Session 30 May 2009



Dagobah Resident
Interesting, and quick and easy search on the name origin gives this:

Work; effort; strain

Work of the Lord

But also on the same page this:

"Amelia" is also the term for a birth defect in which a child is born without limbs, from the Greek prefix "a-" ("none") and the word "melea" ("limbs").


While I was typing this my eyes felt on the ancient Rome turistic map hanging on the wall above my monitor, just on the small type where legenda is and its said: PONS AEMILIUS next to TEMPLUM FORTUNII (luck?). Didn't read those small letters till now :)
Divide by Zero

Divide by Zero

The Living Force
Interesting session. Definately more urgent, which connects with the new Connect The Dots from

I suppose the C's are saying that you will survive the transfer to 4d without having to go to 5d, since your current physiology has been mentioned as helpful in that realm.

But then, I am confused- if 4d is variable physicality, why would our current PHYSICAL state matter in the transfer? I guess I am imagining a type of person like the Man from Mars- Mike- in the Heinlein book Stranger in a Strange Land, who is able to change his body at will... which made me think of a 4d state. I know that Heinlein seems to go too deep into the hippie style new-age ideas, but I can't but help wonder about the character of Mike.


The Force is Strong With This One
Amazing information¡¡¡¡

and very fast¡¡¡¡¡

thank you so much Laura :D


The Force is Strong With This One
what are the best genetics and metabolism for a post apocaliptic world?


The Force is Strong With This One
Laura said:
A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

A: ... But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

First I tend to think that humankind would not succeed to pull himself together. But then I began to think that who actually belongs to humankind? I guess OPs are not counted in. And if you leave out those who have chosen negative polarity, chances are improving slightly...


A Disturbance in the Force
Divide By Zero said:
Interesting session. Definately more urgent, which connects with the new Connect The Dots from

I suppose the C's are saying that you will survive the transfer to 4d without having to go to 5d, since your current physiology has been mentioned as helpful in that realm.

But then, I am confused- if 4d is variable physicality, why would our current PHYSICAL state matter in the transfer? I guess I am imagining a type of person like the Man from Mars- Mike- in the Heinlein book Stranger in a Strange Land, who is able to change his body at will... which made me think of a 4d state. I know that Heinlein seems to go too deep into the hippie style new-age ideas, but I can't but help wonder about the character of Mike.

Universe conforms to how the souls percieve things, remember how the C's said you must change your presumptions this does also include overlaping realitys.


The Living Force
时间越来越短,“人口减少”ting imminent, and chances are very, very slim - unless some unexpected, nonlinear series of events occur.

I also read the SOTT article - the Connect The Dots from the day after the session - going into the nasty global situation of the present, and yet... I couldn't trulyfeelthe horror of the situation. Nor do Ifeelvery much for anyone - even myself.

Unless I awaken from this emotional sleep, there's no chance in getting connected to any higher centers. For some time earlier today, I felt some measure of inner agitation thinking about this whole situation, and my inability to even feel it - and it made me toasty inside for a while. But that's no lasting change. Now, what? I have to wake up, and fast. I've made success recently in significantly reducing negative emotional reactions and attitudes - which were subdued and bubbled below the surface in random reactions to things such as some people's voices (even when not directed at me), and induced contraction and mechanical behavior - and still do, though I've made it "thinner", "weaker" than it used to be (and sometimes it completely ceases to occur). But until I manage to fully break through not only these but also the mechanical controls that prevent me from feeling genuinely for more than occasional moments... And there is little time.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
(L) Okay. What is the most essential thing for us to know about Paleochristianity, about what people need to know?

A: People need to know about pathology as you call it. In former times it was often referred to asdemonic possession. In some cases, they were right.

Q: (L) But clearly not in all cases, and that needs to made absolutely clear because there aresome people who are just sick.

A: Yes. Hyperdimensional influences are often the cause of pathology. This can be due to influences at this level of reality including dietary and nurture.

Q: (L) Okay, what else?

A: Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health,so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all. But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

Q: (L) For example?

A: Stay tuned. Next time. Goodbye.


I think that example is "Spirit board - Ouija Video" That can help to CHECK Our Status :
-demonic possession
and help to connection with higher centers .

Maybe part of Work with Our self by Spirit Board is the key ?

" This can be due to influences at this level of reality including dietary and nurture." -

From 20.03.2009 I have change my eating system... ( from 102 kg to 93 kg by now )
no sugar , no fast food , no % , Only Good natural food from garden and local market... + ( chicken and fish ).
I have Just Fell that Now is the moment to change my eating habbits ( diet ) and ( by this my life is changing - fell more power etc. :) ).

Lucas W.


Jedi Master
Lucas said:
Maybe part of Work with Our self by Spirit Board is the key ?

Experimenting with a spiritboard is not something to advocate for. It's not for everyone, it takes years of preparation. Don't go inviting all sorts of beings in, it could be rather unhealthy:shock:

For certain people it might be beneficial, but I doubt it to be a key to faster growth, for the majority of us trying to wake up.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there areother methodsto accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

cropcircles maybe? they seem to be coming thick and fast this year



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Helle said:
Lucas said:
Maybe part of Work with Our self by Spirit Board is the key ?

Experimenting with a spiritboard is not something to advocate for. It's not for everyone, it takes years of preparation. Don't go inviting all sorts of beings in, it could be rather unhealthy:shock:

For certain people it might be beneficial, but I doubt it to be a key to faster growth, for the majority of us trying to wake up.

Spirit board Video by Sott That is and will not be ... "funny experiment" but Good grond with Learning.

Step by step with Sott Editors Video .


A Disturbance in the Force
rrraven said:
What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there areother methodsto accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

cropcircles maybe? they seem to be coming thick and fast this year


One must be first like a child before can access the heavens, try to remember what you were like as a child and bring that back "under the age of 3".

Cropcircles can help but you can also see the language yourself if open your connection to the Father "door being you, key being choice".

World is viewed different from One 'Eye'.


The Living Force
Helle said:
Lucas said:
Maybe part of Work with Our self by Spirit Board is the key ?

Experimenting with a spiritboard is not something to advocate for. It's not for everyone, it takes years of preparation. Don't go inviting all sorts of beings in, it could be rather unhealthy:shock:

For certain people it might be beneficial, but I doubt it to be a key to faster growth, for the majority of us trying to wake up.

Hi Helle,

Have you read thisthread?
Actually, Laura is preparing a video about how to use a oui-ja board. If people want to try, at least they will have proper instructions. The point is not to contact higher beings (at least not in the beginning, since as you said, this is a very long process) but to use it as a "cleaning" and self-knowledge tool.
The fact is that you don't "invite" all sorts of being in: if entities manifest themselves during a session, there is a great chance that they werealready thereanyway – only thing is, they didn't have a voice to speak out.

I also suggest you to read theExorcist "fraud" thread, which is where all the lies about oui-ja boards [= they make you "possessed"] come from.
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