Making healing water

Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Probably everyone knows about Masaru Emoto's amazing water experiments.

And also Cs confirmed that the properties of water can changes to talking to it or by intention.
Laura said:
Session Date: February 6th 2016

(左)哦!这是非常有趣的。我忘了tell ya'll about this. Ark has read a very interesting study about water and how you can talk to it and program it.

(Arky) So question is first, is it really the case that water is so smart that when you talk to it, you can change its properties?

A: Yes

Q: (Arky) Okay. Now, what is it in the water that makes it so sensitive to intentions that they make the water change its chemical and biological functions?

A: This goes beyond the material properties to the information field that is the fundament of water, a most basic substance in the cosmos with strong creative and receptive qualities.

Q: (Galatea) Water has memory. It's like a library. It has memory.

(L) That's the problem we're trying to get to.

(Galatea) Oh, you're trying to understand why?

(L) Exactly.

(Arky) Is water really VERY, VERY, VERY special in this respect?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So other substances don't have those properties?

A: Right.

Q: (Galatea) That's where the idea holy water comes from.

(Joe) So, should we talk to our water?

(Arky) Yes

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What should we say?

(L) Good water! Good water!

(Andromeda) Nice water! [laughter]

(Galatea) Is it good to let rainwater touch your skin whenever it rains?

A: Not much recently, you might get burned.

Q: (L) Acid rain.......

(Joe) On the water thing, is it best to do this with distilled water?

A: Yes

问:(未来)我有一个问题,就好像疯了. Is water similar to space?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! [laughter]

(Pierre) Similar in what sense?

(L) It's like etheric.

(Galatea) Space is water?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it!

(L) So did the ancients. They called it The Waters Above.

(Galatea) Really?

(Joe) Can we make heavy water by talking to it?

(Arky) No, no, no. With water, this is very strange. I was reading about the experiments. So, first you talk to water, you test the water, and it makes it different. But then you have to be clever. If it is just information, you don't have to talk to water. You use the computer to convert your talk into a number. You print the number on the piece of paper, you put it on the bottle, and water should be smart enough because anyhow it's information! It's not your talk. It's somewhere, right? You put it on the label, and water knows what was your intention. Experiments were even done like that.

(Galatea) Water is the Google search of the universe.

A: Yes

Q: (Arky) You convert your talk to a number, like 1000, 2010, okay there's a number. Your language and intent is this number. But you can say something with good intentions, or with wrong intention. The algorithm is such that it may produce the same number for either. Yet, it seems that the water is smart enough that even if you put the same number on two bottles, but derived from different language and intent, it knows whether the intention was positive or negative!

(L) Even if the number is the same?!

(Arky) You see? So the information is somewhere. It's not really important what words you use or what you say exactly. You communicate in some way with the information field that is everywhere.

(Pierre) And the water has this special connection to the information field, and it knows what the number is related to.

(Arky) So your piece of paper is really the address of a piece of information.

A: Yes

(Andromeda) That's fascinating.
Q: (Joe) Can we talk to the water in our bodies since they're 70% water?

A: It has already been propagandized!

Q: (L) So in other words, we have to start fresh with a fresh glass of water and send in the workers to controvert the evil propaganda.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So can we talk to our water and say, "Hello water! Can you detox me even more today?"

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Does adding salt to water make it extra-specially attentive?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) It's like coffee for water!

(L) Wake up your water with a little salt!

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) It explains homeopathy as well. It works on an information level. You just need a little bit. You don't need it in high concentrations. And they know.

A: You have plenty to think about and experiment with. Keep eyes and ears open!

Arky's information about converting Talk/Thought form to number is good idea but I don't know how to make it.
Because I'm not a composer nor poet, So, I would like to make healing water song by helps from fellow members.
And we have Cs water crystal that used for healing purposes, that might enough for us, but just thinking if I add singing power for fun. Or is it a just silly idea?
I just wanted to express how I feel,

Oh, my darling water!
Please heal yourself now
Time to purify yourself
Energize yourself forever, ever
You have the power
Yet, you are so humble
Embrace every other one
Who seeking your service
I wanted be like you
service to other freely give
Service to all whoever needs
Yes we have the power to be
Who we want to be
I love you water
Thanks for your service

This, I would like to sing or talk to water when I prepared to charged for night or bath water, or polluted pond, or any water that needed to be purity for any beings.

And other one, I wanted to singing right before drinking,
Oh, my darling water
Please detoxify me now
Thanks for purify me
You energized me always
You have the power
I love you water

I know my English is poor, so I need help to make right, maybe need to delete some parts or need to add some.
And later I needs someone to adding melodies to complete.
If you don't like it, please laugh out loud, it is good to have fun sometimes.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi Kay Kim. I don't think singing or trying to charge your own water (outside of what the C crystal does) is a bad thing at all. I don't know for sure, but I think the intent and the spirit behind the words you say to the water are more important than the specific words themselves, as far as the water is concerned). So the purpose of the words more than anything, I think, is to get you psyched up about singing so the water receives the organization needed. These are totally untested ideas though on my part. Some friends of mine just have water bottles with a label like "Gratitude" or "Love" on them, and they seem to think it produces benefits. It could be a placebo, but we're talking about complicated effects produced by the interaction of your body's information field and that of the structured water itself. I don't think you could dissociate the observer from the observed like you can in elementary, Newtonian science. But please, someone correct me if I'm off-base about this.


