Session 20 October 2018

Thanks everyone for the session, you really never know what you're gonna get coming through the board sometimes.
Thanks for posting the new session. The Khashoggi affair seems to have a different twist to it than I thought. Usually when MSM goes full on with their coverage, someone is being set up, or a false narrative is being constructed. In this case, it seems like the MSM is doing their job. Reporting the truth. I remember once the C's saying that they, (PTB) are too clever to let you figure things out. Maybe is a rouge of some sort, to keep people guessing.
Thanks for the session! Appreciate everyone involved taking the time to do the session and making it available.

Q: (L) It's part of the big freaking farce that they're putting on to keep everyone occupied, distraught, distracted, destabilized, exhausted…

What seems like the never ending grind of things further downward and the increasing pace of the news cycle, etc has kind of worn me down. It isn't that I don't care, but each new development just seems to add to and confirm the picture of things and where it is headed and frankly I'm tired of it all. I'm glad there is Sott providing all the info it does, but of late I've been almost having to force myself to keep up with everything provided there.

I'm like let's just cut straight to the 'help is on the way part' already. At least then there might be some peace around the world and peace for some people even if 'the help' is going to be catastrophic. I think I'm starting to understand just why the C's in the past have said the earth benefits from periodic cleansing or along that line of thought and I fully agree.:umm:

I guess my feelings speaks to this part of the session:

(皮埃尔)这次地震在墨西哥happened on the 19th of September in 1985, and then another on the same day in 2017. For the second one, you had people in Mexico commemorating the thousands of deaths in 1985, and then the second one happens that very day. Did the commemorative event have an effect on the second earthquake?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) I guess you can refer to that session where we talked about the day after Christmas earthquake in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Isn't that the one that had the tsunami and some 200,000 people were killed? The Cs said that if you can't create without, you create within.

(Pierre) I don't think it was only the grieving in Mexico...

(L) It was the current state of affairs.

(Pierre) The injustice and poverty and misery that is so widespread...

(L) I have a theory that when you have oppression of human beings en masse without them being able to release it, that energy goes into the Earth and then the planet reacts for them. It may destroy them in the process, but it reacts for them. Is that anywhere near close to true?

A: Yes!!

Q: (Pierre) The human-cosmic connection goes both ways. And the crazy cosmic events make people more crazy, so then they trigger even more events. It's a downward spiral.
Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have the faintest idea where someone like me could acquire these "tomes" that explain the higher densities?
I enjoy talking and learning about the current state of the world and all that, but lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about the metaphysical aspect of all of this.

Densities, demons, angels, esoteric knowledge, etc.. I know a lot of this is simply human error in interpretation but this kind of thing excites me more than anything else. The few experiences I have had astral projecting have been probably the most illuminating and enthralling moments of my life, despite the known risks of doing such things. Life beyond 3rd density physical earth seems so much more interesting than our reality.
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In simply meaning light is reversed dark. It could be used according to speed of light, gravity constant, Planck constant. They are connected with this "Ч" and they are also some limitation of our world "in simplification" so maybe this "Ч" is the "point" which we could use to "reverse" our physics to something connected with dark energy or matter or other dimensions....:-)
When I read that part in the session, just like you also thought about the reverse. It was then that i remember the passage of a book about atlantis and his scientific knowledge:A Dweller on Two Planets: Book the First: Chapter IV: Axte Incal, Axtuce Mun
the Poseidi termed"Navaz, the Night-Side of Nature,"where duality becomes manifest, cold opposing heat, darkness light, and where positive polarity opposes negative, all things antipodal.Cold is as much a substantial entity as heat, and darkness as light.There is a prism of seven colors in each white ray of light; there is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom--the night is as pregnant as the day.
From this session
(Ark) ...there are octonions, there is a lot of algebra, there is Mr. Von Neumann with his infinite-dimensional algebras. So, it all kind of fits for me, but it has very detailed relation to this other mathematician, Wyler. There is some overlap, but it's different.

(Pierre) And they reach the same result? 1/137?

(Ark) Yes. In fact he gives this number the Russian letter "Ч" ("ch"). This is very strange in an English paper...

Q: (Ark) Okay. Reverse. Probably gravity.

(Joe) Reverse gravity.

(Ark) Yes. [laughs] Thousands of physicists are working on dark matter and dark energy which no one can see, but it's like Ptolemy, epicycles and such, and apparently the universe consists of 80% of things we don't see. With the help of this dark energy and matter, they are able to explain things they observe in the stars. But there is another school that says we don't need dark matter or energy, but instead we need to modify gravity. I want to know which way is better?

A: Modifying the concept of gravity may help. But consider dark things in terms of your former question about fine structure and its relation to light and "electricity".

From this year's February 10 session:
(Ark) Okay. Then I was asking at some point about consciousness. And the answer was that I will understand consciousness if I'm able to invert formulation of gravity. But formulation of gravity according to Einstein is based again on space-time, where time is a dimension. So how can I invert something that is wrong from the beginning since it's based on space and time?

