The French mayoral candidate whose lies were exposed



The Force is Strong With This One
Since I live in France, I have been watching this on TV. For several days now, they speak continuously about it, like it's an odious infringement on one's right to privacy. So here we go :

1) A politician running for being the next Paris' mayor, thought that it would be smart to present himself as promoting "family values".
2) An activist decides to post on Internet, a video originally made by said politician, where the politician is in pornographic posture, and saying marriage is a prison, and then sending this (with his phone) to his adulterous lover. (This I learned from the media, since I didn't have the opportunity to see the "offending" videos.)
3) Now, all politicians as well as all journalists (on TV) are screaming in unison, that it is an utterly intolerable infringement on one's right to private life.

It seems to me that it is really about their anger at being now denied their "right" to outrageously lie at the populace. They can't tolerate that when one of them lie to the electors to get their voices (thus, spit in their -our- faces, so to speak), that their petty schemes may be revealed for all to see. Of course, it will be the same who, next elections to come, will lament that as time pass, fewer and fewer people do vote...
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Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
The rest of what seems to be happening in this case seems more indecent than that, MSM are relaying this information by supporting the fact that more control over social networks is needed to prevent this kind of situation from happening again.

«La majorité instrumentalise l’affaire Griveaux pour justifier son contrôle d’Internet»
“大多数使用Griveaux情况to justify its control of the Internet."
FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE - According to Jean-Baptiste Noé, the government is using the pretext of controversy to attack freedoms on the Internet. Yet neither anonymity on social networks nor devices against "online hate" have anything to do with the Griveaux affair, he argues.

The new Minister of Solidarity and Health, Olivier Véran, has made hallucinating comments on France Inter, praising the dictatorships that control the Internet and communications: "China has a capacity for reactivity. It has taken containment measures very quickly. I'm not sure it would be possible to achieve this in a country where social networks are open."
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