Session 27 June 1998



FOTCM Member
June 27, 1998
Frank, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Honnorah.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

问:C___上周在这里,建议我们hould try to make arrangements to go to North Carolina and do some sessions there. I would like to ask if this would be advisable?

A: No.

Q: Why not?

A: This is where your energy is.

Q: Is there any other reason why this would not be advisable other than that?

A: Logistics.

Q: Well, yeah. Speaking of North Carolina, I want to ask, regarding T___'s passing (C___’s late husband), if there was any relationship between their moving there and his subsequent demise? I mean, no sooner had they gotten everything set up and organized, the house built and so forth, he passed. What was the relationship, since you mentioned once that there was an indirect relationship between the move there and his passing?

A: Once he had fulfilled his wish, it was the end of the line.

Q: Is there any other connection, other than the fulfillment of his wishes?

A: No.

Q: Okay. So, once he had what he wanted, that was it. Well, I can't think of anything else on that subject...

A: She is disbanded there.

Q: She is disbanded there? What does that mean?

A: To locator she clings for closeness to the one to whom she was banded, who is no longer there. So what is accomplished by this? Inner rupturing of the subsensate band.

Q: What is this 'subsensate band?'

A: Research for learning.

Q: What is the general outcome of a rupturing of a 'subsensate band?'

A: One turns inward until as a "spinster in waiting."

Q: Is this detrimental?

A: Yes. Why do you think she keeps returning here? Does it not seem to you an inordinate amount of returns for someone supposedly so "settled?"

Q: But she has reasons for returning. She has business to take care of, she has family here. So, this means that she frequently comes down here for a variety of reasons. But she wants to live there - that is her home base.

A: Unless this changes, it will be nothing less than her total undoing.

Q: Well, that is a bizarre thing to say! You said that about Sue...

A: And...?

Q: Well, yeah... okay. Point taken. Well, C___ prefers the mountains because she was born in the mountains, she spent her early formative years in the mountains, and it is just that, to her, mountains are the natural way the land should look! That's why. It seems natural to her. It is peaceful, cool, calm, leafy and green and there are all these nice, loving people all around - just a lot of reasons.

A: Mountains are the way the land should look?

Q: Well, to her... that's what she was familiar with as a child. She feels more at home there. And, there is nothing anyone can say against such a thing.

A: No.

Q: Okay, why did she sleep so long and heavily after attending last Saturday night's session. Was this related to being here for the session? If so, why?

A: Yes and vibratory frequency alignment.

Q: Was this beneficial?

A: Yes.

Q: Would it be beneficial for her to attend more sessions?

A: Sure.

Q: Well, let me cover...

A: Fate will intercede.

Q: That brings this up: if a person has a life plan and do not seem to be following it because they are distracted for one reason or another, do dire things happen in such cases?

A: Yes.

Q: If C___ had been more in the direct seeking mode while she was married to T___ - is it possible that he would not have died so soon? I mean, was she supposed to be moving in a different direction and all these things happened to stop her, turn her around, make her think and so forth?

A: Marriage was not right to begin with.

Q: Well, T___ was the love of her life.

A: Cancer is evidence of this. How many instances can you think of where husband and wife, relatively young, are each subsequently stricken with such potentially deadly strains?

Q: In that sense, I would say that the bodies are definitely speaking loudly and clearly about something that the conscious minds are not even admitting. But, that is her issue. She would have to dig pretty deep for that. Why is she so stubborn about not looking at her own issues? Why does she prefer the 'personal myth,' as she calls it?

A: Some souls persistently chase ideals, even when totally detrimental to their chosen path. Check natal chart for substantiating clues there.

Q: Go back to the remark 'fate will intercede.' Can I have a clue?

A: Do you really want to know?

Q: Yeah! But, I am sure you are not going to tell me. I'm not greedy, I won't ask for the whole answer - just a crumb. I can figure it out - a crumb is all I ask!

A: Crunch.

Q: What?! That's the clue?!

A: Yes.

Q: You guys are bad to me! What kind of clue is that?

A: Can mean many things, yes?

Q: Yeah! That's why you are bad to me! It could mean 5,000 things. Well, no more on this subject. Now, I have forgotten to ask this the past couple of times... I have such a screwy metabolism. Now, I know that you once told me that my thyroid had been tampered with from other densities in an effort to dissuade me or prevent me from doing my work. The result of this is that I can go for days and eat almost nothing, and still gain weight! Why?