A: Replace time with consciousness.
The analogy of 7 colors each for light/dark could relate in Ark's terms to an information structure using octonionic imaginaries and then you would have an infinite Von Neumann with a tensor product of this octonion structure. Ark already modifies gravity to 6-dim with his conformal structure and upping it to an octonion structure could add electromagnetism. This would give you lots of bosons and diffusionish kinds of equations with the bosons could give dark energy to dark matter to ordinary matter relationships as well as the fine structure electromagnetism force strength though detailed Von Neumann-like math sounds daunting,

Speed of light/Planck constant would be spacetime lattice structure related; you kind of need a lattice if you are digitizing things into information. The gravity constant is kind of a fudge factor related to gravity not being as strong of a force as it is expected to be at very small distances. The fine structure electromagnetism force strength is relative to this strong gravity force strength. That reversing gravity thing also seems related to consciousness (Penrose relates gravity to consciousness with gravitational self energy inversely related to consciousness decoherence time).
Thank you Laura and team for the session.
Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have the faintest idea where someone like me could acquire these "tomes" that explain the higher densities?
I enjoy talking and learning about the current state of the world and all that, but lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about the metaphysical aspect of all of this.

Densities, demons, angels, esoteric knowledge, etc.. I know a lot of this is simply human error in interpretation but this kind of thing excites me more than anything else. The few experiences I have had astral projecting have been probably the most illuminating and enthralling moments of my life, despite the known risks of doing such things. Life beyond 3rd density physical earth seems so much more interesting than our reality.
If you haven't read thewave series, you may want to start with that. It may not go into finer details of Laura's question of 5D intended.
Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have the faintest idea where someone like me could acquire these "tomes" that explain the higher densities?
I enjoy talking and learning about the current state of the world and all that, but lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about the metaphysical aspect of all of this.

Densities, demons, angels, esoteric knowledge, etc.. I know a lot of this is simply human error in interpretation but this kind of thing excites me more than anything else. The few experiences I have had astral projecting have been probably the most illuminating and enthralling moments of my life, despite the known risks of doing such things. Life beyond 3rd density physical earth seems so much more interesting than our reality.

Hello Weontv,
In my case, I started to read from 1994 Cassiopaean Session Transcripts,
Cassiopaean Session Transcripts by date

And some of recommended books,
Recommended Books: List and Guide

Then purchased Laura’s books from Amazon
Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have the faintest idea where someone like me could acquire these "tomes" that explain the higher densities?
I enjoy talking and learning about the current state of the world and all that, but lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about the metaphysical aspect of all of this.

Densities, demons, angels, esoteric knowledge, etc.. I know a lot of this is simply human error in interpretation but this kind of thing excites me more than anything else. The few experiences I have had astral projecting have been probably the most illuminating and enthralling moments of my life, despite the known risks of doing such things. Life beyond 3rd density physical earth seems so much more interesting than our reality.
No too familiar with the meaning of tomes. But, I think Carlos Castaneda books would interest you and the tapatalk nagual forum. The whole premise is that we are multi dimensional beings and how to connect with that. The art of dreaming is basically an instructional book on how form your dreaming body and to be able to control it and go to different worlds. Also interesting how different beings interact,what we know as angels and aliens and what not. Great stuff interesting session. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have the faintest idea where someone like me could acquire these "tomes" that explain the higher densities?
I enjoy talking and learning about the current state of the world and all that, but lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about the metaphysical aspect of all of this.

Densities, demons, angels, esoteric knowledge, etc.. I know a lot of this is simply human error in interpretation but this kind of thing excites me more than anything else. The few experiences I have had astral projecting have been probably the most illuminating and enthralling moments of my life, despite the known risks of doing such things. Life beyond 3rd density physical earth seems so much more interesting than our reality.


I'll be the first to welcome you to the forum since it looks like no one noticed you have not introduced yourself. If you will go to theNewbies Form and Important Notices to All Membersyou can just create a thread (with Post Thread button) as an introduction with a brief description of how you found the forum. It can be as brief or long as you like. Just use other newbie posts as examples.

I am sure you will receive many other welcomes and a moderator will give you plenty of reading references.:lkj:
The new session was a pleasant surprise! Thanks for sharing.
Очень информативная сессия. Керчь, "Союз", Хашогги. Меня позабавила буква "Ч". Эту букву англоязычные еще могли бы произнести, но у нас в алфавите есть еще несколько, например "Ы" или "Ъ", произнести которые просто нельзя.;-D

非常丰富的会话。刻赤,“联盟号”,Khashoggi. I was amused by the letter "Ч". This letter could still be pronounced in English, but we have a few more in the alphabet, for example, "Ы" or "Ъ", which simply can not be said.;-D
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