They're Mining Us



These are two spoken-word pieces by Native American activist/poet John Trudell (
They are from the albumsTribal VoiceandDNA-Descendant Now Ancestor. I love this guy. He's a true human being, a humble warrior, a serious seeker of the truth, and a prolific artist. (And, hey, he's got a 17,000-page FBI file!) From conversations we had I'd say he's got a pretty good handle on ponerology......

Look at Us
We see your tech no logical society devour you before your very eyes we hear your anguished cries exalting greed through progress while you seek material advances the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety But your minds are chained to your machines and the strings dangling from your puppeteers hands turning you, twisting you into forms and confusions beyond your control Your mind for a job your mind for a t.v. your mind for a hair dryer your mind for consumption with your atom bombs your material bombs your drug bombs your racial bombs your class bombs your sexist bombs your ageist bombs Devastating your natural shelters making you homeless on earth chasing you into illusions fooling you, making you pretend you can run away from the ravishing of your spirit While the sound of flowers dying carry messages through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety.

试图孤立我们称为lonelin的维度ess leading us into the trap believe in their power but not in ourselves piling us with guilt always taking the blame greed chasing out the balance trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness economic deities seizing power through illusions created armies are justified class systems are democracy god listens to warmongers prayers tyranny is here divide and conquer trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness greed a parent insecurity the happiness companion genocide conceived in sophistication tech no logic material civilization a rationalization replacing a way to live trying to isolate us in a dimension called loneliness

Look at us, we are of Earth and Water Look at them, it is the same Look at us, we are suffering all these years Look at them, they are connected. Look at us, we are in pain Look at them, surprised at our anger Look at us, we are struggling to survive Look at them, expecting sorrow be benign Look at us, we were the ones called pagan Look at them, on their arrival Look at us, we are called subversive Look at them, descending from name callers Look at us, we wept sadly in the long dark Look at them, hiding in tech no logic light Look at us, we buried the generations Look at them, inventing the body count Look at us, we are older than America Look at them, chasing a fountain of youth Look at us, we are embracing Earth Look at them, clutching today Look at us, we are living in the generations Look at them, existing in jobs and debts Look at us, we have escaped many times Look at them, they cannot remember Look at us, we are healing Look at them, their medicine is patented Look at us, we are trying Look at them, what are they doing Look at us, we are children of Earth Look at them, who are they?

We Are Shapes of the Earth
I want to talk a little bit about who we are. Because I think the coherency of our future depends upon us knowing who we are. And I mean truly understanding who we are. Our relationship to reality, our relationship to power is based upon that understanding.

But sometimes I feel like I'm in a reality, where we don't remember who we are. So therefore we don't know who we are. We speak a language we don't understand. Because of this we don't know where we are.

And I think that we live in a technologic reality; that these conditions are part of a mining process. I'm going to call it a mining process. And there is a reason we are in this situation. It's got to do with being fed upon by a system. So I want to go to who we are.

We are the human beings. That's very important. We all know to say the words, we know the terms, and I know we know the terms because they taught them to us, they programmed them into us: the words, 'human beings'. Our relationship to reality is in that definition. The DNA of the human, the bone, flesh and blood of the human, is literally made up of the metals, minerals and liquids of the earth. So we are parts of the earth.

We are shapes of the earth. We are forms of the earth. This is the form that we are. All of the things of the earth have the same DNA as the human does. Everything is made up of the metals, minerals and liquids of the earth. But the shape is just different. The purpose is different. We have being. That is our essence. That is our spirit. And all of the things of the earth have the same DNA as the human has, so all things of the earth have being, spirit.

Our relationship to power and to reality is in that understanding of who we are. We are forms of the earth. And that's reality. Nothing will ever change that reality. What has changed is our perceptional relationship to reality. And what has happened to us through the millennium and through this whole technologic, civilized perception of reality, what has happened to the human being is that, to me, it is like a disease in one way. It's like this thing that kind of spreads. And as a disease to the spirit of people it spreads to their perception of reality. So in one way it's kind of like that, a possession.