A: Because you have changed your third density frequency.

Q: What am I supposed to do now? Just stop eating altogether?

A: Lost. Altered your chosen balancing mechanism.

Q: What altered my chosen balancing mechanism?

A: First: what is your chosen balancing mechanism?

Q: Do you mean something physical in my body?

A: Close.

Q: I don't know. Going to the gym?

A: No.

Q: Something about the way I work or function?

A: No. Something you, or one, takes into the body.

Q: Thyroid pills?

A: This substance raises hemoglobin levels.

Q: What?! I quit smoking?!

A: Yes.

Q: How can smoking be a balancing mechanism?

A: Speeds up metabolism, thus allowing greater food intake.

Q: Well, all it did for me was allow me to eat at all! I guess that now I will have to quit eating completely forever!

A: Or bring nicotine back.

Q: Well, that's not gonna happen! Isn't there something else that would work?

A: No.

Q: So, you are saying that nicotine is actually good for me?

A: Yes. Without it, you will remain with weight problems, because you will not be able to lower food intake enough to compensate. Why do you think you had the inkling to start smoking in the first place?

Q: Well, I just was going along with my friends, I thought.

A: No.

Q: What other things does nicotine do?

A: Raises defences.

Q: What kind?

A: Immunological.

Q: Anything else?

A: Excites neurotransmitters. You require less sleep.

Q: Is this true for everyone?

A: No.

Q: (A) How much nicotine is necessary?

A: 100 mg per day.

Q: (A) Can it be in pill form?

A: Cigarettes infuse it to brain tissues most effectively.

Q: Well, I am certainly relieved! Now I know that I do not have a 'smoking demon' possessing me! I was really getting worried!

A: Those who fit this profile find it nearly impossible to "quit" completely.

Q: So, there are people who are actually benefitted by smoking?

A: Genetics will offer proof of this.

Q: You mean that one can see changes in DNA before and after smoking?

A: Close

Q: Is this also true for Frank?

A: Yes.

Q: Why us?

A: It is simply part of your "profiles."

Q: Is that also why I have been having more stomach problems than usual?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, I always noticed that smoking could settle my stomach. It also stimulated my bowels... (F) Yes.

A: (A) What is serious here is the number. How many milligrams... (L) How many cigarettes does the number translate into?

A: 20.

Q: Well, I never smoked that much! Only about 15...

A: No.

Q: Well, I told myself 15!

A: It was not.

Q: Ark doesn't need to smoke, does he?

A: No. He does not fit the profile. He actually had to "work" to start smoking.

Q: (L) Did you? (A) Yeah, probably. (L) Well, then why did you? (A) Well, it was somewhat self-annihilating. (L) Ark is NOT happy with this explanation you guys have given.

A: Life contains unhappy explanations at 3rd density, sometimes.

Q: Well, I was really beginning to think I was possessed...

A: No.

Q: Well, that is not unheard of, you know! Okay, I have been having this sensation of an electrical charge building up in my legs and I would like to know what I can do to discharge this. All the muscles are hard and uncomfortable.

A: Molecular changes due to DNA evolving.

Q: We got a genealogy program and I have been loading all this data into it thinking that I am going to find something. You told me to investigate the Knight line and I have gotten back to Willielmo Knyght back in 1325, but I need to know what it is I am looking for. I have all these other lines, and it is a crazy bunch of people and strange events...

A: You have dug up the figures, now analyze.

Q: Analyze. What am I supposed to see in seeing these figures?

A: The figures are the people.

Q: Well, the thing about this Knyght guy is that I think a)he took the name because he was a child of a Templar who decided to call himself "Knyght" because he was a Knight of the Temple who had blended into the landscape, so to speak, after the disbanding of the Templars, or b) that he was incognito. Why would a person take this name? I mean, there were so many knights, functionally speaking, so why would a person take this name unless they were trying to be incognito and not use their true name?

A: Right.

Q: So, which direction should I go? Who was this guy? Who was he really? He sort of appeared out of the blue?

A: Search.

Q: Okay, I will keep searching. Ark is mad at you guys, you know {about the smoking responses}. So, I would like to know what is the advantage, if any, of this profile you have described - what is the evolutionary advantage of having this sick metabolism?

A: Who says this is "sick?"

