Session 6 November 1994



FOTCM Member
November 6, 1994

Frank and Laura

问:(L) Are you there?

A: Wait.

问:(L) Are you there?

A: Yes.

问:(L) Who do we have with us tonight?

A: Vedeeba.

问:(L) Are you a discarnate from earth?

A: No.

问:(L) Who are You?

A: Cassiopaean.

问:(L) Have you been listening in on our discussion?

A: As always.

问:(L) In this particular discussion we have been talking about freeing up life energy which can be blocked by emotional traumas and so forth, and that, according to this book I read, you can tell the life energy is blocked by the way a person holds or moves their body. From this information I think that Frank's life energy is blocked. Am I correct?

A: No.

问:(L) Then why is Frank so ill at ease in his body?

A: Book not entirely incorrect but remember not to take anything entirely on face value.

问:(L) Is there some part of that idea that would benefit Frank and help him to feel more at ease?

A: Frank is ill at ease because most others are ill at ease with him.

问:(L) Well, who started out being ill at ease, him or others?

A: Others.

问:(L) And why were they ill at ease with him?

A: Sensed differences.

问:(L) If Frank were to do some bodywork and bring his energies into focus where his physical sensations are concerned, would this, in some way, help to overcome this particular difficulty or situation?

A: Won't work.

问:(L) Is there anything Frank can do to free up his energies and to become more at ease with himself?

A: He is more at ease now than before because he no longer listens to others' criticisms.

问:(L) Is Frank correct in saying that his body and mode is that of the future?

A: Closer. But not there yet.

问:(L) There was a comment made in an earlier reading when we were told we needed to equalize our input in this project. I am curious as to the exact meaning of equalize the input? Does that refer to use of the board or what?

A: Many meanings. One must not dominate decision making. Be open all ideas and input. Once we have made financial arrangements that will be your cue to dedicate full time efforts to this endeavor.

问:(L) Are you making financial arrangements for us to be taken care of?

A: Will.

问:(L) When will this be?

A: Open.

问:(L) Does it depend on our dedication and increasing of this channel strength etc.?

A: Just wait. Continue as you are.

问:(L) Now, I was just reading in "Bringers of the Dawn" about male energy and female energy and it says: "We have said that the male vibration will transform in a very short period of time. We will not tell you why or how because some of you will consider it to be entirely too ominous, however, we will say that as the waves continue to come there will be a unilateral rising of consciousness within the population. At a certain point, when men are in the deepest point of mastering feeling, the feeling center will be activated. This will either occur gently or it will be blown wide open." What will be "entirely too ominous?"

A: Energy redirection.

问:(L) Energy direction is going to happen and that is what you are saying is the ominous thing here?

A: Overview.

问:(L) Well, what does energy direction specifically mean? What kind of energy?

A: Sexual.

问:(L) And this is going to be the ominous event that would frighten people?

A: Repercussions.

问:(L) What are the repercussions?

A: Many.

问:(L) Could you tell us some of them?

A: First you must figure out answer to number one.

问:(L) Well, sexual energy "redirected"; does this mean women will stop having sex with men?

A: Not exactly.

问:(L) Am I close?

A: Yes. Men will lose most of their drive in favor of more spiritual pursuits. It is the sex drive that is at the root of most of the historical aggression and lack of feeling on the part of the male.

问:(L) Can we tell others?

A: Might cause turmoil but up to you.

问:(L) I noticed that at about the same time I began meditating heavily that my drive plummeted. Is this because of the meditation?

A: Yes. Females will lose some drive too. But how will humans react to this, that is the question. Will they be prepared?

问:(L) Does this mean that everybody is going to lose interest in sex?

A: Will have much less and must learn to relate to each other more spiritually.

问:(L) Is this because one of the major drives of the human being is for contact and, up to now, this has been manifested through sexual union and without the sexual urge they will be forced to find other ways to relate?

