Session 7 November 2015



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks for sharing. This session was very interesting!

I don't know if it's related to what you guys have been through, but the last couple of weeks I've had this feeling of deep melancholy and severe lack of energy. I've been occupied with thoughts like "wow, life is really short, and soon my life will end...this is the last chapter of my life". It wasn't until the last Saturday when I felt this thing slowly melting away.
Zadius Sky

Zadius Sky

The Living Force
Thanks for sharing this sobering session! Take good care, y'all.:hug2:

The bit about Elisa Lam and the Golem is creepy.:shock:


Dagobah Resident
I go to a chiropractor/energy healer person from time to time and last Friday he said that the 2 weeks prior was the strangest, most challenging time he'd ever experienced. I'll ask him more about it the next time I'm there. He's very sensitive to what people in general are going through and said everyone's been under duress. I myself have been feeling under the weather, and it does challenge you to be more vigilant about your health, and not succumb to bad thoughts or depression.

Well, I'm glad disaster has once again been averted!

Best to all here.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Thank you for this extraordinary session, I hope you're much better now.:hug: :hug:
Oh! if Russia is aware of what is happening if only to some extent, is also very good news IMO
BTW, October was unpleasant for me
Echo Blue

Echo Blue

Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
This was a fascinating Session that I had to re-read very slowly. The time-line aversion of disaster was interesting...a very happy surprise! Thank you to all who participated in this Session. And wishing everyone strength and courage to continue on.

mod: extra space edit


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Niall said:
goyacobol said:
Thanks to all for another great session!:thup:

The awareness by the Russian government of the 4D weapons gives me more hope for the timeline/timelines aspect.

Just to clarify; the weapon we're discussing here is 'Made on Earth', very much 3D (even though it appears to facilitate 'interfacing' with higher levels).

Just to give you an idea why I worded it as 4D here is a session that may indicate that 3D technology may sometimes at least originate in 4D:

Session 24 January 1998
Q: Okay, I would say that it was phrased VERY carefully. (A) The
next thing that he said was that to build these craft or whatever, no
fancy things wormholes or time loops or other dimensions are
necessary, which implies that it is all third density technology. Was
he correct in this respect?
A: Did not say all 3rd density.
Q: He was sort of implying this, but he implied that it was all
standard physics and engineering.
A: 3 and 4. Reread.

I sometimes jump to conclusions and my dot connecting can be somewhat like Scottie's:

(L) Pattern recognition run amok! [laughter]

I am thinking it may be physics and engineering at least inspired by 4D that these exotic weapons originate.
If this is not correct thinking, my apologies.


Padawan Learner
Whoa... Another amazing session Crew!!! Thoughts and Prayers for strength and awareness for us all. That poor girl on the elevator, hard to imagine what it would be like to face a Golem...

Crazy times... I stand with you all!!!

Thank You All Again!

Ava People of Cassiopaea!


Dagobah Resident
Aragorn said:
I don't know if it's related to what you guys have been through, but the last couple of weeks I've had this feeling of deep melancholy and severe lack of energy. I've been occupied with thoughts like "wow, life is really short, and soon my life will end...this is the last chapter of my life". It wasn't until the last Saturday when I felt this thing slowly melting away.

Similar here.
Especially last week, and accentuated when driving to work, thoughts about how it could all easily "end" very quickly and in a matter of seconds. Fortunately, it raised the awareness of immediate surroundings since there were others involved, thus responsibility was not only for personal well-being.
Also, talking/networking with supportive and objective people helps a lot and/or, if possible, just taking something to do which could benefit larger group and others, i.e. not only myself.

Laura said:
A: As we have advised in the past,networking with love is key. Don't underestimate the ability of the opponent to use any and all means to achieve aims. It is your task to create true unity in love to strengthen the shield. And we will help as much as permitted with psychic infusions of knowledge. Awareness is up to you as is utilization.


A:Give each other loveabundantly. Things may appear to be other than they actually turn out in the end.

来什么想法是可以happen that many gonna understand the wordlovein "usual earthly" and, IMO, wrong terms - kinda "give Love&Light" - which, if I remember correctly, if not asked for, is similar like trowing buckets of vomit at person in question.
I've understand it as being supportive and objective while being extra externally considerate, but I could be way in the left field with that.
Can someone of those in the know please comment on "love" a little bit?

And many thanks for sharing the session, it contains many layers of information yet to be fully grasped.:flowers:


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I had some difficulties last week; it peaked Monday and Tuesday, but I managed to get myself back on track. I did consider posting here to ask if anyone else was having problems because I wondered if the US gov had upped the activity of HAARP.

Strangely, I think it must have been Tuesday or Wednesday night (AFTER I managed to regain control) that I had a dream that I was walking through something like a little European town, with cafes with tables and chairs outside and I got a phone call from Perceval who told me that that he had very probable evidence that my life was in danger. At that point I woke up, so I couldn't ask for any more information.

It does make perfect sense that when we're going through difficult times, there's a question being asked of us that will take us into one reality or another.

I started a thread this week about synchronicities. Well, I have had a synchronicity every day since I started it, but they're coming so thick and fast that it's gotten to the point where I don't see the need to keep posting about them. But I have noted that they've come since I managed to regain a hold of the reins.

It does make one wary though, that you guys and especially Laura can go through such difficulties, with all your knowledge and the fact you're all together. Geez, Laura - whatever it is you have regrets about (and we all have regrets), I would think that all you've done all your life in the name of Love/Knowledge would at least balance the scale - if not tip it heavily in the positive direction.

But then, I guess all you've done provokes attacks more intense than I could possibly imagine.

What can we forumites do to help you?


The Living Force
Whatta masterpiece of session, that is!