Q: Well, I am saying this loosely. I mean, it's not normal, it's not natural, it's highly unusual... nearly everyone I have ever met who has a weight problem also has an eating problem and I can promise you that I don't!

A: Better metabolism for cat... Sorry, that was our attempt at an abbreviation!

Q: What were you attempting to abbreviate?

A: Guess.

Q: {Laughter} Is channeling the first word?


Q: Next letter?

A: How about post cat-a-clysmic world.

Q: Well, Ark doesn't have that metabolism... I don't want to be in a post-cataclysmic world without him...

A: Then give him the food.

Q: What food?

A: What food you have, if... confronted with the situation.

Q: Are you saying that we are gonna be hanging out on a post-cataclysmic planet?

A: That is always a possibility.

Q: There are some people who have written me on the web who are telling me that they have a reliable report that there was a huge UFO seen sinking into the Pacific Ocean. Supposedly the Navy is watching it and there is a whole bunch of stuff going on. Is this story true?

A: Get the web data yourself, print and analyze for answer.

Q: They say that this is inside info and that it is not anywhere on the web...

A: If they have it, they can mail it. If not, they cannot, yes.

Q: So, if they don't have a source... hmmm... if, in fact, such a UFO does exist, and did, in fact, submerge itself in the Pacific Ocean, theoretically speaking, what group of aliens would it belong to?

A: Orion STS.

Q: And, if such a UFO did, theoretically, submerge itself in the ocean, how large a craft would this have been?

A: 20 Kilometers in diameter.

Q: And, how many alien beings might inhabit such a UFO?

A: 60,000.

Q: If such a UFO did submerge itself in the Pacific, where would it be at the present time? Still sitting on the bottom of the Pacific?

A: Underneath the floor.

Q: And if it was, in fact, under the ocean floor, what are the plans of said craft? What are the plans of the beings operating said craft?

A: Too complex.

Q: Well. If such a craft was there, is the Navy, or other agencies aware that it is there?

A: Maybe.

Q: Is it being monitored?

A: Maybe.

Q: Has there been any contact?

A: Ask for further data.

问:最近,约翰有一个真正的觉醒。他做了一个lot of praying and was going to get a job, and he was doing all that the 'New Age' teachers advise, and everything fell through, and now he has decided that there is no providence, there is no God, and that he is basically cast adrift in an uncaring universe. I know that this is a start in the right direction, but is there anything you can say in this situation?

答:都有课。当一个人了解this, one no longer searches for the non-existent and unnecessary, safety net.

Q: One final question: I have to start scheduling time for the psychomantium. Can you suggest the optimum time or optimum schedule?

A: Mid-evening and nearer to full moon and new moon.

Q: Well, that is helpful... good night.

A: Good night.

End of Session


Padawan Learner
Internalizing the concept that all there is are lessons has given me a lot more peace. I now accept things much better and in fact, do seek a safety net as often.


The Force is Strong With This One
Internalizing the concept that all there is are lessons has given me a lot more peace. I now accept things much better and in fact, do seek a safety net as often.
I understood it as ' safety net is something non-existent and unnecessary'. Am i wrong?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Internalizing the concept that all there is are lessons has given me a lot more peace. I now accept things much better and in fact, do[NOT?]seek a safety net as often.

I understood it as ' safety net is something non-existent and unnecessary'. Am i wrong?

@chitta, I think you are correct. @clfionedward has not been back since May 19, 2018 and he is not here to verify anything but I think he probably meant to say "I now accept things much better and in fact, do[NOT?]seek a safety net as often." Sometimes these posts go unnoticed due to the volume here. I think you made a good catch on this one.

I think the Cs were fairly clear on there being no "safety net".

问:最近,约翰有一个真正的觉醒。他做了一个lot of praying and was going to get a job, and he was doing all that the 'New Age' teachers advise, and everything fell through, and now he has decided that there is no providence, there is no God, and that he is basically cast adrift in an uncaring universe. I know that this is a start in the right direction, but is there anything you can say in this situation?

答:都有课。当一个人了解this, one no longer searches forthe non-existent and unnecessary, safety net.

Keep in mind that Johan's concept of the universe changed after following "New Age" teachers "advise and "everything fell through.

Laura realized this was at least a step in "the right direction". It is up to the individual to discover for themselves what god and their universe is in reality.

我们的许多主要宗教是一神论和believe their "God" isthegod and that has caused much strife and heartache through the ages.

