Examination Of Teeth Confirms Hitler Died In 1945



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A remarkable new examination of Adolf Hitler's remains appears to confirm that he died as the historical record depicts: via suicide in 1945. The findings, published in theEuropean Journal of Internal Medicine, upend the claims of conspiracy theorists who have long argued that the notorious Nazi leader secretly escaped Germany at the end of World War II. According to the French scientists behind the study, their conclusion was derived thanks to an almost unprecedented level of access to evidence possessed by the Russian government.

具体地说,一块头骨和一组牙齿,believed to be the last remaining bits of Hitler's body, were handed over to the researchers for an unfettered analysis of the materials. Amazingly, this is said to have been the first independent scientific study of the remains since 1946. And, despite the long period which has passed since then, it seems that the story of Hitler's demise as it has been depicted in high school textbooks and countless cable TV documentaries over the years has been correct all along.

Among a number of evidentiary points cited in the study, two stand out as particularly striking. The first is that researchers were able to match the tightly-held set of teeth with the Fuhrer's rather unique dental records. Additionally, a comparison of the skull fragment aligned with x-rays of the Nazi leader's head in the year prior to this death. Upon the publication of the paper, one of the scientists behind the studytriumphantly declaredto the AFP that "there is no possible doubt. Our study proves that Hitler died in 1945."

As one can imagine, the study is being celebrated by historians who have decried the various 'death hoax' conspiracy theories that have emerged and evolved over the last seven decades since Hitler's body was found in a Berlin bunker by Russian forces as they overtook the city. That said, one would imagine that the paper is also being looked at with a suspicious eye by those who doubt the official version of events and, no doubt, see the study as yet another attempt to smother the 'true' story of the Nazi leader's fate, whether it was set inArgentina or Antarctica.
I think that the most important thing is that he died!:-)It doesn't matter when that happened.
As one can imagine, the study is being celebrated by historians who have decried the various 'death hoax' conspiracy theories that have emerged and evolved over the last seven decades since Hitler's body was found in a Berlin bunker by Russian forces as they overtook the city. That said,one would imagine that the paper is also being looked at with a suspicious eye by those who doubt the official version of events and, no doubt, see the study as yet another attempt to smother the 'true' story of the Nazi leader's fate, whether it was set inArgentina or Antarctica.

Yes indeed.

苏联当局召集希特勒r's dentist in 1945 to compare the corpse's natural dentition with his recollection of Hitler's teeth. (The dentist's files had probably been destroyed during bombing raids)
The doctor is said to have told the Soviets that they didn't match. Would a fearful dentist have lied to the occupation forces in the immediate aftermath of World War II?

I'm having difficulties in understanding the connection between the paper you've mentioned and the Cassiopaeans' track record, though.
If my memory serves me well, the C's have neither confirmed nor denied Hitler's death in 1945...
Session September 30,1994

Q: (L) Where is Adolf Hitler now?
A: Sleeping.
Q: (L) How long will he sleep?
A: Indefinite.
Q: (L) Will Adolf Hitler return to incarnation at some point in the future?
A: Yes.
Well, there was a sequel six years later:

Sept. 2000

Q: What is Hitler doing right now? Planning on coming back and trying to do it again?
[Laughter] Seriously, what is Hitler doing now?

A: Soul in transit.

Q: To where? Does that mean he isn't at 5th density?

A: No.

Q: He's already been there?

A: Floater.

Q: What's a floater?

A: Returnee.

Q: He is floating around and waiting to come into a body?

A: Yes.

Q: You mean he's already done 5th density and is ready to incarnate again?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, that's a scary thought! Just so we know, does it happen to be here on earth?

A: Wait and see.

Q: Well, that sounds ominous. Is this something others will know about once it happens?

A: Maybe.

Q: Well, swell! When he incarnates in this next life, is he still sold out to the Dark side as he was
in the last one? Or, has he been degaussed and will he switch and match his nastiness with
good deeds?

A: Open.

So if the entity formerly known as "Adolf" was set to return in 2000, it would now be an 18 year old youngster, fwiw, and it is anybody's guess where and in which form* it will have incarnated.

(* I'm hesitating to mention "he or she" because that would be alienating all other 66 sexual denominations of our modern post-factual society.)
(* I'm hesitating to mention "he or she" because that would be alienating all other 66 sexual denominations of our modern post-factual society.)
LOL! But we're not obliged to use their Orwellian language :)

The problem I have with the theories about Hitler being kept alive after 1945 is the purpose of such a risky and complex operation when he was no longer needed to the PTB or whatever was behind the scene. They presuppose some sort of loyalty among the psychopathic elite, which is odd.
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The problem I have with the theories about Hitler being kept alive after 1945 is the purpose of such a risky and complex operation when he was no longer needed to the PTB or whatever was behind the scene. They presuppose some sort of loyalty among the psychopathic elite, which is odd.

Having read "Hitler en Argentina" by Abel Basti (German translation) I got the impression that Hitler might still have been useful in liaising with different Nazi communities in South America and by strengthening their morale as authoritarian followers.

The risky and complex operation was really all about moving as much valuables, documents, technical inventions, secret weapons as well as military and scientific specialists out of Germany as long and as much as possible. That was no mean achievement.
Hitler was probably just another passenger, albeit a very prominent one, in one of those submarines.
Moving him half a world away in secret would have been "the icing on the cake" for risk-loving and adrenaline craving psychopaths.

My personal impression is that the operation mentioned above must have been the main reason for the Nazis to drag out WW II that long.
Popular consensus of course is that Nazi Germany fought on until May 1945 because Hitler was crazy, which he actually may have been.

We may surmise that by 1944/45 Hitler was already sidelined by his adjutant (and probably handler) Martin Bormann and a group of SS officers as well as Thule Society operatives.

As it happens, Abel Basti has recently published a book called "Hitler en Colombia" - so the story goes on and on...:wow:
Smuggling Nazi scientists, technocrats, technology and saving industrial capabilities have been profitable to the PTB factions. Hitler's usefullness after WWII is questionnable as you mention. Even in the hypothetical scenario that he'd been transported somewhere else because of a secret deal of some sort, it is unlikely that he would be left alone in the wild as long as it is often suggested. All this is of course speculative.
Percy Schramm made it pretty clear why he was convinced that Hitler committed suicide; one of the two best books on Hitler I ever read: Hitler, the Man and Military Leader.

The other one is "The Psychopathic God".
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看着这简单的方法,我看到的是什么at the bondage between Hitler as a person on the one hand and the third reich idea with all that dominance, entitlement, invincibility, magnitude etc. on the other hand was and is that strong, so that if that reich fails and faces massive destruction, that person cannot live much longer. Even if elsewhere in the world, in a 'safe' place, the body would just create an illness and die, or something like that. It's not that someone fails at becoming master of the universe and then just steps back a bit and does something else within the same life. At least I think Hitler himself was too infantile in his relation to the world to make such a robotic strategic switch.
If other parts of the powerstructures went somewhere else is a different thing of course.
What if both ideas are valid. Hitler did commit suicide in one timeline and he went to south America in another.

The idea of “time travel” has been discussed plenty of time here on the forum. So has the theory that our time line might be constantly altered, maybe there is some bleed through in the historical records.

Add to that the ideas about the advanced Nazi tech in Antarctica, I can see many possibilities.
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