Programming is complete

Did the lizard project fail? Are they gone.

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    Votes:2 9.5%
  • No

    Votes:19 90.5%

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WIN 52

WIN 52

The Living Force
The crystals are "programmed" for connection with the other holders of crystals to enhance protection from STS forces; that is all.

I guess that I was reaching when I asked that if possible any help with my dna would be greatly appreciated should it be available through the crystals, when I received them.

Activation could also be something simple like stopping eating or fasting for a week. That way we would need to make a conscious choice.

Just got off work. My time is limited these days with having the grandchildren 6 and 2 half the time as well as working with my son doing roof restorations. I am reading the transcripts mostly and SOTT. Please have patients with me.


The Living Force
Regarding microchips in crystals, the only thing that comes to my mind is the idea that Atlantis used crystals as technology and that they may have some functions similar to our microchips. The primary functions seems to have been as power plants. However, they were artificially created by Atlanteans for that purpose, and I think natural crystals have some "energy" properties which can be used if one knows how, but I don't think they're anywhere the same as those artificial constructs that "came to life and gained intelligence of their own"

Q: (T) Who made the monuments on Mars?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (T) So, the Atlanteans had inter-planetary ability?
A: Yes. With ease. Atlantean technology makes yours look like the Neanderthal era.
Q: (T) Who created the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?
A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.
Q: (T) What statuary are you referring to?
A: Example is the structure that has been perceived as face.
Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
问:(T)是他们必要的手枪hering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of their own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You mean these crystalline structures came to life, so to speak?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then what did they do?
A: Destroyed Atlantis.

Q: (L) But I thought that Atlantis was destroyed because of the close passage of another body of the solar system?
A: Was damaged but recovered.
Q: (L) So Atlantis was damaged and then recovered from that damage, is that correct?
A: Part of landmass, but not all, was destroyed.
A: Three.
Q: (L) One was caused by the close passage of Mars?
A: Yes. And comets.
Q: (L) Were Mars and the comets loosely interactive?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the second was caused by what?
A: Venus.
Q: (L) And the third and final destruction was caused by what?
A: Crystals.
Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?
A: Bermuda triangle.
Q: (L) I thought that was a myth?
A: No.
Q: (L) And what does that crystal do? Is it continuously active?
A: No. Erratic.
Q: (L) Is it still active in the sense of being a conscious or sentient entity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What activates it?
A: Many factors.
Q: (L) And when it is activated, what does it do?
A: Transdimensional window is blasted open.
Q: (L) Say a person was sailing along in the Bermuda Triangle and the window was blasted open and these people passed through or were engulfed in it or whatever, in what condition would they find themselves?
A: Something akin to suspended animation.
Q: (L) Would they be conscious of their state of suspended animation or would their consciousness also be suspended?
A: Either or.
Q: (L) Do they stay in this state forever, or do they come back out, or do they come out somewhere else?
A: Open. All are possible. Same thing happened to Philadelphia experiment participants.
Q: (L) If an individual were in this interdimensional state of suspended animation, does this mean they are stuck there forever?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Can they not die, is that what you are saying?
A: To them they may perceive something like waiting for millions of years.
Q: (L) Is there no one or no way to rescue them from this state?
A: Why do you think those sailors were hopelessly insane?
Q: (L) Besides the crystal in the Bermuda Triangle, are any of the others still active?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are the others located?
A: Off Japan; in Brazil; in Ural mountains of Russia; North and South Poles.
Q: (T) Are the ones on the Moon and Mars active also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If one crystal is found and the technology is deciphered, and another is found, does it increase the power…
A: Let us answer this way: If Neanderthals found a 747 would they know how to use it?
Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals and were they cut or naturally grown?
A: Varied. Were synthetic.
Q: (L) Were they faceted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?
A: Pyramid.
Q: (L) Was that a pyramid with the same proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Giza?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How large was the largest from base to apex?
A: 5000 feet.
Q: (L) What was the average size?
A: 500 feet.
Q: (L) And was the one that was 5,000 feet tall, is that one still in existence?
A: Yes.
A: 380 miles due East of you.
Q: (L) I remember a newspaper article some years ago; a pilot reported seeing a pyramid near there in the water…
A: That is just the top sticking out of the ocean floor. It is 90 per cent buried.
Q: (L) How come this crystal didn’t shatter or break up during the subsidence of Atlantis?
A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear explosion would be absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy. That relates to the design function.
Q: (L) And then what would happen?
A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the Atlanteans.
Q: (L) Where did they get this technology?
A: They evolved it.
Q: (L) They invented it themselves?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they interact with any aliens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they get any help at all from these extraterrestrials?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And who were these aliens?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) What kind of power frequency did these crystals use?
A: Full range.
So above they draw some parallels between our computers and their crystals. But then there's this:

Q: (T) One last question and I will be gone for now. Who sent me the information in the dream?
A: You don't have to "go". Complex.
Q: (T) Was the information sent by the good guys or the bad guys?
A: Different concept.
Q: (T) What race of beings? Did it come from a specific race?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (L) Can you give us just a few words on this?
A: Okay, Laura. Cosmic retrieval system.
Q: (L) What does the cosmic retrieval system retrieve?
A: Remember computer was inspired by cosmic forces and reflects universal intelligence system of retrieval of reality.
Q: (T) This is a computer network, yes or no?
A: Strange thought pattern.
Q: (T) What you have described, on a very large scale, sophisticated...
A: Grand scale, close.
Q: (T) Can I access it through our earthly computer system?
A: In a sense, but not directly as of yet. But just wait. [Break]
So our computers can't access the cosmic retrieval system directly yet - I mean, our minds can access it to various degrees, and by networking using computers with each other we share our partial access to build a more complete picture. And when you factor in connecting chakras we sorta become like computers on a network ourselves, we become the network nodes to each other (LAN aka local area network) and to the cosmic retrieval system (internet), with our minds/bodies/DNA being like the microchip that downloads, transduces, and makes sense of the information turning it into actionable knowledge.

Also, we talk about Artificial Intelligence, which in our case is purely microchip-based, but it does look like the crystals used in Atlantis must've had some similarity to our computer systems - like being able to process information, perhaps like the neurons of the brain, and as such, the potential for intelligence.

Also remember Stonehenge:
Q: (L) Who built Stonehenge?
A: Druids.
Q: (L) Who were the Druids?
A: Early Aryan group.
Q: (L) How did they move the stones and set them up?
A: Sound wave focusing; try it yourself; Coral Castle.
Q: (L) Who taught the Druids to use the sound waves?
A: They knew; handed down.
Q: (L) What was Stonehenge built to do or be used for?
A: Energy director.
Q: (L) What was this energy to be directed to do?
A: All things.

Q: (L) Was the energy to be directed outward or inward to the center?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Does this sound come from our bodies?
A: Learn. Laura will find answer through discovery.

Adventures With Cassiopaea said:
In general terms, it seems likely that they understood the utilization of cosmic energy and that these stone "machines" were designed to collect and focus this energy. Their careful record keeping (the 19 year moon cycle, for example; and the 19th day as a special day of rest for the Assyrians) had to do with the moments in space/time when certain activities were most easily accomplished. Maybe they weren't a bunch of silly, superstitious savages hauling stones around and sweating like crazy just to dance around in the moonlight and discover when to plant the corn?

Casswiki said:
Q:(L) In ancient literature, something called a Merkabah is talked about, but the definition of this extremely mysterious thing has been lost down through the centuries. There have been many "explanations" from such sources as the Midrash - Jewish commentaries - but there is even argument there. It seems that, even then, nobody knew what it was. But now, we have all these New Age folks coming along who have decided that they know what it is, and it is variously described as rotating double tetrahedrons...
A:If no one knows what it is, that is as good as any other explanation.
Q:(L) I want to know what the ancients who wrote about it meant? What is the definition of the word as the ancient writers used it?
A:The original definition predates this.
Q:(L) What is the original definition that predated the ancient writings that we have access to?
A:What do you think?
Q:(L) What? Well, it's a curious word because it is composed of two words or even three: mer kaba or mer ka ba. If we think of it as three part word, we have the Egyptian Ka, which is like the astral body, and the Ba which is similar to the Ka. I guess you could think of them as the astral body and the genetic body. Then there is the Ab which is the sort of principle element of the life in man - like the part that is of God or the soul. The Ab was represented as a red stone. It was the part of the man that expressed desire, lust, courage, wisdom, feeling, sense and intelligence. So, all of them together sort of expresses an abstract creative principle Kaaba is Arabic for cube, and it is the square stone building in which the Black Stone is housed in Mecca. It was supposed to have been built by Ishmael and Abraham. So with Mer, Ka, Ab, and Ba, we have a cube made up of the principle parts of the etheric self, and housing a stone. Soul stone? Mother stone?
A:By god, she's got it!
Q:(L) Okay, we've got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?
A:The Matriarch Stone.
Q:(L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?
A:Symbolism reigns supreme here.
Q:(T) Is this also the Philosopher's Stone?
A: "Stone" to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from "a higher source."
Rocks are very often crystalline in nature, depending on the rock I think, which may play a role here. So it seems like humans throughout our history have always attempted to find ways to gather and utilize energy, and to gather and utilize information - both from cosmic sources which are abundant in both. And clearly the more sophisticated tools merged those 2 things into one - energy and information was utilized by the same tool, as if they were the same thing, and perhaps they are.

