The Truth Perspective: First Sight: Why Psi Is the Root of Consciousness



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The Truth Perspective: First Sight: Why Psi Is the Root of Consciousness
That was interesting, I just finished listening
I often repeat my self that "I'm psyquic", the lasts experiences had been with the phone calls, I am thinking in X person and it turns out to be that X person calls an instant later. I had recall experiences all along the show (except of the polergiste type, thankfully!!).

I found interesting, that perhaps it might more related, in my case, to hyersensitve, the conflict between unconcious and conscious
In fact, psi seems to operate in much the same way as various subliminal mental processes: below the level of consciousness. Just like subliminal primes, extrasensory information prepares the mind for action, activating physiological, emotional, and cognitive responses. And all these psychological processes fulfill the same function: to engage the world ofmeaningaccording to our shared and individual aims and intentions, both consciousandunconscious.

The last study mentioned was curious because, defined my self to be introvert, creative but, I do not think in the sense of "intentional estability" stability, and, I am anxious.

我感觉负events, like the 911, something was amiss in the enviroment, until I turn on the radio.

I will hear it again and, I will look for the second part, thanks!!

PD: I usually hear the shows in mp3-USB-TV, that's why I posted my comments here.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Just wanted to say that the continuationThe Truth Perspective: The Hidden Role of Psi in Psychotherapy - and Evolution?, particularly the one story of Carpenter with his dream (a pivital one) that then compelled him to call his patient in the middle of the night, wow!!!

Great show guys!
Glad you liked them! That story was particularly hard to tell, as you probably noticed. I get emotional just thinking about it.:cry:I'm still planning on posting on the forum about the theory, for those that don't listen to the podcasts. I think Carpenter's theory is very important, and likely very correct too! Like I said on the show, the theory goes a long way to answering a lot of the questions Peterson raises about the nature of consciousness: e.g., how it focuses in on areas and data of importance and relevance, the importance of meaning, how prayer works (along with creativity, inspiration, and even memory). There are also a couple sections in Ponerology, where Lobaczewski makes reference to the point past which naturalistic explanations of psychological phenomena don't make sense, like association and conscience. Carpenter goes there too. And then there are the wider implications for ontology: if consciousness is fundamental, what might it mean for the wider, physical world as a whole?


FOTCM Member
I'm still planning on posting on the forum about the theory, for those that don't listen to the podcasts.

That would be great! I enjoyed the podcasts, particularly the second part. It would be very interesting to place Carpenter's theory within the Cs cosmology, i.e. to help discern pattern recognition going amok or the cryptogeographic being in action, as in possible 4D STS interference or disinfo.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
That would be great! I enjoyed the podcasts, particularly the second part. It would be very interesting to place Carpenter's theory within the Cs cosmology, i.e. to help discern pattern recognition going amok or the cryptogeographic being in action, as in possible 4D STS interference or disinfo.
Good questions! I started a thread on the book here:Dr. Jim Carpenter's First Sight theory

Will try to answer those questions eventually!
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