Brazil: Lesbian Couple Who Tried to Force Transgender Surgery on 9-Year-Old Boy Stab Him to Death



The Living Force
This is beyond disgusting. Just when I thought our wretched world couldn't plummet any further, I found this news.


A lesbian couple in Brazil who tried to force transgender surgery on a 9-year-old boy have been arrested after stabbing him to death.
Rhuan Maycon was murdered by his mother, Rosana da Silva Candido, and her partner Kacyla Damasceno Pessao on May 31st.
Maycon had been suffering for a year as a result of a botched gender re-assignment operation performed by the pair with no medical supervision after his mother decided he should be a girl.
Brazil’s child protection agency said the women had attempted to perform a “Kind of a sex-change surgery. After removing the penis, they sewed the mutilated region and improvised a version of a female genital organ, making a cut in the groin.”

After being subjected to a year of physical and mental trauma, the boy was stabbed to death as he slept.
Maycon’s father first alerted police to concerns about the welfare of his son. The couple were able to evade authorities by moving around the country but were subsequently arrested.
“我们试图救Rhuan。我们发布的消息the social media, we contacted police and the Child Protective Services. No one helped us,” Maycon’s father told the press.

All I can say is those women are psychopaths, there can be no doubt.
Inacceptable ! RIP Maycon
“我们试图救Rhuan。我们发布的消息the social media, we contacted police and儿童保护服务.No one helped us,” Maycon’s father told the press.

What is the point of setting up organizations that do not honor their duty??
Finally, the people pay taxes for ghost organizations. They work in the sweat of their brow[ to nourrish mad rulers:mad:
I don't know if Brazil has the death penalty, but in this case they should. Absolutely vile. What the hell were they thinking, doing a DIY sex op on a child? And then murdering him, as if the initial crime wasn't terrible enough? I'm pretty much lost for words, that poor kid didn't stand a chance.

What chance that the Brazilian justice system is ready to punish these psychos? I'm gonna keep my ear to the ground for any follow up news on this hideous act.:mad:
Wow, that's just all kinds of awful.

Ya know, traffic to SOTT has been consistently down. We used to get over 5 million pageviews a month. Today, it's about 3 million. It's been a slow decline ever since Trump. Now, that's not because of a lack of good content. There's plenty of good stuff to read! And certain things like the Earth Changes category and videos are super-popular.

I think the problem is that as society in general literally falls apart, fewer and fewer people want to look at it. They'd rather go nuts along with everyone else. Or, they'd rather "think positive" and ignore stuff more than ever.

One of the end results of this is the story above. No one will take crazy people to task for the simple reason that they're crazy - and all the other crazies and even government institutions support them 100%. No one will risk their job, their reputation, etc.

The thing is, I don't think there is anyone left thatdoesn'tknow what is happening. Even if they ignore it consciously, the unconscious stress experienced must be enormous. It's difficult enough to stare into reality every day consciously. Imagine pretending everything is rosy when you know it's not! That's gotta be like carrying an 18-wheeler truck around on your back, all day, every day, without any rest.

In addition, this collective insanity creates a kind of "gravity well" that tends to pull even more aware people towards it. This seems to be manifesting as The Grass is Greener Syndrome, or latching on to one ideology or another, etc. Put another way, all the stops have been pulled out. If you couldn't deal with it before (whatever "it" happens to be for you), you will be forced to deal with it now.

So, at this point in time, things are "getting bad". Now, the C's mentioned things getting bad, then an improvement and "peace", and then, THE END! Well, who knows exactly how nutty THE END will be... We tend to think in the most dramatic of terms, but reality is often far more nuanced than that. We'll see. It's most likely NOT an all-or-nothing situation.

In any case, I was thinking two things:

1. That this return to "peace" after a time of chaos might not mean very much. After all, things are SO screwed up nowadays thatanyimprovement would be better than this...

2. Things are so twisted and bizarre these days, and so many people are trying their damnedest to ignore it all, that this virtually guarantees that the universe will "clean house".

IOW, when the C's said (years ago) that the USA (and by extension the whole Western world) was "past the point of no return", maybe this is what they meant. At that time, I remember thinking it didn't really fit. But today, it's pretty obvious.

It's almost like a critical mass of stupidity and disorder was reached that meant that chaos like we see today essentially became unavoidable. Exactly how it all would play out was still probably open, but the path was set.

Anyways, it's all just a good reminder that now more than ever, the choices we make and where we put our energy may mean the difference between a better future and a bleaker one - both individually and collectively. We're not gonna save the world, but things are chaotic and fluid and open to some extent.

IOW, you must make your bed, and then you must lie in it... so it would be wise to do the best job possible!

Or: Sure, it's time to Sit Back and Enjoy the Show. But that shouldn't mean slacking off, letting your awareness slip, and just giving up. If you're screaming at the top of your lungs and no one's listening, the only thing you're accomplishing is ruining your voice.

Maybe it's more a matter of redistributing energy in new directions. If screaming doesn't work, speak softly. If that doesn't work, talk about something else that matters. If that's not possible, put your energy into something else to help others, like this forum or whatever. Create something new. Do something - anything - that is the antithesis of chaos and that serves others, because that is the exact opposite of the Ginourmous Gloomy STS Cloud.