So although the crystals don't have microchips in them, the concepts are not entirely dissimilar. Oddly enough, every microchip actually has a crystal in it.


The Living Force
Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on amicrochip,它是一个途径,the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...
I think this applies to something like food as well - which is both, energy, and information to our body in terms of what genes should be turned on and off, among other things. Something like Reiki also carries information to our body, by directing energy into patterns/channels in a specific way using symbols. In fact, it has been mentioned that the pyramids were used as healing tools as well, which again, seems to suggest a form of advanced Reiki or fancy infrared sauna, where again, energy is properly channeled and focused so the body can use it for a specific purpose like healing.

Energy can be used to do work in a primitive way like we use it today - send a bunch of electrons, make them have friction and heat something up, now you can toast bread! Genius! Or it can be used cleverly to directly inform something - like our minds, our bodies, or in the case of "sound wave focusing" gravity itself, in a sense. We really are only scratching the surface technologically, basically brute forcing everything because we don't know any better, and that includes our medicine - we don't understand the body and mind as an intelligent system capable of pretty much anything if you just know how to communicate with that system. I mean you grew from a few cells into a full human, I'm pretty sure if your body can grow an entire body out of almost nothing, it can heal anything that happens to it. Using stem cells and other methodologies found on this forum are probably the closest thing we have to communicating with that system, and using its own abilities naturally. The alternative is the neanderthal way - pump it full of chemo, surgically remove bits that malfunction, etc.


Jedi Master
So although the crystals don't have microchips in them, the concepts are not entirely dissimilar. Oddly enough, every microchip actually has a crystal in it.

True! Starting with silicon, where Feldspar, granite, quartz, and more are all based on silicon-oxygen compounds.
And looking for a bit on the subject, I found a scientific article from 2009. It would seem that Atlantean and current technology is combining...

Researchers grow nanowire crystals for 3-D microchips


The Living Force
It took some time but I found two snippets in two different sessions which may have contributed to the notion of microchips in crystals.

The first one is in session ofMay 7, 2016:
A: Individuals can be linked to knowledge/information via your efforts.

Q: (L) Well, somebody brought up the possibility that if I were to charge these crystals, and then some nefarious person got ahold of one, they could then send something back at me.

A: Not the way it works. The linkage is to 6th density thanks to your "installation of the software", but the mainframe is us in the future.

Q: (L) So in other words, I'm not putting myself into these crystals or creating a link between others and me, I'm putting some kind of frequency into them that links them to you/us in the future and then peeps are connected to you and through you to each other, possibly including me?

(Andromeda,) You're like the channel for the frequency.

(L) I'm channeling the frequency to the crystals, but I'm not connecting my personal energies to them?

A: Exactly.It would be "interesting" for some "nefarious" person to attempt such activity. We have a "firewall".

问:(L)我感觉,当你说, "firewall", you mean that a little bit more than just symbolically...

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) I suspect that also means that those who don’t resonate to the frequency will know it pretty quick.

The second one stems from session ofAugust 14, 2016:
(L) Oh! There is one other question I wanted to ask. There are a number of people who have commented on crystals that have been selected for them that were flawed as they perceived it. And I would like to know why do some people get selected crystals that have these perceived flaws?

A: They are not "flaws".They are etched frequency modulators similar to the principle of computer chips, and thus can load and carry and transmit specific information.

Q: (Galatea) So basically everybody needs to stop being so shallow and superficial and love their crystal that loves them!

(L) Well, not just that, but I think they need to appreciate the fact that this is an energy-transmitting device. It's not an ornament.

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) Can I ask a related question? I thought it was curious that several people reported that their crystals broke. They were kind of taking it as a bad thing, but I was wondering why their crystals broke?

A: Initial needed energy transmitted and signal received resulting in change of state thus response of system modulation.

Q: (Pierre) So the crystal adapts by breaking.

(L) It has transmitted something, there was a change of state in the individual, and the crystal then adapted to this new state?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's not a bad sign.

