The Forgotten and Lost, from Times Past, Silbury Hill …



Jedi Master
These are Mesolithic & Neolithic sites that at one time explained the universe. A wealth of knowledge that was either devoured, destroyed or hidden to support a hidden agenda by those who wanted to be in power. Some 12,000 years ago, the last ice age receded, and a growth happened to some individuals that would allow them to understand the knowledge that is still reverberating across the planet. Either individual souls gained this knowledge through others with eastern influence after the ice age or were embodied with these connections, good or bad. They accessed the information that travel the lay lines, dragon lines (Feng Shui) to far eastern souls, through locations and sites around the globe. My crop circle sessions lead me across many of these ley lines. But the CC’s have pointed out more than that to me. They are in close proximity to these sites that I consider fascinating beyond belief. Stonehenge is one of these sites that is on one of these ley lines. Another is the mound of Silbury Hill, and that is what I have been spending my time with.
Before I begin my reviews of Silbury Hill, I would like to review what drove me to this subject. First, it was the state of the world, brings a whole new meaning to chaos, and it gets redefined every day as it gets worse. I think that we all feel it, something bad is coming our way, 3D bad. So, to direct my attention to calmer things, I went backed to the first crop circle that I did for the year of 1998, it was close a feature called Silbury Hill. Calmly and collectively I spent a little time going over all that I could find about this site. Kept my mind occupied and away from being exposed to the chaos happening.
我发现无论我看知识。旧的评论of this site, some from the mid-18th century, that someone took the time to provide freely on the internet. Excavation reports showing how and where penetrations of this site were performed. Not to mention the damage that is now apparent at this site from all of these excavations. I found images that showed many CC’s around this site. I found even more images on Instagram from those that climbed the feature and photographed perimeter views around the top. I found connections to the ley lines, presentations of possible construction methods, models views of possible structures in this mound feature. They are all presenting very possible conclusions to this site.
我want to present another view from what I found and saw.
Let me break down some of the items I have been stating. The last ice age roughly ended about 12,000 years ago. As the ice was covering a major portion of the northern and southern hemisphere with the only exception being in eastern Asia. Europe at this time was beginning again in a stone age, the Mesolithic age, where farming had taken a foothold. This time extended through the Neolithic, Bronze & into the Iron age. This was until religion, man’s religion, came upon the scene. This is where life changed for so many and life as lived from earlier times was stamped out, literally. It is in this time that I have been focusing my creative energies upon, lately.
我n many places, there were those that had the knowledge, one of those were called the shaman. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits. Not to mention connections to the line of knowledge, the ley lines. I expect that the knowledge to unlock the knowledge of the universe came from eastern Asia as this was one area that escaped the last ice age. Not to say that there might have been those that were blessed and possibly cursed with being able to obtain content, the vision, I expect that the better shaman was properly conditioned for the purpose. And sometimes those with the vision were connected enough to understand the conditioning. Pure speculation, I understand. But the task of passing on the knowledge was most effective for quite a few thousand years, however it was accomplished, taught or learned.
Ley lines, another element I stated earlier, you may have heard of them. The real network of the planet that runs around the world connecting all things in all ways to the information field. Location near or along the lines was critical as much as their alignments, just look at the far eastern habit of aligning their homes to the dragon lines.
Wat was unexpected was that information pertaining to the internal structure of Silbury Hill is widespread. Too many reviews trying to impose their fundamentals on others, which can affect the understanding of the feature. I specified 20% of what is available to have some real value to it. The rest is fodder just to confuse even more. To this effect, I only used outside information that I could verify.
我found out from my research that this structure is similar to a stepped pyramid, like many around the world, all excavations show that this is truthful. I was able to verify this, most images show me a spiraling walkway at the very top of the structure that looks to be the resultant of this kind of a feature. At all points this would represent a step feature in the base structure. Some of the renditions others have done on this site, clearly show this. One even shows a spiraling stepped pyramid with symmetrical faces. The spiraling effect that was seen earlier demonstrates that this is quite possibly a spiraling feature around the hillside. Fairly good evidence of this.
To me, a spiral is necessary to connect to this information field, to slow it down, preparation to create an access point. And you must connect to the spiral by following it through to its center. And in this instance, you must ascend along the spiral for it to be effective. I believe that we have heard enough from the C’s about spirals and the actions of spiraling.
