Un article de magazine sur Laura & les Cs / A magazine article about Laura & the Cs



Dagobah Resident
Bonjour/ Hello.

Chez un marchand de journaux aujourd'hui, quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de trouver un magazine (Ikaris) dédié à « l'actualité des énigmes et de l'inexpliqué », dont le numéro actuellement en kiosques (n°14, avril-mai 2020) comporte un dossier sur les « entités désincarnées », comprenant un article de 10 pages sur Laura et l'expérience cassiopéenne, suivi d'un autre article sur un groupe de 3 chasseurs de fantômes («Spirit XperienZ»).
Vous trouverez l'article en PJ, je vous laisse juger par vous-même...
Il est écrit par Ludovic Bonin, qui se trouve être le directeur de publication et responsable éditorial du magazine.

À sa lecture, je me suis même demandé s'il avait été autorisé par@Laura(ou@arkqui est cité aussi) !
Probablement quelq'un de l'équipe (@Pierre?@Chu?) le saura.

Summary in English: I found today a French magazine with a file on "disembodied entities", including a 10-page article about Laura and the Cassiopeian experience (the other article is about a group of 3 French ghost hunters). Article (in French) attached.


  • article_sur_LKJ_et_Cs.pdf
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No authorization from us. First we heard of it.
Wow !:scared:
Then here are some of the legal informations, in case you would like to react :
Ikaris - Magazine bimestriel
Numéro 14 : Avril - Mai 2020

E-mail :
Site web : www.ikaris.fr
Courrier :IKARIS - BP 33 - 81 370 Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe
Téléphone :
(du lundi au vendredi, de 9h00 à 17h30)
Édité par :Gemini Édition SARL (au capital de 10 000 €) - même adresse.
ISSN :2606-7293
CPPAP :n°0320 T 93607
Dépôt légal :à parution.

Imprimeur :imprimerie Mordacq
ZI du Petit Neufpré - rue de Constantinople
62 120 Aire-sur-la-Lyz (France)

Also, FWIW, on the back cover of the magazine, it is written that the magazine is partner ofnurea.TVwebmedia. ("Le magazine IKARIS est partenaire du WebMedia nuréa.TV").

Included in the same issue, an article about the Kinkaid Cave (Arizona), anotherone about the (in)famous Steven Greer and theDisclosure Project(well, no comment ! *), and one about aspartame toxicity.

* : for the French readers, here are some comments by Dr. J-P. Petit about Steven Greer and the Disclosure project :
Voilà, voilà...
Thanks for sharing Bastian!

Unless I've misunderstood you, you seem to see some problem with this, and I don't understand why. It's a nice paper that says nothing more than what is already available online and publicly shared by Laura and gives free advertisement for her books.
Thanks for sharing Bastian!
You're welcome.
Unless I've misunderstood you, you seem to see some problem with this, (...)
Some problems, indeed.
(...)and I don't understand why. It's a nice paper that says nothing more than what is already available online and publicly shared by Laura and gives free advertisement for her books.
Yes, globally it's a not-that-bad article.

Here is my opinion.

First, the context : this magazine is one of the numerouspoor-qualityFrench magazines about "mysteries, paranormal, etc.". Generally they're not written by professional journalists. (BTW I don't know if it's a good business plan. Possibly not.)
I never buy such poor-quality magazines. Sometimes I buy issues of the French Nexus magazine, which is of better quality (but not always, and only since maybe 10 years ago, not before).
For anyone with rational/scientific background, such magazines are just toilet paper...

Second, if I would write such an article about someone (so this person "kind of" helps me to sell some paper), I would contact the person (here, Laura), asks her/him to check the article before impression, and send a free copy of the printed magazine to her/him. That would be polite and fair.
(2 bis:事实上,我甚至会喜欢terview with this person, rather than write something I know about, or believe about... Indeed in the next article, there is an interview with one of the ghost hunters, Julie.)

