Session 10 Aug 2019



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks for the PDF from me, too, LQB! I've found reading it very interesting as well, especially the parts Tuatha de Danaan mentions above. Here's one such excerpt, which had me literally glued to the screen (i.e. even more glued to it) considering the true scientist-explorer character Lethbridge was, as well as the recent discussions and insights into Darwinism vs. Creationism and beyond:
Good deal Aiming. And Lethbridge asks: "Why the inch?" - since it is the inch which makes the 40" rate circle (and spiral whorl). He says the inch derives from the distance on the human thumb between knuckle and tip. The 40" rate circle is amazingly self-consistent across a huge array of objects/materials, directions, colors, feelings, living things, etc. The fact that grass, dung, and the dung beetle have the same rate makes a kind of intuitive sense.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I found no such statement by Cs with my really good search program that has indexed every word in the sessions. I searched using tooth, teeth, root canal. Just isn't there.

Regarding root canal treatments: I came across an informative interview with Ramiel Nagel (he wrote the book "Cure Tooth Decay").

-He mentions that removing a root canal treated tooth is not always necessary, unless there is a serious illness that could be contributed to the tooth in question. If the root canal is done well, "the toxic load" is contained in the tooth and doesn't necessarily spread elsewhere in the body. Nowadays the root canal can also be redone with more biological materials.

-Weston Price followed people until their death and discovered that 25% of them had not any observable effects from the root canal treated teeth (the procedures have improved greatly in a hundred years).

-If the root canal has been treated, it can influence the meridians, but so does extracting the tooth. Pulling the tooth can also affect the stability of the occlusion. It seems to be complicated!

He talks about root canals 36:18 - 43:30



Padawan Learner
Thank you Crew, one more amazing session.Wish you success learning H2O .Crystal song audio play,great idea.Supercharge crystals,
but beneficial for space and people living there.Again many thanks
miguel angel

miguel angel

Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I am re-reading this special session for me (it was taken on my birthday:cool2:) and these are probably typos:

(左),真的很奇怪。总之,他承认it had nothing to do with quantum physics or quantum anything, but he didn't know what else to call it because it was so strange. So, since the guy is in Spain and his workshops are in Spanish, Chu went off to learn the technique. She came back with the information and some gadgets and walked us through the procedure, that is, me and Andromeda, so we could get a feel for what it is. After we witnessed it and played around with it a little bit, we came up with the idea that it should be renamed to something like Hyperdimensional Harmonic Optimization (H2O) because that seems to be what is really taking place. Obviously something is happening; the testimonials from practitioners were amazing and Chu witnessed some interesting results during her week there. Without going into more details about it now, we want to ask some questions. So, first of all,is this isa therapy that is worthwhile for us to pursue in terms of learning, practicing, experimenting, etc.?

Could it be "is this a therapy that is worthwhile for us to pursue in terms of learning, practicing, experimenting, etc.?"

(L)好。现在,程序的一部分,根据the inventor, involves feeding information into the field of the person at some distance from the body, which is kind of like what made me think of it as hyperdimensional. Having read Lethbridge's work on dowsing and how he had to increase distances to dowse into other dimensions... he kind of discovered this accidentally and it’s a cool story. So, there are these images that are more or less waved around in the person’s energy field at various distances, and he says that this consists of information being fed in,and there's a whole stack of them of the images.

English is not my mother tongue and I don't get it well but, maybe a comma is missing like in "and there's a whole stack of them,of the images."

The practitioner uses acombination and dowsing and kinesiologyto select the one that is appropriate for the individual to give them the information that they need. Then you apply it into the field with certain gestures. We looked at all of these pictures. They're just small photographs, most of them very ordinary, or even like nothing at all. We looked at a lot of them, and they seem to be almost random places all around the planet. In general, are these images and the information they contain safe?

Maybe "combinationandof dowsing and kinesiology"?

On another side:

(Artemis) So it's kind of like the internet. When everyone's sleeping, the internet is faster!

A: Yes

Mirth! So we need half the people in this planet sleeping so the hyperdimensional bandwith can be used in a faster way and/or many people thinking, praying, communicating with other densities consciously or unconsciously (if this exists) at the same time makes the "mega-hyper-dimensional WWW down... Who can we call to fix it for? I hope we find a 4th Density Scottie soon (or Scottie graduates to 4th and fix it from there).;-)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thankyou Laura

I don't understand what has happened here. I have spent several hours looking as well. Did something change? I am enjoying the review however.

