Osho - A psychopathic cult leader



FOTCM Member
An interesting article written by Satya Franklin who was a close friend of Osho and Sheela and lived at Rajneeshpuram:

‘Wild Wild Country’: A Rajneeshee Cult Insider on the Horrors the Netflix Series Left Out

From the article:

Here in the article, she discusses rewriting Osho's early books:

A little while later in the article she also mentions the following about her books and her writing:
There was another passage in the article by Satya Franklin:

The creators (Maclain and Chapman Way) once again put Sheela center stage, where she clearly likes to be.She’dfought her way to the top of the Rajneesh hierarchyto get there, getting rid of anyone who stood in her way, even when this meant poisoning or drugging them.Bhagwan’s longtime companion Vivek is barely mentioned; his longtime secretary Laxmi barely mentioned. Their suspicious illnesses and deaths are completely ignored.[...]
Six months earlier, Sheela’s first husband, Chinmaya, whom she spoke movingly about in the documentary, died under suspicious circumstances at the ashram.(Puja was there when it happened.) According tothe FBI testimony of one of Sheela’s co-conspirators, she admitted that she’d personally injected Chinmaya with the drug that killed him, calling it a “mercy killing.”The Ways never questioned her about this.Did they dig deeply enough into the records to be aware of it? Talk to people who’d been there? Ask questions about why Chinmaya died when he did, while his Hodgkin’s disease was in remission and he was doing well, certainly not on his deathbed?
Relevant questions. But what about Hillary Clinton and Co, or should one ask if another effect of the series could be that people are led to believe that activities like they took place at the Ranch are far removed from the life of the ordinary society?

In 1972, when I was living with Vivek in Bhagwan’s Bombay apartment, Sheela came to see Bhagwan. (She’d known him, briefly, as a child.)Bhagwan told me to convince her to “take sannyas” (become his disciple), and my efforts succeeded: she did.
What a choice!
Sheela and Chinmaya adopted her niece, who never lived them with them. The adoption allegedly allowed Sheela to claim increased death benefits when Chinmaya died.
[...]Sheela had “a bad habit of poisoning people,” she admitted at her trial.[...]
She had bad habit, but probably it was "not out of character".

Sheela is a master manipulator like Bhagwan.She manipulated the Ways, too. It was her world that wasportrayed inWild Wild Country, not the world the rest of us were living in.Bhagwan had helped thousands of us awaken from the dreams and illusions of our conditioning; he’d helped us rediscover joy again. These were no small treasures by anyone’s standard, even if he spoke of the nuclear family as evil (the ashram/ranch/commune was to be our family now). Bhagwan created new dreams for us to believe in, and still looking for a meaning to define our lives, we bought it all, willing partners in our own deception.

As for orgies at the ranch—no way they happened. We were working 16-18 hours a day, seven days a week. Who had the time or energy for an orgy?! The video footage of naked sannyasins rolling around on mattresses, fighting or erotically entwined, was shot in an encounter group at the (first) Rajneesh Ashram in India (now known as “Poona 1”).
On Amazon there are several reviews of a book by Satay Franklin, originally published in the 1990'ies.https://www.amazon.com/PROMISE-PARA...preST=_SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

One thought I have been having while reading about the subject of this topic, is that several aspects of the culture many of us live in is like a wild, wild country. True, we don't have someone listening to our phone calls and checking our possessions, but we have total surveillance of our communication, most of our shopping transactions are recorded, and now that I looked at the book by Satya Franklin, the advertisement changed to smart shoes for women. We don't have poisoning, but we have governments, democratic of course, some of which that didn't/(don't ?) shy away from testing their latest bio weapons against the enemy - on their own populations, we have a pharmaceutical industry that sometimes rates its profits higher than our health, we have vaccine programs that are being enforced with increasing insistance and severity, we have GMO gone wild. We don't have a program for enlightenment, we have an ideology that is being promoted in schools and universities. We don't have a leader like Sheela and co with their antics, but we have Russia gates, we have WMD's and chemical attacks where often there are none, we have false flag events like 9/11 that end up costing millions of people death and suffering, we have Skripal events where victims are put away like in a mysterious disappearance of some cult, and we have evidence of pedophilia in high places. There has also been cases of elections that were adjusted, not by busloads of homeless people being shipped in for the purpose, although sometimes the borders of consituencies have been adjusted to create the same effect; it is ofen more refined and less noticeable, except to the keen observer who notices irrigularities, like sudden impossible changes in the numbers showing up on the screen. Of course we don't have a guru that has 93 Rolls Royces, we have something much better, an elite where a very small number own half the worlds wealth, an elite which has a huge influence on the worlds of finance, medias, politics - and almost nobody cares. We have sport starsThe World's Highest-Paid Soccer Playersthat for a fraction of their yearly income could buy twice as many cars as a former professor of philosophy and his followers managed to purchase over a number of years, but that is not a problem because the cult was back then and now on the show of the wild wild country.


