Session 6 July 2010

Groovy! :D
有趣的会话的th的食物ought as always.

Thanks a lot Andromeda, Laura and chateaux-team, much appreciated:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Thank all you for this intresting session.

I guess that we must go on our path. And it seems that there are a lot of incoming things.
A very valuable session! Thanks to all who participated! The reference to "The Day After Tomorrow" was particularly thought-provoking for me because my wife and I recently watched that film and wondered whether it was a glimpse into the near future!
hmm good to know that there is growing new "channel" andromeda. what is here forum name ? =) if we can know ?
Lucas said:
hmm good to know that there is growing new "channel" andromeda. what is here forum name ? =) if we can know ?

Are you reading the thread?

See this post:
ouhh i never look at the user-name =)
yes i'm reading.

my bad..:-[
shazam said:
A very valuable session! Thanks to all who participated! The reference to "The Day After Tomorrow" was particularly thought-provoking for me because my wife and I recently watched that film and wondered whether it was a glimpse into the near future!

Oy, methinks it was already mentioned elsewhere that this movie is based on Bell&Strieber's bookThe Coming Global Superstorm, allegedly written with the 'help' of STS oriented sources:shock:
dantem said:
shazam said:
A very valuable session! Thanks to all who participated! The reference to "The Day After Tomorrow" was particularly thought-provoking for me because my wife and I recently watched that film and wondered whether it was a glimpse into the near future!

Oy, methinks it was already mentioned elsewhere that this movie is based on Bell&Strieber's bookThe Coming Global Superstorm, allegedly written with the 'help' of STS oriented sources:shock:

It was, but an STS source can still convey valuable information. What PopHistorian said inthis thread(which includes the relevant C's quote) may help:

PopHistorian said:
Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a "global superstorm." Is any of the information they have
given in this book fairly accurate?
A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.
Q: What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be "starkly accurate?"
A: Fits into plans.
Q: Plans for what?
A: Do we not know already?
Q: In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?
A: Not as simple.
Q: What would make my statement more accurate?
A: Call it amalgamation.

In Session 020223, when asked if a particular source was valuable, the C's responded:
A: All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective.

So, weeding through the material of other channeled sources may help us gain perspective, sharpen discernment, and even gather knowledge. Perhaps some insight into what the STS PTB has in store for us may be gleaned, adding to our knowledge and protection.

I also watched The Day After Tomorrow two weeks ago, for the first time. It's interesting that several of us have seen it just recently.
You know, I kind of thought that the whole BP spill wasn't necessarily planned. It seemed more like the making's of ignorant, greedy executives (psychopath's) that wanted to make as much money as possible with the least amount of costs. Therefore they took no precautions, had no foresight, or any type of care and concern for drilling at such a deep level.

A: No. The methane is a serious contributor to global "warming", however.


A: Oh certainly! It may take a year or two for the damage to be felt catastrophically but for now the greatest danger is in the rain and general toxicity of the adjacent areas.

Q: (L) Is it advisable for people to move away?

A: If possible, but if they cannot, they must take care to avoid the toxicity and detox what they cannot avoid.

Q: (Andromeda) Are we gonna get some of the toxicity on the wind over here in Europe?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Are we already getting some of that?

A: Very slight. Wait three months.

Q: (L) What's going to happen in three months?

A: The Gulf Stream will have carried the oil to the North Atlantic from where Europe gets most of its rain and storms.

Q: (L) Well, swell!!

A: It will be significantly diluted by then but noticeable.

For the last two weeks, it's been oppressively hot in Canada. Even though it's summer, it's unusually hot. After reading this session, I wonder if it's just a few degrees hotter because of the spill in the Gulf. And the idea of catastrophic affects in a year or two, as if what's happening right now isn't ... This spill is like a drop of mercury in a bed of brain neurons.

Q: (L) So we have to be really careful about our diet, taking our supplements, and looking after ourselves in order to get through it. I mean, we have to take care of ourselves as we wish the planet to be cared for?

A: Yes!

With all that's going on, it still seems that the day to day things are probably the most important!

Thank you for the latest session.
DanielS said:
For the last two weeks, it's been oppressively hot in Canada. Even though it's summer, it's unusually hot. After reading this session, I wonder if it's just a few degrees hotter because of the spill in the Gulf. And the idea of catastrophic affects in a year or two, as if what's happening right now isn't ... This spill is like a drop of mercury in a bed of brain neurons.

我也一直在这里遭受热,丹ielS. I hadn't considered the possibility that this might be an effect of the increased methane in the atmosphere.:shock:That's crazy to think about.