I am sure it was one of the girls (Galatia)?? asking about things that effect receivership, near the end of one session. I will keep looking.

@WIN 52,

Just to touch back on a connection with a session on receivership and Galatia I did find one that does speak about receivership. I don't know that it matters that a specific physical ailment is not mentioned since there are so many physical problems we all have to deal with. Any physical ailments can hinder our "receivership capacity" I think. It is difficult to be "quite clear" sometimes.

Here is one where Galatia kind of helps to start out the questioning:

Session 9 April 2011:
(左)是啊,他们说专注于真理order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot. OK, Atreides. Your question.

(Atriedes) It’s slightly personal. I’ve been having hallucinations. Like, I was drawing and I saw things in my drawing that were moving sometimes – and I keep hearing people say things that they’re not actually saying.

A: Cosmic changes!! DNA changes!

Q: (Atriedes) So, I’m not going insane?

A: No.

问:(未来),同样的,正在发生的事情me? I have been seeing things as well.

A: Yes. When you remember yourselves five or ten years ago, do you recognize the changes thus far?

Q: Everyone: “yes!”

A: Do you not suspect that these changes are also matched or mirrored in your most basic structure?

Q: (L) Hadn’t really thought about it.

A: This is how work on the self works! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes! And this is ”receivership capacity”.

Q: So, you’re saying when you work on yourself, and you change something from a certain level, that it acts on more fundamental levels even as far as your DNA? Which then enables you to receive finer or differently tuned energies, which can help to change you more? And if that happens, it enables you to achieve more and do more. Is that sort of what we’re getting at here?

A: Yes.Not quite clear as you put it; but close enough.
WIN 52

WIN 52

The Living Force
@WIN 52,

Just to touch back on a connection with a session on receivership and Galatia I did find one that does speak about receivership. I don't know that it matters that a specific physical ailment is not mentioned since there are so many physical problems we all have to deal with. Any physical ailments can hinder our "receivership capacity" I think. It is difficult to be "quite clear" sometimes.

Here is one where Galatia kind of helps to start out the questioning:

Session 9 April 2011:
Yes, and by adding the information on SOTT about root canals I made the decision that mine had to go, regardless of what I would look like or use to chew food. In hindsight, that decision has helped me to improve my general health.

My blood pressure is still out of control but has become much more stable. I believe it is due to the addition of serropeptase in May. There are still a couple of stumps to have removed, as well.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Merci pour le lien Globalgrrl

Thank you for the Globalgrrl link


Yes, and by adding the information on SOTT about root canals I made the decision that mine had to go, regardless of what I would look like or use to chew food. In hindsight, that decision has helped me to improve my general health.
It may be good for you, but I generally think that people should not rush to such a decision. I extracted one such tooth because it spread the infection (the root was not cleaned well) but the other one gives me no problems and I decided to keep it. If a tooth is problematic, the person will somehow feel it, otherwise it probably doesn't matter.
If a person is very focused on any problem, it naturally becomes exaggerated.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Q: (Joe) What's special about the pictures?

A: About any place on the planet has an energy signature that can be captured by photographs. Any person with a multiple incarnational history can respond to any number of such photos. In a large enough collection you are bound to get some hits. You can expand the photo collection yourselves.

They traveled and took pictures of temples/churches/other special place with healing/recharging energies.

A: Color and composition.

In the presentation, he does talk about how he did work with colored cards which then later led to using photographs where some bio-energy was captured in the picture.

(L) Is it kind of like a sieve?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So when you're moving it through the person's energy field, the configuration of the elements and the motion sieves out or combs the energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it aligns the fibers of the energy field...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) a specific way so that...

A: Yes

That's definitely the motion and he's doing it along the cranial map pathways and the other external pathways.

(L) So it's actually like when you put a magnet under a piece of paper with iron filings on it.

(Chu) That's how Marcel explained it. He had a box with screws in it.

I remember he was also talking about how there were different layers as you moved outward with more subtle fields the farther away.

(Chu) He showed a picture of a man standing, and it was all a bunch of little dots all around the body...

(Ark) This is something that we somehow neglected because he draws these pictures and he talks about these pictures. But what you learned until now has nothing to do with his getting pictures. So what about this getting pictures? It is higher level or something?

(Chu) You mean the images he got?

