What would you do?



What would you do?

Sugar and spice and everything nice.

This is suppose to every little girls life.

What happens when life is not like that?

What if your life is filled with constant abuse by the people who suppose to protect you?

For little Katelynn of Indiana, her life is filled with this from a father, stepmother and father's family; everyone but her the relatives that love her have been deined the ability to see her.

What happens when the police will not stop this?

比尝试儿童保护服务,但他们将not stop this either.

The next thing to do is go to the court.

What would you do if the Child Protection Services and the court helped the abusers hurt her?

The media might work but they ignore majority of average people.

In this search for help, several politicians ignored or said stop bothering them.

If these people will not help little katelynn than who will?

Will this little girl have to pay the ultimate price for these adults mistakes? What would you do?

Indiana's Shame Teardrops for Katelynn

referral sources

Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation :: Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories Aired on PBS http://www.mkacf.org/BreakTheSilence.html

Breaking the Silence

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A NATIONAL CRISIS

Petition for Justice for Katelynn:
any person be they man or woman that preys on children should not be given so much as an ounce of mercy.prison is too good for them .hang the bastards!
Violence against the Weak really stimulates my anger/hate response. If i had the opportunity id karmically entangle myself big time by insuring the individual suffered. Mostly stems from having three younger siblings and an especially young sister (shes 13 now...) I just imagine what i would do with an individual who had harmed her, its pretty dark.
Cyre2067 said:
Violence against the Weak really stimulates my anger/hate response. If i had the opportunity id karmically entangle myself big time by insuring the individual suffered. Mostly stems from having three younger siblings and an especially young sister (shes 13 now...) I just imagine what i would do with an individual who had harmed her, its pretty dark.
How much Blood and Suffering must occur till the Planet wakes up? I think of the line in the movie 'Thunderheart' when a persecuted ANC leader from Wounded Knee is communing with the medicine man, and the FBI agent (Val Kilmer) is telling him to split because the corrupted agents are on their way to finish him off, He says "Sometimes they have to kill us" as he peacefully waited. He KNEW many more would be needed to sacrifice before the lesson was written on the heavens that the Whites would see their folly.. These children are the saints who give up their lives as the beached Dolphins and Whales also agree to make the ultimate sacrifice to 'show the way' to the sleeping mass.
I absolutley agree. It must be justice for these abused children when the very government sworn to protect these most vulnerable members of society betray them by colluding to aide anyone who abuses these little ones. They must have justice not vengence for them to be able to live out loud and free. These abused children must have justice to help them heal. They need to know that hurting them will be punished to the fullest extent for them to even begin to believe again in kindness, compassion and fairness.
Borderfox said:
any person be they man or woman that preys on children should not be given so much as an ounce of mercy.prison is too good for them .hang the bastards!
The question is, are we so sure that those accused of preying on children are actually guilty? Sure, there are predators out there and lots of them, but child abuse is also being used as a convenient means of control societies as well as being a tool of political blackmail and compensation claims. The real abuse is often lost behind a complex mass of multiple interests where the child inevitably loses out in the end.

Society may well be, in a great number of cases, being used as a scapegoat by the REAL predators that prey on children while enjoying their postions of power and thus the protection and impunity that comes with it.

Let's keep that in mind when we hear the next report and not immedately jump into the prepared reaction of "show no mercy" which oftens tells us something about our own deep-seated feelings and predispositions in this regard.

让你的愤怒你bget要求children be heard. LEt your passion move you to demand justice to make sure your younger siblings don't live in a world where such a thing can be kept silent and this always risking the chance that the next time it won't just be someone you hear about but someone you love instead. For yourself as well little katelynn of Indiana has a brother and I cannot begin to describe her brother's pain as he is forced to watch others batter and abuse his little sister. I cannot begin to describe it but I can tell you that little katelynn's brother's eyes always look like their weeping without tears ever falling. I can tell you little katelynn of Indiana's brother writes letters every week that he knows his little sister may never see. I can tell you that he says that "he will save his little sister" and than I can tell you little katelynn of Indiana's brother stops talking about her. I can only guess the pain that hurts, is so white hot that to touch it , this little katelynn of Indiana's brother cannot do touch the pain of watching his little sister being abused while no one tries to stop it. This I can tell you. That maybe in his dreams he sees his little sister and no one is hurting her and she is laughing and playing and no one is hurting his little sister and than he wakes to the truth of what is being done to his baby sister. I can only tell you that little katelynn's brothers eyes always look like they are weeping for his little sister but no tears ever fall out of his eye and that is the saddest thing of all.
I understand very well what you are saying. In my life I have heard so many say " IF they had known they would have stopped it". Now it is known will those who say all they wanted was they chance before and they would have made A difference in a child's life nor step forward or does another newspaper article have to read " Body of child battered to death naked from the waist down found abandoned in a field " NOw we have a chance before, a chance to change what maybe so it does not happen.
So many children have died battered to death if these millions are not suffient than what makes you think a few more added to the list will make it different. It's time everybody stops waiting for that one child to die horrificly so bad nobody can stomach to read it that it wakes everyone up.
I know one thing for sure if we don't start to stop it somewhere how will we ever end for any child?
HEre is how you know I am not asking for any adults rights! I am asking for these abused childrens rights! NO more! NO less!
You know here is the danger, while we all talk this to death these abused children are the ones that take the next blow that knocks their little bodies across a room or begging to eat and no one feeding them while they are ashamed for asking for food or the night the little ones goes to the their bedroom and in the dark a grownup comes in and this abused child is now lost to the horror that happens next. YOu see we all keep talking and talking and talking and talking while they keep dying. I think we grownsup can talk along time but the bigger question is that I don't think that abused child's little body can take one more blow while we all talk! I think these abused children need it stopped NOW!
Another answer because it is secret why would this be done to so many children and it not be wrong than why the need for secrecy? It would not be the first time this government did something in secret they didn't want the rest of us to know about, Abu Ghraib prison is another thing that was kept secret also. We don't need another except this time for children do we?
IT must be out in the open in a fair and impartail judicial forum that must only be for the rights of these abused children! IT must be and I would not ask for that if I was afraid of the truth!
if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed,
if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly,
you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory,
because it is better to perish than live as slaves."
~Winston Churchill
padme said:
HEre is how you know I am not asking for any adults rights! I am asking for these abused childrens rights! NO more! NO less!
You know here is the danger, while we all talk this to death these abused children are the ones that take the next blow that knocks their little bodies across a room or begging to eat and no one feeding them while they are ashamed for asking for food or the night the little ones goes to the their bedroom and in the dark a grownup comes in and this abused child is now lost to the horror that happens next. YOu see we all keep talking and talking and talking and talking while they keep dying. I think we grownsup can talk along time but the bigger question is that I don't think that abused child's little body can take one more blow while we all talk! I think these abused children need it stopped NOW!
Another answer because it is secret why would this be done to so many children and it not be wrong than why the need for secrecy? It would not be the first time this government did something in secret they didn't want the rest of us to know about, Abu Ghraib prison is another thing that was kept secret also. We don't need another except this time for children do we?
IT must be out in the open in a fair and impartail judicial forum that must only be for the rights of these abused children! IT must be and I would not ask for that if I was afraid of the truth!

