Republic Broadcasting Disconnected



在http://www RBN重建在互联网上; the archives seem to be the only service yet down.

I agree with Laura’s "junkyard dog" observation regarding John Stadtmiller; however, in so agreeing, I find myself asking, is there anyone doing more to enable the voice of truth to be so widely heard at this hour? Where else can you go to hear Mike Piper, Mark Dankof, Robby Noel or you-choose?

Myself? - well I’m as disabled as a two legged-centipede, and I doubt I could ever accomplish a mite in comparison to Stadtmiller - mainly because I’m not a junkyard dog. Unfortunately, it would seem that in this current psycho-hegemonic, money centered, dog eat dog-world, only a junkyard dog is capable of maintaining an opposing media at the level that John’s Republic Broadcasting has attained. I'm thankful for his perseverance.:cool:


He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. -- Revelation 22:11 (the last, and most ignored commandment in the Bible).

Riddemspider Audio

Yo, new to this place, I live in Norway.
听过三qurters共和国吗of an year now. I really miss it bigtime! Sure, there was not enough hours in the dfay to listen to more than a few of the hosts, and of the onew I took time to listen to when it so fitted would be Frank Whalen, that in every which way did some pretty hard shows just the last week b4 it got brought down, same with Rick Adams, and no matter what people on the internet will write, Repulic really did give airtime to both muslims and jews alike, and there were plenty of good discussion on these programs.

Then, Stadmiller, love him or not, Would give priority to Ron Paul`s electioncampaign, and now every radio on the cybersphere is going heads over heels to copy that.. or maybe I`m wrong, anyhow. U guys need & deserve a decent prez.

So third point; I ordered a tshirt off rbn some 5 weeks ago, I still have not recieved it, and of course with all this banal retoric going on in tx, which, take it or leave it, a gun in an office down there, and a free spirited slinging of said gun, who-really-cares?
Well. on my internet receipt, it is stamped by mr Romero, and can I please have my tshirt now, like.

I don`t really sign on to boards like these, and also like Lisa and Victor, had I not seen their names attached to this place I`d not care to write this stuff.
Big ups to Them, to mysteriesofthemind, while it was on (and deffy the kind of leader a branch like republic deserves), thebyteshow and most important,

It is snowing and cold-ish in the mountains where I am, but very fine.




FOTCM Member
Fearnot said:
I agree with Laura’s "junkyard dog" observation regarding John Stadtmiller; however, in so agreeing, I find myself asking, is there anyone doing more to enable the voice of truth to be so widely heard at this hour? Where else can you go to hear Mike Piper, Mark Dankof, Robby Noel or you-choose?
That's the problem. With someone like Stadtmiller acting as gatekeeper, it gives the "voice of truth," as you call it, a bad name. In fact, it infects it so that the millions who need to hear it never will.

The real key is, of course, the hardware and software management. If we had that, and the money behind it, we would establish a similar set-up minus the disinfo and junkyard dog aspects.

All of which suggests that there is something peculiar about this whole thing. I mean, what is up with a guy doing the tech work who is on the lam? And the guy pushing the envelope who is a deviant?

Reminds me of something that psychologist Andre Lobaczewski said about a certain type of pathlogy:

Lobaczewski said:
Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups,using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature.They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical. They may also exert a similar influence upon the group of people they have joined.
Fearnot said:
Myself? - well I’m as disabled as a two legged-centipede, and I doubt I could ever accomplish a mite in comparison to Stadtmiller - mainly because I’m not a junkyard dog. Unfortunately, it would seem that in this current psycho-hegemonic, money centered, dog eat dog-world, only a junkyard dog is capable of maintaining an opposing media at the level that John’s Republic Broadcasting has attained. I'm thankful for his perseverance.
Unfortunately, what Stadtmiller et al are doing isn't really helping anyone or anything. Notice how you use the term "perseverence." Yeah, "using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature.". But there's more:

Lobaczewski said:
然后他们是心理上的孤独者,他们开始铁el better in some human organization, wherein they become zealots for some ideology, religious bigots, materialists, or adherents of an ideology with satanic features. If their activities consist of direct contact on a small social scale, their acquaintances generally just consider them to be eccentric, which limits their ponerogenic role. However, if they manage to hide their own personality behind the written word, their influence may poison the minds of society on a wide scale and for a long time.
的过于简单化的模式的想法,缺乏小组chological color and based on easily available data, tends to exert an intense attracting influence on individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies of their own. Such writings are particularly attractive to a hystericized society. Others who may read such writings will be immediately provoked to criticism based on their healthy common sense, though they also they fail to grasp the essential cause of the error: that it emerges from a biologically deviant mind.

Societal interpretation of such writings and doctrinaire declarations breaks down into main trifurcations, engendering divisiveness and conflict. The first branch is the path of aversion, based on rejection of the contents of the work due to personal motivations, differing convictions, or moral revulsion. These reactions contain the component of a moralistic interpretation of pathological phenomena.

The second and third branches relate to two distinctly different apperception types among those persons who accept the contents of such works: the critically-corrective and the pathological.

The critically-corrective approach is taken by people whose feel for psychological reality is normal and they tend to incorporate the more valuable elements of the work. They then trivialize the obvious errors and fill in the missing elements of the schizoid deficiencies by means of their own richer world view. This gives rise to a more sensible, measured, and thus creative interpretation, but is cannot be completely free from the influence of the error frequently adduced above.

Pathological acceptance is manifested by individuals with psychological deficiencies of their own: diversiform deviations, whether inherited or acquired, as well as by many people bearing personality malformations or who have been injured by social injustice. That explains why this scope is wider than the circle drawn by direct action of pathological factors. Pathological acceptance of schizoidal writings or declarations by other deviants often brutalizes the authors’ concepts and promotes ideas of force and revolutionary means.


Quoting Lobaczewski said:
Pathological acceptance is manifested by individuals with psychological deficiencies of their own: diversiform deviations, whether inherited or acquired, as well as by many people bearing personality malformations or who have been injured by social injustice. That explains why this scope is wider than the circle drawn by direct action of pathological factors. Pathological acceptance of schizoidal writings or declarations by other deviants often brutalizes the authors’ concepts and promotes ideas of force and revolutionary means.
Perhaps I’m simple, and among the lower rings of "enlightenment" as I do subject myself to my understanding of scripture above secular ideologies. Nevertheless I do believe that perceived truth is subjective, being the functioning reality of the individual; essentially, that the subjective sense of reality actually defines an individual’s verylife. This is my reason for believing this:

Within the Hellenic Greek of the New Testament, which was the common written language at the time of Christ, one finds that the word for breath, soul, and life is the same, aka,psuche. We find this same general concept in the Chaldean-Hebrew backing the Old Testament - this may be verified by consulting the Chaldean-Hebrew and Greek dictionaries in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Adopting this definition one may conclude that the "soul" of an individual is the whole of his or her perception of reality purchased, so to speak, at the expense of his or her life. Equity law, i.e. eye for eye, tooth for tooth,life for life, suggests that it is a serious offense - even capital - to destroy the life, that is, the functioning reality orsoul, of another. The reader will notice that this concept is in perfect harmony with the final commandment of the Bible, noted below. It is my purpose to honor this commandment as proceeding from the only One that possesses the lawful authority to supersede in matters of His creation's souls, i.e., lives, having paid the price as prescribed by the law of equity. I acknowledge that this preface is my own and ask only that you respect my position, particularly in that it is harmless to all.

Laura, maybe I’m misunderstanding you. In saying "et al," are you suggesting that all of Republic Broadcasting’s hosts are operating under the cover of vanity, or worse?

If so, let me put this succinctly: I think you’re wrong; but then again I must add that the Gospel of Andres Lobaczewski is brilliant from what I’ve read. It has that awesome authoritative air about it – "I AM; and nobody else." The man has perfectly and precisely diagnosed himself.