Jedi Master
I think it's a good idea. I think that Galatea is brilliant, I was so fascinated with her discoveries, to me personally it was one of the most fascinating sessions. In my mind water triggers gratitude and feeling of peace (when I'm fighting against my crankiness), water is so unique, so pure, simple but we couldn't live without her. When my son was little, we used to live near a beach and that was the best time of my life. Water is life so being thankful for water is like being thankful for everything that exists. I love water. Just some of my thoughts :).
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello whitecoast,

Thanks for your concern, but I noticed the parts,
"and then the individual would also need to add their own intent on top of the charging"
“不t enough! Need intent of inhabitants".

Laura said:
Session Date: April 2016
Q: (L) So, I would charge these crystals, and then the individual would also need to add their own intent on top of the charging. That would enhance the networked protection between people. Is that it?

A: Yes

问:(L)和相同的可用于晶体to put in your water that you drink?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And how long would you need to leave it in your water before you drink it?

A: Overnight.

Q: (L) Can also put such crystals like under your pillow?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) And the more crystals, the more protection?

A: If appropriately charged.

Q: (L) Well obviously, we would have to purchase a selection of crystals, assuming anybody wanted them. Then we'd have the postage and the time element and everything. Basically, it would take time for me to perform this service. Could Andromeda and Galatea help?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Okay. So, we could do some crystal charging if we have a big batch of nice ones – assuming we can even find a source for a reasonable cost. When people send a request, we can select and then charge it up. Is that what we're talking about here? And then people can carry them around and put them in their water?

A: Yes!

Q: (Ark) I have a practical question. Is big quartz crystal better than small one?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That will be expensive.

(L) So, you'd have a little one for your water, a little one for carrying in your pocket, and a larger one for your room, by your bed. Something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) And a giant one for the house!

(Pierre) At this point, you better go to the Alps and visit some quarries and get them by yourself.

(Chu) You'd have to know the person to charge them with the right message, right? A random person couldn't be asking for a crystal.

A: They should include their birth date and current location for the CRS to find them.

Q: (L) For the what?

(Scottie) "for the crstofindthem"...

A: Cosmic Retrieval System

Q: (Pierre) They're using acronyms now! [laughter]

(L) Don't you know what the Cosmic Retrieval System is?! [laughter]

A: We use it all the time. It's like RAM in a computer.

Q: (Pierre) What is it? The crystal will be like an interface between the person and the information field...?

A: Close.

Q: (Pierre) It enhances this connection.

(L) So. Well, all of that's very interesting.
(Galatea) Could we place crystals around our house, like one at each corner? Would that help increase the protection?

A: Not enough! Need intent of inhabitants!
Q: (Pierre) Once you've put your intent in a crystal, the intent stays forever, or you will have to "reintentize" them?

A: Until cleared.

Well, I suppose the easier way to adding person's own intent is just recite or read to Cs crystals morning/evening, probably that's enough.

But occasionally I talk to my crystals individually to show my gratitude, such as protecting me from all the negative energy and things, assisting behalf of my health, guiding me to become service to other path.

The water crystal is different than other crystals. Because Laura programmed to cure some of members particular malady, and I have read from some of post, that worked well on for the person.
But then, what if the person started to have different illnesses, surely the person can add programs to cure new problems, and the original program from Laura will stay until the person intentionally erase/dele program.


Hi Kay kim, after reading your post and the discussion in the session from February 2016 I decided to make a little experiment with water and having in mind that I've been sick since last Sunday and that the medicines I'm taking didn't do much, to be honest it only produced me sores in my mouth and made me throw up an entire night I decided to write a paragraph asking water to heal me, thinking that maybe it could accelerate the healing process. I wrote the text in this page:

It count the words, characters with or without spaces, etc. After writing the text I was hesitant about choosing the number with spaces or the one without, and since what matters the most is the intention I chose the one with spaces because I liked the number. I wrote it on a piece of paper and stick it to the glass with water after reciting what I wrote.

And what can I tell you, I wrote it with intention, sort of like I let my heart on that paragraph so to say, I did feel better yesterday and today much better than yesterday but I won't say that it was thanks to the water because it's too soon and have in mind I'm taking meds and also that it was the 6th day of the flu, or it could have been something psychological simply.

Today I will experience with the sore I have in my mouth, I usually clean sores with warm water and salt, I will add the message with the intention this time and let's see what happens.
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello BrenXHkm,

I tried to read your post in the link, but can't read nor translate to English because nowadays I only using my IPad and it has some limits or I don't know how to use it.
And I don't even know what you mean by "count the words"

How's your healing water experiment?
I think "belief" is the main key and have to have feelings to matches the words too.


