Videos of strange and mysterious objects and other phenomena in the sky

In Poland, a UFO hovering over a forest was photographed.




Photographs of a UFO hovering over the forest taken by a local resident have become perhaps the most impressive and detailed photographs in the last 40 years. The original photos were verified by an expert and found to be genuine, unedited.

A witness who took the photos said that a UFO made a strange rustling sound when it caught the top of a tree in a low height. The UFO was spotted by a man riding a bicycle in a remote area near the village of Jastrówo, about 280 kilometres from Warsaw. This meeting took place in June this year.
A frightened witness took a photo of this UFO before rushing home, where after looking at the photos he saw that he had captured the UFO in five frames.

He sent the photos to Polish ufologist and journalist Robert Bernatowicz, but he keeps his name a secret. The man says he was surprised to see that the photos survived because after meeting with the UFO he found memory gaps and a discrepancy between the time he saw the UFO and when he returned home. He was gone longer than he would have taken the trip home. Where he was, he can't remember.
Mr. Bernatovic said "He's afraid to say his real name and last name. In Poland, talking about UFOs means that people will see you as a person with mental problems".

- "The witness reports that he saw a UFO, then took pictures, and then has a failure in his memory of what happened next".

Bernatovic turned to Mr. Mantle, former Director of Research at the British UFO Research Association, who has investigated hundreds of cases since his interest in the subject began in 1979.

Mr. Mantle of Pontefract, West York, said..: "I've worked on several suspected UFO photos over the years, and most of them were either incomprehensible or hoaxed."

He sent the photos to former RAF employee Mr Gleev, who now specialises in analyzing UFO photos.

And Mr Gleve thinks the photos were not faked, and the UFO is the real object.

"I superimposed five separate photos taken by an eyewitness to confirm the movement of the object. It moved within a small radius of approximately 60 metres, remaining within approximately 45-60 metres of ground level.

"Also very noticeable and useful with regard to the analysis process was the mass of leaves, etc., It was very productive to determine the perspective of the object and its surroundings and the position of the tree line. An unknown cameraman apparently took pictures from five slightly different positions in each image, but all of them are about a few meters apart, as each of them shows recognizable leaves and tree branches.
"The object itself appears to have a structure and metallic appearance, showing a larger main round base/hull tapering upwards to a pointed top (similar to a church bell tower) below the larger round base, with a smaller dome projection visible.

"In addition, the shadow of the object on the ground is not detected, which leads me to assume that the Sun is behind the camera operator, thus positioning the shadow towards a distant leaf (similar to a close central tree).

"I also zoomed in on one of the images of an object where the video shows that there is no device (rope) or cable holding the object in a certain position (from the ground).
"In my conclusion to my analysis of the five photographs, I conclude that there is a structured object here and it is of unknown origin.

Mr. Mantle added: "If Jason Gleaves' analysis is correct and I have no reason to believe otherwise, these five photographs of UFOs from Poland may be the best we have. Translated version)

The source:В Польше сфотографировали НЛО парящий над лесом
Are they from the "resistance" or the "empire"?

See if they start to "identify" because it is a hassle to know who is who.:-D
Now THIS is a UFO like the good old days- not a fuzzy amorphous light in the sky! Is it real? Don’t know but it’s way cooler than those fuzzy lights! Can’t tell the size but looks like it would be a wee bit cramped in there. But could be like the T.A.R.D.I.S-bigger on the inside than outside
Now THIS is a UFO like the good old days- not a fuzzy amorphous light in the sky! Is it real? Don’t know but it’s way cooler than those fuzzy lights! Can’t tell the size but looks like it would be a wee bit cramped in there. But could be like the T.A.R.D.I.S-bigger on the inside than outside
Ha ha! I agree!

Though, it also bears a striking resemblance to the old jug-top-on-a-fishing-line style hoax photo of the same era.

但是几乎没有理由相信这个吻nd of dorky Ray Bradbury saucer never landed to interact with lone farmers and hitch hikers and such, if John Keel is to be taken seriously. (And if I can't believe John Keel, then I must give up entirely ever trying to figure out who is lying and who is truthful in the world!)

I always gathered that the reason we rarely got any decent on-the-ground photos was that aliens had no trouble disabling cameras at will, or just making people forget to even try.
Ha ha! I agree!

Though, it also bears a striking resemblance to the old jug-top-on-a-fishing-line style hoax photo of the same era.

但是几乎没有理由相信这个吻nd of dorky Ray Bradbury saucer never landed to interact with lone farmers and hitch hikers and such, if John Keel is to be taken seriously. (And if I can't believe John Keel, then I must give up entirely ever trying to figure out who is lying and who is truthful in the world!)