Third, the person in question (Laura) is an author, so at the end of the article there should be a short webography/bibliography. To me, they should have mention explicitly at least :
Cassiopaea(BTW, too bad the French version is empty !)
Série: L'Onde Archives - Les Editions Pilule Rouge(the only title cited in the text is "Wave", but the French translation name is "L'Onde")
Serie: Les transcriptions de l’Expérience cassiopéenne Archives - Les Editions Pilule Rouge(they cite only "Les transcriptions", close to an image of the first book cover)
Ces mondes qui nous gouvernent - Les Editions Pilule Rouge(the English title is cited in the article p.28, why not the French one ?)
L'histoire secrète du monde - Les Editions Pilule Rouge(orSérie: L'histoire secrète du monde Archives - Les Editions Pilule Rouge)
For sure, if someone is interested, with a short search on the web, it's easy to find.

Fourth, the author claims things about Laura like :
"SiLaura n'a jamais vraiment compris qui étaient les Cassiopéensen raison de leurs réponses toujours ambiguës, elle les considère comme des extraterrestres, ou plutôt comme une forme de vie spirituelle non terrestre d'une extrême sagesse (...)" (p. 22)
"等当劳拉非常etonnee par la性质等force de cette « communication » demanda aux entités de se présenter, ils répondirent :« Nous sommes vous dans le futur. »
Laura ne comprendra jamais le sens profond de cette phrase, ne sachant pas s'il s'agissait d'eux-mêmes dans le futur en tant qu'êtres vivants ou désincarnés ? Devaient-ils comprendre qu'ils conversaient avec ce qu'ils allaient devenir dans le futur ou ce qu'ils sont présentement dans le futur ? (...)" (p. 23)
首先,我不确定这是正确的,然后我believe that he underestimates Laura's mind & perspicacity !:lol:

Five, he tells Laura & Ark's story when they arrive in France in early 2000's (old manor, etc.) without telling the story now (nice mansion with family and a community of co-workers, etc.). This "romantic" story is logical, because in fact this article (about Laura & the Cs) is a kind of introduction for the second one about the ghost hunter team "Spirit Xperienz" who uses a oui-ja board, and got answers from some entities called "the wise ones" ("Les sages") that he relates to the Cs. But I doubt that their work can even be compared to Laura & co's one ! (Which is greater, of several orders of magnitude...)

Six, the author's knowledge of Laura's channeling is not precise. I wonder if he even have read a few of the books of the Wave series.
For instance, he seems to believe that 5th density is only after a cycle a incarnations in 1st-4th densities, not between. (But I may be wrong on this.)
Or under a picture it's written that the "law" requires respect of humans' free will (in French : "La « loi » impose le respect du libre arbitre des humains.") without specifying anything there about STO vs. STS.
And so on.

I stop here (I may add things later).
Globally, it's good to see an article about Laura's channeling experience in a magazine, but to me, it could have been better and the author should have worked a bit more... (as we say in French : "ce n'est ni fait ni à faire !" - neither to do nor done).
But that's only my opinion.;-)
I read it, and even though there are, indeed, several mistakes and some additions and "flourishing" on the part of the author, I thought it was pretty nice and you can tell that the author likes Laura's work even in his limited understanding. Enough to make some people curious enough to read further if they are so inclined. Free advertising.;-)
Further to this thread, there is this interview on NureaTV

With Julie of Spirit Xperienz. The other part of the paper in the magazine in question. After listening to it, I would say that it's honest people with an open mind and a critical mind, far from new agey things. In this interview, Laura is quoted several times with respect. At no time they claim channeling Cass too, just say it's very interesting they're receiving information similar to what Laura has received, especially with a different cultural background (American/French). Just maybe one fact-checking is she says it's Ludo (the one who writes this magazine ikaris), who introduced them to the Cass, "because he was a friend of Laura". Could be friend is too much, just somebody you have encountered.
I watched the interview.

Julie say she work in a laboratory so she have a scientific background and try to have a critical approach of what they do. She had been made award of Laura by "Ludo", Ludovic Bonin, the person who redacted the article in the Ikaris magazine. She say that Ludovic know Laura and Ark, that Laura "gave her transcriptions books to Ludo" (38:00). I believe she talk about the "Rencontres Ufologiques" meeting in Toulouse at a moment in the interview. This is perhaps the connection point with Ludo.

