Dancing- techno-spiritual techniques



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
MusicMan said:
Perhaps we need to bring back the old Conga-line, (one-two-three-four-kick!, one-two-three-four-kick!, and so forth) while we travel the labyrinthine path of the FOTCM symbol.
We could symbolically link arms across the planet.


Thanks for the visual of the Conga-line and the FOTCM symbol.:lol:I am thinking RX may have some good ideas too:

As for the mechanics,

- I still like the cadence of the traditional greek dances that you posted as well. The one thing that all of the greek dances have in common is the5/4 rhythmand that may be important. The 5/4 rhythm is unusual ( at least here in Western culture) and has such a lovely meditative quality that I would keep it. Besides, why change something that may have worked in our ancient past- no point in reinventing the wheel so to speak.

It doesn't hurt to think it out so to speak. As far as planning a day like "Moon-day" I guess we might need to adjust it starting from one base location and determine the "time" zones in order to make it the same "time" for a more global event. It is an interesting idea to me. :)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Merci pour vos commentaires... Espérons que ce projet aboutisse et que nous verrons ce jour...

Thank you for your comments ... Hopefully this project succeed and that we will see this day ...


Jedi Master
Hey, I would really really really want to contribute in such fashion. I don't have anybody that I know willing to dance, so if somebody needs an eight member... I never have enough money to donate and I suck at English, so if I could give in this area I would be thrilled.
Plus I have good coordination :)


Jedi Master
Spiral Dance Update!

I’m currently experimenting with a one person version of this dance that I created for myself. I haven’t posted here in a long while but just a reminder that I am a dance teacher, choreographer and Shaman and I’ve been thinking about this dance technique on and off over the years since this thread was started because I ‘knew’ I could do something with it but no new insights ever emerged for me so I just left this experiment sitting on the back burner. Over the past month Ive felt soooo compelled and almost pushed to compose this and when I finally began, all of the elements started falling into place one by one in that lovely state of flow that all of us who are artists do our best work in.

我觉得引导研究涡几何在订货单r to figure out how many times the spiral needed to be repeated, and I figured out how to harmonize the movements that I created for myself with the music, intention and vibration (I think that was why I couldn’t put it together before this because my own vibration wasn’t high enough to recognize and feel the energetic nuances; I wasn’t sensitive enough). I also understand how flowing water or ley lines need to be considered when you choose a place to create the spiral. The only thing that I haven’t tried adding yet are lyrics but I know they will really help focus the intention and make it easier to hold throughout the dance because it takes more than 30 minutes to complete and this is not a time for thinking random thoughts!

For music, I’m using a simple shamanic drumming on YouTube that I can easily put my dance steps to while I wait for my daughters boyfriend who is a composer to create the exact music that conveys the mood I‘m wanting -not holding my breath on that one cuz he’s 21 and easily distracted:) and there’s a Solar eclipse coming up that I refuse to miss.

Anyway, I know how this works now in a much more comprehensive way and I am very confident that I could facilitate scaling this composition technique up to include more people with a chosen intention as well as help create and fine tune all of the required elements like the music, dance steps and lyrics so that they harmonize and align.

Now that I’ve done it a few times, I really do get the sense that it is like a bridge to somewhere new and considering what our current reality looks like, I‘m feeling like this might be the perfect time to build it.


Padawan Learner
Spiral Dance Update!

I’m currently experimenting with a one person version of this dance that I created for myself. I haven’t posted here in a long while but just a reminder that I am a dance teacher, choreographer and Shaman and I’ve been thinking about this dance technique on and off over the years since this thread was started because I ‘knew’ I could do something with it but no new insights ever emerged for me so I just left this experiment sitting on the back burner. Over the past month Ive felt soooo compelled and almost pushed to compose this and when I finally began, all of the elements started falling into place one by one in that lovely state of flow that all of us who are artists do our best work in.

我觉得引导研究涡几何在订货单r to figure out how many times the spiral needed to be repeated, and I figured out how to harmonize the movements that I created for myself with the music, intention and vibration (I think that was why I couldn’t put it together before this because my own vibration wasn’t high enough to recognize and feel the energetic nuances; I wasn’t sensitive enough). I also understand how flowing water or ley lines need to be considered when you choose a place to create the spiral. The only thing that I haven’t tried adding yet are lyrics but I know they will really help focus the intention and make it easier to hold throughout the dance because it takes more than 30 minutes to complete and this is not a time for thinking random thoughts!

For music, I’m using a simple shamanic drumming on YouTube that I can easily put my dance steps to while I wait for my daughters boyfriend who is a composer to create the exact music that conveys the mood I‘m wanting -not holding my breath on that one cuz he’s 21 and easily distracted:) and there’s a Solar eclipse coming up that I refuse to miss.

Anyway, I know how this works now in a much more comprehensive way and I am very confident that I could facilitate scaling this composition technique up to include more people with a chosen intention as well as help create and fine tune all of the required elements like the music, dance steps and lyrics so that they harmonize and align.

Now that I’ve done it a few times, I really do get the sense that it is like a bridge to somewhere new and considering what our current reality looks like, I‘m feeling like this might be the perfect time to build it.

Wow...this is one of those "oldies" session bits that had been "ringing" in my ears for the past couple of weeks...so it is kind of funny to see that you have posted back in this thread...
它确实很好如果我们能find such dance...
There is a very cool spot where I live that would be great for that, a "circle" composed of 6 natural monoliths (about 2-3m high) and several oaks...very special place.
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