Session 13 January 1996



FOTCM Member
January 13, 1996

Frank, Laura, PZ, PkZ

{This is one of several sessions that were made almost unintelligible due to static. This had never occurred with the particular machine used in over 2 years, and only occurred in seeming relationship to the interaction of P. In fact, during THIS session, two recorders were used, and BOTH tapes were nearly ruined. PZ is the individual who I did my first “alien abduction” hypnosis session with. PkZ is her son.}

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: What name do we use this evening?

A: Yommor.

Q: And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Okay, we have P and Pk here with us this evening. I would like to ask, as the first question, about the invitation to do online "chats" and channeling through Mike Lindemann's ISCNI, is this an acceptable mode of communication for this source, because, if so, we think we can figure out a way to do it.

A: Okay.

Q: Is this a desirable forum?

A: Yes.

Q: I have worked on preparing a little biographical sketch about the Cs, and would like to know if it is acceptable as is?

A: This is up to you!

Q: What is going on with Val Valerian? He was calling every week, and I have not heard from him in almost a week.

A: He lost track of time.

Q: Why did he lose track of time?

A: Busy with many projects. You must contact him because we see his desk topped with mounds of "stuff." He is interested, but just not for some period. {short pause} Isis has uterine or cervical abrasion from birth process.

{Isis was L's dog which had given birth to 5 puppies, 2 of which died a short time after birth because Isis was unable to care for them. It had been several days, and Isis had been moved into the kitchen for warmth, but had been "down" for several days. This comment was volunteered with no question asked.}

Q: What can I do to help her?

A: Vitamins A, D, E and a solution of Goldenseal root to be placed in food. {These instructions were carried out and Isis recovered completely within 10 days, with definite improvement noted after 2 days.}

Q: Next question: I guess I ought to let P ask about it. (P) A man came to our shop last Monday and ordered a phenomenal amount of work and promised more work in the future if he is satisfied.

A: Good intentions. Is like a "self-styled" wheeler dealer.

Q: (P) Does he have the money to back up his "good intentions?"

A: Strings projects along... Kiting, as in checks. Repeat: good intentions.

问:(S)有些人知道他们会have their pay on Friday, and they write checks on Thursday. (P) Yes, but it really is against the law. If it is not in the bank when you write the check, you are breaking the law.

A: Beware of errors in timing... suggest that you be conservative in the processing of especially big orders. Take the checks to bank of writer to cash, when possible, and beware of out of area checks... Steady in decisions regarding monumental tasks, do not attempt to tackle large projects unless you are certain of the efficacy of fund transfers offered.

Q: (P) Next question: How does one determine if they are channeling a 3rd density dead dude, or a higher density being?

需要修改和澄清:“死Dudes" are 5th density beings. Either they are stuck in 3rd density, or they are communicating from 5th density, not 3rd density!! They are not 3rd density! 1st density includes all physical matter below the level of consciousness. 6th density is uniform in the level pattern of lightness, as there is complete balance on this density level, and the lightness is represented as knowledge. 7th density is union with the one... it is timeless in every sense of the word, as its "essence" radiates through all that exists in all possible awareness realms. The light one sees at the termination of each conscious physical manifestation is the union, itself. Remember, 4th density is the first that includes variable physicality!! Ponder this carefully!!! And, remember, there is only one "God," and that the creator includes all that is created and vice versa!

Q: (P) {Three names were given of scientists who worked for the U.S. government, asking if they were part of the reason P had been abducted and implanted as was described in a previous session attended by P. All three names were lost in static bursts, but the response to all three names was "yes." The last name was recorded in the notes and was Bob Nathan @ JPL. Then, the following remark was made.}

A: Big involvement there! Microwave technology has many applications. Laser, ELF, electromagnetic.

Q: (P) Was Vic's last assignment... {remainder of question lost in static. Vic was P's husband who had worked on secret government research at an underground facility and was now dying.}

A: Was used, but not consistently.

Q: (P) Was what Vic was told about the job he was doing a complete lie, or was it the truth?

A: Close, but a few details off.

Q: (P) Was it because he was too strong willed to be controlled by an implant, that he was retired?

A: He was trained in applications, not reversal of command instructions.

Q: (P) Does that mean that he wouldn't have sold out to the ones who put in the implant, that he was loyal to his employer?

A: Not quite correct concept, it means that he could not be relied upon to reverse "course" upon activation of subliminal instructions.

Q: (P) How could I be used to monitor personnel when I never noticed anything as being unusual?

A: Very complex, in fact, parallel subject. P is "locator probe" for the purpose of monitoring those in her midst. Telling is not important, reading is. Besides, most of the work performed did not involve conscious awareness.

Q: (L) Is this still going on?

