What's the weather where you are?



Jedi Council Member
This Friday, the Toluca valley woke up with a temperature of 11 degrees celsius, with a minimum of 8 degrees. The weather forecast anticipates a day with a cloudy sky, we will reach a maximum temperature of 20 degrees.
Storm formation is expected in the afternoon in the Toluca valley, with easterly winds of 15 to 25 kilometers per hour. The probability of rain this Friday is 90 percent.
I hope something extraordinary doesn't happen. Like all those storms happening around the world that cause flooding.


Tonight in southwest Ohio the temperature is down to 15 degrees Celsius, the day was high humidity, quite cloudy, no sunshine at any time. Somewhat cool tonight to return to 28 C, tomorrow for the day.

I guess with all the weather changes coming, maybe the days of sunlight are very appreciable, even for disinfecting things, the other day my husband commented to me something that made sense to me, although I am not sure if it is totally correct, about lockups and covid, about the "supposed contagions" covid, being locked up for a long time limits people from getting some sun a day, and therefore makes it more plausible the inclination to get sick.

I wonder how beneficial it is nowadays to get some sunlight, to air our organism a little bit from viruses, is it possible that a little sunlight strengthens the organism and at the same time kills a few unwanted viruses?

Ultraviolet Light Fights New Virus,Dana Mackenzie



Jedi Master
I wonder how beneficial it is nowadays to get some sunlight, to air our organism a little bit from viruses, is it possible that a little sunlight strengthens the organism and at the same time kills a few unwanted viruses?

Ultraviolet Light Fights New Virus,Dana Mackenzie

我认为这是可能的。因为whenever sun is there and it is hot during summer I feel more strong and i.e. I have a nail that tends to split in winter time but never does this during summer time. Thats not scientific of course but simply my observation of my body . . .


Jedi Master
Southern part of Lower Austria.
After having some weeks of really hot and humid weather we had a hail shower last Friday. I was not at home but was called from my landlady to avoid the streets because they might be covered with hail up to 30 cm. I took the train but when I arrived the fire brigade had already cleaned the streets. Nevertheless there was damage done. The hailstones were supposed to have been the size of a golfball. I saw them in the size of app. 3 cm. Windows where broken, cars got damages. Plants were smashed to nothing.

On my terrace Rose and Hydrangea as well as fennel had gone.
My herbs Thyme, Salvia, Savory, Lavender, Hyssop, Mint, Tarragon, Chives survived, they are only hurt a little bit. Same as a willow and a birch.
Something amazing happened to my sunflower that I had in a wooden pot. It fell down to the ground (app. 3 meters) but was not hurt and is still blooming.

Hail is not unusual in this area. I have been living here for nearly 20 years (although in different places). This was my third hail experience. I had a worse one that damaged my car (this time it was in a garage at the railway station!) and another one that smashed my whole garden plants.

I was prepared to see damage so it did not hurt me too much. I decided to say goodbye to all plants that did not survive. I will not replace them but focus on those who are able to survive.

I enclose a picture from a damage that nevertheless shocked me a little. Glass broken, even plastic broken . . ..


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The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Tonight in southwest Ohio the temperature is down to 15 degrees Celsius, the day was high humidity, quite cloudy, no sunshine at any time. Somewhat cool tonight to return to 28 C, tomorrow for the day.

I guess with all the weather changes coming, maybe the days of sunlight are very appreciable, even for disinfecting things, the other day my husband commented to me something that made sense to me, although I am not sure if it is totally correct, about lockups and covid, about the "supposed contagions" covid, being locked up for a long time limits people from getting some sun a day, and therefore makes it more plausible the inclination to get sick.

I wonder how beneficial it is nowadays to get some sunlight, to air our organism a little bit from viruses, is it possible that a little sunlight strengthens the organism and at the same time kills a few unwanted viruses?

Ultraviolet Light Fights New Virus,Dana Mackenzie

Sun is life. And sun cures. There is cruelty when they order to us not to go to the beaches to take sun. When they say put petrole cream on your skin because sun is giving cancer! When they order to put a mask outside when sun is there to embrace you and give you energy and a little spark of life. It is vitamine D. Evidently we have to see the hour when to take sun and not burn our skin.

Here is an article by Dr. Mercola about the benefits of sun, our king.