But in another way, it's almost like a mechanical thing, this mining process that takes place. It's almost like this thing we call technologic civilization: this thing that is predatory upon our lives. Anyone ever feel that there is something missing from their life? Like purpose or understanding or self worth or whatever the understanding is?

They're mining us.

One of the objectives of this technologic, civilized perceptional reality has got to do with erasing the memories of the human beings. We have a common collective experience. We are all the descendants of tribes. Back in the time of the original dream we were all tribes, and we were all the earth's children. We all knew that the earth was our mother. And that we were all part of a spiritual reality, because we had being. We understood that there was a spiritual reality and we were physical in a spiritual reality.

We being who we are today, however we landed in this reality, whoever we are today, we carry the genetic experience of our lineage from the very beginning. It's encoded in the DNA, it's like genetic memory. It's something about the experience of the journey we have it in us. But somewhere within our genetic memory, somewhere hidden in there, we all come from a people; each of us comes from a people that knew they lived in a spiritual reality. And because we lived in a spiritual reality every one of our ancestral peoples understood we have a responsibility. We were responsible for the past, the future and for the present. We understood that all things had being.

我们知道我们是谁,我们明白saying and we knew where we were: we knew our purpose. And this reality lives in our genetic memory. As human beings, whoever we are, whatever individuals we are know.

That experience is there now.
It's that ninety percent of our brains that they say we can't use.
So they're using it.


Without earth, there is no heaven - JT
Thanks for introducing me to this guy. I had never heard of him before. I liked that cd a lot and the tribal one. I have added this tool to help me stay focused on "the work". Much appreciated. :)
Re: John Trudell - They're Mining Us

After watching the John Trudell documentary that was aBest of Web on Sott.netrecently, I was impressed by many things the man had to say.

The following in particular stood out and fits neatly with what we understand of ponerology and the deeper STS feeding system:

I spent a lot of time protesting, trying to figure out how to deal with this disease. I think we really need to put serious thought into understanding that we are dealing with a disease. It's like there's this predator energy on this this planet and this predator energy feeds upon the essence of the spirit, feeds upon the essence of the human being, the spirit. This predator energy can take fossil fuel and other resources out of the Earth, turn itintofuel, to run a machine system. But in order for there to be a need for that system, and in order for that system to work, they have to mine our minds to get at the essence of our spirit. In the same way the external mining takes place, people understand how it poisons the environment - water, the air - pollution. The mining of the essence, the mining of the spirit, mining our minds - the pollution from that is all of the neurotic, distorted, insecure behaviour patterns that we develop - that's the pollution. Because in order for this predatory system - this disease - to work,wemust not be able to use our minds in a clear, coherent manner. Because if we use our minds in a clear coherent manner, we will not accept the unacceptable. But it's a disease that lives and travels through the mind, through the generations.
Yes, amazing insight.
Yeh, I highly recommend watching his documentary. He speaks about discipline at one point and I couldn't help but wonder if he meant it in the way Don Juan meant it. Trudell could easily have buckeled after they took his family from him, but instead he "died then. I had to die, in order to get through it." It seems to have concentrated his mind wonderfully.
Every once in awhile I review John's words, and in this case it was 'I'm Crazy'.

Looking around, it had not become apparent that someone had ever written this transcript (perhaps it is so), as such, was speaking with a dear family member who offered to transcribe - thank you Crane!

I've reviewed against the words and think it is pretty close:


John Trudell, I’m Crazy? 6-24-2010 Detroit

First I would like to say, I’m glad that you’re here. And I’m glad that I’m here. And I don’t know exactly where I’m going. There are some things on my mind. And I don’t know; don’t know how far we’ll get. But I want to say this straight up, I’m crazy! Alright, I really am! And I’m going to tell you this so that if I say something that you don’t agree with ... that’s what it is, alright. I’m not trying to start anything with anyone.