A: One would hope so. You are all moving toward 4th level which is less physical thus you must learn this existence in order to pass through into the 4th level.

问:(L) And those who do not learn will not pass, is that correct?

A: Yes. Some will be relieved. It depends upon how advanced one is.

问:(L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that these excessive numbers of exams, gynecological, reproductive or whatever exams might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, as I understand where the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track?

A: Close.

问:(L) It does seem that the Grays and Lizzies are abnormally interested in sexual activities of human beings, is that correct?

A: Yes.

问:(L) Why are they so inordinately interested in this and why do they practice sex, sexual aberrations, or do they have a tremendous sex drive even though they are fourth density beings?

A: Too many questions; one at a time.

问:(L) Do they have tremendous sex drives even though they are in fourth density?

A: No.

问:(L) Are they interested in sexual energy simply because it is life force?

A: Partly and also desperately to stave off change in order to retain control.

问:(L) What changes are they desperate to stave off?

A: To 4th level.

问:(L) They are trying to stave off the 4th level change. Can they do that?

A: No. Also hoping to retain control even if change occurs.

问:(L) By what means do they do this through these gynecological exams? Is there some technical activity they undertake?

A: Yes. Too complex.

问:(L) Are these supposed memories people have from their abductions of these exams just screens of procedures used to take life force from them?

A: Yes.

问:(L) When they sample an abductee's tissue and take the little scoops or chunks out of them, what do they take these chunks of flesh for?

A: Cloning.

问:(L) If they clone, why do they need such a large chunks?

A: You don't know all details of cloning process yet.

问:(L) Do they take twins, or one of a pair of twins, and raise one artificially?

A: Have done so.

问:(L) Have they done this to a great extent?

A: Define.

问:(L) Is this done frequently?

A: No.

问:(L) What is the purpose of taking one of a pair of twins?

A: Study to determine which is best soul receptacle: one of twins or clone.

{This raises the question as to why the choice has to be either. Is there some connection between clones and the original body and one twin and another that is vital to the purpose of the Lizzies?}

问:(L) Do these twins they raise, do they raise them on their ships or in their enclave wherever they are?

A: Yes.

问:(L) And do they treat them well?

A: Open.


A: Yes.

问:(L) Do they do this to test the brain capacity of the human being?

A: And other reasons.

问:(L) Was I one of a pair of twins?

A: No.

问:(L) For what purpose are they trying to decide which is the best receptacle, the clone or the twin? Receptacle for what?

A: Future project.

问:(L) To do what?

A: Switch physical realities.

问:(L) And who is going to switch physical realities? Are they going to enter into bodies they have prepared for themselves and force human souls to enter into their bodies?

A: No.

问:(L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?

A: Yes.

问:(L),他们是一群没有灵魂的做准备bodies into which they can enter in themselves?

A: Will try.

问:(L) You said the other night that the Lizzies were like upright alligators only with somewhat humanoid features to their faces, is that correct?

A: Yes.

问:(L) Do they have tails?

A: Yes.

问:(L) How tall are they?

A: Six to eight feet tall.

问:(L) Do they wear clothing?

A: Yes.

问:(L) I know this is a silly question, but does their clothing have an opening for the tail?

A: Yes.

问:(L) Do they defecate?

A: No. They are 4th level.

问:(L) So, when you are 4th level you neither eat nor defecate in the regular way?

A: Correct.

问:(L) Do the Lizzies have the ability to change their shape or appearance?

A: Temporarily.

问:(L) In the Karla Turner book, the son's roommate encountered a female alien type, who was that?

A: One of us. But several individuals sharing form.

问:(L) Karla Turner had a visit with several entities in her kitchen while she was cooking, who were they?

A: Others.

问:(L) Others who?

A: Different group.

问:(L) What different group?

A: Not necessary to know.

问:(L) Were they "good" guys or "bad" guys?

A: Open. We only rarely appear as human.

