Q source / Qanon

Okay in lieu of making a bulleted list of items supporting JFK Jr and his family being alive versus not I think it’s better to paraphrase the episodes covering the work within his George Magazines as they are very relevant to what’s happening today IMO and as far as whether or not they are alive and well I still do not have any conclusions and won’t because everything is circumstantial.


The JFK information would be interesting to the thread on JFK too I think. That tread isJFK Assassination Records.
Well, I have been entertained and now perplexed at the "pattern recognition run amok" flavor of the world of psychopaths watching some of these videos and was writing it off to the confusion of the elite/PTB ritualistic delusion (which it may be) but maybe someone else can see if there is something I am missing. The strange logic that is presented by defining/redefining names etc. to fit historical texts is so intricate that it kind of boggles the mind. It is like the schizophrenic flat earthers' logic that made me cringe.

I then listened/watched until almost the end of the following video and I heard as in 353535 from the Cs sessions:

Episode 32: Barabbas v. Christ, Part 1 of 4

"This3D to 5D kiss gameis just to fix the whole planet and time and how we live and what we go through and living through the prediction in Revelation".

My ears perked up at that and I am wondering if the CIA/PTB or others are not reading The Wave or something.

The "3D to 5D kiss" occursat 25:43so you can back up or watch as much as you would like to get the gist of this. It looks like this guy is being used as another pawn in the game but it is so elaborate in detail that it certainly almost boggles my mind. It is like a whole lot of Greenbauming going on I think. For some of the claims, he is using "reverse speech" like they did in the 60s with the Beatles music etc.

The play on biblical prophecy is rampant in these details but the fact they have the details to play with and make connections seems very hyper-dimenional/time loop oriented to me.

It reminds me of what the Cs said about "prophetic and philisopical patternings".

Session 7 January 1996:
Q: (P) I would like to know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Conyers, GA, as well as this book "Mary's Message to the World" and all the other messages about the End Times that are coming out all over?

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, andthey are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.

Also I just see the "twists and turns".
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Hi All, Please please please watch the first 10 minutes of the above video. Throw out all and any info you have about q or qanons. Start from here, just inspirational words as to why this phenomenon will continue to be what it is: an Awakening.
What part of those words are not what the C's and us here in the forum have been striving towards? Freedom from tyranny and despotism, protected only by a knowledgeable and devoted citizenry: American Patriots. Much is said in the 10 minutes.

I think we, as more than me and a few, need to help and network the info we already know, for there is no group out there that is more knowledgeable than the folks here. And Americans and the world of humanity need us. Some here, are not only knowlegeable, but understand from experiences.

The world has to learn much, but for us here, its nothing new, but cass forum 101.

-psychology 101
-critical thinking
-rational thought process
-research with orig sources

We are preaching to the choir here, qanons are working on debunking all major instutionlize science and of this matrix, each being taught to do this on an individual and collective level. I can't even ask for more from God/Universe. If we think there is a way out of this mess we created here on bbm, then we should be staying vigilant and ready, as C's have pointed out repeatedly. Please help network and give these anons a crumb when coming across their info and current views.

A few key words for the update, cause I can't keep up at the pace world events are habenning.

-2nd American Revolution
-WW2/Nazi trial run is in Full Implementation
-George Floyd death = paid rioters and agents like 2016 elections, and every major colored spring, and protest

提醒的视频克格勃叛逃者尤里Bezmenov的战争ning to America interview. There are many lengths and versions out there, this is the one covering the 4 stages of ideological subversion. the American populace is getting this cram down the throat right now, if they haven't realized it. And Yuri was saying he already saw the near completion of the first if not 2nd stage, and we are obviously playing out the crisis stage since 9/11 if not day to day now.

Of course any force trying to wake up another from demoralization and brainwashed, is by itself only possible if the other asks for help with it. Just as comfortable humans will not change, until they are on the precipice or it is already too late. Hopefully we choose before the the latter is inevitable because of hubris or something silly like supercilliousness. (yay got to use a word I don't get to use much)

Thanks for listening everyone. WWG1WGA!
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Hi all again so shortly,
Gotta get nitty gritty.
好吧,实际上就像问了,多数的背影e have to be SHOWN whats happened/happening, they can't be told. Like the quote from In the Shadows doc, "Truth is learned, Never told". So I m showing to the forum now. Same tale, we are here for the lessons. Its better to click the link and read, but here are my phone screenshots as well. This shows the playbook from nazis then and how its used now, basically the same run down. Using antifa for example, and their flags are mirror images. I do forsee the 'even playing field' in the near future, and psychopathy will finally be highlighted, but the thing about an 'even playing field', the justice system grinds slow, but thoroughly. Does anyone actually think that all this contrive madness is not the looney left trying to distract us from their crimes, at the same time take down trump, and the masses are not going to link psychopaths to all these mass murderers? Obama, Hillary, Bill C, Bill G, Soros, Rothschilds, etc etc. You don't talk about whats happening nowadays without mentioning: psyops, info warfare, cointelpro, mindcontroll, etc.