And yes, I’ve likened myself to a two legged centipede and the fact is, I can’t even so much as dress myself. And yes, physical disability does directly affect mental processes. Disabled people often become moody, bitter, dictatorial and self centered of necessity, that is, in order to survive. The face of reality mocks with every waking hour. However I have two things that keep me going; hope, and a good old fashioned sense of humor. If I had more, I’d probably be the envy of the world.

Nevertheless I chose the "two legged centipede" -analogy for a second reason, and that was to illustrate just how difficult it must be for John and Sandra to follow through with providing service to their hosts and audience.

I’m really not sure if your third person-approach was designed to label me as having a psychological diversiform deviational deficiency – or something like that. Laura, you do not know me. But don’t concern yourself with apologies; I neither expect nor desire any. You are a professional, and in this day and age professionals never apologize because they cannot and do not, ever, make mistakes.

Oh, by the way, I hope that you, too, persevere.

Come now; Lady-playing-the-harp; will you not laugh with the congregation who have listened and lauded your music?


He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. -- Revelation 22:11 (the last, and most ignored commandment in the Bible).


A Disturbance in the Force
Mike said:
If so, let me put this succinctly: I think you’re wrong; but then again I must add that the Gospel of Andres Lobaczewski is brilliant from what I’ve read. It has that awesome authoritative air about it – "I AM; and nobody else." The man has perfectly and precisely diagnosed himself.
What, in the world, are you talking about?

Mike said:
and that was to illustrate just how difficult it must be for John and Sandra to follow through with providing service to their hosts and audience.
:lol:Oh, yes, John has always been so focused on serving others - again - what, in the world, are you talking about?

Mike said:
I’m really not sure if your third person-approach was designed to label me as having a psychological diversiform deviational deficiency – or something like that. Laura, you do not know me. But don’t concern yourself with apologies; I neither expect nor desire any. You are a professional, and in this day and age professionals never apologize because they cannot and do not, ever, make mistakes.
For the third time - what, in the world, are you talking about?:shock:

Sorry, but it's as if you are reading some other thread entirely (not to mention some other Lobaczewski).


Anart said:
What, in the world, are you talking about?

Oh, yes, John has always been so focused on serving others - again - what, in the world, are you talking about?

For the third time - what, in the world, are you talking about?

Sorry, but it's as if you are reading some other thread entirely (not to mention some other Lobaczewski).
Anart, I’ve read many of your posts noting that you are both articulate in expression and sharp in comprehension, bringing to light even some of the most subtle inflections of others. Notwithstanding character assassination is serious, and my attempt to quell slander and promote restitution did not concern you. But since you’ve jumped in and muddied the water rather than allowing the wounds to heal, I find myself back - but not to play your entangling smoke-and-obviate, attorney type-games.

Instead I’ll take the opportunity to correct an error: When information is used to destroy, it is an oxymoron to connect the wordGospelto it - which means "good news" - as I did in my complaint posted above, because a precept of the Gospel is "let everything be established by the words of two or three witnesses" (Matthew 18:16; 2nd Corinthians 13:1).

A more precise title-of-analogy, when Lobaczewski’s book is used for character assassination, is,The Andres Lobaczewski Talmud; because the only theological law that pretends that only one witness is necessary for conviction and condemnation of an outsider, is found in the Babylonian Talmud, wherein it is written:

A heathen is executed on the ruling of one judge, on the testimony of one witness, without a formal warning, on the evidence of a man, but not of a woman, even if he (the witness) be a relation. – Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b

Judge by what is produced by the person or thing, not by actions; only a deceiver can say he has never erred.


He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. -- Revelation 22:11 (the last, and most ignored commandment in the Bible).


Laura, I apologize.

I totally misunderstood what were saying.

I guess I'm just very, very, tired.

But truthfully, I'd rather see restoration for all. I'm sick of vengence. What a waiste of energy.


- Mike


FOTCM Member
Mike, all Anart did was ask you a simple question: What are you talking about? How is that an "entangling smoke-and-obviate, attorney type-games"?? It's simple question for cryin out loud! She's not the only one who finds it ludicrous that you attempt to label Lobaczewski as evil, since he is only trying to help others understand evil.