问:(L) The other night my daughter A__ thought she saw a spirit figure standing near as we were channeling, did she, in fact, see an old woman figure?

A: Yes.

问:(L) And who was that individual?

A: Us.

问:(L)为什么,个人say "remember me?" Was that the entire message or was there more message?

A: Message is for A__ to interpret.

问:(L) Why did A__ say that she had some questions as to whether that was a positive or negative source. She first felt that it was positive but then she had doubts. She wondered about being deceived. Can you help her with that?

A: All must search to learn.

问:(L) The kids want me to ask about fairies. Are there such things?

A: There is such thing as all things in one reality or another.

问:(L) A__ wants to know about dwarfs or midgets?

A: Karma.

问:(L) They are not Lizzie experiments?

A: No. Predictions will arrive spontaneously when needed.

问:(L) Do you have any predictions for us at this time?

A: Not at this juncture.

问:(L) Is there anyone I should add to the list of people to send the transcript to?

A: Marciniak.

问:(L) What is wrong with the A drive on my computer?


问:(L) Is it repairable?

A: Yes.

问:(L) How much is it going to cost?

A: Open.

问:(L) All the UFO sightings in Gulf Breeze, are these aliens or government experiments?

A: Some are and some are projections.

问:(L) And who is responsible?

A: Multiple sources.

问:(L) Positive or negative?

A: Both.

问:(L) And the Gulf Breeze six, as they call them, the AWOL military personnel who were taken into custody and who were receiving messages on a ouija board, what information were they receiving and who was it from?

A: Some from us and some from others.

问:(L) Was there something terribly frightening about this information that caused the government to confiscate these people and their transcripts?

{Last part of session lost due to tape malfunction.}
This session is the initial period of the experiment Casiopea and has information that is already familiar, but with our programming continues to press the "real" and feels that every reading of these transcripts unit incorporates an additional understanding, the difficult task of revising our view of life, from the beginning.
我一直在最间接的可能的方法open a channel of communication with others persons, trying to put some information to flow naturally, but everyone has their own agendas , as diverse sources and often so contradictory in this syncretic soup yet I have not the opportunity to participate. But I am walking.
For my side I attempt to reinforce the information with the transcripts, books, articles and especially SOTT participating in the forum, although the language problems, there is not a kind of participation as I wish
Thanks to Laura and all that wonderful group of people who don't feel we are here, but get us this particular information across the world in which we already live.
Carlin said:
我一直在最间接的可能的方法open a channel of communication with others persons, trying to put some information to flow naturally, but everyone has their own agendas , as diverse sources and often so contradictory in this syncretic soup yet I have not the opportunity to participate.
For my side I attempt to reinforce the information with the transcripts, books, articles and especially SOTT participating in the forum, although the language problems, there is not a kind of participation as I wish
Thanks to Laura and all that wonderful group of people who don't feel we are here, but get us this particular information across the world in which we already live.

Hi Carlin

Quick question, are you refering to the poeple that are in this group when you talk about agendas, contradictions etc. or are you talking about people in general?

And when you say that "there is not a kind of participation as I wish", are you refering to the participations of others here or about yourself and your difficulty concerning the language barrier?

Sorry to ask, I just want to understand better so I or other people can give you the best support/help possible if needed.

Don't worry about the language barrier. I personally would rather see you try and in the worst case having to repeat and clarify your points rather than seeing you leaving because of it.

As a side-question, what is your primary language? There's a section of this forum that covers multiple languages so you could also go there to see if you can get some support if needed.

{This raises the question as to why the choice has to be either. Is there some connection between clones and the original body and one twin and another that is vital to the purpose of the Lizzies?}

I understood this in the way that they checked whether there is no weakness of cloning process and whether there is no deterioration for the soul residing in cloned body. What can be important to judge whether better is to influence biology to make twin (or more) births or just improve the cloning technology.

I don't know what aliens can doing, just try answer question as if it was asked.
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