Session 22 July 2010

I too was an only child, and agree with both Shijing and Nienna Eluch:

Nienna Eluch said:
Shijing said:
In other words, whether we had siblings or not is only one factor making up the entire environment in which we were raised. Of course, there may have been any number of problems with that for any of us, but I don't think that being an only child by itself automatically puts one at an extreme disadvantage -- or creates problems that can't be dealt withby working on oneself now.

I agree with Shijing. Knowledge protects, and once we learn the programs that are running us, we can then Work on getting them under control, clean out the repressed emotions, which are part and parcel of the programming and read the books in the recommended reading list to fill in the clear spots we are creating in ourselves by getting rid of a lot of useless baggage.

我的问题与其说是独生子女那tmay haveinfluenced my interpersonal skills, the predominant factor for me was neonatal trauma. And, dealing with that is similar to what is posted above – learn the programmes running us, and Work on getting them under control by getting to the root cause of the problem and taking the learnings from the situation to reverse the brain chemicals back to normal.

Thinking of the concept of being an only child as being discouraging, or a reason for trouble relating with others is merely allowing the programmes to dominate your behaviour rather than getting to grips with the root cause of the problem – you, and your programmes that are perpetuating your Illusion. Work involves doing what the False Personality, the perpetuator of the Illusion, does not want to do – and that is getting out of the comfort zone of being who you have been, and losing its power to the real you.

This may help or not.
Hello Laura, Ark and friends.

I have been doing for quite some time thinking about how I prepare my son (8 years) on the whole. And the way that he understands ...
And much food for thought. Thanks for the Session.
Freigeist2.0 from germany
Trevrizent said:
I too was an only child, and agree with both Shijing and Nienna Eluch:
我的问题与其说是独生子女那tmay haveinfluenced my interpersonal skills, the predominant factor for me was neonatal trauma. And, dealing with that is similar to what is posted above – learn the programmes running us, and Work on getting them under control by getting to the root cause of the problem and taking the learnings from the situation to reverse the brain chemicals back to normal.

Thinking of the concept of being an only child as being discouraging, or a reason for trouble relating with others is merely allowing the programmes to dominate your behaviour rather than getting to grips with the root cause of the problem – you, and your programmes that are perpetuating your Illusion. Work involves doing what the False Personality, the perpetuator of the Illusion, does not want to do – and that is getting out of the comfort zone of being who you have been, and losing its power to the real you.

This may help or not.

Completely agree, that was I found it has results, to do the contrary my fears dictate on me, but specifically those fears that have no sense, there may be gut fears, or an usual fear to shoot at your feet, but there are fears that, there is no real purpose to to be there. And not just fears, impulses too.
Big part of this was understanding a little about the negative part of the emotinal center, and seeing that I don't loose nothing trying, I gain.
The dragon/predator is powerful but you can defeat it really easy just doing the contrary.
Chopper said:
I hear you :) but the sea is he only thing I haven't done in my life . I am getting old and also want to experance it..

I have given it Much thought and it can't be any worse ;) personally I have no fear of anything possibaly the reason I have done everything one can do in life except the sea .

I have ridden motorcycles all my life , built & flown my own airplanes ( without takeing lessons) never fear most things in lfe are way eazyer than the officals would have you to believe ...

Thank you for your concern tho :)

I studied tsunamis , if you are out in the middle of the ocean the wave is hardly notised going underneth you ( well unless you happen to be right on top of it & thats purely up to chance nuthing one can do about that just like walking down the street and a car just happens to hit you ) compared to closer to shallow waters where it really gets built up , and we all know how bad it is within a mile or two of the beach !

Again thank you all for your efforts.

I would not even know where to start with you here Chopper. You seem to have made up your mind regarding your decision. Comparing motorcycles and airplanes to being at sea is really... well it is just wrong. So as a sea faring person, I will say your judgment of sailing/boating is very arrogant and a death wish. It is nothing like motor cycling or flying... and I would ask you to discuss this further with others who have been to sea. I don't know where you are getting your information from. I'm really worried for your safety and strongly suggest you stay on land... you have no idea what you are talking about. You will also be a hazard to all at sea who will be rescuing you. The search and rescue efforts of the many who will risk their lives trying to save you will be a great cost, I assure you of this. It is a very selfish decision and could cost others their lives in helping you. Please reconsider your decision. :)

Funny when you read the beginning of this transcript, many months later and you link it to the various revolutions going on in the Muslim world ! Striking.
Omega said:

Funny when you read the beginning of this transcript, many months later and you link it to the various revolutions going on in the Muslim world ! Striking.