I don't get why you are focusing on the man who wrote the book, and not the contents of said book. Why don't you stick to discussing that.


A Disturbance in the Force
Fear said:
Anart, I’ve read many of your posts noting that you are both articulate in expression and sharp in comprehension, bringing to light even some of the most subtle inflections of others. Notwithstanding character assassination is serious, and my attempt to quell slander and promote restitution did not concern you. But since you’ve jumped in and muddied the water rather than allowing the wounds to heal, I find myself back - but not to play your entangling smoke-and-obviate, attorney type-games.

Instead I’ll take the opportunity to correct an error: When information is used to destroy, it is an oxymoron to connect the wordGospelto it - which means "good news" - as I did in my complaint posted above, because a precept of the Gospel is "let everything be established by the words of two or three witnesses" (Matthew 18:16; 2nd Corinthians 13:1).

A more precise title-of-analogy, when Lobaczewski’s book is used for character assassination, is,The Andres Lobaczewski Talmud; because the only theological law that pretends that only one witness is necessary for conviction and condemnation of an outsider, is found in the Babylonian Talmud, wherein it is written:

A heathen is executed on the ruling of one judge, on the testimony of one witness, without a formal warning, on the evidence of a man, but not of a woman, even if he (the witness) be a relation. – Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b

Judge by what is produced by the person or thing, not by actions; only a deceiver can say he has never erred.

Well, that certainly cleared that up.


Apologies for being so 'dense' - but - what 'one witness'? Did you even read the book? Numerous psychologists contributed to this work. What slander? This thread? The book? Statements based on fact cannot be slander - but, then again, I'm not even sure to what you are referring when you say slander. Who says they have never erred? What is the real reason this book upsets you so much? You say, "when information is used to destroy..." - implying that Lobaczewski is trying to destroy - which is very telling, I suppose, since there is only one segment of society that could be damaged by Lobaczewski's work. Perhaps if you used your own words and not biblical phrases that bear no relation whatsoever to what is being discussed, you might make more sense. And, perhaps the truth of the matter is that this forum is not for you, and it would be better to move along to forums that encourage such obtuse entries.


The Living Force
ADMIN: If you can forward this to Laura directly, please delete this post. I don't think it adds anything to the board public. Thanks!

Laura said:
The real key is, of course, the hardware and software management. If we had that, and the money behind it, we would establish a similar set-up minus the disinfo and junkyard dog aspects.
There are places that offer these services. One that I know of and help out with is The main guy volunteers his personal time (as do I, I help out where I can), has just setup a network and hosts his own show on Sundays, where he is only interested in hearing the truth, and calls all bluffs and misinformation attempts as he sees them. He's got all the equipment, his own sound setup, call in lines, and a good software setup (which I help out on).

He'd be happy to chat voice, or otherwise. In fact, you could be a guest on the show, if you wanted to. He funds this out of his own pocket, too, but is trying to get more income to at least break even.

The biggest thing, though, so far as I can see, is that his agenda is simple: he wants to find out what's really going on, and have people see it too.

You might want to feel him out for yourself and also see what he's got to offer for broadcasting.

Hope this isn't taken as a gratuitous advert., but it might be what you are looking for.



The Living Force
Fearnot said:
I doubt I could ever accomplish a mite in comparison to Stadtmiller - mainly because I’m not a junkyard dog. Unfortunately, it would seem that in this current psycho-hegemonic, money centered, dog eat dog-world, only a junkyard dog is capable of maintaining an opposing media at the level that John’s Republic Broadcasting has attained. I'm thankful for his perseverance.
If anything Mr Perkins had to say about Stadtmiller was true, Stadtmiller comes across as a prize winning a-hole and a dangerous nut bag, to boot. I clicked on the link at the begining of the tread and his website looks like a red, white and blue flag. It must have been set up to attract 'patriots'. Stradtmiller seems to be going round trying to get 'info' on all his enemies and potential compeditors. He must be thinking of using this info somehow. That which he can't use to attack people, he discards.


