The famous prophet...



The Force is Strong With This One
Before the prophet arrived, the pagan gods ruled the Earth
in a collaboration with the royal genepool.

Britain was ruled by kings who sponsored state paganism,
just like Egypt and Rome.

Following the prophet, all these royal branches rushed to convert
to christ, in an attempt to fool us into thinking this royal genepool
was related to christ.

The royal ancestors once preached from the caves[2000BC], concerning
pagan nonsense and now[500AD] the descendants would attend the same
caves to spread the new religion of christ, evidenced with Gildas, St.patrick
and many other famous monks being sons of pagan monarchs.

Instead of sacrificing common children and teaching people
superstitious nonsense, they pretended to be nice and charitable
and compassonate, just like the character of jesus, as people
remembered jesus. Royalty usurped his character.

They invented words to counteract royal contradictions, such as 'Heretics' -
royalty dealt with the people who fully understood the fabrication,
这是常识,这些皇室家庭s were pagan
rooted and were now claiming to be christians.

Soon it will be common knowledge that the illuminati is pagan to this day.

Just look at the symbology, traditions, ceremonies, dresscode, decor,
architecture - it is all pagan.


A Disturbance in the Force
Yes illuminati was never evil like people assume... It means enlightened. origionally, they were simply anti government, and had good intentions... i believe that maybe pagans call themselves illuminati to confuse people... another time in history this happened, was with the oldest religion i know of anyway... mother goddess... im no expert, but i know it was good, and they believed in protecting and respecting the earth that allows us to survive... but if i research via internet, i always get results about cults and evil.... same as with illuminati...
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