This may be an amazing hit, if true



This is a current CoasttoCoastAM video. The first guest, Gordon Duff from Veterans Today comes on at the 7 min mark, but what he says starting around the 17:00 min. to 19:00 is rather amazing...



绝地武士Council Member
The guest talks about how treaties were signed between the US government and aliens, permitting the aliens to abduct humans. How aliens were interested in certain human bloodlines, and interbred with them. And how aliens wanted to eat people.

While this info correlates with what the C's have said, nothing said on that radio show counts as proof of any sort.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
ziggystarlust said:
This is a current CoasttoCoastAM video. The first guest, Gordon Duff from Veterans Today comes on at the 7 min mark, but what he says starting around the 17:00 min. to 19:00 is rather amazing...


Though this is interesting, IMO treaties are irrelevant in view of 4D STS capabilities. They don't need treaties. They do it, since they can and wants to do it. Treaties only helps in self calming the obedient, willing human ground workers.


The Living Force
there's also the strong possibility someone is ripping off Laura's work, directly or indirectly. Though I'm a big fan of Duff's articles myself.


Dagobah Resident
This same radio show was the one that featured an alleged ex area 51 worker a week after being discharged for medical reasons in 1997 (the whole radio station lost power during the phone call):

He makes a few interesting statements, like 'What we're thinking of as Aliens are actually extra-dimensional beings', 'they're not what they claim to be', 'They have infiltrated a lot of aspects of the military establishment', etc to name but a few. (hope this saves time for the reader). What I've quoted starts at 00:52 in the video.

seek10 said:
ziggystarlust said:
This is a current CoasttoCoastAM video. The first guest, Gordon Duff from Veterans Today comes on at the 7 min mark, but what he says starting around the 17:00 min. to 19:00 is rather amazing...


Though this is interesting, IMO treaties are irrelevant in view of 4D STS capabilities. They don't need treaties. They do it, since they can and wants to do it. Treaties only helps in self calming the obedient, willing human ground workers.

I have to agree. I had to laugh when he said that they actually needed agreements to kidnap people.
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