Yes, and also if you think that this was before the really harsh winter that we had across the globe, which felt like the opening chapter of an ice-age.

I just had a quick look at the session again and this bit...

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

…可能与“击毙拉登”哥伦比亚革命武装力量e. If that doesn't change the public's perception, what will? (Not saying that it will, just that if anything can change the perception, that's got to be it).
Windmill knight said:
Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

…可能与“击毙拉登”哥伦比亚革命武装力量e. If that doesn't change the public's perception, what will? (Not saying that it will, just that if anything can change the perception, that's got to be it).

indifference to the fate of power when there are food riots, and it will change perceptions, people understand that they rely on ourselves - if it breaks
Windmill knight said:
Omega said:

Funny when you read the beginning of this transcript, many months later and you link it to the various revolutions going on in the Muslim world ! Striking.

Yes, and also if you think that this was before the really harsh winter that we had across the globe, which felt like the opening chapter of an ice-age.

I just had a quick look at the session again and this bit...

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

…可能与“击毙拉登”哥伦比亚革命武装力量e. If that doesn't change the public's perception, what will? (Not saying that it will, just that if anything can change the perception, that's got to be it).

Indeed, I'm pretty sure the Osama story as a lot of other secrets to reveal. Not to mention the building tension between the US and Pakistan which coupled with what is going on in Afghanistan and the Iranian influence in the area could bring more instability in a region that really doesn't need it (I know, I'm there right now...).
Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Every time that I read the preceding quotes, It always seems like they are talking in code and are trying to relay something which they can't say directly so as maintain the free will balance, but the thought always crosses my mind that they are hinting that Washington D.C. is going to be nuked. Remember Capital Hill is in a city.

I deduce it this way. Please correct me if you think otherwise...

5D, I take it to be Fifth Density.
City on a Hill, Well Capital Hill is the most powerful city in the world and that happens to be in Washington D.C. which is a city.
And if alot of people are going to die and go immediately to "5D".
The fastest way to achieve that is through a nuclear weapon.

Any thoughts?
ninas said:
Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Every time that I read the preceding quotes, It always seems like they are talking in code and are trying to relay something which they can't say directly so as maintain the free will balance, but the thought always crosses my mind that they are hinting that Washington D.C. is going to be nuked. Remember Capital Hill is in a city.

I deduce it this way. Please correct me if you think otherwise...

5D, I take it to be Fifth Density.
City on a Hill, Well Capital Hill is the most powerful city in the world and that happens to be in Washington D.C. which is a city.
And if alot of people are going to die and go immediately to "5D".
The fastest way to achieve that is through a nuclear weapon.

Any thoughts?

I think you have an interesting point, but not only nuclear weapons are mass destruction devices, could be a meteor hit, a biological war, the black death, poison from a comets tail it could be anything, but one thing that looks certain is that Washingtong is on its last years. (sure is going down hill)
Since City on a Hill is also a biblical reference (Matthew 5:14) and became the symbol of the early US colonists. JFK later used the term to represent the entire US, so I wouldn't limit it to Washington. Nor would I suggest it would have to be something as immediate as a comet. The rapid degeneration of American health might fit as well.

Wikipedia entry for City Upon a Hill: _

it could be a graveyard or necropolis ( a city of the dead) on a hill.:halo: :halo: :halo:
chitta said:
it could be a graveyard or necropolis ( a city of the dead) on a hill.:halo: :halo: :halo:

like that city made by lizzies in india? can't remember the name!!
EGVG said:
chitta said:
it could be a graveyard or necropolis ( a city of the dead) on a hill.:halo: :halo: :halo:

like that city made by lizzies in india? can't remember the name!!

Angkor Wat (Cambodia) and Mohenjo-Daro (Pakistan).
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