Session 19 July 1997:
Q: Well, that is out of my depth tonight! In a previous session I asked a question about the 'sons of Belial' and the 'sons of the law of One,' as explicated by Edgar Cayce, and whether these were philosophical or racial divisions. You said that they were initially racial, and then philosophical and religious. Now, from putting the information about religions together throughout the centuries, I am coming to a rather difficult realization thatthe whole monotheistic idea, which is obviously the basic concept of the 'sons of the law of One,' is the most clever and devious and cunning means of control I have ever encountered in my life. No matter where it comes from, the religionists say "we have the ONE god, WE are his agents, you pay us your money, and we'll tell him to be nice to you in the next world!"

A: Clever if one is deceived.Silly truffle if one is not.

If monotheism is a "Silly truffle" one then might ask more questions about the concept of "God" as Laura did in another session:

Session 31 May 1997:
Q: Okay, I am not so much in a rush as I want to fit as much in as I can. First question: You say that EM is interwoven with gravity. Santilli says that EM and gravity are the same. But, then there is light. Light is EM radiation. If so, then how is it that gravity, which is interwoven with EM, travels faster than EM, that is: supercedes light speed?

A: Gravity does not "travel."

Q: Well, when you say that gravity 'supercedes' light speed, what exactly do you mean?

A: Gravity is equally located in all realms at once, in space/time.

问:现在的可能的答案是,重力旅行s as a phase, while light travels as a 'bunch' of waves. Is this the correct understanding?

A: The gravity wave is merely a "ripple" in the omnipresent fabric; the base energy facilitator.

Q: What is a fabric base facilitator?

A: Gravity is the fabric, and energy facilitator as well.

Q: If gravity is the fabric, base and facilitator, what is being facilitated?

A: You read it wrong. It is base, as in "basic" energy facilitator.

Q: How does gravity facilitate... (A) What does it facilitate?

A: We have told you before that gravity is the foundational force of absolutely everything!!! This means at all density levels, all dimensions... It is the "stuff" of all existence. Without it, nothing would exist. Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!!

Q: Okay, you said that light is the energy expression of gravity. How does light manifest at 7th density?

A: Light is seventh density.

Q: Well, so light is 7th density. And you said that light is the energy expression of gravity.And you said that gravity is God.So, does this also mean that light is gravity?

A: No.

Q: Okay, what is the distinction between gravity and light?

A: What is the distinction between concrete and cement?

Q: Well, I am not entirely sure. I think cement is a concentrated stuff and that concrete has sand and rocks and so forth mixed with it to make it work better. And it has water mixed with it. How does light manifest on 6th density? Can you give me a relationship?

A: Vague.

Q: Well, I know it's vague! You say that light is 7th density.You say that gravity is God, and God and 7th density are the same, and...

A: No. 7th density is "union with the One."

Q: What is the distinction between union with the One and God?

A: Only at 7th density isGod unified.

Q: When God 'disunifies,' or 'destabilizes,' or 'disperses,' where, and I know 'where' is not the right term, what density is then manifested?

A: Wrong concept totally.

Q: What is the RIGHT concept?

A: Well, first of all,God does not destabilize or disperse, for that matter. Purge the linear inner concept.

Q: Okay, I am purging. All just simply is. At 7th density there is union with the One. At 6th density there is... what? An equal balance of dark and light, or being and non-being, is that correct?

A: Pure consciousness no need to physicalise.

Q: And, I think that there are the 3 ethereal densities, and the 3 material densities, and the middle density, the variable physical/ethereal density...

A: Close.

Q: And these densities are only distinguishable by virtue of the nearness to union with the One, is that correct?

A: Nearness?

Q: Well, you know I don't mean it in a that sense... Help me out here!

A: No, you are doing just fine.

Q: Now, I am seeing it sort of like the perpendicular reality image. The circle in the center, and the outraying perpendicular realities which go out and out and out, and eventually come back to the center, because the gravity in the center brings them back. Something happens in a concentric circle sort of way, or in the idea of the shells of an atom sort of way, that distinguishes shells, or states of being, in relation to this center and these perpendicular realities. What is the level of shells, the realm levels, what is the relationship between the perpendicular reality and its moving outward that distinguishes it at certain relational points from the center itself? I understand that it is consciousness, but we are also dealing with non-being. Being and non-being. What is the relationship of these perpendicular realities to the seven realms of existence?