And I want to speak to you tonight… whatever all these identities and these things are… i want to speak to you as a human being. As human beings because I think we are in a dimensional reality where we don’t communicate as human beings we don’t identify as human beings because of the way the distortions and imprinting have been layered and imprinted into our consciousness. So as a human being, because I think that, I think what technological civilization does – is it, it a part of it’s mining process is to suppress and erase the memory of the human being from us and turn us into citizens, and turn us into race, culture and class. Turn us into gender, turn us into all of these other things that they then turn and make divisive.

We are human beings. And I think that’s a piece that’s missing in whatever is going on – is us acting from the consciousness and perceptual reality of a human being.

Now I want to talk about, maybe, alternative energy. As human beings. Our bones, flesh and blood is made up of the metals, minerals and liquids of the earth. We are shapes of the earth. As all things of the earth are made up of the same DNA, same metals, minerals and liquids. We are all shapes of the earth.

Human. We have being. Our being comes from our relationship to the sun, sky universe. All things of the earth have the same relationship to sun, sky universe, all things of the earth have being. Being is energy. Energy. Everything is about energy. Spirit - everything is about energy. Everything that is going on in this dimensional reality is about energy.

And our human form as human beings … our creator gave us intelligence. We were born; we entered into this dimensional reality with intelligence. Now, intelligence - reveals through the being and we act through the human. And our intelligence, this is the thing that sets it all into motion.

Everything that ever happened – is by how we perceive reality - is based on our intelligence. Our intelligence, so if we are in this situational reality, where we are looking at the predatory class, the industrial ruling class - and we are talking to them about environment, and we are talking to them about alternative energy then we have to understand that we as human beings - we are the original alternative energy source. It’s our intelligence. It’s how we use the energy and power of our intelligence, our intelligence.

Now how much power does our intelligence have? Have you ever had the feeling where you felt powerless? And while you are feeling powerless, how bad can you make yourself feel through your fears and your doubts and your insecurities? How bad can you make yourself feel? How does this affect the people that you interact with? That’s power. So whatever is going on, it’s not about an absence of power. We have power. It’s just that we’ve been imprinted in a distorted way to perceive reality. We’ve been imprinted with trauma to perceive reality through a traumatized mentality.

So we use the power of our creative intelligence to feed on ourselves. And that industrial ruling class it’s like mining for them. They mine the energy of the being through how they imprint the human to perceive reality. They mine the energy of the being through how they imprint the human being to perceive reality - same way they mine the oil, same way they mine the uranium. They mine the being of all of these things. They mine the being of the human through how they imprint our perceptual reality, how they manipulate our intelligence.

Our intelligence is the fuel that runs this so-called system. It’s how they have taken it and are able to use it and convert it into energy in this mining process. We are in a technologic perceptual reality where we know they can take the bone, flesh and blood that is uranium or oil put it through this mining process refining process revert its being into a form of energy to run their systems. And when they do this, it leaves behind poison…toxic to the environment, to life environment.

虽然他们是人类通过挖掘的ugh … they imprint the being to perceive reality - it leaves behind poison and toxic. And this poison and toxic are the fears and the doubts and insecurities that now become a part of our perceptional reality. And once that sets in, we participate in this reality based on perception of our inabilities - our fears - am I being coherent?


So everything is about energy. And we have the power – we have the power – to manifest our fears, and our doubts, our insecurities – and it keeps us off balance. It happens all the time. Keeps us off balance. No matter what mask we put on that little “off balance” is in there. See when we are dealing with energy the changes that we want to make in this technologic society – we have to synchronize our own energies. Because if our energies are off balance & distorted then the solutions we create will be off balance & distorted.

Am I still making sense?

So understanding and our quest for spirituality - We are spirit. We’re it. Want to find a spiritual way and show respect to the spiritual creator and the mother earth and all the goody goody things that we represent. Then show respect to our creator by respecting the intelligence our creator gave us and use it in a healthy, clear, coherent and responsible way. That’s what spirituality is about. It’s about responsibility. About responsibility.