(Ark) How did he take these pictures? Will you be able to learn next time?

(L) Probably not.

(Chu) The only way would be to get him here and get him to explain it to you or something. Is he using the filters, or...

The picture with the little dots was next to the cranial map on the slide I saw.
On the other hand, the picture of the quantum body was distinctly different from both of those.

As far as the pictures, my understanding was that they figured out where the energetic constructs were in let's say a church and then they'd take a photo of that once located. They mentioned that typically they found that the doorway and some path (or aisle in church) would have the "energetic charge".


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A belated Thank You for this session here & for subsequent commentaries!:flowers:

The described method of H2O sounds very interesting to me as well, though I have difficulties to imagine how it really looks like when carried out. However, from reading your (hope-inducing) experiences with it so far, I would be curious to find out if the possibility arises:-)

From what I read it looks to me like a handy tool to help riding the Wave, as it seems to contribute to integrate emotional & mental pain and suffering, maybe even some of the heavy stuff which we more or less dissociate from. Thus, together with EE, NO, Arky Chu Gong & similar exercises, Trauma Release and what else might be helpful, it looks like it can mitigate the effects of the hyperkinetic sensate in the respective individual. (Regarding the heavy stuff, it makes me a bit anxious - but there is no way around dealing with one's issues imo, if it comes to "climbing out" of the confines of personal realities into wider ones, at a certain time the "jump" into these waters has simply to be made for that purpose. OSIT)

As for the icky atmosphere around the time of the session, I felt it as well in that preceeding week. There was much of inner aggression going on with all the accompanied personal "ickyness" (feeling unworthy, and what not) ramped up a few notches, and at one evening I also witnessed people carrying out their aggression against each other in an argument in the vicinity. Later that very evening an emotional release experience occurred for me, which I suspect was also due to the Arky Chu Gong regimen. After that release, a few days before the session, I started feeling better.


Jedi Master
I want to thank you for the session and for sharing such an amazing discovery.
最近我有两个奇怪的事情发生在我身上ly. First is good one, I got a letter from a bank that my college loan debt is closed.
I went to the bank and they told me it must be some mistake I owe them a lot of interest rates and that they will call me back but they never did. From conversation in the bank it might be that a new worker somehow closed my debt. Anyway I payed more than they gave me. So this is a good thing.
Yesterday I watched News, new law in Croatia will equalize me with a child molesters if I don't vaxx my son, I'm a bit stressed right now. I finally have full paycheck to pay the fine as it was but now I'm going to get prosecuted? I would move right now somewhere if I knew where we'll be safe.
I actually get up every morning mon to fri around 4 a.m. to get ready for work so I pray around that time. I'm not satisfied with what I do, I think it's a guy's job. It helped me to get a healthy routine and to get back on my feet but I always work really exhausting jobs, so never have time to read what you do or to do something I'd love.
I would really love to learn how this amazing H2O thing works. If I'm suitable, of course, or something connected to it. I see they have a german page so I'm going to read it.
Another thing which is kind of my obsession is my rare blood type B negative, it's so rare only 2 % of people have it, I know it's from one of my grandgrandmothers from my father's side who was from Hungaria, could it be Khasarian? My family members from that side, one in each generation(who gets it) are extremly smart and talented, I didn't get that:lol:but I'm smarter than my sisters who are O neg. Anyway it's dying with me so I should stop acting like I'm special or something:cool:.
tnx for reading
Markus Brahmacharly

Markus Brahmacharly

A Disturbance in the Force
Session Date: Aug 10 2019

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Pikabu zee Cat

Q: (L) Are we ready? Today is August the 10th, 2019. [Review of those present]

A: Elaleia of Cassiopaea here. Be helpful to one another.

Q: (L) Is that a general statement of your orientation or a specific characteristic of tonight's session?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, back in July we went to Paris to this paranormal conference. Ark met this fellow who has put together this healing method, for lack of a better term. But he doesn't say that he does any healing. He says he just helps tune your body so that you do your own healing. He says it connects you to the information field so that you can acquire the information you need into your energy field so that healing takes place. He had some kind of strange name for the method... What was it?