FOTCM Member
Chacaflus said:
I am astonished. This bioterrorism was OSHO. I remembered this attempt (_1984 Rajneeshee生物恐怖袭击——维基百科and _The Largest Bioterror Attack in U.S. Histors. Despite causing widespread sickness, the plot didn't work. Locals suspected it was an attack of some sort and turned out in force to vote against the Rajneeshee candidates. But there was no concrete proof of malicious poisoning.
y Began at This Salsa Bar),但我从不认为这是由奥修。这是funny to think how many of his books are sold in Spain every year by people looking for improving themselves.
我看着这个故事最大的恐怖分子attack in US history and something irked me. It sounded eerily similar to “Assad poisoned his own people”. It says in the article:
Over the course of two months, the group contaminated 10 salad bars in the area with salmonella in an attempt to suppress the vote. Using a plastic bag filled with a brown liquid they nicknamed "salsa," the poured the salmonella filled slurry directly into salad dressings, splashed it on produce, put it in water, and generally got it everywhere they could. 751 people fell ill, and 45 were hospitalized with Salmonella poisoning. No one died, but had the Rajneeshees gone with their original plan of usingSalmonella typhi, or typhoid fever, it surely would have resulted in numerous fatalities.

The contamination was originally attributed to poor worker hygiene. It wasn't until one year later, when Osho himself had fled the commune and blamed Sheela and her "gang of fascists" for the attacks that the government investigated. What they found in the commune was a fully fledged bioterrorism lab containing salmonella cultures and literature on the manufacture and usage of explosives and military biowarfare. Also discovered was one of the largest illegal wire-tapping operations ever found, and an assassination plot on the life of Charles Turner, United States Attorney for the District of Oregon.

So the government investigated a year later and found what was there to back up their story. The same government that wants us to believe in the Scripal poisoning, the Douma chemical attack, the Chemical attack in Ghouta, The MH17 investigation, the “Russia did this and that” stories and on and on. This back then undoubtedly fitted an agenda of putting more restrictions in place - of course to protect the people - and purporting the narratives.

I don't find this story of influencing the votes by contaminating 10 salad bars thus hitting vegetarians especially hard) very convincing. It sounds more like a story to the kind we are used to these days and which are accepted by all the MSM at face value.

And remembering those times, then Osho/Rajneesh was very much hated in the US as he attacked the US government like Duterte, Ahmadinejad, Chavez has done. Osho attacked the US and the US government and this provocative stance certainly polarized people. Labelling him the sex guru certainly swayed the elephant (to use Jonathan Haidts description) for many that he was the incarnation of the devil and that emotional trigger worked wonders for the MSM and no reason or logic was needed. Just as today, where babies "gassed by an evil dictator" or "throw out of incubators" is enough for most people to support a government war. Emotions works wonders and focussing on sex and Rolls Royces was also then enough to drown out perhaps some valid criticism of Western values.

But the story about how the US government conveniently found this biolab a year later is also interesting in light of this story on SOTT a few days ago:
US Army admits that it secretly dispersed germs in 239 locations across America, exposing many thousands of unsuspecting citizens -- Sott.net

The U.S. Army has admitted that it secretly conducted at least 239 germ warfare tests in locations across the country, targeting unsuspecting Americans.

While the United States government claims to be horrified every time there are reports of a chemical attack that was allegedly carried out by the Syrian government,history serves as a reminder that the U.S. is responsible for carrying out a number of chemical attacks on thousands of unsuspecting Americans, and some of the innocent victims are still suffering from the effects today.