Another point is one of my suggestions that these Mesolithic & Neolithic sites have been hidden in purpose and in general visibility. I believe that these sites have been buried. I have now seen many of these sites and have seen the commonality in their construction. A base stonework that rivals the work done on the great pyramids, Stonehenge, temples and mausoleums around the world. Measurably prolific on any scale. Then you have the coverings. Generally, these are done in UK with flint blocks mortared together with clay. These are materials that are generally found in abundance in the area. And cheap, flint shatters itself when exposed to air into random and crude block shapes. You did not even have to work the flint into blocks most of the time. And clay from a local creek bed, also very common. But these cheap materials and how they are put together are so far apart in construction techniques that is confounds me to read about how this was done at the same time in the past.
The base of this site would have been phenomenal. I found an original drawing done by James Fergusson in 1878 that depicts the mound with some basic dimensions. It states the structure is one hundred and thirty feet tall and five hundred and fifty-two feet in diameter at the base. What was interesting on this image is that there were dimensions of the sloping faces that were different. I am suspecting that James Fergusson found the longest point to measure on the one side and then took the same dimension from directly opposing the longer side. Probably what I would have done seeing a similar situation. But what exactly would produce such a situation? Using my CAD program, I did a quick model with this same situation. What was showing was a changing angle from the longer edge to the opposing side. This was interesting. What to know something more? The opposing side angle very closely resembled the angle of the great pyramid on the Giza Plateau, a little too close if you ask me. The angle of the long edge, to me, was wrong and I needed to explain it. I poured through many images of this site and I finally found one that gave me a clue to what was physically happening here.
长边不是直尺。它有一个迪p in it. The angle of a majority of this feature was constant but there is definitely a dip in the feature at the bottom. This could be a washout of some of the mound that drooped the hillside. At this time that is what I thought of the longer dimension. But I was not satisfied with that. I found a set of views of this hill feature, looking outward, some showing the base of the hill. From the long edge, it looked to sweep the dipping feature around half of the perimeter of hillside, getting lesser of a dip as it swept around the hill. Continuing around the rest of the perimeter of the hillside, the angle was very consistent until about fifteen degrees away from the long edge. Then it was evident that a buildup of material was done to meet up with the long edge. Kind of sloppily done and not blended.
我was perplexed by this and struggled to make my original thought conform to what I was seeing. The spiral stuck with me and I finally saw that the dip, the long edge, was where the spiral started. Working this out in my head I could see that the first half of the perimeter, this dip quite possible was this spiraling ramp beginning. After this half perimeter the spiraling could create a more consistent angle to the slope and would continue up to the top surface that was, the pinnacle of this site. In my head I now had an image of a smooth spiraling path that circled the hillside, and it started at this long edge. I was good with this concept for now, it fit well into my verified statements.
Now my mind was racing far faster than I would like to admit. I was ecstatic about the concept of a spiraling feature I now had in my head. But where was this knowledge going to take me? There had to a good use for it. I mean, what are you gonna do now, go outside and start building a pyramid in my front yard. Well that would be a spectacle, wouldn’t it?
No, I better stick to my computer modeling. But I will need more information on just what I am talking about here. What am I talking about? I am going to attempt to build a spiraling pyramid. Didn’t you ever want to build a pyramid? I want to apply my conclusions to see if they still have validity.
But more information. What will I need?
Well if it a stepped pyramid then I will need to identify how high the steps are, in this instance. And if it is a stepped pyramid then I need to look at examples of existing pyramids for clues about how this one may be built. Back to images and I found one that has a dozen of the greater pyramids of our world. In fact, the majority of them shown here are of a stepped construction, quite interesting. The Pyramid of Djoser structure has a good stepped construction but with a smaller block design. It not fairing too good these days and currently I would say that it was quite literally is, falling apart. But the design of the step is very valid in structure.
Side Track: Not expecting to find anything like this, I came across opposing prime numbers. What are you talking about? I found that there are a few angles that are prime numbers and have opposing angles that are also prime numbers. Here is a list of them. “Angles in opposition that are prime numbers; 7/83, 11/79, 17/73, 19/71, 23/67, 29/61, 31/59, 37/53 & 43/47”. Kind of interesting, don’t you think? What does it mean? I have no clue, at least not yet. I am thinking that this prime angles in opposition might help others.
Now everyone knows that the great pyramids have a 53° angle to them. Yes, that is one of the possibilities in the list. That means that somewhere I need to be able to apply the opposing angle of 37°. Looking at the Pyramid of Djoser steps, it is evident that the peaks of the steps conform to one angle, but each step has an angled face that looks to be the opposing angle of the stepped peak angle. Now it is difficult to accurately identify just what this is on the Pyramid of Djoser, just because of the state of the structure. Kind of expected. But I was able to closely identify the primary angle to the great pyramids of 53°. To propose that this stepped face will be the opposing angle seems logical. Moreover, I like the implied intention of it.
