimulated at night, as is sometimes the case when mosquitoes or spiders bite us, it not only itches, but can keep you awake.

Is it possible my body is over producing Histamines?:huh:

This isn't my area of expertise, but one thing that I think would be worth trying is taking some vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It's supposed to be a natural anti-histamine:

Vitamin C as an Antihistamine

Vitamin C reduces the amount of histamine in the blood. An article from the August 1992 "Journal of the American Dietetic Association" found that 2 g of ascorbic acid decreased histamine levels by 40 percent. An article from the April 1992 "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" also found that 2 g of ascorbic acid decreased histamine levels by 38 percent, and those levels did not change for four hours.

Ascorbic Acid is also very helpful for radiation detox and since you're on the west coast (as I understand it), it certainly wouldn't hurt to take it (though taking too much can lead to diarrhea). At some point too, when you've calmed down a bit, you may also want to look into this "super ascorbic acid":

(there's also a thread here that discusses it and how to make it at home). Living on the west coast, if you haven't been doing any active radiation detoxing, maybe it's your body telling you that you need to be before things get totally out of hand?

I was also vegan for ~4 years and didn't eat red meat for ~7 years and the first time I ate grass fed beef I got hives--so maybe you're still transitioning in that way? It was the only time I got them, though.

blueberry said:
I realize there is a lot of knowledge I need to gain about diet. This in itself is overwhelming as I feel I have so much to learn in all areas regarding diet, cognitive science, cosmic changes, esoterica etc, etc...and at times don't know where to put my focus or where to start:scared:

Well, just take a deep breath and try to focus on one step at a time:flowers:

My personal take on where to start would be with the diet--at least reading Primal Body, Primal Mind and the "Life Without Bread" and "Ketogenic Diet" threads. Getting one's diet fixed can fix a lot of things by itself and, I think, make things easier down the line. Plus you're healing your body at the same time as you go along gaining knowledge. Since we're in a school here, I personally think of it that way--we have the "first level" courses (I think of this as diet, some of the psychology books, The Wave, and SOTT, mainly), then more advanced courses (like ISOTM, Secret History, Political Ponerology, maybe more advanced psychology books, etc), and then the esoteric courses (Gnosis, Beelzebub's tales, etc)--all blend together, though, without distinct lines in my mind. That's just my subjective take and, of course, like any school, such an order as the one I imagine makes sense certainly doesn't work for everyone :)

In that regard, maybe what would work best for you would be to start where you find yourself drawn to the most--where you have the most interest.

Take care of yourself, breathe (and/or EE), and relax, and hopefully you'll be able to clear up the hives soon:flowers:


A Disturbance in the Force
bb said:
To be clear, I had 5 binging and purging episodes within the past year. I have a lot of self hate, guilt and embarrassment around this issue and feel very scared and vulnerable bringing this up on the forum.:shock:

I just wanted to add that we know very well how hard it is to be honest about things we most want to keep hidden and for you not to worry, you're not the first person here with this issue nor will you be the last. Being human on this planet is not an easy gig and most of use learn how to destroy ourselves in one way or another very early on. We have the scars to prove it. What matters is what we do with today and tomorrow and how we learn to finally give ourselves the nurturing and care we need to be who we came here to be.
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