I well understand what you say and I unequivocally support your quest for children's rights. Far from detracting from your post I am merely highlighting the complexity involved in sexual exploitation generally. For us to really make a difference, if it is indeed possible, (for one child saved from abuse is an achievement indeed) we must be prepared to see what it is that actually keeps these wheels turning. What are the core reasons for this abuse and neglect? Many and varied as you will agree and not always what we see in the newspapers nor in much touted statistical analyses.

Do not mistake discussion for inaction. Exploration of these issues must go hand in hand with concerted action and by continuing to peel away the layers that give rise to such evil.

I think you misunderstand the point I was making on secrecy. You mention "fair and impartial" judicial forum. At the moment, none such system exists. As a result there are many innocent people going down for crimes they did not commit. There are also child molesters receiving far too lenient sentencing and where research into the causes of child molestation are deeply underfunded. There are however programs in Canada and the U.K. that are proving very effective with regarding child molestation in comparison to the controls and re-offending records of familial abuse for example. We can save kids today but there will be victims tomorrow unless these methods are adopted. Which brings me to the fact that there are those actively seeking to suppress such alernative successes. We live in an enormously flawed judicial system where physical, sexual and neglect are useful tools for control.

For most of these men and women in power child victims are preferable. They serve a purpose. This is what we are up against. Psychopaths who seek a continuing dynamic of abuse both institutional and familial as direct reflections of each other. They seek to keep the truth secret as to how best we can address this problem, which as you may understand, connects to every aspect of society.

As you also know Padme, part of this process is to cut through the lies on this complex subject that gives rise to further mismanagement, judicial bias, miscarriages of justice, deadly oversights and bureaucratic ineptitude that leads to more child deaths. To have a chance of limiting this we need information dissemination that can then be applied. For that, we need a network with folks such as yourself. As you mention, this anger and rage - which I can assure you I also feel - can then be tempered and channelled effectively - without that, we are lost and so too are the children.

I hope that has clarified things.

As this is a section for general discussions on 9/11 related themes perhaps a section can be created for continuing threads on child exploitation?

Just a thought.

Mario Andretti
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
In some societies, things are more tightly woven, with your neighbors constantly in your affairs, popping by, visiting, chatting, gossipping, etc. This sort of thing would be noticed, and then the community would know about it. The person doing the bad thing would be shunned and perhaps expelled from the local community. However, such a system can be stifling - if you're just wierd and harmless you can be just as shunned and ostracized, and perhaps squelched.

The society we have (still) allows for a measure of private freedom (for the moment). That allows for bad people to be really bad, and good people to be really good. And harmless wierd people can explore things they otherwise wouldn't get to.

How do you prevent such tragedies from happening? Generally, identify bad people and discourage them from being parents. But the devil is in the details, and there are a lot of devils lurking there. Like for instance, how do you identify bad people? What is a bad person? How do you discourage a bad person, once identified? Those are questions not answered without a lot of thought.

Look at how different cultures try to solve the problem, that's what I'd suggest. If one looks like it's better at it than the others, look at why.
Yes everything you said was so correct! YOu do indeed get it. You will never know how refreshing it is when you find someone that does understand the complexieties of layers of what allows this horror to go on! MOre than you will know I apprecaite that. Sometimes Gaelin you can become weary of trieing to explain what you so very accurately described( no doubt better than alot could have). Thank you for taking the time to explain and not leaving me thinking that you meant something else. Not everyone would do that. Sometimes by the time I explain to ad nasaseum the very explaination of trying to get others to understand never allows you to get to helping the children.
Gaelin there has to be a way because if we don't begin somewhere for one of these children we will never end this child abuse anywhere. I wish I was brillant but I am just a normal person but I believe in my heart that if we can come together we can do some good for a child and I feel with all my heart and soul that it would have been a thing worth doing with my life!
I think there must be others like us Gaelin somewhere.
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