(Chu) "Original Bioquantics"

(左),真的很奇怪。总之,他承认it had nothing to do with quantum physics or quantum anything, but he didn't know what else to call it because it was so strange. So, since the guy is in Spain and his workshops are in Spanish, Chu went off to learn the technique. She came back with the information and some gadgets and walked us through the procedure, that is, me and Andromeda, so we could get a feel for what it is. After we witnessed it and played around with it a little bit, we came up with the idea that it should be renamed to something like Hyperdimensional Harmonic Optimization (H2O) because that seems to be what is really taking place. Obviously something is happening; the testimonials from practitioners were amazing and Chu witnessed some interesting results during her week there. Without going into more details about it now, we want to ask some questions. So, first of all, is this is a therapy that is worthwhile for us to pursue in terms of learning, practicing, experimenting, etc.?

A: Indeed, as you have felt some benefits already.

Q: (Andromeda) Is the form that it's in right now good enough, or should we look to improve it?

A: Good idea!

Q: (L) Okay, so there are these little devices that are being used. First, the inventor was calling them filters because they're kind of like little round filters for a camera. They involve the use of little bits of gel film as used to be used in the early days of color photography. Then he decided that filters might not fit, and that he wanted to call them “tuners”.

(Chu) Harmonizers.

(L) Harmonizers, okay. So what is it about these "filters" that makes them respond - that is, harmonize and detect or whatever they are doing?

A: It is not the "filters" it is the practitioner.

Q: (Andromeda) So theoretically the person could just use their hand, or does there need to be a device of some sort?

A: The "tuners" tune the practitioner.

Q: (L) Well, let's go through some of these questions that we have written down here. Then we'll come back to some other things. During the process of this procedure, does it in any way open the person up to any kind of negative influences hanging around or whatever?

A: Not really unless the person is a psycho with attached entities.

Q: (L) Okay.

(L) Okay, so the theory is that the process helps the person to connect to the information field so that some part of them can make choices to heal or improve or somehow change their life or whatever. The question is: At what level is the person's choice made at? Is it the subconscious taking over here, or is it the higher self, or what?

A: Not the subconscious which is more or less bound to and driven by the genetic body. In this process, it is at the interface between the spirit body and the hyperdimensional body as you have been calling it. Otherwise known as the 4D body in the process of growing.

Q: (Andromeda) So that's the part that makes the choice of what to work on.

(L)好。现在,程序的一部分,根据the inventor, involves feeding information into the field of the person at some distance from the body, which is kind of like what made me think of it as hyperdimensional. Having read Lethbridge's work on dowsing and how he had to increase distances to dowse into other dimensions... he kind of discovered this accidentally and it’s a cool story. So, there are these images that are more or less waved around in the person’s energy field at various distances, and he says that this consists of information being fed in, and there's a whole stack of them of the images. The practitioner uses a combination and dowsing and kinesiology to select the one that is appropriate for the individual to give them the information that they need. Then you apply it into the field with certain gestures. We looked at all of these pictures. They're just small photographs, most of them very ordinary, or even like nothing at all. We looked at a lot of them, and they seem to be almost random places all around the planet. In general, are these images and the information they contain safe?

A: The dowsing process insures the proper selection.

Q: (Joe) What's special about the pictures?

A: About any place on the planet has an energy signature that can be captured by photographs. Any person with a multiple incarnational history can respond to any number of such photos. In a large enough collection you are bound to get some hits. You can expand the photo collection yourselves.

Q: (Chu) So it's an energy signature that the hyperdimensional/spirit body is taking in. But why does that make you make different choices?

A: You can tune in to yourself in the past or future thus gaining insight or strength. Or it can simply be a "thought" of the cosmos.

Q: (L) So that's why you mentioned the multi-incarnational thing. If there's a photo of a place on the planet where you may have had some past life or future life or some energy signature that in some hyperdimensional way is somehow... relevant to you. Then that information can be given to you. So, for example if there's a picture of a place where you were or that was known to you in a past life or in a future life, the experiences of that life or whatever could be transmitted to you in a more dynamic way across the dimensional fields. Or what they were saying: It could be a thought of the cosmos. Maybe that place is just for... I mean, you've got neurons in your brain firing all the time. How do we know that the whole planet and all the biosphere and solar system... It may be some kind of big brain or something. Maybe that's just a little snippet of the brain of the cosmos.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So I'm on the right track there.

(Joe) That would suggest that it might be traumatic or unsettling for some people if they're tapping into dynamics or energies from a past life. It's not always going to be a pleasant experience.

A: Sometimes there are things that need resolution.