How can ... It’s about synchronizing the energy - and if we are out of synch with the... if our feelings are out of synch with what our thoughts – (with) how our mind is interpreting our feelings and projecting it out there as distorted thoughts. If we can’t synchronize that, then the mining process continues to work. It continues to consume the energy – the being part of human - it’s here to eat the being. The being part of human – it’s like spirit eating.

But we are being mined the same way the oil and the uranium and all of the other things that are being mined because we all represent the same energy source. It’s just that the package and containers are different. And they feed off of all of it.

Now the power of our intelligence. Your not ... Now I’m not trying to start anything alright, I’m just – I gotta say it because I just - compelled. I think we need to challenge certain of their concepts. I don’t think civil ... I don’t think civil disobedience violent or nonviolent, I don’t think it is enough. I don’t think fighting is enough. I don’t think demonstrating is enough. What I think is that it is time for us to understand, to not cooperate with them. This is about noncooperation. This is about taking the power of our intelligence and use it clearly and coherently, rather than chaotically & distortedly, because every time we do that we are cooperating with them. No matter how good our intentions. The ways of cooperation

... alright, now I am going to use some words because you know, we are part of energy, we are part of a vibratory reality and when we think we project electromagnetic thought. When we express .. when we say words we are putting sound to go at that.. that thought that energy, we’re putting sound out in the vibratory reality. And I think it’s about the synchronization of sound. It’s the fine-tuning.

And this mining, this industrial mining, this industrial predator ruling class understands this mining process. So we have been imprinted, we have been imprinted with words that I think neutralize, alright, that neutralize the feeling that is being projected by the thought. Alright. Now I want to go into this because this word gets ... I want to into make ...

To believe and to think. You can’t do both. Either we are going to believe or we are going to think. And the difference is – we project electromagnetic thought energy when we think. So when we are thinking, energy is flowing, it’s going where it goes, it’s flowing. When we believe, we’ve taken that flowing energy and put it into the box that is limited by the definitions of the believe.

So this is, here is energy that should going and finding it’s way into the universe so that we can create solutions. Being put into the box of belief and in every solution we come up with is limited by the box of believe. And you take this energy and you put it in that box of believe it reaches its frustration points. It reaches its frustration points and then this manifests internally because we are in, we’re riddled with fears and doubts and insecurities – so these frustration points, they turn into energy that we use against our selves.

So I think we need to think: about believing and thinking. When I say I think I’m projecting this thought, I’m thinking. When I say I believe, I’m no longer thinking because I believe and I don’t need to think. Am I making sense? I’m not asking if you agree…alright (laughs)...alright. Okay, so that’s thinking and believing. There is a distinction, because every time, so it’s almost like to me, you know like incantations. You know and some people Om, and its all about the vibratory reality. You see, so I think that we have been on a ... mass manipulation of ...our psychology, we’re imprinted with certain words to... We say them out of habit. I believe or I think. And I think if we say I think we are doing something to the energy. We are doing something to not cooperate with them. It’s an act of noncooperation.

Everything, and the danger about believing, about belief – everything that ever happened, as the civilizing process went through its motions. Number one, we are all the descendants of tribes. Everyone of us is a descendant of a tribe. We are all children of the earth.

At some point in the evolution of our – in our evolution, alright, everyone of our ancestors met the machine. Met the machine that exterminated the natives here, that enslaved the blacks, everyone of our ancestors met that machine. Met that predator energy. Tribes of Europe met it. Everybody met it. As it passed on doing what it is doing. And it used violence, terror and trauma, alright, to imprint into our consciousness to believe that their way was better. To believe because we refuse to believe in the beginning so they use the terror and genocide and this trauma as a part of a mining process to get us to believe reality the way that they wanted us to believe it.

现在我们把这个信。我们把这个about believing. Every negative thing that we feel about ourselves. Every negative self image that we have. Every fear that eats us that we have .. we believe these things about ourselves. And if we look at every one of these things, every one of these things was imprinted into our consciousness by someone else. We didn’t think it up by ourselves.

