俄罗斯在叙利亚开始操作:th结束游戏e US Empire?



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I may not be the most qualified to answer that, but my view is to wait and see.
The C's mentioned (and I'm paraphrasing) the US being the head of the beast and Russia being the feet. So maybe this will move us towards something negative?
I don't see anything obvious yet though.

There is also the possibility that the US will tip the chess board over (i.e. get really violent/destructive).


Jedi Master
Well, those were the 90s, so what was "said" then were future possibilities if not probabilities projected out from "then". So how much has the timeline objectively changed, if any? Are things going precisely as planned, kinda-sorta yes/no, or (at this point) outright not? (/wonderin' words.) Either way, I'm 100% skeptical (0.00% trusting) of legitimate happiness at world events at this point.


FOTCM Member
Seems to me like they are now not far away from pushing the "Putin Evil" thing to new extremes quite soon...

USA and Co. are probably quite unhappy by that move right now, to say the least...


RedFox said:
I may not be the most qualified to answer that, but my view is to wait and see.
The C's mentioned (and I'm paraphrasing) the US being the head of the beast and Russia being the feet. So maybe this will move us towards something negative?
I don't see anything obvious yet though.

There is also the possibility that the US will tip the chess board over(i.e. get really violent/destructive).
That's my thought too. Wouldn't it too easy to fabricate some kind incidence that "proves" Russia attacked the USA in some way, like shooting down Airforce Jets, bombing the "wrong people" or something like that? On the other hand, I guess Putin thought about such things too and may have a plan?


FOTCM Member
RedFox said:
联合国似乎是一个改变游戏规则,这些行动ns feel like Castaneda's description of timing (after all the control, discipline, and forbearance).
Talk about giving the tyrant what it's due!

If ISIS is crushed in a matter of months (given the pace it's moving it seems plausible), that would be very interesting in exposing everything to the world at large.

All these years of 'the war on terror' to suddenly have it end?
Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it sure is fascinating to watch.
卡斯塔涅达也是我的第一个想法当我开始to read the news. Imo Putin is stinging the enemy in the hope he does something really stupid.


FOTCM Member
Just for the record:

Sergei Ivanov, the chief of staff of the presidential administration of russia, said that Assad asked russia for military assistance and Putin thus asked vor a vote on that request. They voted for it, so he ordered it.

So in case you read in the next days that this move is a "violation of international law" or against "international humanitarian law" you know that this is a lie.



FOTCM Member
Pashalis said:
Just for the record:

Sergei Ivanov, the chief of staff of the presidential administration of russia, said that Assad asked russia for military assistance and Putin thus asked vor a vote on that request. They voted for it, so he ordered it.

Soin case you read in the next days that this move is a "violation of international law" or against "international humanitarian law" you know that this is a lie.

Yeah, and actually Putin himself was talking about it on the recent UN conference.


Jedi Master
RedFox said:
the US being the head of the beast and Russia beingthe feet. So maybe this will move us towards something negative?
Idon't see anything obviousyet though.
That just made me remember—and good point. Negative entities—including and especially actual [4th level] snakes—can and do attach themselves to the feet° (one of the weakest auric areas) and from there can control / manipulate the host. E.g.,


They arevilebeyond comprehension, never learn, don't care, don't care that they don't care, and have no 'bottom' to any of that.

(° Try EE on the feet / lower half of body sometime.))


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Hello all,

Please excuse me if a thread exists for this already. So... The Russian strikes in Syria :


I have been having to learn about strategy as a part of my current career change, which has only increased my admiration for Putin and his advisers. A fundamental part of a plan that can be called a strategy is a long-term vision. I am quite convinced that the US foreign policy lacks exactly that. It probably is a vast logistical structure of great complexity and sophistication, but it seems to be largely tactical in nature. Its short-term vision has never been revised since the Cold War (not even speaking of the erroneous nature of the assumptions that would have created this structure). Anyone who has read Prouty should have a good sense of this structure.

Russia under its current leadership seems to have a long-term goal, and that goal seems to be transparent, which is the freedom to practice freely international relations and trade while preserving national sovereignty. I mention all of this because I think Russia's actions are chosen as being coherent with their strategy. They have chosen this time to be the proper moment to make such an important decision. They are acting within the official narrative of ISIS as rogue, fundamentalist state even though it is the worst kept secret in the world that it is an American, ABC agency-sponsored organization.

Obviously, another great war benefits no one except profiteers, and I think Putin and his strategists understand this. So... What makes this time so right to challenge the official narrative? Or should I say to act within the official narrative to bring about unofficial change?

I am asking this question literally because I have no idea why myself. I felt that Russia would eventually draw some sort of line, but I am honestly at a loss to even begin to explain why now is the moment. That is probably because of a lack of information.

Best wishes.


FOTCM Member
Prolly because their preparations took some time and they had a target date to be ready and get 'er done. Putin's been mighty patient all this time, seemingly, but it's obvious he was buying time.

See this thread:


FOTCM Member
Combat cam footage shows Russian planes hitting ISIS targets

8 ISIS targets hit during 20 combat flights in Syria – Russian military

Russian anti-terror op in Syria Live updates

The US and UK are whining a bit but the biggest BS artist at the moment seems to be France.


"Russian forces struck Syria and curiously didn't hit Islamic State," Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told lawmakers.

A French diplomatic source said the strikes, which seemed to have been carried out near Homs, an area crucial to Assad's control of western Syria.

"It is not Daesh (Islamic State) that they are targeting, but probably opposition groups, which confirms that they are more in support of Bashar's regime than in fighting Daesh," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We shall see what they do with their other strikes," the source said.
Propaganda and sour grapes iyam.

Another along the same line:


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Ghassan Kadi makes a good case for why Russia is acting now, though that is not what he is setting out to do. As he explains the motley coalition and supporters of regime change in Syria all joined forces for their own reasons. They all thought it would be a walk in the park, but as time has passed, so have their priorities as realities on the ground has changed....thank god!

Here is his article: http://thesaker.is/war-on-syria-not-quite-according-to-plan-part-4-the-undoing-of-the-plotters/

And yes, Putin has been enormously patient, but he had to wait until all the chess pieces moved into place, and fell over by their own doings.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Perfect stalking and timing by Putin and Russia. First the UN talks by Lavrov and Putin preparing the ground, then...wham! :)

If and when the Russians eradicate ISIL (or whatever it's called) it will the best chess-move yet! Yet, I can imagine the western media spin-doctors are thinking hard of how to make this, too, look like "Russian aggression".


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
fwiw whatever happens I take the whole thing as positive (with the exception of acknowledging that people are dying - but they die every day at the hands of the US etc) and am celebrating!
It seems to have been a masterful maneuver by Putin, whatever angle you look at it from.


FOTCM Member
Wow indeed. Thesession from 8 Augustcomes to mind:

Session 8 August 2015 said:
Q: (Nicholas) There seems to be a lot of events coming in September. On the 13th, it's the last day of the Shemitah year, the 15th the UN may formally recognize the Palestinian state, the 25th the pope visits the US and gives a UN speech which might kick off Agenda 2030, Egypt wants Isreal's nuclear sites to be inspected, and the 28th is the last of the four blood moons. Is this something that could be a marker for the start of the Powers that Be to ramp up their agenda?

A:Wait for October.

Q: (Odyssey) What's happening in October?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (Bear) Recently the US changed policy with reference to Syria in terms of supporting bombing. Russia said that there would be a line in the sand. So, the question is: Is this gonna be turned into something wider?

A:Putin has cards up his sleeve that may be well played.

Q: (L) Hmm. I hope it involves a video.

A: It may!
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