Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program



Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Today, I got my first real taste of what you were saying, Nienna. I awoke feeling pretty disagreeable and became even more disagreeable after a pussycat induced tea armageddon. After normal order was restored and pussycat mollycoddled so he knows that Daddy still loves him, I decided not to do a fifth consecutive day of E.E. I am feeling emotionally volatile, switching from angry/frustrated to sad, so I am going to give today a rest and resume tomorrow, all being well. I might experiment with leaving additional sections out to see what I can handle. I would like to do at least some part of it on a daily basis if I can. I do the POTS exercise before sleep and I'm going to do that tonight and retain that as a daily practice. I have plenty of emotional and mental baggage that needs to be dealt with so I am not complaining; "Better out than in, lad", as we don't say around these parts.


FOTCM Member
Today, I got my first real taste of what you were saying, Nienna. I awoke feeling pretty disagreeable and became even more disagreeable after a pussycat induced tea armageddon. After normal order was restored and pussycat mollycoddled so he knows that Daddy still loves him, I decided not to do a fifth consecutive day of E.E. I am feeling emotionally volatile, switching from angry/frustrated to sad, so I am going to give today a rest and resume tomorrow, all being well. I might experiment with leaving additional sections out to see what I can handle. I would like to do at least some part of it on a daily basis if I can. I do the POTS exercise before sleep and I'm going to do that tonight and retain that as a daily practice. I have plenty of emotional and mental baggage that needs to be dealt with so I am not complaining; "Better out than in, lad", as we don't say around these parts.
As PERLOU has posted, we recommend doing the full EE program only twice a week. The days were decide years ago that all that wanted to could do it on Mondays and Tuesdays and that would kind of have an affect of it being done throughout the day/night all around the world on those days.

On other days, it is recommended to do only the Three-Stage Breathing, Warrior's Breath and POTS. Or you could do the Three-Stage Breathing and, POTS before going to bed.

However you decide to do it is fine; I'm just really glad that you realized you need to slow down and have given it a break.

Keep us posted with how you are doing.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
As PERLOU has posted, we recommend doing the full EE program only twice a week. The days were decide years ago that all that wanted to could do it on Mondays and Tuesdays and that would kind of have an affect of it being done throughout the day/night all around the world on those days.

On other days, it is recommended to do only the Three-Stage Breathing, Warrior's Breath and POTS. Or you could do the Three-Stage Breathing and, POTS before going to bed.

However you decide to do it is fine; I'm just really glad that you realized you need to slow down and have given it a break.

Keep us posted with how you are doing.

Thank you so much for this, Nienna; that is just what I needed to hear. I can do the TSB, WB and a round of two of POTS everyday without any difficulty, I think, with POTS in bed right before sleep. The full E.E. on a Monday or Tuesday is certainly do-able for me too. I shall be interested to see how I go on this routine. I certainly feel so much better today than I did yesterday. A day off from E.E. only doing POTS before sleep was just what I needed. I think, however, that I shall restrict myself to one session of Beatha per week until I feel I can handle doing another one. These plans are subject to change, of course; I think it would be prudent to be guided by how I feel rather than any schedule that I impose on myself. I do feel much better for having a plan of action though. This is certainly a blueprint to work from, that's for sure.


The Living Force
在做锅前,我有生动的景象n Asian man and heard a voice accompanying it. The voice shared that it was a past life of mine, and that lessons in my life now and those in the near future are connected with this past life notably. The voice added to pay attention and learn. It was a different voice from the usual internal speech voice.

It happened really clearly. It was strange. Was it an assumption or imagination? A potential attack or a message for someone else? It was different from my thoughts, like light information coming through the crown and information or pressure from the occipital ridge into the mind's eye, or third eye. A wide 3D view of this man, very clear. Starting from his occipital ridge as the information came through my ridge, then a full image with scenes from his life, then a merging of our bodies - our bodily appearance and senses were one and the same. The soles of our feet still feel merged. My soles are tingling still. It caught me offguard in its suddenness.

Sharing this here as it was a little too curious.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
德spite my last post on the 4th saying that I should be able to do E.E. every day, I have not been able to do anything more than POTS since the 2nd. I have had a period of intense and volatile emotions and moods that I have been completely unable to control. I have not been able to prevent myself from becoming enraged or melancholic and I have been unable to get myself out of those. I have been completely at the whim of these and they might be triggered by the slightest stimulus. It has not been pleasant! Yesterday was the first day that I felt stable, mostly.

One good thing to come from it, however, is that it has reminded me of how this was normal for me when I was a small child. I had absolutely no control of my emotions, which were painfully intense, and I was completely at their mercy. Memory is untrustworthy, I know, but if it is to be trusted in this case then it tells me that I became so ashamed of myself, of my inability to control myself that I went from being this chaotic slave to my emotions to this rigid, restrained and controlled child. This, latter child persisted into my adult years and the last week or so has been a painful reminder of the child I used to be. As I have been typing this I am reminded of JBPs thoughts on life being the balance between order and chaos. Knowing myself as I do, I think it is fair to say that I have been overly controlled (with the occasional outburst) for most of my life. It seems that E.E. is trying to redress that balance! Hopefully, I shall be able to find a middle path between these two extremes of chaos and order, as JBP recommends.


