Tunisian Terror Attack - 26 June 2015

Michael B-C

Michael B-C

FOTCM Member
Another outrage to add to the ramping up of pressure in the Mediterranean region this summer. Gunmen shoot dead at least 27 tourists on a beach at Sousse, north of Tunis. 2 gunmen were killed but there are reports of 1 or even 2 other shooters who have disappeared. Sounds like the normal pattern is beginning to emerge once more. This comes only a few months after 19 were killed in an attack on a museum in Tunis. Tunisia has been funnelling large numbers of fighters into Syria etc and is thus a key base for western activities in the Middle east etc. Immediately wonder if there is any association with the beheading in France - could mean there is more to come, with perhaps Greece also a possible target. ISIS, etc will no doubt claim/take the blame but we all know what that means - those poor people enjoying their dream holiday have had their world destroyed in an instant - thus it is when psychopaths rule our world.


Details are sketchy - more no doubt to follow as the world media feasts, lies and distorts.
luke wilson

luke wilson

The Living Force
Having just recently been to North Africa... There is lots of activity in Tunisia, Algeria, Libya (chaos) and Egypt. I can imagine these places are crawling with all sorts.
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