Q: (L) Okay. Next question? I suppose we have some little political questions or something along that line?

(Perceval) Some little trifling questions...

(L) Yeah, you know, I've actually lost interest in it to some extent? It's like, it's just gonna get worse.

(Pierre) But there is Putin.

A: Don't give up! Your input to the nonlinear system is invaluable!

I was also feeling the same about politics:violin:and under lot of stress/attack - psychic ones, throught me-self partly... It seems that many of us are going throught some major Scyllas and Charybdis - maybe some kind of Tribal stuff/issues...


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Aragorn said:
Thanks for sharing. This session was very interesting!

I don't know if it's related to what you guys have been through, but the last couple of weeks I've had this feeling of deep melancholy and severe lack of energy. I've been occupied with thoughts like "wow, life is really short, and soon my life will end...this is the last chapter of my life". It wasn't until the last Saturday when I felt this thing slowly melting away.

Last week, apart this night were I was unable to sleep because I saw how bad I have been when I was a teenager, in a particular moment, I also have thoughts about the end of my life, the small amount of time that I have to live, depressing thoughts about my age, how old I felt, how lonely. But then it was like to be under a tempest, and the tempest went away. Everything came to normality.

October was a strange month, the adrenaline because of Russia in Syria, in part. Then this airplane accident. Maybe we were in a sort of connection of this terrible accident without knowing about it.


Dagobah Resident
Saša said:
Laura said:
A: As we have advised in the past,networking with love is key. Don't underestimate the ability of the opponent to use any and all means to achieve aims. It is your task to create true unity in love to strengthen the shield. And we will help as much as permitted with psychic infusions of knowledge. Awareness is up to you as is utilization.


A:Give each other loveabundantly. Things may appear to be other than they actually turn out in the end.

来什么想法是可以happen that many gonna understand the wordlovein "usual earthly" and, IMO, wrong terms - kinda "give Love&Light" - which, if I remember correctly, if not asked for, is similar like trowing buckets of vomit at person in question.
I've understand it as being supportive and objective while being extra externally considerate, but I could be way in the left field with that.
Can someone of those in the know please comment on "love" a little bit?

And many thanks for sharing the session, it contains many layers of information yet to be fully grasped.:flowers:


I do remember what you're referring to re: buckets of love & where it's not asked for, etc.

..另一方面,正如我所提到的一只耳朵lier post today, it's to come from the heart, to keep open in that way. You can feel it as a physical thing, in fact. When you are closed down, cut off feeling, you may even be slightly hunched over. Or you may be too much in your head w/ too many overwhelming thoughts. So, it's to bring the energy down into your body, through exercise, meditation, or anything relaxing, etc. The energy work that my healer does accomplishes this as well. When you are more balanced, more grounded, you can be more open. You're no longer hunched over. And you're coming from your heart -- even thinking with heart.

..and I do believe this is a way of being that allows more love to flow through us. It's not to dump it on someone else. It's more a way of being, and your actions will reflect that.

I hope this helps.

Mod edit: Fixed quote boxes.


Once again a great session! Hope the crew is feeling better and ready to face the next day ;) What storm happened?
I for one can say that I have felt under attack the last month and it has made me look into my weaknesses.
Yesterday night I had a dream that I was talking to a dead friend of mine, telling him that I was under psychic attack and that the negative energies were trying to scatter my energies.
But I'm feeling strong these days, and won't let my energy get scattered :P
Wish all the best to the crew, hope the storm is over!


Dagobah Resident
Saša said:
Aragorn said:
I don't know if it's related to what you guys have been through, but the last couple of weeks I've had this feeling of deep melancholy and severe lack of energy. I've been occupied with thoughts like "wow, life is really short, and soon my life will end...this is the last chapter of my life". It wasn't until the last Saturday when I felt this thing slowly melting away.

Similar here.
Especially last week, and accentuated when driving to work, thoughts about how it could all easily "end" very quickly and in a matter of seconds. Fortunately, it raised the awareness of immediate surroundings since there were others involved, thus responsibility was not only for personal well-being.
Also, talking/networking with supportive and objective people helps a lot and/or, if possible, just taking something to do which could benefit larger group and others, i.e. not only myself.

Laura said:
A: As we have advised in the past,networking with love is key. Don't underestimate the ability of the opponent to use any and all means to achieve aims. It is your task to create true unity in love to strengthen the shield. And we will help as much as permitted with psychic infusions of knowledge. Awareness is up to you as is utilization.


A:Give each other loveabundantly. Things may appear to be other than they actually turn out in the end.

来什么想法是可以happen that many gonna understand the wordlovein "usual earthly" and, IMO, wrong terms - kinda "give Love&Light" - which, if I remember correctly, if not asked for, is similar like trowing buckets of vomit at person in question.
I've understand it as being supportive and objective while being extra externally considerate, but I could be way in the left field with that.
Can someone of those in the know please comment on "love" a little bit?

And many thanks for sharing the session, it contains many layers of information yet to be fully grasped.:flowers:

Yes, this is apparently what you are referring to.
From Session 95/09/02:
“问:(L)也正确,情感可以使用d to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural.When you begin to separate
limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density
Q: (L) What about Love?
A: What about it?
Q: (L) There are many teachings that are promulgated that Love is the key, the answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and what-not can all be
achieved through love.
A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly.
After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has
that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been
corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in
your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love."

So, although the common understandings of Love are not actually correct, it looks like we do need to use our emotions -in the correct way, to advance - as long as they are not 'limiting emotions' based on assumptions, but those based on knowledge and as close to truth as we can get. This is how I understand it at any rate and I hope it helps with your question.

So, in that sense, I send my Love to the Chateau folks, the Fellowship members, and everyone else here!
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