So anyway, that part .... because I look at everything as energy. And I look at it because I come out of the 60’s. I’m a ... (laughs) anyway ... I’m a child of the 60’s, I’m old now - but what I remember from the 60’s, what I think is lacking in my generation is, I think my generation we’re not telling the generations behind us the mistakes we made. We’re not telling the generations behind us, hey look, you know it’s almost like an apology for not, I mean our intentions were good, our motivations were good, and all that was good, but it’s almost like we owe an apology to the generation behind us, because we didn’t ... because the beast is bigger than it was when we started out.

So what happened? How did it remain the same, how did it absorb all of our energy? How did it absorb it and grow stronger off of what we were doing? It did it because we .. it absorbed it, and swallowed it, because everything basically everything we did was based upon our good intentions and it was the way that our parents did it or their parents did it and it was the way that they did it and we went through the same motions and we are still going through the same motions and the beast continues to get bigger.

And I find it fundamentally ... to me it’s like we need to really slow down and think because in the 60’s we emotionally reacted to what we believed. We believed this was right, we believed that was right and so they made token concessions and then they absorb. Well, we got civil rights but look, you know, look at this community, look at the economic devastation. Alright, so we got civil rights and so they still all turn around and do what they do.


Prisons are full of blacks. Alright. Women are still struggling for theirs. You look at that poverty – so that everything we did – we just held – we just held some ground, that being lost in your generation – and your generation is having to come up and fight this fight so to speak.
And I think its because we didn’t trust our intelligence enough to think clearly and coherently about what we were doing. I think that whatever is going on, we cooperated with them. Even when we rebelled. So I am looking at this thing about this cooperation – I think maybe – you know it’s kind of something you really need to think about because every human being has to figure out what is their own idea of not to cooperate. But I’d say the first step to me is about, lets look at ourselves & recognize ourselves.

This environmental – this better environment that we proclaim that we want. This spirituality that we proclaim that we represent. Well then let’s look at ourselves and recognize ourselves as human beings. Like thinking and believing. As a human being it’s our responsibility to recognize reality. Recognize the reality that we are in. Recognize reality. To recognize means that you look at a thing every way that it can be looked at until you see it and you recognize it. But – or – we can judge reality and when we judge reality then once again our ability to recognize is limited by the prejudices of our judgment.

See they put these concepts into our consciousness and we use them habitually. I believe this – we don’t think – we are shutting off – we are shutting off the switch. And judge, you can tell the way that the judge – the judgment has taken place in this society and what is unfortunate about it – is see – everyone that judges, we judge ourselves the harshest. Where no one really sees, we judge ourselves the harshest.

所以我认为我们需要. .所以我认为这些都是概念s based upon us cooperating with them. And what I’m trying to find a way is where will we really truly start thinking about a part of whatever it is we got to do going into the future - we base it on noncooperation. We understand. We take the time within our own individual consciousness to understand and look and recognize the ways that we cooperate even in our rebellion.

If we beat ourselves up in our heads, I’m not good enough and there is something wrong with us, we are cooperating with them.


I’m not about… noncooperation at that basic – that basic basic part of our own being a human being ... and back to see because… life has... we entered into this reality for whatever reason and we all went through whatever the trauma is that we all went through. And generally as a result of trauma depending on how early it happens, but generally as a result of trauma... the traumatized blame themselves that something was wrong with them, because it even happened to them. And that’s where that kind of judgment, see, that’s that judgment. But if we recognize reality, no one can ever ask to be traumatized. Ever. No one asked to be traumatized. And if we look within our own lives, alright, and understand how the bad things, the negative things – understand how they happened to us and what happened and recognize that we never lost our goodness, we never lost our innocence. What - what happened is that we were traumatized in such a way that it put us off of balance, off of center and it distorted how we perceive ourselves and then how we perceive reality.

Well, I’m telling you know (laughs) what’s needed is a new infusion of energy. And I think that that energy comes from clear coherent use of our intelligence. These things that we say, we respect spirituality then respect our intelligence. Use it clearly and coherently. Take care… that is our spiritual responsibility because everything that we create in this reality we manifest it through how we perceive reality -we manifest it through our intelligence.