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I m frustrated I admit,
So I m actually asking you all to get of your high horses and get read on whats happening from the q perspective, if you get the time. It all magically syncs together on many many of the topics discussed here on forum. We are literally 5 thousand strong, imagine if we can network all the info on forum, which is what the majority of humanity need right now, behind the q phenomenon of multi millions and soon to be hundreds of millions, if not already. Not a joke, nor am I exaggerating.

Also here is the link to the post about the masses having to be shown how asleep we all were, while the 16 year plan and agenda 2030 was going to go down with hillary in charge. Again I know most of us have already done the prerequisite reading and research, if only just paying attention to the last 20 years of psyops info. That is clearly why we can make such a difference right now or when people are ready to receive the info here.

I m not one of those people who just spoonfeed people info. I also find the best post from q are extremely similar to the way C's have presented their info, either due to similar tech or technique or along those lines. Don't take my word for it, listen to the first 10 minute of the video from prev post for some examples. Lots of them got reposted recently for new eyes to see, I mean some of them are word for word, coincidence yes, relevant yes, empowering yes.

Thanks for listening all.
我看东西的方式。ANTIFA资助。他们可以afford to pay 25 dollars for each ’demonstrator’ provided that they do maximum mayhem and damage of public property. They can even afford to pay for lawyers and probably bail for the above mentioned. It is not ideology that matters is the power reward and of course money. The memes they use and likeness to anarchic pop culture symbols is nothing more than all catch phrases they use.
What exactly do you mean by ‘get of your high horses’?
我要正确或编辑部分布鲁里溃疡t figure some things have to be said. I still wanted to "air quote" the high horse figuratively to lessen shock of that statement. I m just frustrated at how enclosed we are to this info after the initial analysis from the members and the C's comments. Never have taken a single word of the C's as gospel, although some deserve the level of respect, as it does help many, me included. As Laura and other have quoted, don't be throwing the baby out with the bath water. From someone thats mostly a lurker here on forum, I think we are more enclosed here then we get to admit. That just be my own pov, as it is limited to myself. By enclosed, I mean more like, missing a phenomenon that millions are following. Is it highly possible that one mind out there doesnt see through this BS for what it is? I could be wrong, but mounting evidence, happening in real time is convincing enough for most. This is the most entertaining thing in the history of mankind, if not actually something meant to help humanity at this late stage of the game.

老实说,我看,一直看到这great opportunity for humanity as a whole. I also have to admit, my personal agenda cannot begin to be established fully, without passing through the great awkening of the masses; to psychopathy and its means for example. In the last 20 years, at what point has such large numbers of humanity been privy to such info? Considering both q and C's ultimate goals, if it can be selfish like that, to Awaken humanity to this lesson, where EXPOSURE OF THEM IS 'THEIR' GREATEST FEAR. If that does not at least pique your interest, like "q people" actually read the C's or similar subject matter and thought it would be funny trying to awaken humanity to their reality hidden from them through the veil.


One of the many times thats been mentioned word for word.. this is also a repost for the millions of new eyes to the subject matter.

Hope that put more perspective to this topic.
The way I see it, the Q business is a classical COINTELPRO move - mix truth with lies, feed it to the gullible and vector them in a direction that you want them to go. Or even better start pitting the different ‘tribes’ against each other.

And awakening is not a ‘societal’ process, but a deeply individual one. And by waking up yourself and living your life with integrity and perspicacity, you will influence others by example. You cannot wake other people up, although to feed them information MIGHT have some benefit, but at the moment, I am not even sure about that anymore. The information is out there, if you want to find it, you will, if not, you can plaster that person with Truth ‘til the cows come home to no avail.