A: No

Q: (Chu) So they should NOT be replaced then?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) That's why my moonstone jumped off my necklace.

Hope this helps a bit.:-)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I felt a strong fear bordering on panic when I first read that line in the session. This reaction told me that time is up, and that I've wasted the time that was allotted in petty games and nonsense. It's a scary thing but it gets less fearful once knowledge enters the picture. Hence I would suggest checking out the idea of the 4D STS using viruses to try and change our DNA to suit their needs, and how the "programming" could just be done inconspicuously through viruses infiltrating our DNA. Chu's post hereSession 11 August 2018is where it's at.

Lots to read and ponder about really. The learning doesn't stop till you drop, so to speak.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I felt a strong fear bordering on panic when I first read that line in the session. This reaction told me that time is up, and that I've wasted the time that was allotted in petty games and nonsense. It's a scary thing but it gets less fearful once knowledge enters the picture. Hence I would suggest checking out the idea of the4D STS using viruses to try and change our DNA to suit their needs, and how the "programming" could just be done inconspicuously through viruses infiltrating our DNA.Chu's post hereSession 11 August 2018is where it's at.

Lots to read and ponder about really. The learning doesn't stop till you drop, so to speak.

Fwiw, reading the bold part above made me think of the movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers.' That movie always creeped me out (the 1978 version in particular). I've never read the book that the movie was based on, but here's some background info about it:

Pod People (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) - Wikipedia

History from the novel
The Pod People are a race ofnomadic, extraterrestrialparasitesoriginating from a now dyingplanet. Realizing that it was only a matter of time before the planet's resources would be completely depleted, the pods somehow evolved the ability to defy gravity and leave their planet's atmosphere in the search of a new world to colonize. For millennia, the pods floated in space like spores, propelled by thesolar winds偶尔,一些居住星球上着陆。Once there, they would replace the dominant species by spawning emotionless replicas; the original bodies would then disintegrate into dust once the duplication process was completed. They would then consume all of the planet's resources, only to then leave in search of yet another new world. Such a consumption was apparently the fate of the civilizations that once inhabited Mars and the Moon. The Pods' sole purpose in life was that of individual survival, with no attention given to the civilizations they conquered or the resources they squandered. The duplicates had lifespans of only five years, and could not sexually reproduce. Their invasion ofEarthwas short-lived: unable to tolerate the sheer determination humanity displayed in defense, the Pods abandoned the planet, leaving behind a small population of duplicates, who died shortly after.
Also from the article above is info about 'The Invasion' film from 2007:
InThe Invasion, the invaders are changed from pods to an alien virus that is contracted through liquids. Once the person falls asleep, the virus rewrites humanDNA. The aliens then vomit a gelatinous substance into liquids to help the invasion continue. When the invasion gains considerable strength, the pod people transform humans by directly injecting them with the substance, under the guise of "influenza vaccines".


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
So much interesting input in programming in this thread.

I am now reading Evolution 2.0, where Marshall Perry asks: "Wanna build a cell?" and refers to it as an encoding-decoding communication which "by definition requires 4 things to exist:

1. a code
2. an encoder that obeys the rules of a code
3. a message that obeys the rules of a code
4. a decoder that obeys the rules of a code"

What sticks out for me isobeying the rules.我想把我的模糊的想法变成一个question. Am I on the right track if I think that the encoding-decoding...which rules we obey...all depends on our personal frequency/resonance level? Like: increase in knowledge with understanding is increase of vibration frequency vs unconsciousness, lies, inertia, etc, which the latter attracts specific bacteria, viruses, parasites into the system?
I try to ask if actuallyall, from DNA level upwards is programming, an encoding-decoding context dependent on individual frequency/resonance?


FOTCM Member
That's an interesting idea. It may be analogous to the idea that a person who only speaks one language can only "decode" what is written in that language, whereas a multilingual person has access to far more information. The learning of life lessons might learning to speak a larger range of languages? It's not an exact analogy of course. Learning a new language wouldn't attract codes to the person, but it would make them more alert to material they recognize?

I really enjoyed Evolution 2.0. The author presented the material in an engaging manner, like a really well-done infomercial. At the end of each chapter I could practically hear him saying "But wait, there's more!":rotfl:


FOTCM Member
What sticks out for me isobeying the rules.我想把我的模糊的想法变成一个question. Am I on the right track if I think that the encoding-decoding...which rules we obey...all depends on our personal frequency/resonance level?