Now I don’t know... I’m going to read (goes get book from table) Oh and the other one I want to put out here because you see (laughs) not trying to start anything -but Obama did a really good job of imprinting certain brainwash illusions in the consciousness of the people who were desperate to believe. Alright. Because I noticed what was interesting, the phrase “Hope” or “Change” – Hope and you can believe in. You can believe it so you don’t have to think about it. You can hope for it so you don’t have to truly act. Alright. And the change... nothing changed. Alright. Skin color of the predator reptilian that is running the show, alright, that’s all that changed. But you get to the basic behavior pattern ... nothing really changed.


And I want to go to this because ... see... and I know... I’m treading on fine lines here because hope and believe, we gotta lot tied up - invested in that, and we are putting a lot of our energy into that and I think its feeding it into a void. But hope. Pandora’s. The god’s gave Pandora the box of evil and told her not to open it. Because it had the seven evils of the world in it and it had hope. But Pandora went ahead and opened it, so the seven evils of the world came out and then hope came out. And the god’s said oh well hope came out that’s to help you cope with the evil. No, it’s the box of evil and hope came out of it. You-know... well basic reality is not the box of evil and hope. It was the box of evil.

What makes me think, what is the role, what is this whole concept? (flutters hand next to ear). It’s like a sedation, its like it sedates our thinking process. If I’m going to hope, it’s like waiting to be served, you know there are times when we say, I hope this, and we can say I trust or I pray. Think activate the thinking process. Things that activate the thinking processes. See, and I say this at different times and I know that people just basically blow me off but because we are addicted to the concepts the words and its easier to you know (laughs) beat the habit - but a lot of times we use words out of habit. See, and when we use words out of habit, not truly understanding the vibra…pay, the vibratory reality, the vibrational realities to them, and the meaning to them, then we really don’t understand what we are saying. It it it’s the language, this distortion of sound ( flutters hand) and change altering of vibrations we should understand the sounds that we make.

你知道,我把这些像民主……right, like i was.. step ... democracy ... hey, you know, democracy - what does it mean? It means the right of the entitled. Ha ha ha to have their majority rule the whole thing. Democracy. We need to go beyond - you know what i am saying about noncooperation? We need to think outside of what they gave us permission to think about. (cheer from audience). We need to think like human beings for the welfare of the earth for the welfare of the coming generations. We need to think outside of the prison that they have put our minds into.

We need to understand the language that we use a little bit better.

You know... and you look at it ... because it’s theoretical democracy, its not - when it’s practiced the way it’s supposed to be practiced and that’s the Utopia? - no. Democracy does exactly what it does, what it’s supposed to do. It creates an illusion. It creates an illusion that you got a voice, that you have a say, it creates the illusions ... see... and by the time your grandchildren catch on ... see, it repeats same - same illusion because you know ... you can tell ... the same lie over and over and over... and it creates illusions of progress

Understand this, there (wags finger) is an industrial ruling class on this planet. They own democracy. They own socialism. They own fascism. They own communism. They own it all. They own every bit of it. You go to any one of these societies, any one of them, and they have a ruling class - and they do have a ruling class. They have a privileged class. They have a privileged state. They buy they’re ...(hand waves above head)... they buy from the industrialists. They plunder, you know... they may say what to you - to workers, whatever, you know we (head tilts left hand stretches out) we gotta better deal for you than that. But really, there are just these big corrals... there just this... huge ... they use.. they use religion and government as these huge corrals ... and they herd us into these corrals and then they feed off of our energy. And they have us quarrelling about which one is better than the other. Which vampire is the best? That’s how, this is about energy.

Am I getting too nuts?


(laughs, smiles)

And it... So it’s time for us to take responsibility for the change it is we say we want to see. Because in some-kind-of-a-way what’s going on here ... the bad guys are not going to change and they don’t care how much we condemn them, they don’t care what kind of names we call them, they don’t care how we protest, demonstrate, any of it. They absorb it all. They sell us the water to drink on our protests, they sell us the magic markers, they sell us the cardboard to write our signs - man, I’m telling you, (laughs) and if we cooperate they sell us the permits, if we don’t cooperate then the police get to have war games. They absorb it all. Because we are falling into a pattern it’s a behavior pattern. And they know how to contain the energy. You permit... they know how to contain the energy.