So I won’t ‘come down from my high horse’ just now ...
In the last few weeks, I received a lot of invitations from my FB friends to join the Qanon Macedonia group.
What is sad in all this is that most of them are people who always have their voices up for criminals and manipulations that the government is doing. People who raise their voices in this Corona circus. People who were fighting mandatory vaccination in the country for years.
Now they are all part of this group, a part of a big cointelpro project that will probably destroy their good intention to do something different , to disclose the local deep state, expose them and make some real changes.
I wonder if some of this kind of stuff is designed to whip up the anger of the masses against the visible elite, people like Hillary, Podesta, Biden, Bill Gates, etc with this end goal in mind. Meanwhile, the real PTB who are working behind the scenes and are largely anonymous and unknown are the ones who plan to end up on top at the end while they get scapegoated. Just a thought, I could be way off.
I have similar thoughts about this Qanon thing.
我要正确或编辑部分布鲁里溃疡t figure some things have to be said. I still wanted to "air quote" the high horse figuratively to lessen shock of that statement. I m just frustrated at how enclosed we are to this info after the initial analysis from the members and the C's comments.

Simply put, Qanon brings nothing new to the table. Nobody here is denigrating Q or the people who are getting info from that source. Q has shown itself to be more of a vector and COINTELPRO. It still smacks of that "one easy source to get the real info without much effort and a blind belief in being saved".
The way I see it, the Q business is a classical COINTELPRO move - mix truth with lies, feed it to the gullible and vector them in a direction that you want them to go. Or even better start pitting the different ‘tribes’ against each other.

And awakening is not a ‘societal’ process, but a deeply individual one. And by waking up yourself and living your life with integrity and perspicacity, you will influence others by example. You cannot wake other people up, although to feed them information MIGHT have some benefit, but at the moment, I am not even sure about that anymore. The information is out there, if you want to find it, you will, if not, you can plaster that person with Truth ‘til the cows come home to no avail.

完全同意你的整个回答,但我认为more so from your train of thought. Just have to point out, definitely a societal process(mass consciousness) side of things to awakening, I think you would agree from outside the train of thought of your reply, mainly that it may be more like a feedback loop as result of our actions and learning, effecting the whole(eg AIO)

From the train of thought of your reply of the individual stance, I feel it to the daily degree as much as I can, as long as it focuses back to my aim and second, as part of my individual awakening as much as this reflects back what I reap from reality.

Simply put, Qanon brings nothing new to the table. Nobody here is denigrating Q or the people who are getting info from that source. Q has shown itself to be more of a vector and COINTELPRO. It still smacks of that "one easy source to get the real info without much effort and a blind belief in being saved".

YES! I also totally agree, but also only so far as from "the initial sub-surface outsider looking in" view point. And that is why I keep harping on this I guess, that the majority of truthful and honest critical thinkers that follow q, is being taught to avoid exactly this and even identify and counter such attacks, osit.

Following the original intent of q to inform the masses, and the public learning to view and questioning their reality. That is mostly the layers for 'normies', but there are layers of communication/information for actual players and pawns reading the posts as well, eg, the trolls, the paid shills, politicians, celebrities, military, intel groups, basically all walks of life. So not in defense of the validity of q, but in the environment we find ourselves in today, there is no way to give info and "satisfy" all sides, nor can you avoid the attacks, and eventually the psyops feel of the whole thing. Would you not agree that Laura/Ark, chateau peeps, and many along the way of website to forum, have had to deal with the STS attacks in the similar way, when presenting truthful information as we see it? Would someone viewing forum info for the first time back in the early-mid 2000's or even the last couple of years find it easy to trust and navigate the information presented? Not trying to one glove everything, but even the simpler topics, are hard to grasp sometimes, imo. Of course not all are meant for it, and asking is more important then force feeding someone something they do not want nor need at times.

Just hoping more would be aware of this huge opportunity, as I see it, for contributing to that change that also aligns with our current aims and works, imo.

Below is one of the more inspirational quotes for q people that are critical 'free thinkers'. I m sorry for asking those of you who listened to the whole 10 minutes of my prev post without much explano. In my mind, the whole 10 minute flows, but for anyone else, it should have started with these two posts. If you plan to unconsciously filter the long texts, please keep the "Free Thought" part in mind for ref, as to the thought processes q patriots needed to view, the info and format presented, for the first time when q started 3 years earlier.