The prominent point of their experience is when their contact asked them to shut down the camera and they received the message "We are you in the future". Julie said they received other informations in this particular moment that they cannot really recall because of theirs exhaustion (it was very late) at the moment. A bit strange explained like this, because Julie have a notebook where she write received letters in real time.

She say they begun the experience 3 years ago and they where not award of the C's experience but that received informations are correlated.

She explain that they communicate with two levels at "the same time". The "guides" ant the "sages". The main communication is done with the "guides", the "sages" interfere when something need to be reframe.

Videos are available on their siteSpirit XperienZ | Groupe d'enquêteurs sur les phénomènes paranormauxbut I did not found a text version of the transcriptions to have a look and a real idea.

There is several points I found alarming:
- The heavy paranormal touch of their site. They come from the "hunting ghosts" quest and when you see the videos you see they are still glued in low energies. Seances are done from disaffected hospitals, haunted castles and so on...
- The contact claim to be from a moon of a planet (I forgot the name of the satellite she cite)
- One of the members is unable to really interact during session because of mild trans
- Heavy tattoos on the guys
- A sessions with clearly several entities arguing to control the board
- Julie who believe to be protected by her "critical" point of view but seems too tender in my point of view

Clearly, I'm not very reassured for them.
I watched the interview.

Julie say she work in a laboratory so she have a scientific background and try to have a critical approach of what they do. She had been made award of Laura by "Ludo", Ludovic Bonin, the person who redacted the article in the Ikaris magazine. She say that Ludovic know Laura and Ark, that Laura "gave her transcriptions books to Ludo" (38:00). I believe she talk about the "Rencontres Ufologiques" meeting in Toulouse at a moment in the interview. This is perhaps the connection point with Ludo.

The prominent point of their experience is when their contact asked them to shut down the camera and they received the message "We are you in the future". Julie said they received other informations in this particular moment that they cannot really recall because of theirs exhaustion (it was very late) at the moment. A bit strange explained like this, because Julie have a notebook where she write received letters in real time.

She say they begun the experience 3 years ago and they where not award of the C's experience but that received informations are correlated.

She explain that they communicate with two levels at "the same time". The "guides" ant the "sages". The main communication is done with the "guides", the "sages" interfere when something need to be reframe.

Videos are available on their siteSpirit XperienZ | Groupe d'enquêteurs sur les phénomènes paranormauxbut I did not found a text version of the transcriptions to have a look and a real idea.

There is several points I found alarming:
- The heavy paranormal touch of their site. They come from the "hunting ghosts" quest and when you see the videos you see they are still glued in low energies. Seances are done from disaffected hospitals, haunted castles and so on...
- The contact claim to be from a moon of a planet (I forgot the name of the satellite she cite)
- One of the members is unable to really interact during session because of mild trans
- Heavy tattoos on the guys
- A sessions with clearly several entities arguing to control the board
- Julie who believe to be protected by her "critical" point of view but seems too tender in my point of view

Clearly, I'm not very reassured for them.

It's funny, because I'm known to always see the empty glass and not the half-full glass! But this time, it seems I see the half-full glass;-)

OK, like you I had a hard time to follow this story of "guides" and "wises". Could very be they are not enough "grounded". Like you I feel frustrated because they don't share just a transcript of some session to have an idea.

Unlike you, (maybe because of some other cultural background), heavily tattooed can mean dislike of the system and not obviously possessed or bad people (even if some are, indeed, but not all...)

Some other things I remember in a more positive note was, like Laura, they tried a session with eyes closed (in an experimental way), and like Laura explained it in one of the transcript books (didn't remember which), it didn't work. Julie also said that several times they had no answer other than "search by yourself" (reminds you something ?:-P)

Indeed the story of their member in trance reminds me of Frank and his urge for the "direct channeling", which is not the case here, after all. And I liked the idea she'd exposed of the others acting like "antennas" and this member is the "receiver".

And, indeed, it remains that if they share more easily, it will be good!
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