My roommate, who has a quite fragile constitution, was really suffering through the heatwave and having a lot of trouble breathing. I wonder if this could be attributed to increased toxicity in the air, however slight at this point. I've suggested a lung cleanse for her in the past, but maybe I'll suggest it again (and consider one myself!).
dugdeep said:
DanielS said:
For the last two weeks, it's been oppressively hot in Canada. Even though it's summer, it's unusually hot. After reading this session, I wonder if it's just a few degrees hotter because of the spill in the Gulf. And the idea of catastrophic affects in a year or two, as if what's happening right now isn't ... This spill is like a drop of mercury in a bed of brain neurons.

我也一直在这里遭受热,丹ielS. I hadn't considered the possibility that this might be an effect of the increased methane in the atmosphere.:shock:That's crazy to think about.

My roommate, who has a quite fragile constitution, was really suffering through the heatwave and having a lot of trouble breathing. I wonder if this could be attributed to increased toxicity in the air, however slight at this point. I've suggested a lung cleanse for her in the past, but maybe I'll suggest it again (and consider one myself!).

Anything that cleanses HAS to help! Have you mentioned EE to her? Unless I'm mistaken you live downtown, correct? I've been finding it very difficult to be downtown as of late. It's extremely hard to breathe the air in, and my heartrate jumps. Toxins on top of toxins ...:cry:
DanielS said:
Anything that cleanses HAS to help! Have you mentioned EE to her? Unless I'm mistaken you live downtown, correct? I've been finding it very difficult to be downtown as of late. It's extremely hard to breathe the air in, and my heartrate jumps. Toxins on top of toxins ...:cry:

Yeah, I do live downtown, and I'm not surprised you find it hard to be here. Since I got back into town I've become increasingly aware of howdirtythis city is - heavy, polluted air, polluted lake to the south, hot and humid in the summer, wet and slushy in the winter... It's kind of a grimy place.

And no, I haven't introduced EE to her. I've been kind of tight-lipped about it, actually, but maybe that should change. I anticipate her rejecting it outright due to her lung issues, but it may be worth a try. I may be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you all for asking about the south hemisphere, there is quite few information regarding this issue. I have done my own research and calculations. If an ice age takes hold of the planet, in Southamerica we would be more or less free of ice in nearly the most part of continental lands.

Ice would cover more or less up to latitude 40º, corresponding to the south extreme of provincia de Buenos Aires, La Pampa y Neuquén. In Chile it would reach up to Puerto Montt maybe a little more to north.

In Argentina this represents roughly a 30% of the total lands and no more than 15% of the total population. This southern lands, including Patagonia, are quite inhabited. The more populated areas would remain free of ice.

However there is an ongoing process of flooding in what is called Pampa Húmeda (the famous fertile lands of Argentina, the most part of the Province of Buenos Aires, the southwest of Santa Fe and the southeast of Córdoba) that by now have decades occurring. These are low lands and big areas are now already flooded. The increasing in sea levels will surely flood completely this lands. Regions like Córdoba maybe would remain free of water and ice, as well as north, specially Northwestern, now having a subtropical climate with one dry season (winter). These are high lands with an intermediate level of humidity, probably post ice age, their subtropical climates would turn to a template or cold template, but sure without ice and flooding.

Regarding the rest of the countries, placed to the north, they would be free of ice, though some regions would suffer severe flooding, places that already have periodical flooding, for example Rio de Janeiro, some regions of Bolivia and Perú.

But if you take Southamerica globally it would seem it would be quite free of major catastrophes, at least regarding climate catastrophes. Of course the problems do not end with climate changes.
Thanks all for a short and sweet session.

Laura said:
有趣,我松了一口气,其他e is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

This thought, Laura, reminds me of a quote from none other than Terrence McKenna.
"I believe that the real truth of the matter is far more terrifying. The real truth that dare not speak itself is thatno oneis in control. Absolutely no one. You know, you don't understand Monica, you don't understand Netanyahu, it's because nobody is in control. This stuff is ruled by the equations of dynamics and chaos."

Lots of interesting things to ponder from this session and the ensuing discussion.


Just saw the pictures that gandalf posted on the BP spill thread, and it is just sad that all that destruction was result of pure randomness... dont get me wrong, but it just put a sense of meaningless on the whole thing.

Thanks for the session Laura and chateau crew... congratulations on your sucess in channeling Andromeda.
Looks like some even darker times are ahead of us...

edit: As I was reading other psychology material this question grew in me... Laura I wonder if it is always that way? Awakening ?
Always lots of tears? I can see why there would be huge sadness... all the veils lifted, seeing all for what it is, and not what you want to be.
My question is if its always hugely painful, in a one time dose kind of way? I confess that the remark that "almost kills you" scared me a little.
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