I was trying to find the one with "The choice to know is always yours", but this one is more impactful b/c, Q+ is supposedly from POTUS himself. After reviewing the totality of the evidence, I tend to give a high probability, mathematically as the q saying goes.


and now "free thought" has culminated in this post about the situation the current political/social environment that Americans have placed themselves into: mainly the threat posed by information warfare, irregular warfare, insurgency, and now counter insurgency. I don't think trying to past this type of info to individual free thinkers, that reason with logic, facts and empirical data, is such a bad idea for the US environment right now.


and for american patriots, if not world wide american patriots! Still a all time document!


I just love the wording of the whole thing, especially starting "Prudence-", ah just pure gold.

I will keep thinking of others way to present the q info in more clear and concise ways. Somewhat difficult, as I see others attempt and re-reading my own attempts.

Appreciate y'all for checking in and booting my noggin every now and then.


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Even though I’m sceptical about Q, I’ve noticed that you can easily get hooked and addicted to reading those messages. The communicating seems to be designed to get people addicted. This could, of course, be used both for good and bad purposes.
Yup. Seems to me like Q is just another tentacle of the Protocol's "control of the press" thing.
Has no one figured out that the "Q" business is just 4chan people trolling "normies" on the right like they troll "normies" on the left with pepe the frog etc.?
There are 20 pages on this thread that started 9 months ago. On the first page, I said pretty much the same thing I said on the last one. The reason for that is that it was obvious nonsense at the start, obvious nonsense all the way through, and it's still obvious nonsense. I can't imagine why anyone on this forum would be interested in willfully distorting their perception by believing patent nonsense. Scratch that, I DO understand why people willfully believe lies: it's because they WANT to believe that someone is in their camp, on their team, someone with power and influence is gonna come and "save" us all. Well, good luck with that one.
I would say that it is crucially important to believe nothing, to approach the study as you would approach the study of a probable psychopath: keep your distance and BELIEVE NOTHING. It is the "hope that they are good guys" which leads to wanting to believe, which leads to giving the benefit of the doubt, which leads to believing, and then they have you and a direct channel to your psychic energy.
IMO it most likely is designed to vector the conspiracy-minded away from their own research and lead them 'down the garden path' so to speak by offering them a purported 'insider'. People love to think they have a direct hook in, an insider to the 'real deal' who can tell them the 'real truth', because it's a lot easier than having to figure things out yourself. And that, I suppose, is the core of the psyops and WHY it is a psyop, because it's a lot easier than having to figure things out yourself.

I agree with all these posts above

Following the original intent of q to inform the masses, and the public learning to view and questioning their reality.That is mostly the layers for 'normies',but there are layers of communication/information for actual players and pawns reading the posts as well, eg, the trolls, the paid shills, politicians, celebrities, military, intel groups, basically all walks of life. So not in defense of the validity of q, but in the environment we find ourselves in today, there is no way to give info and "satisfy" all sides, nor can you avoid the attacks, and eventually the psyops feel of the whole thing. Would you not agree that Laura/Ark, chateau peeps, and many along the way of website to forum, have had to deal with the STS attacks in the similar way, when presenting truthful information as we see it? Would someone viewing forum info for the first time back in the early-mid 2000's or even the last couple of years find it easy to trust and navigate the information presented? Not trying to one glove everything, but even the simpler topics, are hard to grasp sometimes, imo. Of course not all are meant for it, and asking is more important then force feeding someone something they do not want nor need at times.

It is very obvious that this Q thing is just wasting time and energy. I don't see that the Q original intent was to inform the masses. I see that the role of Q is to mud the water to those people who are capable of putting some effort and see from time to time some truth, people who are capable of splitting truth from lies. The Q comes here to mud that again. Offering those people some " quick and served insider" Infos. I also notice that people who are more in those NEW AGE things hook up more easily to the Q thing. Like this Q thing is just a continuation of the NEW AGE cointelpro to direct the people who are maybe on something even more from the real path and truth.
Free lunch in this Dangerous psychopathic world? No thanks.

When people start to question too much about their masters, there are always things like Q to " flatten the curve" of people who are asking too many questions and mud the waters for those people and direct the water in the direction they need.

Today social media are heavily censoring any posts about danger od wearing mask and in the last time I even get a censored post about the weather, and Q posts all over the social media are not even touched?

They are playing with people's minds. With the minds od that small percentage of people who can somehow still use their brains to think.
There is no need to satisfy any side. I think that there is a need to split truth from a lie. And you can't do that if somebody feeds you with some kind of Infos and you are accepting them because it is in line with your believes and wishes.
You can do that with constant knowledge input, and by using the principles of networking.

Simply, The Q thing is not fitting those principles. I would not use my energy and time on this distraction.
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