Q: (L) So sometimes you open up something that needs to be dealt with. It's not all sweetness and light.

(Chu) What about our question about how to make sure that you're not interfering as the practitioner?

(Andromeda) Yeah, how do you not influence the choosing of the spots or filters or the pictures?

A: That is possible. One way to train is by practicing with dowsing lost objects to sharpen your sensitivity.

Q: (L) Somebody who's not real sensitive could tend to overlay their imagining onto what they're doing. But a person who is sensitive and who has trained their sensitivity will be feeling what the body that they are working with is communicating to them and it will create a correct feedback.

A: Yes

Q: (L) You have to practice separating yourself from it. And that's why I guess it's better to practice searching for lost objects because you get feedback from more or less neutral objects. Anything else?

(Joe) Where did this guy get the idea from?

A: Putting flashes of inspiration with knowledge acquired.

Q: (L) Well, I just have a problem with him being a vegetarian and stuff. [laughter] I mean, did he ever apply the method to himself and inquire what's the best thing for him to eat?

A: An example of a "physician" who does not take his own medicine.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't we get the inspiration for Éiriú Eolas from a guy who was a vegan?

(L) Yeah, that's true. So you can be a vegan and come up with ideas. Maybe it's because vegetables are more attuned to the Earth and its vibrations? I dunno.

(Pierre) We didn't ask where the flashes of inspiration came from.

(L) Why would we ask that? I mean, are we gonna try to narrow this down to STS or STO? Is that what we're going after?

(Pierre) Well, yeah.

(L) Why can't you just ask that question?

(Pierre) Well, there might be other forces. Is his inspiration STO and/or STS?

A: In Marcel's case, STO dominates his "flashes".

Q: (Andromeda) Okay, so I just want to make this clear. So what they said so far is that it's pretty safe to do, it can be improved upon a little bit, we can take new pictures, and the filters are okay to use as they are.

A: Yes, and eventually you won't need either filters or pictures. They are, in a sense, training wheels.

Q: (Chu) Would it be worth it to get the other filters and protocols?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that true for anybody? Anybody can just do this procedure?

A: Like playing music or singing, some are more gifted than others.

Q: (PoB) Should the pictures be taken by us, or they can be found on the internet?

A: Take them yourselves. Some unusual photos that attract you strongly can be downloaded.

Q: (Joe) Leclerc parking lot! [laughter]

(Chu) Arky has to go take pictures when he rides his bike to the store!

(Pierre) Well, Arky already has thousands of pictures.

(Andromeda) Meteor showers. Or crystals. Lots of cool photos we could try.

(L) We might even come up with better pictures.

(Chu) What about pictures taken of the crystals that we charged?

(Artemis) That reminds me, we wanted to ask if playing recordings of our voices singing will charge the crystals.

(L) If we want to charge up another batch of crystals, can we record ourselves and then play the recording on a repeating loop on the crystals and make them supercharged that way?

A: Yes!!!

Q: (Artemis) So we can just leave it on repeat for like DAYS! [laughter]

(L) Well, we could just make the recording and people could download it or something and play it.

(Artemis) Do It Yourselves! Geez! [laughter]

(PoB) The first crystals in the world charged by YouTube videos.

(L) Oh... Our singing is just not that great.

(Andromeda) Only the crystals like it.

(L) We'd have to practice and sound good.

(Ark) We also want to know if the place where this procedure is being applied needs to be chosen with certain selection in mind because there are some places that are good and some places that have wrong vibration. Even inside the house, one place is good, and another is not. So, is it important, and if so, where?

(L) In other words, is it important to pick the place where you apply the therapy?

A: Moderately, but most calm places will do.

Q: (Andromeda) What about the orientation of the person's body? North and South?

A: Head to North is always good for such things.


Q: (L) Alright. You say that these little tuner things are like training wheels. In what sense are they like training wheels?

A: They manifest and/or connect to energies of a very subtle nature. Recall the experience of Lethbridge and the pentagram/triangle.

Q: (L) We'll have to look that up, but I remember it was weird. I think it's in Secret History or The Wave somewhere.

(Andromeda) So there really is something to the filters... A clear plastic disk with little jellies inside?

A: Color and composition.

Q: (Ark) Are there other known practices that so to say achieve similar results? Do people somewhere in the world practice something in a different way but essentially producing similar results to this procedure?

A: Traditional magnetizing by a gifted individual.

