The Wave, vol 3 in French!/ L'Onde, tome 3 en français !



FOTCM Member
The Wave, volume 3 is now available in French!:thup:A big THANK YOU and congratulations to our translation team for their excellent work!:clap:Readers were anxious to continue reading the Wave.

For all the French speakers in this forum, here is an article from "What is new?" on Pilule Rouge, including news about EE classes and other projects.

Chers lecteurs,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie officielle du tome trois de la Série de L’Onde, de Laura KNIGHT –JADCZYK. Il est désormais disponible en librairie, chez laFNAC,, chezChaptire.comet bien évidemment, surnotre site!


Merci à tous de votre patience. Ces traductions sont un travail de longue haleine, et chaque ouvrage prend un temps considérable car nous nous efforçons d’effectuer une traduction soignée et fidèle à la version originale.

Pour ne pas nous arrêter en bonne route nous avons d’ores et déjà entamé la traduction du quatrième tome de L’Onde qui devrait être disponible avant la fin de l’année.

En outre, nous vous informons que nous avons récemment créé l’association Éiriú Eolas, dédiée à l’enseignement du programme de respiration et méditation développé par Mme KNIGHT-JADCZYK. Le coffret DVD est désormais disponible en V.O sous tirée en français sur le site, et le sera prochainement aussi chez Pilule Rouge. Des cours hebdomadaires ont lieu tous les samedis à l’ancien Carmel de Moissac (Tarn Et Garonne). Venez nous joindre nombreux !


Nous faisons appel à tous ceux qui seraient intéressés, car nous cherchons des associations ou des groupes de personnes qui auraient besoin de ce programme, et nous déplaçons pour des cours gratuits en France. Malheureusement, ce n’est pas le stress ni les maladies qui manquent, de nos jours. Et nous désirons aider le plus grand nombre avec ces techniques, fondées sur une stimulation particulièrement efficaces du nerf vague et du système parasympathique, scientifiquement prouvées et qui permettent de désintoxiquer le corps, les émotions et le mental avec des résultats extrêmement positifs. Pour plus d’informations sur ce programme, veuillez visiter

Au mois de septembre, nous organisons deux stages, à Lille et à Bruxelles où, accompagnés d’un cardiochirurgien s’étant spécialisé dans les thérapies alternatives, nous présenterons le programme Éiriú Eolas et de nouvelles approches dans les domaines de la psychologie et de la nutrition. Nous vous ferons parvenir toutes les informations nécessaires sous peu. Nous espérons que vous pourrez nous y joindre.

En vous remerciant de votre fidélité et de l’intérêt que vous portez à nos activités et à nos ouvrages, nous vous souhaitons de bonnes vacances estivales, et espérons avoir bientôt de vos nouvelles !

Bien cordialement,
L’équipe des Editions Pilule Rouge


FOTCM Member
Wow, Great, Bravo.:clap: :thup: 向导:


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FOTCM Member
Ellipse said:
Can you post an excerpt ?

The is a free excerpt on Pilule Rouge's website. Gohere, scroll down to the bottom of the text, and you will see the "extrait" box where you can download the file.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
and what about the next volume in french ? is the french translation team stucked in somewhere ??



FOTCM Member
Maat said:
and what about the next volume in french ? is the french translation team stucked in somewhere ??



First of all welcome to our forum. :)

我们建议所有新发布一个introducti成员on in theNewbiessection telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.

And about your question, the french translation team is not stuck somewhere but I would rather say that we are missing volunteers to do all the work that we want to do.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
it's done Gandalf !

I was asking because maybe i could help a little again


FOTCM Member
Maat said:
it's done Gandalf !

I was asking because maybe i could help a little again

Thank you Maat.:flowers:

As I said in my post to welcome you, you are more that Welcome if you want to join the translator team again.

Would you like to receive a new invitation to join the translation group ?


FOTCM Member
Maat said:
Yes, please do so ;)

An invitation has been sent to you.

Please, once you join the group, post a little intro to enable the other members of the group to know that you have just arrived.

And as we say to all members of the group :

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "

Welcome back and looking to see you there.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Gandalf said:
Maat said:
Yes, please do so ;)

An invitation has been sent to you.

Please, once you join the group, post a little intro to enable the other members of the group to know that you have just arrived.

And as we say to all members of the group :

"Notice to all those interested in volunteering to do translations: We would also like to strongly suggest that you participate regularly in the forum. As you can imagine, translating SOTT/QFS/FOTCM/Cass material also requires a desire to work on the self. This project, believe it or not, is a very useful tool for us all, as we learn a lot about ourselves, networking and the material itself while doing it. But most of the networking and work on the self needs to be done in the forum. The more you participate, the more you learn and the more other members learn with you! "

Welcome back and looking to see you there.

Thank you Gandalf

I've already send a message to the group before to see yours in the forum.
Yes, I will try to participate regularly. Since I left all forums and this one is in english, it will be a challenge !! :D


Very well!:cool2:

I am impatient that other books of series " The wave " would be available in French!
For my part, perhaps that I could become useful for other things, but not for this one. Sorry!


FOTCM Member
Sentenza said:
Very well!:cool2:

For my part, perhaps that I could become useful for other things, but not for this one. Sorry!

Let us know when you are ready to help for other things. ;)
MK Scarlett

MK Scarlett

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Gandalf said:
Let us know when you are ready to help for other things. ;)

Hi Gandalf, I maybe could help but not in translation, more specifically by reading/correcting the French text before its edit, at once of the text and also the typographic rules. I already have do this kind of work before. (Here for example:

Let me know if you need of my assistance. ;)
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