The Living Force
34°C / 93°F heatwavein Eastern Hungary, ~90 miles from the Ukrainian border. The last day of it, according to our esteemed meteorologists..
At 09:30am it looked like another cloudless, thus very hot day. The sun was already shining in, so I closed the door to preserve some cool inside temps for the day. I have to open the doors for the night so the hot adobe-brick house interior can cool down.

As you can see onthe red circle- for today they already put1mm raininto their charts- on below pic..
Which generally results inno rain, as explained earlier the thundering rain clouds usually just move past over us, far away and - as a rule - discharge their rain content elsewhere. Leaving the city dry as a desert.
可能由于一些地质特征在our area[?], maybe our county is in a basin, or there is some magnetic content in the soil - repulsing rainclouds for decades as far as I can remember: this is our simpleno rain-rule, after our "monsoon-May"ends.
Last Heatwave_1_Aug_2021.png

- - looking into the recent past - -

Below pic:
Check this out - this wastheir prognosis for our area during the disastrous German Floods in July: 15mm rain, then 5mm, then 2mm on successive days indicate a lot of rain for our area... . . .
18 July Cooldown.png

Andwhat became of it all??

The below pic:
The next day- 19 July - poor unfortunate weather-peeps had to edit their charts for our area again, to refelct thenew situation- from the above pic: see bottom pic. Guess what? From all their rain-prognosis we had zero rain ==>No rain fell ever for weeks!!!While Germany flooded... while the Western Regions of our country - 5 counties - reported flood damage in the billions.. but those areas are far away west. We are divided from them by thesecond-longest river in Europe, the Danube.

We hadnothingeven of the below puny 2mm rain prognosis, no rain fell ever..:
19 July No rain While EU authorities warn of floodings everywhere!!!!.png

What does this mean?


Means there is very little water in our Artesian well: it begins to progressively dry up. On Friday I had to wait in a long row of people [which is unusual, again..] at theonly otherArtesian well in our city, which alreadydried up[from positive yield, it went negative yield = giving no water on its own] and had to be fortified by an electric pump, to pull water UP from the depths of 130 meters = 426 feet.
That electric pump failed a couple of times already and we had to wait a week - or in case of the Mass Insanity Plandemic - weeks to get it repaired.

This means we already have a water-crisis in our city because of continued no rain: water levels fall ==> Artesian wells dry up. Of the four Artesian wells in the city(famous for our healing baths) - only one is giving some trickling water still from itself, the rest are dried up. One other got the dodgy electric pump..


Dagobah Resident
In this part of Galicia, today it is raining enough to wet a lawn and leave it soggy, and above all it is cool, very cool for the season, if not compared to last summer.
A decade ago, I planted Padron peppers, the sun doing its job, I had quite a harvest for a few feet, this year I planted double the number of feet of peppers, for the moment I harvest them by the drop.
Yesterday morning as I got into my car which is parked outside, I had several cold shivers running through me, I wasn't chewing grass, but I had a little thought for the mammoths.


The Living Force
So I had enough with this drought. Maybe it was a gut-feeling that this "1mm rain" - if you can even call that - will fall. So I just lay there in bed on Sunday (from ~09:30) in my darkened room and for a time imagined a hefty rain with dark skies and thundering. By 10:30 we had a nice rain with thundering and dark clouds and the street had long puddles, so I may risk to call it more than 1mm rain.. Well, it was quick, because all clouds cleared up pretty fast. The sun shone freely again, so we had our precious heatwave back. Though, nicely cool winds blew for a couple hours after that in the morning.

. . .

Then I thought, this was just a coincidence right?
"A good donkey always feels the rain."- we have this saying in Hungary. So why not? Let's try again!
G. mentioned 'alarm clocks', which function as refreshers[for the mind] for a while, then their newness wears out and they cease to work as [mental] alarm clocks again.. Remember his mental exercises?

Same with holding difficult mental-images aselaborate weather-processesin your mind. To play out.. successively.. in proper order.. just like in Nature. For - in 4thD[outskirts] - you cannotwillinto existence a weather, if you don't know how it usually emerges in nature, eh? Follow the natural process. I remembered the previous discussion about powerful 4thD minds, what they are capable of.. Well, we are starting to sail into the outskirts of some 4thD "territory", so why not try our wings?