The thing that they fear the most, ya-see…, the thing, if there is anything that the predator class fears, it’s a clear thinking human being. It’s the only thing that they fear. Why do you think they spy on everybody the way that they do? It’s because they are afraid ... somebody might start thinking out there. And that’s the only thing that they fear, because we’re now, we’re now cutting off the energy for them to feed off of - we still have to participate, but we don’t have to believe them. It’s how we think. We have to take responsibility for thinking for ourselves because you know it’s convenient to have a bad guy to blame. It’s very convenient but it doesn’t change anything. And I think when we blame the bad guys, when we go out and we blame the bad guys, but we are still disrespecting our self by feeding our energies to fears and doubts and insecurities… and we’re not sure... when we don’t respect our creator enough to truly understand our creator to didn’t make us bad. That we have value.
See, this is our way out, is understanding our own value as human beings. Because I think that whatever is going on in this dimensional reality, everything is about energy; number one I think that time, this concept of time, I think it’s on our side. I think the environment is on our side.

The question to me is, are we on our own side? That’s the real question. Are we giving our selves an out because we got bad guys to blame? See, that’s the danger about having the bad guy to blame because then we let our selves off the hook. We don’t have to give our best. We can, we can emotionally react. And put our energy out there and create the illusion that we are really doing something besides feed our energy to the system, to the machine itself.

Or we can take responsibility and be the change. You know, its like we got to light it up one light at a time, and we are all a light, each one of us is a light. It’s the energy that we bring. The energy we bring - and understand that we bring energy. We are alternative energy. And we need to take our selves seriously about this if we are going to say to the bad guys, alright, you’re - you are destroying the climate. Hey we are the ones buying CD’s and the iPods.
You know, so we have to look at how all of this stuff works. You know, we still got the convenience of somebody to blame. But you know, they can only operate the way they operate if we are not taking responsibility ourselves. For ourselves. And I’m not saying, not trying to trash iPods or any of that, but I’m saying, you know I kind of notices the excessive need. They make a new IPhone 4 or something you know but how many people are out there getting it? I already got a computer, I already got a phone.

Alright, anyways it’s ... we, they have us, this overconsumption. So if we’re serious and we’re for real about challenging who I’m going to call the call the bad guys, then we have to become real to ourselves. And I think that that process happens by us recognizing that we are human beings. To think like a human being. Not to think like a minority or a gender or a class or a race. To think like a human being first. We are human beings first. And then everything else is secondary, because if we weren’t a human being then… none of the rest of it would be there.

Alright, I’m going to close this up. I’m going to read maybe a poem or two, and that’s as coherent as I could be and getting lost so ... (cheering from audience) All I ask is that you think about what is being said.


Crazy Horse.
我们听到你说什么。一个地球。一个母亲。一个维oes not sell the earth that people walk upon. We are the land. How do we sell our mother? How do we sell the stars? How do we sell the air?

Crazy Horse

我们听到你说什么。很多人站着ir ground.
Standing the wrong ground. Predator space. He possessed a race. Possession a war that doesn’t end, Children of god feed upon children of earth.
Days people don’t care for people. These days are the hardest.
Material fields. Material harvest. Decoration unchained at mines. Mirrors glow. The people lose their minds. Today is now and then.
Dream smokes touch the clouds. On a day when death didn’t die. Real world time tricks shadow’s lie. Red, white, perception, deception. Predator tries civilizing us but the tribes will not go without return. Genetic light from the other side. A song from the heart, our hearts to give. The wild days, the glory days, live.

Crazy Horse. We hear what you say. One earth. One mother. One does not sell the earth the people walk upon. We are the land. How do we sell our mother? How do we sell the stars? How do we sell the air?