A very good question I would say. We are in a time when the PTB are attempting to lock down their control. And they want to 'sell' it as something reasonable. 'We' don't want hate speech, or 'fake' news. The general population is being bullied to obey the rules of the extreme left or risk being labeled racist, mysogynist, homophobe, etc.

And then there are those who see this for what it is. But still it's another thing to have enough knowledge and understanding to begin to separate the instinctual drives and motivations of the genetic body from that of the inhabiting soul. From that level we 'obey' various rules on various levels for definite reasons, rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto 'God' what is Gods.

Like: increase in knowledge with understanding is increase of vibration frequency vs unconsciousness, lies, inertia, etc, which the latter attracts specific bacteria, viruses, parasites into the system?

Maybe the former also 'attracts' specific viruses to help facilitate gene alterations which are helpful for the souls progress.


Hello everyone, I would like to ask about something becouse I didn't notice it here yet but maybe I just didn't read all posts well. I'm thinking about simply interpreting words "Programing is complete" and those who say it - C's. They rather giving answer in right direction so "complete" is better word than "succesfull" or "done" right? I am aiming in that we're in the moment of change to 4D, we didn't know when it comes but we know that is close so maybe saying that the programing is complete they wanna say that their time is end and the process came to "deadline" like those 316000 years cycles or something like that. Maybe it's like when the vip account in the game expire and all of vip stuff and missions came to end.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
That's an interesting idea. It may be analogous to the idea that a person who only speaks one language can only "decode" what is written in that language, whereas a multilingual person has access to far more information. The learning of life lessons might learning to speak a larger range of languages

I get your analogy. Programmers refer to code as language. As I try to understand what obeying the rules means in this context, it could mean that only conscious effort in learning life lessons enables raising frequency, I assume?

And then there are those who see this for what it is. But still it's another thing to have enough knowledge and understanding to begin to separate the instinctual drives and motivations of the genetic body from that of the inhabiting soul.From that level we 'obey' various rules on various levels for definite reasons, rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto 'God' what is Gods.

That clarifies a lot and raises further questions. What do you mean by definite reasons? And is unconsciousness towards these various levels what makes conscious self observation in times so confusing that we/i confuse the levels, thus try to decode with the wrong language thus not obey the rules?

And last, could you expand on

Maybe the former also 'attracts' specific viruses to help facilitate gene alterations which are helpful for the souls progress

Does that mean being infected by e.g. EBV will help the souls progress? Like, fully embracing it and learning how to get rid of it is the test and lesson for the soul?
(Hope that my questions are still within the subject of the thread)


FOTCM Member
That clarifies a lot and raises further questions. What do you mean by definite reasons? And is unconsciousness towards these various levels what makes conscious self observation in times so confusing that we/i confuse the levels, thus try to decode with the wrong language thus not obey the rules?

Meaning a personality has beenforgedin Dabrowski's terminology. Motivations and drives are now originating from a higher plane of values and principles of which more mundane aspects of life are subordinate. However, those same aspects must be given their due lest they become problems which then interfere with the higher goals.

Does that mean being infected by e.g. EBV will help the souls progress? Like, fully embracing it and learning how to get rid of it is the test and lesson for the soul?

No, more like certain viruses can alter genes by interacting with DNA by swapping or rearranging code. The same virus can effect two different people differently depending on.... who they are and what they see? Not sure exactly how that works. The C's have dropped some hints along these lines.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Two videos with Paul Bloom to think and rethink about empathy:

The videos were interesting and I could "empathize" to a certain point but in the end I think there is no "free lunch" in the sense that compassion may be less exhausting and calm (like kundalini/blissing-out?) but feeling the actual emotional pain of others has no substitute OSIT.

Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation.The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V)I think they are talking about empathy.These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.

Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?

A: Genetics marry with soul if present.

Yes, I think it hurts sometimes to have empathy but maybe it is part of knowing whether or not you may have a soul.

Recently the Cs said:

(Galatea)Do the Cs suffer?

A: Not as you understand it, but in empathy only.

Q: (L) I think I remember ya'll saying thatwhen we suffer, you suffer. Is that it?

A: Yes

And in the latest session they indicate that empathy does take a toll on "individuation" (maybe we become more tribal?):

We do tend to stay stressed...

(Artemis) High empathy.

A: High empathy plus lies tend to diminish the individuated soul.

Q: (L) So in other words, that would go with paying close attention to reality, right and left. If you can’t deal with the truth, accept it and act on it, you become a dream in the past? And when you become a dream in the past, that means you cease to exist?

A: For many, yes.

Q: (Artemis) If you have higher empathy, you have a higher sense of responsibility.
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