I always gathered that the reason we rarely got any decent on-the-ground photos was that aliens had no trouble disabling cameras at will, or just making people forget to even try.
I think it looks like an old time street lamp- makes one wonder if this is indeed a real UFO what the design process is.
I think it looks like an old time street lamp- makes one wonder if this is indeed a real UFO what the design process is.
I gather that the observed physicality of such craft pull information from the viewer's preconceptions as part of the actualization process.

或者它可能只是一个hyperdimensional访问or is whatever it is, doesn't care what you see it as, and the humble farmer is simply left scrambling to catch up with whatever cognitive iconography he has available in his 3D noggin. And because things work the way they do, (4D objects casting 3D shadows and such), the equally humble film camera can take snaps of them.

I've been reading lots of old sci-fi from the 50's. I wonder if I'd also see old timey street lamp aliens?
I gather that the observed physicality of such craft pull information from the viewer's preconceptions as part of the actualization process.

或者它可能只是一个hyperdimensional访问or is whatever it is, doesn't care what you see it as, and the humble farmer is simply left scrambling to catch up with whatever cognitive iconography he has available in his 3D noggin. And because things work the way they do, (4D objects casting 3D shadows and such), the equally humble film camera can take snaps of them.

I've been reading lots of old sci-fi from the 50's. I wonder if I'd also see old timey street lamp aliens?
Quite true! I have read numerous books on the UFO phenomenon and it never ceases to amaze me the truly bizarre forms some alleged craft have presented. As varied as the occupants themselves-from grays to robots to seemingly human - is Earth going to look like the cantina from Star Wars as it it shifts to 4D? Wait and see!
I think it looks like an old time street lamp- makes one wonder if this is indeed a real UFO what the design process is.
That is quite strange, those photos look a like the ones that Billy Meier made back in 1975. It was a big story than he got a lot of publicity and although some video's and photos were found genuine after some years he started faking photos and whole story ended up as false flag.
Looks like grays got lazy, they would have to start working on new design.:lol:
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That is quite strange, those photos look a like the ones that Billy Meier made back in 1975. It was a big story than he got a lot of publicity and although some video's and photos were found genuine after some years he started faking photos and whole story ended up as false flag.
Looks like grays got lazy, they would have to start working on new design.:lol:
View attachment 37391 View attachment 37392
Yes something similar happened with George Adamski- I believe his original encounters were genuine but when the space people withdrew he started faking stuff. If I recall Billy was supposedly in contact with the Pleideans.
Yes, according to him they being in contact since his age of 4, building the contact from telepathic communications to direct contact, he describes even being taken to the other planets. At the end he got under the influence from 'bad' guys, probably brainwashed and programed to believe that he is messiah. It looks like that he was not careful enough, didn't have enough knowledge to protect him self which have turned true story into corrupted one.
The old recipe has shown his power again , masking truth from 'not careful' readers, being trapped into misleading concept.
All of this took place back in 1970's..
I stumbled upon this video. Not sure where it was taken, but the person speaks in Russian with Ukrainian accent. In the video he described that for an entire hour he was able to observe a lightning storm, but totally silent one. No thunder and no rain.

Perhaps there is an explanation for it from an "Electric Universe" point of view?

And there is this video of strange clouds, somewhere in Russia, but based on related weather report, it was probably in South Siberian area.

Granted, there are areas in the World, where such clouds are not extraordinary, but they are for this region, and are considered to be very rare. And the thing is that I saw similar clouds very recently during a day with strong winds.

Gina’s on top of it. Her iPhone 8 with a clip-on lens they no longer make yields these spectacular images. It seems quite a crowd is gathering. Are they here to watch the show? Or the showdown? Are they “extras”?

More ships are arriving!

I stumbled upon this video. Not sure where it was taken, but the person speaks in Russian with Ukrainian accent. In the video he described that for an entire hour he was able to observe a lightning storm, but totally silent one. No thunder and no rain.

Perhaps there is an explanation for it from an "Electric Universe" point of view?

And there is this video of strange clouds, somewhere in Russia, but based on related weather report, it was probably in South Siberian area.

Granted, there are areas in the World, where such clouds are not extraordinary, but they are for this region, and are considered to be very rare. And the thing is that I saw similar clouds very recently during a day with strong winds.

I have seen this sort of lightning 2 or 3 time this year and the last time about one month ago. No rain no thunder. It was always 1 or 2 days after rainy days.
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