But back to the first need. How many steps are in this structure? The pictures show this in most images of the site. At the top you can see the first spiral in this feature and I can use it to identify a step height of over eighteen feet. Yikes! And if this is true then I have a full seven steps in this pyramid. This works out very well with the numbers that I already have and my conclusions.
With the sketch done by James Fergusson and the dimensions that he specified, I can deduct that the base structure will conform to something less than the dimensions that he stated. Figuring that there is possibly three feet of covering to all points of the internal structure. And the height stated being one hundred thirty feet, this would make the underlying structure possibly one hundred twenty-six to seven feet tall, somewhere in this range.
The faceted faces are something that I have read about in many sources. This is a most interesting feature to me. It looks to be another proven fact from the excavations done. From what I understand the entry points on this site are on the lesser angled faces of the structure. And from a face that is over eighteen feet tall, this would be an easy target. The faces as far as I can tell were flat which almost proves that it was a faceted structure. It would have been nice if one of them hit a facet edge to show how the edge termination was achieved. I kind of get the idea pretty good.
There must be some other clues about the faces. If these are faces, then there must be a vertical ridge defining each end of the face. And these ridges would traverse the entire face of the hillside. And with the age of the work, it would have compressed to what we see today. You should be able to define these edges.
Back to the images, and yes, I found what I was looking for. A ridge that I can associate with the faces. The next task was to look for a number of them. My thinking here was that there would be a symmetrical pattern of faces making a simple symmetrical structure, using an unverified fact to do this. Thinking changed and went back to some basic geometric shapes. The square, pentagram, hexagon and so forth. This is a big structure and having anything less than eight faces would be very revealing, so I expect that there is more. I am thinking that twelve faces would convert to a rounder hillside as we see today. So, I went looking for these ridges, fully thinking that there would be around twelve of them, maybe more, maybe a lot more.
我错了在很多方面。我found eleven ridges. I went back and re-analyzed it at least a dozen times, my results had less than 10% deviation between them. Now I may be incorrect in this assumption, but I am leaning toward this site having eleven ridges and faces. Most auspicious.
Eleven is a suitable number, again a prime number, that works for me. Now the question becomes ‘Why Eleven?” What is the significance of making a monolith with eleven faces?
Another element I found mapping out the ridges. They were not symmetrical at all. I tried but could not locate ridges at symmetrical locations. I am providing a couple of sketches that I produced this pyramid from, it took a bit of pre-planning. The first sketch is the angles that I used to identify ridge placement. These angles are all over the place, it makes me wonder what the purpose of this was, with the number eleven.
Now we need to step back and think this over. Let us take a bigger view of this site. It is visible for Kilometers around the site because of its height amongst the local area. Yes, it can be used for indicators for seasons of the year. But a properly placed stick poked into the ground would give the same results. Visibility from the lands below is one thing, but the view from most places on this site would give you an incredible view of the sky. Particularly the night sky and the stars above. This is interesting to say the least. Could there be a celestial connection here?
What about what was found under the chalk base? Under the site is a mound of dirt used as a base of the feature. But between the chalk and the mound is a moss like plant covering the mound surface. It was noted that it was still alive but being squished by the weight above. There was even a beetle, also squished flat, that was found in the excavations of this site. Even under the pressure of the structure above and without light, a plant survives. Not totally uncommon, but very interesting to say the least. I would suggest that at one time the moss covered the mound and may have not been in this squished state. And the beetle, would have been roaming through the moss unimpeded. I would even go so far to suggest that when (if) the chalk was exposed that there was an air gap between the mound and the structure. If this theory is close that they were covered, then the squishing did not happen until it was covered. Just a theory.
So where are we now with a site that we knew not too much about. I would say pretty far from the evidence that we have DUG UP so far (pun intended).
We have an un-symmetrical eleven face/edge feature that if it was exposed, would have been a high visibility landmark that would have had a spiraling walkway up the site to a plateau high above.
From the top you would feel like you could see forever, the nearby towns and farms, everywhere. Not an effective way to see where you are going as it would have taken a good amount of time to reach the top. It would have been more effective as a long range visible feature, that is to me. To find out where I was in reference to it.
At nighttime the heavens would come raining down, sparkling and twinkling everywhere you looked. Spinning across the sky as the evening passes. Would have been a great place to sit and watch the sky, maybe learn something while you were there. The nighttime view would have been what I would have used this feature for. That brings up the celestial connection again. A good place to see and learn about the night sky, for those that are interested.