To think about, to just think about and consider, there’s nothing wrong with us. Alright? You see it was religion that came in and religion is a mining tool. It’s religion that convinced us that there was something wrong with us. It’s religion that put it into our perceptual reality when we were young and there was no one to protect us. Because the one’s who would have protected us, and tried to protect us, protect us - they were slaughtered fifteen hundred years ago, two thousand years ago they were slaughtered. And they had to learn how to fear. They had to fear and submit to this thing that told us there was something wrong with us. But there is nothing wrong with us. But when we’re young – guilt, sin and blame stuff – and as soon as that – as soon as that latches into us – as soon as we grab that concept, we never truly recognize ourselves with clarity.
I’m telling you, there is nothing wrong with us. We may have had wrong experiences, we even may have done wrong things, but our essence, the spirit, the being, there is nothing wrong with us and we need to truly think about that. We need to think about

Time has ways of running long. But time is only a dimension. Then someone broke the light. Between what’s right and wrong. Don’t it make you want to cry? Don’t it make you want to scream? We’ve had all we’re ever going to have. And lost those dreams we were going to dream. Then someone broke the light. Shaking the sky, shaking our soul, don’t it make you want to cry.
there was pain bleeding from our eyes but we do what we have to do. We can’t promise we had no idea. What we did led to what we are going through. The passion of want, the passion of need, the passion to love, the passion to hate, the passion of passion, the passion to live, the passion of destiny, the passion of fate.

We believe, we love. We love, we believe.
Then come those cracks in our world. Shaking the sky. Shaking our souls.
New wounds. On scars that are old.
If we could take it back what would we take?
And what about that part that says to forgive?
When the mirror looks at us. Who do we see?
And how did we get ourselves into this destiny?
(puts book down)

Aright and I’m going to close, but I’m asking think about what ... just think. We can’t, we will never out fight them. Get over that. We can out think them. That’s the only way out. And I’m going to say this about the fight thing. Alright, and I want to throw this out as long as it’s ... you know .. It’s about evolution. Not revolution. It’s about evolution. Life is about evolution. We a part of the reality of life. Life is about evolution. We have had it imprinted into our consciousness to be revolutionary but I’m telling you it’s about being an evolutionary and an evolutionary understands that it takes some time and an evolutionary knows it’s what we truly put into it in the long run .. over time.. The revolutionary has never ever won. The revolutionary has always had to become the state in order to protect their revolution. This is reality. This is reality. Tell me what revolution that took place that did not have... the human beings at some point in the history of it, had to rise up and have another one.

Things to really think about. Things to really think about. Evolution. We are a part of an evolutionary reality. Evolution means change to continue on. Revolution means you come back to the starting point. You always come back to the starting point .. it’s just a matter of how fast or slow you spin.
Evolution. And.. no offense.

Thank you.
John Trudell is an extremely bright human being. He has a very good view of the situation we're all in as a species.
Heres another excellent video that I posted a link to almost a year ago...


..他的诗触动了我的内心…它给了我ame feeling as JCs words in the recent session.

I did wonder why the above post didn't seem to get any traction...maybe in the wrong section?....anyway, I do, IMHO, think it's worth the time.

Thanks, Dave
Very interesting speech. I particularly liked this part:

The thing that they fear the most, ya-see…, the thing, if there is anything that the predator class fears, it’s a clear thinking human being. It’s the only thing that they fear. Why do you think they spy on everybody the way that they do? It’s because they are afraid ... somebody might start thinking out there. And that’s the only thing that they fear, because we’re now, we’re now cutting off the energy for them to feed off of - we still have to participate, but we don’t have to believe them. It’s how we think. We have to take responsibility for thinking for ourselves
I'd like to add my thank you for introducing John Trudell's message to the forum. His way of expressing what is happening in this reality dovetails with the many insights that need to be examined in order to gain understanding of our personal and collective life. I am at the beginning of reading and putting into practice the concepts of "The Work". I welcome avenues of thought that shine light on Truth. Thank you again for the heads up!
To believe (or) to think. You can't do both.
the former weakens the latter, whereas the latter strengthens the former.
as the former prevents testing, while the latter demands it.
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