A: Not essentially correct. Perpendicular reality is knowledge/awareness/being matrix. Realms are merely experiential divisions based upon consciousness energy directors.

Q: What are consciousness energy directors?

A: Compare yourself to your backyard denizen. How do each of you view calculus?

Q: Well, I don't know exactly what calculus is, but I know it is important. I never thought I was able to learn such things, so I didn't try. But, I think it is important, and someday I will know something about it. I am sure that the dog would not only think it is not useful, he would not even be aware of it. How does that relate to consciousness energy directors?

A: All in nature seeks balance. One day, so to speak, "Percy" will indeed have an opinion of calculus.

Q: Okay, so consciousness energy directors are like a horizontal reality in relation to the perpendicular ones?

A: Slots, my dear, slots.

Q: Are these slots comparable to the appearing and disappearing of electrons in the shells of an atom?

A: Not the point. You are still trying to use 3rd density awareness to measure the reality parameters of all other density levels... Talk about your square peg and your round hole! Tell Arkadiusz to trust in gravity waves to be merely his pathway to higher understanding, not the means to an end.

Q: Now you have mentioned these 'slots.' What are these slots, and how does one move from one slot to another?

A: Picture this: you have 7 sizes of marbles. You have 7 widths of slots. Where do the marbles "fit in."

Q: Do the marbles represent units of consciousness?

A: Close. Or, divisions of consciousness level energy resonance profiles.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?

A: Yes.

Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that correct?

A: Basically.

Q: And acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light? Light energy?

A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that "filling up" at the gas station is akin to acquiring speed.

Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?

A: Yes.

Q: And utilization means...

A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light.

Q: So, when one of these marbles is in a slot, does it fill up with gas which then enables it to move to another slot?

A: What!?!

Q: Well, I'm using your analogy!

A: No, you are mixing analogies!

Q: Let me back up then, and regroup. We have marbles in slots...

A: What causes the marbles to go into the slots? Gas?!??

Q: Okay. Where do they get the gas from?

A: That was an entirely different analogy, used only as a retort to an erroneous assumption, nothing more!

Q: Let me back up again. Marbles in slots. What are the slots?

A: An analogy to depict realms for you.

Q: Do the marbles move from one slot to another?

A: When, and only when, they have acquired the proper fit.

Q: Oh. How do they acquire the proper fit?

A: How do you?

Q: I guess you grow?

A: Okay.

There goes the safety net. Just when you think you have something figured out you have more questions...:huh:
Last edited:


The Force is Strong With This One
@chitta, I think you are correct. @clfionedward has not been back since May 19, 2018 and he is not here to verify anything but I think he probably meant to say "I now accept things much better and in fact, do[NOT?]seek a safety net as often." Sometimes these posts go unnoticed due to the volume here. I think you made a good catch on this one.

I think the Cs were fairly clear on there being no "safety net".

Keep in mind that Johan's concept of the universe changed after following "New Age" teachers "advise and "everything fell through.

Laura realized this was at least a step in "the right direction". It is up to the individual to discover for themselves what god and their universe is in reality.

我们的许多主要宗教是一神论和believe their "God" isthegod and that has caused much strife and heartache through the ages.

Session 19 July 1997:

If monotheism is a "Silly truffle" one then might ask more questions about the concept of "God" as Laura did in another session:

Session 31 May 1997:

There goes the safety net. Just when you think you have something figured out you have more questions...:huh:
@chitta, I think you are correct. @clfionedward has not been back since May 19, 2018 and he is not here to verify anything but I think he probably meant to say "I now accept things much better and in fact, do[NOT?]seek a safety net as often." Sometimes these posts go unnoticed due to the volume here. I think you made a good catch on this one.

I think the Cs were fairly clear on there being no "safety net".

Keep in mind that Johan's concept of the universe changed after following "New Age" teachers "advise and "everything fell through.

Laura realized this was at least a step in "the right direction". It is up to the individual to discover for themselves what god and their universe is in reality.

我们的许多主要宗教是一神论和believe their "God" isthegod and that has caused much strife and heartache through the ages.

Session 19 July 1997:

If monotheism is a "Silly truffle" one then might ask more questions about the concept of "God" as Laura did in another session:

Session 31 May 1997:

There goes the safety net. Just when you think you have something figured out you have more questions...:huh:
@goyacobol谢谢你的澄清,是的,这可能是一个typing error, good catch too.
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