Session 4 March 2012



Jedi Master
Thanks for the new session and the photo of the crew! It's good to know the C's are still with you (and us!) Sounds like some very interesting stuff in store.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks Laura and crew! for sharing this session!


The Living Force
Thank you for sharing this session,
as well as the group photo!


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thank you very much for this inspiration packed session. So many concepts to think about.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Q: (L) Why did his son make that choice?

A: He knew what was coming and chose to prepare for the next level of service.

Thanks to the crew for the session and the C's for the answers.

I note the past was used in this answer (whatwascoming) not the present so the answer allude to the accident I guess, not to future events on the planet as I first read.


FOTCM Member
Laura said:
Thought I would share a photo of the crew here last night just before the session:

So peaceful/thoughtful on a stormy night :D Thanks for sharing the session, much to think about! Also, I hope you're doing well, Mando, and hope your heart is healing:hug2:


FOTCM Member
Ellipse said:
Q: (L) Why did his son make that choice?

A: He knew what was coming and chose to prepare for the next level of service.

Thanks to the crew for the session and the C's for the answers.

I note the past was used in this answer (whatwascoming) not the present so the answer allude to the accident I guess, not to future events on the planet as I first read.

No, in the context it is obvious that the "he knew what was coming" refers to him knowing what is in our collective future.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thank you for sharing the session and photo as well! Your living room looks quite comfy btw. :) I also have much respect for you guys, that you keep going despite of the current ordeal. My deep thanks from me for this as well.:hug2:

Mando, I am sorry for your loss. Your son still was so young! I hope, the information of this session will help you to find some peace reagrding this:hug2:

The son of friends of my parents also was killed in an accident around the same time last year, when he went to school by bike and was hit by a car. He was very young as well: only seventeen or eighteen. I wonder if he also chose so on some deeper level that he was unaware to? Just wanted to throw this in, as I find it quite an odd coincidence...


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
As usual Thank you for sharing . It's always fascinating to read the session and feel elevated. thanks for the lively picture. Very interesting discussion on binary stars discharging each other and all other planets stuck in between and using it is a cleaning themselves. Like a shower time.

问:(L)可能水痘。(柜)需要一段时间. (L) Alright, I think we're about done, aren't we? (Belibaste) You want to ask about 2012? (L) They kinda covered that. (Belibaste) I mean, not what people say about 2012, but what would a sentence or keyword about 2012 is...

A: Revolution!

Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!
Here the word revolution means Positive or negative or Nuetral?. the answer it emphatic . triple exclamation to negative reference gives me doubts.
What does it mean "they won't get the reaction they expect". - does it mean people doesn't bother to react to the brutal steps taken and silently line up to concentration camps they set up/eat the junk and get vaccines to become devloved /lineup to Denver OR people simply doesn't follow their rules to ignore the govt. entirely and fight back ?.

Dictionary meaning
a (1) : the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course; also : apparent movement of such a body round the earth (2
a : a sudden, radical, or complete change
b : a fundamental change in political organization; especially : the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed
c: fundam活动或运动设计的影响ental changes in the socioeconomic situation
d : a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm e : a changeover in use or preference especially in technology
Does the revolution means - change of Govt. for Good or Bad ?. OR simply it means complete of cycle ( like planet revolution) .
I think too undecided on what meanings to take.


The Living Force
Thanks for sharing. As captivating as ever. Great to see y'all looking well. :)


FOTCM Member
Thank you all for another fascinating session. :)

Mando, sorry to hear of your loss, I hope this session has brought you some comfort in knowing your Sons choices.:hug2:

Lots to ponder and looks like 2012 will indeed be very interesting.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks for the session. It's going to be interesting to see how the revolution plays out.

Love the picture, too. The living room looks wonderful! I hope that the owner doesn't sell it out from under you all.

Mando, I am glad you got some closure regarding the loss of your son.:hug2:
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