BTW, neither SOTT nor this forum are going anywhere - at least not anytime soon.
The problem as I see it is that the vast majority of people who say they want serve God (that is, the pursuit of objective truth and informing others of it) also want to serve/worship 'mammon' (the greedy pursuit of money for personal gain and personal security) both at the same time. People want their cake and eat it to. Along with that is that people will question things only so far as long as there is no personal risk to their security and preconceived beliefs and vanity at which time their minds 'reset' to avoid the painful truth and they can go no further in their critical thinking. I'm simply astounded at the stupidly/idiocy and cowardice of the average person that I witness daily. The greater divergence from objective truth (including that which is obvious at the most common sense level), especially at a time when events are intrinsically being 'energized' (very possibly from the onset of the Wave) will intensify the bizarre horrors that is described above.

Basically I think the world class horrific events that we are witnessing more and more of is a result of the collective hatreds, apathy, and stupidity of the collective hive mind. It's not the group minds of people that is the problem but it is it's inversion into the hive mind that just wants to feed on other groups for power and control. Truth be damned! The intensifying of negative events in the world; the very intrinsic 'inner stuff' of these events are imo fed and energized by the hated and apathy of the collective mind itself possibly being energized by the Wave. No one is being punished by a punishing God. It is the people themselves who are seeing themselves in these events. The very stuff and information encoded in these events come from the horrors within the collective unconscious itself so it can see it's own reflection and maybe help to wake some people up very much like when a splash of cold water might wake a person up. It might take total disaster for this to happen and this still doesn't mean its gonna happen.
Absolutely horrible. I think it is as Laura stated in thelatestCs session:

Q: (L) I guess we can expand it as we see fit. Anyway, it's become apparent that the long drawn-out process of this passing through the Wave... I mean, yes, we see the weather going nuts, we see humanity going nuts, fireballs increasing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and all of those things.But it seems to me that because these things come upon us gradually and then become commonplace, people tend to start thinking nothing is really going on. They may think this is the worst it's going to get, nothing is really going to happen. I see that all around. But the ancient prophecies said that the transition to a new reality is like a woman in child birth. You start out having smaller pains, and then finally you get to the point where there's the whole birthing process which is somewhat wildly messy and climactic. Right now, it seems like we're in that long period where people become acclimated to chaos. And they think, "Oh, well! This isn't so bad. If this is the worst it can be, I'm just going to have a normal life."

There is so much horrible stuff going in society with the weather and so on, that we think that is normal, still there are things happening that are even worse.
I think the quandary that most people are in, is, what to do about what is going on. I have many discussions with people about the state of the world, and it usually, after all is said and done, comes down to the question, 'So what do we do?'

Since the enemy is unseen, to most people, no one knows what to do.

Even being on the forum and following things and seeing what is going on, that question is still hard to answer.

My guess is, that at some point, the enemy will be seen to people, the man behind the curtain will be exposed at some point. But right now, no one knows what to do, or who to fight. IMO
I think the quandary that most people are in, is, what to do about what is going on. I have many discussions with people about the state of the world, and it usually, after all is said and done, comes down to the question, 'So what do we do?'

Since the enemy is unseen, to most people, no one knows what to do.

Even being on the forum and following things and seeing what is going on, that question is still hard to answer.

My guess is, that at some point, the enemy will be seen to people, the man behind the curtain will be exposed at some point. But right now, no one knows what to do, or who to fight. IMO

Indeed, that is part of the problem. That's one of the reasons I asked the questions about what we can do while in this "holding zone", so to say. The main thing is, I think, awareness, network connections, knowing how to protect yourself and family from 4D and certain 3D influences. We have to keep in mind that "capture" in this conflict is mostly a thing of the mind. But ultimately, things probably will come down to necessity for action of some sort, in some way.

But for now, we have to "hold our fire until we see the whites of their eyes."
Ya know, traffic to SOTT has been consistently down. We used to get over 5 million pageviews a month. Today, it's about 3 million. It's been a slow decline ever since Trump. Now, that's not because of a lack of good content. There's plenty of good stuff to read! And certain things like the Earth Changes category and videos are super-popular.

Here's how this shows up for me. When I read, it's mostly non-fiction. Generally such a book will present as a thesis with supporting evidence. After a while I mostly decide, "OK. I get it. There's a pattern in the data that shows such and such. I've read enough to be convinced that the thesis is plausible. Next." As for Sott, there is an overabundance of evidence, and most of it is depressing, that the thesis is basically proved that the world is being manipulated by depraved elites and their minions. How many more data points are needed?

Probably most visitors to the site are not actively doing the work. Without the need to find actionable information, the only reason to visit the site is to get some doom-and-gloom-porn. I gather that most who visit are good-hearted souls who do not enjoy the content, so not needing it, they stay away. Yet for me and maybe lots of those remaining 3 million page viewers, Sott still contains lots of actionable information. It's hard work to face reality, but truth is the only way. Sadly, most people want nothing to do with it.
My guess is, that at some point, the enemy will be seen to people, the man behind the curtain will be exposed at some point. But right now, no one knows what to do, or who to fight. IMO

But for now, we have to "hold our fire until we see the whites of their eyes."

This is working for me, 100%.

After making efforts to purge what wasn’t working and who wasn’t working for what was required of me to be a better Brian, my life became an oasis of peace.

Staying faithful to the work of oneself opens the path to others who work on themselves as well.

My enemies (mainly to themselves) either phased into the fog outside my peripheral as they saw that I wasn’t a good food source, or started to show a trajectory of improvement similar to my own.

It’s astonishing how effective awareness is at getting the bugs away, or transmuting them into something more functional.