A: Partly, but also, P could be used as a probe to monitor all events taking place at JPL and other laboratories by examining aural imprints of her husband and others with whom she was acquainted. All events leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields. This explains, for example, some sightings and apparitions. "Ghosts" are sometimes merely spontaneous activations of the aural records of the natural surroundings.

Q: (P) {Question lost in static burst.}

A: No, P, the "blue thing" you saw was not an aural imprint reading, it was a 4th density craft partially transferred into 3rd density. Your deep subconscious memory remembers much, much more.

Q: (L) Pk wants to know about the "sound" he hears in his head that he was describing earlier.

A: It is Pk.

Q: (L) You mean his own internal sound?

A: Close.

Q: (Pk) What does it mean?

A: Discover.

Q: (P) Does the knife incident have anything to do with it? The memory of Pk cutting his thumb with a knife, immediately after the blue light?

A: Yes.

Q: (P) What did the knife have to do with it?

A: Screen memory. Good Night.

End of Session


The Force is Strong With This One
As we do not know what awaits us in 4th density how do the C's know what 7th density is while they're in the 6th? Very interesting piece though


FOTCM Member
jmihalco said:
As we do not know what awaits us in 4th density how do the C's know what 7th density is while they're in the 6th? Very interesting piece though

We do not know what awaits us in 4th density in the 'full' sense, but we do have some kind of idea from our current limited point of view. And I think that 6th density beings might have the same kind of understanding of 7D from their own point of view. They know 7D is All in the full sense of the word, but are not yet 'Living' it which would able them to "understand"/''experience'' it in the 'full' sense. Just what I think, I could be wrong!


Jmihalco once you have read all the material you can understand it IMHHO .

The Wave & Adventures series is a must read then run through the transchrips & I think you will find what it says under your AV ;)

Drop into the introduce your self section and say houdy...


Yes, I agree with Oxajil.
They could know very well what 7th density is since knowledge is their domain. That doesn't mean theyareor have to be 7th density.
For example, it might be possible that 6D beings possess all theoretical knowledge. They know how everything works, how the universe is structured, etc. But they still have some kind of limitations which we cannot comprehend. It might be related to conciousness. We must also not applyourlimitations to them.


The Force is Strong With This One
Yes but from the reading in this article they state 7th density with such that when we talk about 4th we wouldn't have a vague idea of it but we would know what we're going into. "7th density is union with the one... it is timeless in every sense of the word, as its "essence" radiates through all that exists in all possible awareness realms." That is very strong wording, this interests me more than you can imagine but I still have questions as should you.


The Living Force
Since 6th density is the last division before all that is, I would imagine they would have a better understanding if 7th density than we would of 4th density. I don't think they made a particularly strong statement or used strong wording, since 7D is all that is. There's nothing above it. It is the source from which all divisions come. It is union with the one and is, therefore, the one.

Of course, this is assuming such divisions, as expressed by the C's, Ra and other channels, actually exist. I don't yet have any reason to not give it its due consideration since we cannot prove it false.



FOTCM Member
Gonzo said:
Of course, this is assuming such divisions, as expressed by the C's, Ra and other channels, actually exist. I don't yet have any reason to not give it its due consideration since we cannot prove it false.


Yup. That's the problem with esoteric material in general: you can't falsify it. But then, there's lots of things you can't falsify, like most of cosmology.
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
As we do not know what awaits us in 4th density how do the C's know what 7th density is while they're in the 6th? Very interesting piece though

As we have gathered more information from the Cassiopaean beings, nowadays we understand that how possibly Cassiopans acquired some of answers from,

Session Date: April 16th 2016

A: Cosmic Retrieval System

Q: (Pierre) They're using acronyms now! [laughter]

(L) Don't you know what the Cosmic Retrieval System is?! [laughter]

A: We use it all the time. It's like RAM in a computer.


Q: (Pierre) Oh, they just used the Cosmic Retrieval System to answer this question.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That's pretty handy.

A: Information field access.

And from the ancient times, some of people also able to used Cosmic Retrieval System to draw out information from "Cosmic Information Field/ Akashic Records/ Vacuum/ Zero Point".

December 5, 1994

Q: (V) Are the Akashic records the same thing as the source that you called "Central?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Was Nostradamus getting his information from the Akashic records?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, Nostradamus' quatrains, if interpreted correctly, would actually be valid.

A: Interpretation is the key.
End of session.
As we do not know what awaits us in 4th density how do the C's know what 7th density is while they're in the 6th? Very interesting piece though
Keep in mind that in your theoretical sixth-density STO environment, you wouldn't be limited by the vision of STS groups and their means of control like us, the modes of learning and understanding would have much less, not to say almost no corruption and limitation ... also these learning modes can range from very complex to unimaginable by us and finally,we have no idea of the level of access to information about seventh density or other things that can be accessed in other densities .
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