Kay Kim said:
Hello BrenXHkm,

I tried to read your post in the link, but can't read nor translate to English because nowadays I only using my IPad and it has some limits or I don't know how to use it.
And I don't even know what you mean by "count the words"

How's your healing water experiment?
I think "belief" is the main key and have to have feelings to matches the words too.

Hi Kay Kim, when I said "count the words" I meant how many words are in a sentence, maybe I didn't used the right term, sorry!

Regarding the healing water experiment with the sore, I think further experiments must be done to affirm that it works, experiment with different problems too. There are many factors influencing in the healing process that we must have in mind. I can try with only water and the intention, the next with salt, etc, and see what happens. I also should have a register of how much time it takes me to heal it changing some factors.

For example yesterday I didn't use salt, only water, and I did use on Sunday and the results are the same, the sore almost didn't bother me. And before that I couldn't even eat without pain, I don't know, maker your own conclusions.

I also think the belief is a big factor, and at first I was hesitant because usually I'm skeptical, not in the process or if the water in this case have healing properties but in me doing the process, I mean, what if did something wrong and I'm telling a person something that is wrong, so I prefer to keep hesitant until I'm sure that what I'm doing works.


Kay Kim said:
Hello BrenXHkm,

I tried to read your post in the link,but can't read nor translate to English because nowadays I only using my IPad and it has some limits or I don't know how to use it.

Maybe this could help you, my computer broke a long ago and since then I'm only using my cell phone to read, translate, etc, etc, and what I do now is have two apps (application/program you can download them in your app store) called "Google translate" and "Google chrome", this allows me to select for example part of a text and press until it gives me the option to copy, paste, cut, andtranslatewhich is the most important in this case, as I was telling you this allows me to translate a text without having to open a new tab or switch from one app to the other. I also can choose the option to search for the meaning of the word because sometimes, as you may know, there are some words that don't have an exact translation to certain idioms and you have to search for the meaning in some way.

It helped me a lot to improve my vocabulary in English and to understand better what I read.
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
OK. BrenXHkm. I will check it out, two App "Google translate and Google chrome" .
But I am not good at computer, so probably it will take some time to learn right way.
Thank you for information!
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I believe Cs and Laura's information 100%. I know that any information is not 100% correct. But, still I believe until someone prove to me or convince me.

Anyway I was lazy until Saturday, just said "Thank you Water" and drank all these times.
And first time Saturday night, I I have decided to show my appreciation and same time tells to my crystal healing water to added something what I wanted. So, I talked like this,
My darling water
Please detox me
Heal me
Purify me
Energize me
Thank you very much
I appreciate your kindness
I love you, love you

And while I was doing Prayer of the Soul meditation, I felt new energy in my body, especially chest area, some kind of cool and more space/expanses, and too much energized that can't sleep long time.
I thought about it on Sunday, and my conclusion is "energize me" part is maybe not good to use it at night.


FOTCM Member
I don't think it's a silly idea either Kay Kim. I agree that intent is also important, as well as the words you say of course. Singing helpful phrases is good, and I think your verses sound nice.

You probably already know, but for your water crystal (and other crystals), singing In The Garden will help. :)

Kay Kim said:
And while I was doing Prayer of the Soul meditation, I felt new energy in my body, especially chest area, some kind of cool and more space/expanses, and too much energized that can't sleep long time.
I thought about it on Sunday, and my conclusion is "energize me" part is maybe not good to use it at night.
Yeah, you could leave out the 'energize me' part at night, and see if that will make a difference.
Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello Oxajil,

I don't know why, but I never thought about to sing to water the song "In The Garden Of The Universe".
But I always open my water jar lid in the mornings and nights to read to crystals and water too.
So, I started last night 8 pm singing, I included water too. Thank you.

And last night I tried another experiment with water that included "Energize Me" and the result was same. I had hard time fell asleep and woke up at 4 AM.
Usually every night before bedtime I do the POTS, when Laura starts says "relax body, relax completely" then right away I got into sweet meditate state, then when exercise is over or before I fell to sleep and usually wake up at or around 7 AM.
So, now on I have to be careful what to say or when to say to the water.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member

I think water experiments are well worth it. Just got my crystals yesteraday and did my first water charging overnight. Drank it today with my son and will see what happens:-)Guess we all need to talk to our water:-)


Padawan Learner
I speak with my water. I like it. I sing to my water sometime. But I don't have crystals.

Before I met with C's and their advice about speaking with water, I had seen a link. There were an advice about how to drink water in Islamic tradition. It was adviced to memorialize the name of Allah: "Bismillah" or "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim", to pray before drinking water and after we finished drinking the water, we must say "çok şükür (thanks god)" (as I remembered).

After I had met with C's advice about speaking with water, I remembered that link. I think there is a connection. Olds knew somethings.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Sometimes I like to give Reiki or sing to my water before I drink it. I find it changes the way it tastes quite dramatically. Also, as a little aside, I use pretty stick-on letters to write positive words on the side of my pot plants.
I'm going to put some nice words on the side of my water jug as well. I find it uplifting to walk into the room and read the words myself, and of course it's always feels good to sing :)
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