The Living Force
Fearnot said:
Disabled people often become moody, bitter, dictatorial and self centered of necessity, that is, in order to survive.
They 'survive' usually with the help of others, paid and unpaid. I don't think the list above would help in that, hinder maybe.

Fearnot said:
Nevertheless I chose the "two legged centipede" -analogy for a second reason, and that was to illustrate just how difficult it must be for John and Sandra to follow through with providing service to their hosts and audience.
Yes, especially when one of them is violent, thows tantrums, threatens and deliberately tries to blackmail or rip people off. I can see that it might be somewhat of an uphill battle for them. :)


Fearnot said:
Nevertheless I chose the "two legged centipede" -analogy for a second reason, and that was to illustrate just how difficult it must be for John and Sandra to follow through with providing service to their hosts and audience.
On the contrary, it would seem compared to SOTT efforts to even put up podcasts, Stadmiller has come out of this with little disruption. The archives seem to be the only thing held up. The rbnlive url now resolves directly to republic and Perkins and Romero's postings are gone. None of his advertisers have deserted him it seems and only one or two of his on air people have left.

See the podcast page at and listen
to "The End Of World As We Know It" and also read Fire And Ice from the Sign's Page, if you want an idea of the the difficulty the Signs team faces every day. John and Sandra seem to face no such difficulty even when disgruntled employees walk out the door with control of most of the software that makes the network run. Do you think SOTT could recover this fast under the same circumstances.

Stadmiller seems to have friends in places that can make things happen!

Perkins and Romero have a small startup site at which looks to have copied much from RBN with a few of the same advertisers. No radio streams yet however. Seems rather interesting to me.

Another interesting couple of tidbits. On Mark Dankoff's America's Friday show the guest was a daughter of the, I think, Commander of the Shaw of Iran's Imperial Guard. Mark has many times said that he grew up in Iran while his father was stationed there and worked for the Shaw and apparently knew this guests Father.

The whole theme of the show seemed to be implying that the Shaw was a "Good Guy" and if the Royal Family were still on the throne we would not be having this problem with Iran now. Nice little bit of Gate Keeping!

Even Michal Collins Piper had guests on back in November and December that were
pushing the idea that Hitler started out in the 1930's fighting the world bankers. They also seemed to be expressing very thinly veiled references to the "Jewish Bankers". More, of the"Hitler was a good Guy" gate keeping?

Would not surprise me if those archives are missing when they are finally reposted

I liked these two guys as well but it seems they are not immune as none of us are,
without awareness.

The whole thing has left me with a bad taste in my mouth!

Should be


The Living Force
一些事情——Stadmiller似乎definate characteropath of some sort. Pathological Egotism, Threats, Bullying... i mean it's the typical infect group with psycholigical deviant thereby neutralizing any threat the group may pose bit.

Wes and anyone else @ RBN should read ponerology, it'd give them a glimpse into what they experienced, first hand.


Jedi Master
tractmec said:
Jan. 11, 2007, (the next day) Alex responds and soon thereafter Jason Bermas leaves RBN, followed by Dan Abrahamson; with rumors flying that Webster Tarpley was soon to follow, (Nick Begich has since left as well). Now please understand my situation here, I was the person responsible for the programming innovations at RBN. I brought and produced Karen Kwiatowski, Nick Begich, Janis Karpinski, Jason Bermas, Dan Abrahamson, Kevin Barrett, Greg Szymanski, Jim Fetzer, Alex Ansary, Ingri Cassel, Don Harkins, Richard Reeves,Gary Franchi, Eric Shine and D’Anne Burley. By this time, I’m beginning to watch the people I consider my friends, start to bail from the network, not to mention the undoing of all my hard work.

I keep getting invites to join in my email. I'd seen a lot of articles floating around the web by bloggers with, but checking them out, their national director is Gary Franchi. Right-wing extreme found there.
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