Q: (L) But it has to be a gifted one. It can't be just any old body!

(L) How does it work?

A: The main element is the use of the practitioner's system to help balance the patient. Done properly, the practitioner is a conduit. This energy engages with the information in the tuners and images.

Q: (L) The energy engages with the information in the tuners and images to do exactly what?

A: Transmit that information to the patient.

Q: (L) And what does that information...

(Pierre) It's a kind of rebalancing?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What information is in the tuner?

(L) Didn't they just say it was kinda like that business with Lethbridge? Does it matter that the pieces of gel move around in the filter tuners?

A: Yes important. The arrangement morphs!

Q: (Chu) Well, I guess we're gonna have to...

(L) I can't think of any other way to get to it. We're trying to talk about something that's hyperdimensional, and we don't even know how to go there.

(Joe) For some reason, the material in the tuners and the color acts as a receiver or conduit or something for information.

(L) Is it kind of like a sieve?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So when you're moving it through the person's energy field, the configuration of the elements and the motion sieves out or combs the energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it aligns the fibers of the energy field...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) a specific way so that...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) ...they can receive information... I'm just pulling this out of my...

(L) You're channeling!

(Joe) Carry on. [laughter]

(L) So it's actually like when you put a magnet under a piece of paper with iron filings on it.

(Chu) That's how Marcel explained it. He had a box with screws in it.

(L) I guess when it's better aligned it's better able to pull in and pack more information.

(Pierre) It holds more by definition.

A: Yes

Q: (L) It helps organize. Okay...

(Joe) It's like having a bunch of receivers that are all aligned or pointed in the same direction. Whatever!

(Chu) Well, in the quantum body protocol, you have those tuners that are for organizing information that you supposedly have already. And the other ones - the clear ones - for receiving new information.

(Joe) You see, it's important. We're not just being nitpickers here. It's important for people involved in it to at least have a conceptual idea of what's happening - even if it's only very vague. Then you can kind of engage with it yourself and help it along.

(L) Well, that's kind of puzzled me. These little bits of gel in these tuners are just like floating around in there. They move around. So I guess the energy of the practitioner and the energy of the patient somehow interact to arrange them...

(仙女座),甚至有些是形状像triangles or rectangles in addition to being different colors.

(L) I remember, it was triangles that Lethbridge either drew or saw... I think he drew a pentagram or something to keep this witch away from his house. And then he woke up and there were triangles of fire at the foot of his bed; or maybe it was vice versa. It bounced back on her. Anyhow, there were triangles of fire involved somehow. So, the hyperdimensional view of this pentagram was a triangle of fire. It was something very different in another reality than what he could see. And I know that on a couple of occasions when I've had these visionary spells, it's like everything in this reality becomes living, moving light. You have no idea when you look at ordinary reality what a hyperdimensional view of that reality is.

(Chu) You saw the picture on the web site of the quantum body?

(L) Yeah.

(Chu) He showed a picture of a man standing, and it was all a bunch of little dots all around the body...

(Ark) This is something that we somehow neglected because he draws these pictures and he talks about these pictures. But what you learned until now has nothing to do with his getting pictures. So what about this getting pictures? It is higher level or something?

(Chu) You mean the images he got?

(Ark) How did he take these pictures? Will you be able to learn next time?

(L) Probably not.

(Chu) The only way would be to get him here and get him to explain it to you or something. Is he using the filters, or...

(Ark) The way that he talked to me and the way he puts it in his books... he is able to SEE somehow?

(L) So he has flashes of inspiration and he sees things.

(Ark) These things like Castaneda or whoever was seeing the...

(L) The flyers. Or the energetic body, the ball of light.

(Chu) He said he was using the filters and testing thousands of times.

(Scottie) Maybe he just kind of dowsed for the pictures in a sense.

(L) Okay, I'm getting tired. We're gonna have to wrap it up soon. Next question?

(Ark) Yes, is the moon partly hollow?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Is this theory of this Polish geologist about how the moon formed true?

A: Close.

Q: (Ark) Is his idea about earthquakes also partly true?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Okay. Can quantum theory be derived from General Relativity?

A: No

问:(柜)哦,我的天哪!我完成了。我沮丧。[laughter] So what should I do? I was working for four years on doing that?! And now you say it cannot be done? What should I do?

(Artemis) He's lost. Help him!

(Ark) Please?

A: Keep trying. It will lead to unexpected discoveries.