我am sure that there were many other capabilities in this site, at one time. The night view may have just been one of them.
Continuing on the nighttime view and stars, we are now talking about constellations and our current twelve house zodiacs. Now we are talking about eleven faces at this site that would have a great view of the night sky. Could we be talking about an eleven-house zodiac being represented in the eleven faces of this site. I remember Laura discussing something about an eleven-house zodiac of a time past in a previous session with the C’s. Maybe around the time when this site was built, that kind of makes sense.
The lack of symmetry in the faces may be an influence of this. Variability in a calendar year’s months. Like we have now, some months having more days than others. Now in my first sketch, I have representations of the angle of each face from a 360° perspective. 365 days of the year, our current year length, is close to what I have generated. So, this could make this angle representation end up being very close to a month length on an eleven-month calendar? Pure speculation, but WOW!
Now my speculation that this site was covered up seems reasonable. The people that made the inner structure was not the same people that did the final covering of this site. It is like the star man made the chalk structure and the caveman covered it up, metaphorically. And if this was representing a different calendar then what the church of the time wanted to use, covering it up would be a good thing to do. But that was not enough, it had to be known that ‘Thou shall not interfere with this site’. Demonized and fear kept people of the time away from it and a generation or two later, Silbury Hill was forgotten. It was only until word came around that a knight may have been buried there, that attention came to this site again. Yea, they did not find anything, as expected, another wives’ tale, more fodder to hide the real purpose of this site. That is possibly why the excavations were allowed.
Now onto modeling my interpretation of this site, since this is what I do. I supplied a second sketch that shows the individual steps that I used to generate the pyramid object. Trust me it was a challenge to get a continual rise of the path as it uses the facets that I have identified. It took six other sketches to use as reference points to make this guide sketch. Just looks like a bunch of lines. Each facet was generated separately with a 37° face as the path rises up. I had a little trouble with this angled face on the top features, just need more time realizing in my head just how this should be. It will be good enough for now. The end result should have an approximate fifteen-foot path that you would follow to the top of this site, very impressive. Multiple people could have walked side by side by side … (I would have been calling for a handrail, myself).
My end result was cut off flat on the bottom. But that brings up what else is underneath this site. One of the excavations found a trench cut below and refilled with chaff of the time. I am thinking that this was some shale rock chunks piled together. Odd that this feature was still silt free for such a long time. As if the porosity was maintained for a certain purpose. Allowing liquids to flow under this site.
Water, that was on the site, was drained away during one of the excavations. You can see the trench that was created still to this day. This site looks like it was flooded to some level and this trench beneath flowed water. Possibly part of the purpose, in some fashion.
Because the water was evident here and mention in excavation reports of water being drained for their needs, did the water have a part in the function of this site. Water energy in use here, possibly. Did this chalk feature float as part of this interaction?
Now I say this because of the moss growing on the inner mound. For this to happen there would have been an air gap between the two surfaces. The beetle is evidence of this, that there was a living environment working here. The beetle did not work itself up to this point and killed itself in the pressures. It died because the gap that it lived in was removed. At some point in time the weight of the covering became so heavy that it crushed the air gap and all that resided there.
如果浮动,那样会旋转,或行动ion of another, spin. Now I say this because if this is a site that one of the activities here possibly was to watch the stars, could there have been an ability to align the site with the heavens? And have it track the constellations as the sky rotates above the site? Wouldn’t that be cool.
我think that I have rambled on enough on this item and I will begin my conclusion. I will provide a couple of images of the completed structure, although they fail in comparison to the actual size of this site. I will take an image of the site and try to overlap this model into it, so you can see what I have been working on so much lately.
我have called this item a pyramid and I think that this is not the correct descriptor for this site. This is because all pyramids of this reality do not have a spiral as this one does. All are stepped or straight sided. The spiral does not fit into the common pyramid classification. I consider this to be a Knowledge Center, a place where learning is done and applied in the open air (Stonehenge also).
在这我猜测很多文章ings. Typically, I try to only have one of these ‘IF’ situations as every time one of these comes up I get around ten new questions. After this one, I have so many that questions unanswered that I am flabbergasted with thoughts. Don’t get me wrong here, I like that I have these lingering questions. If I did not, then I did not do my job very well.
This brings us to an ending. I want to thank you all for showing up and reading this session of wandering thoughts. Now wasn’t this much better entertainment than the chaos that is rivaling these days. See you all next time, Haiku ….


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