FOTCM Member
I think it is fair to say that I have been overly controlled (with the occasional outburst) for most of my life. It seems that E.E. is trying to redress that balance!

Just being able to make the observation about yourself is excellent. You could think of your practice as an experiment and chart the ups and downs as you move through it. If you turned yourself into an over-controlled individual, as a protective measure, it could feel like a failure when that control slips. But as you said, it is more likely that imbalance is being addressed. As you go along you will hopefully be able tofeelyour emotions butcontrolhow you express them. Properly, emotions are signals to yourself about your environment. You don't want to be ignoring them.

Congrats on your progress!


FOTCM Member
I have had a period of intense and volatile emotions and moods that I have been completely unable to control

What do you think triggered all these feelings? Sometimes we have thoughts about "ourselves" or "how things are" that send our horses off to the races, and before we know it we're in some difficult state of confluence where everything we think about or respond to is viewed out of this lens. Its like the negative introject, predator's mind, etc. takes over and we feel a little helpless to go with it! But obviously you are not helpless to go with it as evidenced by the fact that you are sharing your experience here. So what else do you think might have fed into this bout of struggle, se? Maybe by tracing its origin a bit you'll be in a better place to deal with it cognitively should it rear its face again in the future: "Oh yeah, this again... well I don't have to go there since its really unproductive and I can look at it from this other perspective...".


Padawan Learner
FOTCM Member
德spite my last post on the 4th saying that I should be able to do E.E. every day, I have not been able to do anything more than POTS since the 2nd. I have had a period of intense and volatile emotions and moods that I have been completely unable to control. I have not been able to prevent myself from becoming enraged or melancholic and I have been unable to get myself out of those. I have been completely at the whim of these and they might be triggered by the slightest stimulus. It has not been pleasant! Yesterday was the first day that I felt stable, mostly.

One good thing to come from it, however, is that it has reminded me of how this was normal for me when I was a small child. I had absolutely no control of my emotions, which were painfully intense, and I was completely at their mercy. Memory is untrustworthy, I know, but if it is to be trusted in this case then it tells me that I became so ashamed of myself, of my inability to control myself that I went from being this chaotic slave to my emotions to this rigid, restrained and controlled child. This, latter child persisted into my adult years and the last week or so has been a painful reminder of the child I used to be. As I have been typing this I am reminded of JBPs thoughts on life being the balance between order and chaos. Knowing myself as I do, I think it is fair to say that I have been overly controlled (with the occasional outburst) for most of my life. It seems that E.E. is trying to redress that balance! Hopefully, I shall be able to find a middle path between these two extremes of chaos and order, as JBP recommends.
Your post really struck a chord in me especially the phrase "rigid, restrained and controlled child." That could be a description of me. I have been fighting a strong resistance to doing EE despite the peaceful relaxed feeling it brings.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I have had a period of intense and volatile emotions and moods that I have been completely unable to control.

Hi strategic enclosure,

As others have said, it's normal to experience this when doing the complete Éiriú Eolas program at the beginning. I myself had to skip the Beatha portion for quite a while because I definitively felt I had periods of intense emotions if I did it too often. So I just did it once a month or even less frequently for some time. Pipe-breathing will also help you process emotions and also regulate your vagus nerve so that you are more resilient to deal with what comes up with the Beatha afterwards, so even if you just do that for a while, it will help you a lot.

Regarding your intense and volatile emotions right now, maybe you can practice something to navigate them better. I came across these steps which can be helpful when dealing with negative emotions and thought they could be useful:

Notice your emotions:You might have a mix of emotions at the same time, but choose one to focus on first.
Name your emotion:but do it accurately. There is a big difference between frustration and irritation. When you give your emotion an accurate name, your left prefrontal cortex, your executive function, is able to manage the emotion. Stand back from it and process it.

This chart can help you name it:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/e4/94/51e49496968ea134006f24ce912a6ab2.jpg

See the emotion as simply a part of you: When you see your emotion as simply being a part of you (not all of you), you develop a detachment, you are more objective and more skilled at navigating it. Step back and see the part from a third-person perspective. Notice that the emotion doesn't represent all of who you are.
Connecting with others: Remember that you are not alone, that other people suffer as well, this will give you perspective and resilience too.

Once you go through this first steps, take a moment to look for the learning and the wisdom that your emotion is trying to show you.
Emotions are messengers. So take a moment and ask yourself:
What do I need to learn?
What do I need to do differently?

I noticed that doing something like this helped me deal with emotions better. It's also good to practice something like 'changing the channel' afterwards, so that you don't stay too focused on those emotions. Maybe at the beginning it is more difficult, but I think that when you practice giving the emotions their proper name and noticing that you don't have to be ruled by them, and that you can learn something from them by noticing 'the message' they carry, you can get better at changing your emotional state so that you aren't drowned by them for too long.

I hope it helps, and keep us posted!