Q: (Ark) I'm done.

(L) Can we get a fan that blows over here? I'm getting REAL hot...

(Artemis) Oh yeah, that's great...

(Scottie) Aaaah!

(L) Now... What was it that you wanted to ask, Niall?

(Niall) Current events questions. What caused the blackout in the UK?

A: Sabotage.

Q: (Niall) Is that the same people who did the sabotage in Argentina?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Geez. Why would they want to target the UK?

A: Create chaos.

Q: (Niall) They're nuts. Was there more than one shooter involved in the Texas shooting?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Standard operating procedure.

A: Yes Greenbaum type programming. We have discussed this before and are surprised that you have forgotten.

Q: (Joe) We haven't forgotten. I guess we don't need to ask questions like that anymore.

(Niall) What happened to the Russian navy submarine that blew up in July?

A: Sabotage.

Q: (Scottie) I think the answer to all those is: sabotage.

(L) We want to know what happened to Pierre the other day when he fainted?

A: In case you did not notice, a great wave of negative energy circled the planet over the past few days, affecting those who are vulnerable due to lack of awareness.

Q: (Artemis) What happened?

(Andromeda) There was all kinds of stuff like multiple shootings and...

(Artemis) Yeah, but why and from who?

A: General chaos generated from 4D STS sources.

Q: (L) Okay, are we done?

(Artemis) Wait, wait, wait! I have a question! On the subject of past lives, is it possible for a person to remember past lives that belong to family members and to think of them as their own?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Is it due to like genetic memory maybe?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Also could be like psychic closeness... tuning in.

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Is there an optimal time for people to pray?

A: Early morning before dawn.

Q: (L) Just before, or as the sun rises?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Why is that time preferable?

A: Energy of Earth has quieted and there is a gap just before the energy of the sun returns.

Q: (L) So there's like a gap that you can escape through into the cosmos.

(Artemis) So it's kind of like the internet. When everyone's sleeping, the internet is faster!

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile?

A: Yes, but it isn't Semitic.

Q: (Pierre) Yes! What are the origins of this genetic profile?

A: Ask another time after doing homework. Goodbye.

nice, but have you asked the C's about the strange flight routes on the southern hemisphere, cause can't find it in nowhere here. Thanks!


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
nice, but have you asked the C's about the strange flight routes on the southern hemisphere, cause can't find it in nowhere here. Thanks!

@Markus Brahmacharly,

Many have questions for the Cs or Laura. That doesn't mean you can't ask questions but direct questions for the Cs is kind of selfish especially if the question is not of a more universal nature that may benefit others too.

The Cs are not a crystal ball we can gaze into and find the answer without our own efforts to discover the truth/answers.

Important Questions for C's

My Personal questions for the C's

Ask Yourself the Right Questions, Change Your Life

A Few Questions for the C's

Questions for the C's

As long as you are willing to accept other forum members observations and ideas I think you may be able to get more information without asking the Cs about some of the smaller details for various topics.

If it is really the Antarctic region you are wondering about there are some threads discussing the strange activity there.

Another hit for the Cassiopaeans? Unexplained activity in Antarctica


One of my personal favorite sessions mentioning Antarctica is:

Session 31 August 1996
Markus Brahmacharly

Markus Brahmacharly

A Disturbance in the Force
@Markus Brahmacharly,

Many have questions for the Cs or Laura. That doesn't mean you can't ask questions but direct questions for the Cs is kind of selfish especially if the question is not of a more universal nature that may benefit others too.

The Cs are not a crystal ball we can gaze into and find the answer without our own efforts to discover the truth/answers.

Important Questions for C's

My Personal questions for the C's

Ask Yourself the Right Questions, Change Your Life

A Few Questions for the C's

Questions for the C's

As long as you are willing to accept other forum members observations and ideas I think you may be able to get more information without asking the Cs about some of the smaller details for various topics.

If it is really the Antarctic region you are wondering about there are some threads discussing the strange activity there.

Another hit for the Cassiopaeans? Unexplained activity in Antarctica


One of my personal favorite sessions mentioning Antarctica is:

Session 31 August 1996
谢谢你goyacobol,但它不是一个人nal question for myself, it was more an Impulse to look at a this topic and get maybe some little insides for some of the questions here, even it might look a bit arrogant to say something like that now. However, greetings! P.s I will look into your antarctica suggestion, thanks for that
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