I liked that 'Sott Weather Summary'-video part (IIRC) about those undulating fantastic sea-wave clouds in the sky, so I imagined that. I figured, its compatible with / good for anOvercast-Sky Seed Mental Image™. So I held that in my mind: dark skies pregnant with clouds. Much thundering. Copious amounts of rain. (Water levels rising to 10 feet, 30 feet, 100 feet, okay, I stopped at that. :D)
I did this at least three times inside or going out into the sunny heatwave and - assertively imagining heavy rainfall drenching my body - around 12:40pm. Just holding the image of the desired weather-target, in my mind and playing it as a movie, over and over again, before my minds eye. Now, as with all mental concentration exercises, this too is hard to do in the strong sunshine outside, since sunlight gets behind my closed eyelids. Its really hard to imagine a dark sky, when the sun shines through your closed eyelids and makes your vision bright red. :)

Just a reminder: all the forecast 1mm rain - for Sunday - (pic in prev. post) already fell in the morning. Now is afternoon and like a steel spring: the weather quickly sprung back to its original shape => into heatwave-mode!
All right.. so lets repeat the experiment:

Come 16:00 in the afternoon and the sky was already getting overcast with audible, but "mild" thundering. Nicely overcast, almost dark-grayish clouds everywhere. Visible raindrops on concrete begin the concert..
By 17:00 it was all over: another quick summer-rain fell, easily blowing away our professional weather-peeps' forecast for the day. By now we can log at least 2mm - 3mm rain for the day. There is a large puddle on [street] corner and the soil is nicely suffused with water. Now the western sky has cleared up. East is still overcast. Heatwave is back. Though some weak white clouds help to mask the sun. Time: 17:39.

The opposite is true: 'un-making a storm'
On 21 April and 6 May, - logged in my calendar, [3rd experiment repeat pending..] I managed to completely prevent/clear up entire rain fronts: in both cases it already started to rain, cold wind blew [which felt really bad with wet clothes on], both fronts' end-tail already touched down and was raining in the distance. But I just arrived and wanted to exercise outside for another 120 minutes, so in 20 minutes both [natural and quite persistent!] rainstorms were made to completely disappear. As if never existed. Nature tried to re-correct and both storms - rather storm-pre-conditions were re-initiated couple hours later, but with partial results [by Nature] and only the next day.
第一次可能戈夫nment helicopter appeared and made an observation flight. On second occasion aheavy military helicopterappeared and flew through the area above me. Did they detect anything on their radar? :-o 3rd repeat of this experiment pending, since now is summer and those cold/cool rainstorms would be a blessing!
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Madara Horseman

Madara Horseman

FOTCM Member
_euronews.com/2021/07/28/baking-balkans-as-heatwave-set-to-sizzle-parts-of-southeast-europe - 42 degrees are expected tomorrow. Last week, we had a heat wave, too. I have no problem with it, I love hot weather, but unfortunately some people without any type of AC may actually die.


Dagobah Resident
In Alaska, it is day 2 of nice sunny weather, after a week or so of partly cloudy skies. The forecast calls for mostly sunny weather this week - with Monday being the warmest. So, if there's a chance of a temperature record, it will probably be tomorrow.

It's about 75°F.


FOTCM Member
This last month (July) in general about 10 degrees F.cooler and plenty of rain.
North into BC, all of July (including that 46C spike) remained parched hot. During the last three weeks there has been no sky on account of wildfires - visibility often down to a couple of hundred meters. Last night there was a tease of rain and today there is steady rain, with the ground thirsty for its moisture (other areas of BC may remain without this moisture and wildfires will continue).

Although these conditions have been harsh, they are not unknown in the cycle of things. And as said prior, expect a cold winter ahead.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
In 30 years I´ve never witness such a "cold" weather here in the northern and upper areas of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands-Spain) since spring started. Temperatures usually are around 28º-33º C, (82-92 F), but lastly they hardly reach above 22ºC (71 F). and it's also more windy as usual since 3 weeks. Skies are ugly, very dark and dense, but still no rain. I've been reading the weather forecast for August, no change in sight either.


FOTCM Member
一个可怕的热浪在马其顿。温度是over 40. Yesterday at 10 am it was 34C. Desert-like weather with very high daily temperatures with a hot wind blowing and night temperatures of 16-22C. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. This is not the usual weather.
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