FOTCM Member
For anyone who's been on the fence about startingÉiriú Eolas- or for those of us who have practiced it but would simply like a somewhat fleshed out reminder of its potential benefits when done on an on-going and consistent basis, you might enjoy watching the most recent MindMatters show, as described below. While the discussion is not aboutÉiriú Eolasper se, we do discuss some very central ideas behind the program, and what makes working on our breathing so beneficial to begin with.

MindMatters: Breathe Deep to Reap The Benefits of a Healthy Mind: The Tao of Natural Breathing

Correct breathing should come as natural to us as, well, breathing. But it doesn't. In fact, most of us so take the simple act of respiration for granted that we have learned to breathe shallowly and, indeed, incorrectly - allowing for a host of all sorts of detrimental knock-on effects. But what does that have to do with the world of ideas and the 'life of the mind' anyway? Well, quite a lot actually as we're coming to learn.

This week on MindMatters join us as we delve into Dennis Lewis'The Tao of Natural Breathing- where a number of crucial connections are made not only between the science of breathing and physiological well-being, but also the benefits given to cognition, our emotional life - and greater perception of our inner and outer directed states of awareness. There are some very good reasons why numerous ancient cultures saw breath as the key and gateway to gaining life force, good health and even spiritual vitality - and perhaps now is as good a time as any to learn why.



Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I have been neglecting my E.E. practice recently only doing POTS most nights immediately before sleep. My justification is that I have been really focusing on my fitness and dietary intake which have come on leaps and bounds in recent weeks. However, today I just did the full E.E. program (I skipped the stretching) and feel great. I feel so calm and at peace with myself which is wonderful as I have been feeling out of sorts with myself and life the last couple of days. During the session, I couldn't help but notice thoughts of 'I'm not really enjoying this' but boy is the payoff worth it! Hopefully, I can start to incorporate E.E. more as part of my routine. I pretty much have the exercise and food aspects dealt with so we'll see how it goes.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
我才刚刚见过的建议做成功l EE program on Mondays and Thursdays. Thanks all for that, I look forward to joining you.

Recently I had a wonderful calming sensation after a full session as I lay wrapped in blankets in front of the woodstove. Peace and relaxation, gentle light dancing on my eyelids. I noticed some anticipation occur, the mind attempting to 'have an experience' or 'see something'. I let it be there, and noticed it as something to watch for in the future - to not allow a quantum collapse by expecting a result. As I listen to the music, there was an eagle that appeared on the screen of my consciousness. There was a sensation wherein I was being looked over - assessed. In a semi-verbal conversation, it seemed the eagle was judging whether or not I was 'ready to receive a feather'. The seeing came that I should go out on the lake in a canoe and 'seek a feather'. The seeing faded.

So I wondered whether or not to go out on the lake to 'seek a feather'. I've come to the understanding that bird symbolism can be (but is not necessarily) a positive indicator of shamanic guides - eagle being a powerful bird, perhaps the chief of the birds here in the North. Here I'm thinking of the Conference of the Birds, or the book Return of the Bird Tribes, but also cross-referencing these texts with what I've read of the C's wherein the Birds were the 4th Density STO beings assisting humans before we 'went for the gold' and the Lizards took over. Feathers have been used for many millennia by peoples over the world.

On the other hand, I'm wary of allowing my thoughts, movements, and actions being influenced by an external though-form. I notice my desire for a feather, as some token or material indicator of progress. I notice the thought 'perhaps it could be used to assist people in some way'. With these ideas of mine, I'm remembering that STS can alter situations in order to convince us of our enlightened path, which is truly a path of doom. So I am posting here, slowing down any quick decision-making, and sharing this experience. Was it a thought of my own? My own desire? Was this the result of 'wanting to see something'? Or a true Guide? There is no conclusive answer. I have read that the EE program by its very nature (ie. naturally-induced personal work of cleaning the machine) is less amenable to 4D STS interference - but also that when we consider 4D, all bets are off. Any further thoughts would be welcome.
Well, today is America's day. Since I started, always in the part of the prayer of the soul, I fall asleep.

I sleep deeply, even if I slept very well the night before. I usually practice it in the afternoon, it's a quiet hour for me. I remember having mentioned this before. Among the advice, the possibility of mental fatigue was discussed.

I cannot do it at night because I would directly fall asleep before the prayer of the soul, since when I am doing the primary breathing exercises, the yawning begins!:-D

EE is part of my life. Mondays and Thursdays, whenever I can, sometimes unforeseen events arise and I run it for the next day, but keeping the periodicity in the week.

When the part of the prayer of the soul begins, my attention begins to the meaning of the prayer, I am lucid and I do not feel like sleeping.

But suddenly I open my eyes and Laura is sometimes already waving, or the video is finished, or it's just finished. And I think: I fell asleep again!:zzz: :zzz:

It's not a situation that bothers me, on the contrary, it's like a deep "bath" of restful sleep. I'm just looking to understand why this happens, since EE has been incorporated into my life for quite some time now. I don't fight against sleep, I give myself up.

Well, I'll say goodbye for now, since I have a date with the U.S. Thanks to all my cosmic mind buddies! Greetings:love:

Translated withwww.DeepL.com/Translator(free version)
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