In 1977, the U.S. Army admitted that it secretly conducted at least 239 germ warfare tests in the open air in cities across the country between 1949 and 1969. The areas where the lethal germs were simulated on the public were typically in major cities such asWashington D.C., San Francisco, New York City, Key West and Panama City,according to a report the Army submitted to the Senate Health Subcommittee.
And we are meant to believe that the US stopped experimenting on their own population in 1969 with Bio/chemical warfare? Pinning one incident of such an attack on a cult movement sounds convenient and I somehow am a little hesitant to take the US governments words at face value.
Rajneesh believed as was the wisdom of the times, that man could be freed if only all the sexual and emotional repressions were let loose, explored and accepted. No doubt a can of worms with unforeseen consequences. He spoke a lot about this and this attracted many of the top people in the early 70ies from the Esalen institute AND the Hollywood set.

When one bears in mind how instrumental the CIA were in setting up the New Age movement and experimenting in Mind control programs, such as MKULTRA and MOCKINGBIRD and very involved in the Esalen Institute and Hollywood, then it would be strange if the Rajneesh movement would not be infiltrated in the early 70'ies and ponerized.

Even if Rajneesh/Osho was a smart guy, his blind spot on ponerology along with his own weaknesses could easily be taken over by those only to “eager to help”.

Cases of US government involvement such as, the Jones Town cult, The Koresh cult or the Oklahoma City Bombing. Reading the official wiki entry on those cases might give us the feeling, just like the wiki entry on Osho, that we know all there is to know about these cases and that they were just bad evil people out to steal our freedom and democracy.

It has been mentioned that Osho left India, because the Indian government booted him out for tax evasion. On the surface that looks like a good reason, but that just raises the question how come there are still 1,3 billion people in India as surely he is not the only who has done tax evasion. Osho was outspoken and deplored the Indian system. He ridiculed all the “holy men” in India past and present pointing at the state of India with untold powerty and pointing to how all the holiness of these people never did anything to better the standards of living or the class systems.

He said repeatedly that the West had gone astray by not having any spiritual values and how the East had gone astray by not learning from the West in term of improvement people’s livelihood. He called for what he called the marriage of Western science and Eastern mysticism.

This is not to say that he was right, but his highly critical views of the state of the world certainly created many powerful enemies.
Was he a psychopath? Well, it is said that one has to study a person for years to get the full picture, but I think that the movement without doubt was infiltrated and ponerized.
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I wondered why India has a bigger share of these Godman Scams/scandals than others. They are pretty common news of Indian media. Often people with foreign national followers attract more attention to the media. Maybe it is related to religion or history or poverty or religious fighters fought Muslim/British rule or combination.

Some fall under religious authorities and some Self-made Godmen. I came across this article which talks about this phenomenon.

_India’s godman syndrome
There must be many factors contributing to that phenomenon. But the thing is, India has a long history of spiritual traditions and particularly charismatic spiritual leaders, and people have come to expect the periodic appearance of such people in that country. It also hasn't been secularized to the degree many Western countries(and China) have. There are no doubt genuine traditions in India, but the existence of poverty promotes scams. People noticed that religious symbols like matted hair and robes, combined with the display of seemingly miraculous powers, tends to attract large followings, who gladly donate their money. Even in China's communist state, there was a brief period in the 80's and 90's where many "Qi Gong Masters" appeared. They advertised themselves through the alleged ability to heal or display "powers". In China's case, the impact of those people was even more pronounced because of the distinct lack of spirituality in the country.
It also seems to me that people look for father figures; someone they can follow. You see, Rajneesh was basically a well read philosophy professor who acted like he was a yogi. He began to comment on many things, even areas he couldn't possibly know much about(other religious traditions and philosophy, for example). People nevertheless became fascinated with his talks and writings, even though he obviously was talking the talk, but not walking the walk(the traditions he talked about strongly advise against sadhus buying or owning property like ashrams or creating large followings)

Something similar seems to be happening with Jordan Peterson right now. He's a great psychology professor and activist. But people are putting him on a pedestal, he has a large amount of followers that would heed his every word(and also pay him a million dollars a year on Patreon). He has become a godman of the West. If he were to have ill intentions and bought a large area of land and invited his followers to come live with him, what do you think would happen?

I think this phenomenon can happen anywhere.


The Force is Strong With This One
History has shown that a general population of people have never accepted a contemporary as being a genuinely enlightened individual. And in this day & age, the naysayers have the help of a MSM Fake News outlets to lay on their dirt. In this way, the man is buried deep beneath a ton of BS, that many here have so easily have found links to.

Sad to see so many Eyes_Wide_Shut.
Ciao for now.
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